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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Marvinney R. (2009) Is There a Link between Bedrock Metamorphic Grade and Arsenic Concentrations in Groundwater?
O'Shea B, Yang Q, Maclean A, Brock P, Marvinney R & Zheng Y

Marwan N.
(2014) Effects of Natural and Anthropogenic Aerosols on ITCZ Position
Ridley H, Asmerom Y, Baldini J, Breitenbach S, Aquino V, Prufer K, Culleton B, Polyak V, Lechleitner F, Kennett D, Zhang M, Marwan N, Macpherson C, Baldini L, Xiao T, Awe J & Haug G

Marx A. (2019) Designer Ubiquitin Proteins Towards Controlling Calcium Carbonate Crystallization
Ruiz Agudo C, Lutz J, King M, Marx A & Denis G
(2017) Calcium Carbonate Crystallization Driven by Engineered Protein
Ruiz-Agudo C, Lutz J, Marx A & Gebauer D

Marx C. (2011) Molecular Tools for Understanding Biomarker Compounds
Bradley A, Pearson A & Marx C

Marx S. (2009) Detailed History of Holocene Climate Variability in Australia from Dust Records in Peat Cores
Marx S, Kamber B, McGowan H & Denholm J
(2008) Identification of Palaeo-Drought Episodes in Eastern Australia: High Resolution Dust Flux Records as an Indicator of Teleconnections and Associated Drought in the Australian Region
Marx S, Kamber B & McGowan H
(2007) Establishing High Precision Trace Element Maps of the Main Dust Source Areas of Eastern and South-Central Australia
Kamber B, McGowan H, Marx S & Petherick L

Marx T. (2011) Noble Gas Paleotemperature Records: Recent Developments in Dating, Archives, and Interpretation
Aeschbach-Hertig W, Wieser M & Marx T
(2009) Noble Gas Temperatures from Speleothems
Aeschbach-Hertig W, Kluge T, Marx T, Scholz D, Spötl C, Niggemann S & Mangini A

Marxer F. (2023) A General Approach to Quantify Phase Equilibria and Silicate Mineral Stability Fields in Calc-Alkaline Basaltic Systems
Marxer F, Almeev R & Holtz F
(2022) Arc Magma Differentiation via Decompression-Driven Crystallisation: A Mechanism to Keep Arc Volcanics Metaluminous?
Marxer F, Ulmer P & Müntener O
(2021) Paleobathymetry of Submarine Lavas in the Samail and Troodos Ophiolites: Insights from Volatiles in Glasses and Implications for Hydrothermal Systems
Belgrano TM, Tollan PM, Marxer F & Diamond LW
(2019) Investigating Formation of Ni-Cu-Pge Mineralizations by Black Shale Partial Melting Experiments
Virtanen V, Heinonen J, Molnár F, Schmidt M & Marxer F

Marxer H. (2014) Simulating Campi Flegrei Magma Ascent Using Continuous Decompression Experiments
Preuss O, Marxer H & Nowak M
(2013) Simulating Magma Ascent: An Experimental Challenge
Marxer H, Bellucci P, Ulmer S & Nowak M

Mary B. (2015) Do MORBs Record the Oxidation State of Earth’s Upper Mantle?
France L, Mary B, Deloule E, Munoz M, Koepke J, Letourneur L, Ildefonse B, Bolfan Casanova N, Devouard B & Deschamps F

Mary S.

Maryanto S. (2016) Multi Geosciences Approach at Blawan-Ijen Volcano-Geothermal Complex, East Java, Indonesia to Understand It Utilization and Hazard
Maryanto S, Wicaksono A, Santoso D, Nadhir A, Gunawan H, Suantika IG & Prasodjo E

Marynowski L. (2020) Identification and Characteristics of Saccharides from the Initial Soils of Temperate Climate and their Origin and Significance
Marynowski L, Rahmonov O, Smolarek-Lach J, Rybicki M & Simoneit BRT
(2020) Comparison of Miocene Ambers of Tropical Borneo Paleoenvironments and Potential Extant Plant
Simoneit BRT, Smolarek-Lach J, Goryl M, Bucha M, Rybicki M & Marynowski L
(2020) Reconstruction of Upper Cretaceous Paleoflora Based on Resin-Derived Biomarkers. Example from the North Sudetic Basin, Poland
Goryl M, Marynowski L, Bucha M & Simoneit BRT
(2020) Volcanic Related Methylmercury Poisoning as the Possible Driver of the End-Devonian Mass Extinction
Rakociński M, Marynowski L, Pisarzowska A, Bełdowski J, Siedlewicz G, Zatoń M, Perri MC, Spalletta C & Schönlaub HP
(2018) Levoglucosan and Other Organic Tracers of Cellulose Decomposition Emitted from Brown Coal Burning
Rybicki M, Marynowski L & Bucha M
(2018) Biodegradation of Lignite Under Conditions of Acidic Molasses Fermentation
Bucha M, Detman A, Simoneit BRT, Mielecki D, Piwowarczyk C, Chojnacka A, Blaszczyk MK, Jedrysek MO, Marynowski L & Sikora A
(2018) Mono-, di- and Anhydrosaccharides from the Mesozoic and Cenozoic Lignites and Fossil Wood
Marynowski L, Bucha M, Smolarek J, Wendorff M & Simoneit B
(2014) Molecular and Mineralogical Studies on Internal Sediment Occurring with Zn-Pb Ores from the Silesian-Cracow Region, Poland
Rybicki M, Nejbert K, Krzykawski T & Marynowski L
(2014) Rapid Changes in Redox Conditions with Intermittent Photic Zone Euxinia during Lower Silurian Ireviken Event
Smolarek J, Trela W, Bond DPG & Marynowski L

Maryunani K.A. (2013) Relationship between Modern Speleothem Formation and Surface Weather in an Asian Tropical Cave
Hasegawa W, Watanabe Y, Matsuoka H, Ohsawa S, Brahmantyo B, Maryunani KA & Tagami T
(2009) Precipitation Variation for the Last 140 Years Recorded in Stable Isotope Ratios from Indonesian Stalagmite
Watanabe Y, Matsuoka H, Sakai S, Yamada M, Ohsawa S, Kiguchi M, Satomura T, Nakai S, Brahamantyo B, Maryunani K, Tagami T, Takemura K & Yoden S
(2008) Stable Isotopic Variations of a Stalagmite from Indonesia and their Comparison of Meteorological Data
Watanabe Y, Matsuoka H, Sakai S, Yamada M, Ohsawa S, Kiguchi M, Satomura T, Nakai S, Brahmantyo B & Maryunani KA

März C. (2023) Organic Matter and Methane Dynamics in the Japan Trench Sediments
Luo M, Kölling M, Riedinger N, März C, Torres ME, Bao R, Rasbury T, Bellanova P, Johnson J, Maeda L, Everest J, Ikehara K & Strasser M
(2023) Controls on the Termination of OAE2 in the Tarfaya Basin, Morocco
Krewer C, Poulton SW, März C, Newton RJ, Mills BJW & Wagner T
(2021) Benthic Organic Matter Dynamics Drives Carbonate Chemistry in Arctic Ocean Sediments
Sales de Freitas F, Arndt S, Hendry KR, Faust JC, Tessin AC & März C
(2021) Early Diagenesis of Silica in Barents Sea Sediments: A Holistic Laboratory and Reaction-Transport Model Assessment
Ward J, Hendry KR, Arndt S, Pickering RA, März C, Faust JC, Henley S, Krause J & Ng HC
(2020) Transformation of Organic Matter in Arctic Ocean Sediments Across the Redox Interface
Stevenson M, Faust J, Luiza A, Freitas F, Neil G, Tait K, Henley S, Peter L, Papadaki S, März C, Abbott G, Hilton RG & Hendry KR
(2019) Sulfur and Carbon Cycling in Fe Dominated Sediments from the Mozambique Margin: Past and Current Processes
Zindorf M, Rooze J, Meile C, Jouet G, März C, Bossier A, Cheron S, Brandily C & Pastor L
(2019) Does Climate Warming Reduce Preservation of Organic Carbon in Arctic Marine Sediments?
Faust JC, Stevenson MA, Tessin A, Abbott GD & März C
(2019) Quantifying Benthic-Pelagic Coupling in the Changing Arctic Barents Sea
Sales de Freitas F, Ward J, Stevenson M, Abbott G, Henley S, Faust J, Tessin A, Solan M, März C, Hendry K & Arndt S
(2018) Does Sea Ice Reduction Enhance Preservation of Organic Carbon in Arctic Marine Sediments?
Faust JC, Tessin A, Stevenson MA, Abbott GD & März C
(2017) Understanding Diagenetic Processes and Overprint in Quaternary Arctic Ocean Sediments
März C, Meinhardt A-K, Tessin A, Schnetger B & Brumsack H-J
(2017) Anammox in Gulf of Alaska OMZ Nitrogen Cycling over Last ~60 ka as Revealed by BHT Isomer
Rush D, Zindorf M, Crawford A, Jaeger J, Schnetger B & März C
(2017) Weathering of Shales in Outcrops: The Importance of Carbonate for Preserving Inorganic Geochemical Proxies
Mahoney C, März C, Buckman J & Wagner T
(2015) Beyond Authigenic Apatite: New (and Old) Insights into the Marine Phosphorus Cycle
März C, Brumsack H-J, Kasten S, Poulton SW, Riedinger N, Schnetger B & Wagner T
(2015) Manganese Oxides: A ‘Mineral Pump’ Mechanism for Transforming Organic Carbon?
Johnson KL, Peacock C, Purvis G, Lopez-Capel E, Gray N, Wagner T, März C, Greenwell C & Worrall F
(2015) Constraining Fluid Flow Dynamics at the Northeastern Pacific Continental Margin
Strauss H, Gussone N, März C & Teichert B
(2014) Carbon in Manganese Oxides
Johnson K, Purvis G, Lopez-Capel E, Caroline P, Gray N, März C, Wagner T & Worrall F
(2013) Reconstruction of Redox Conditions during Deposition of Jordan Oil Shale Using Inorganic Geochemical Records
Aqleh S, van den Boorn S, Podlaha O, Marz C, Wagner T, Poulton S & Kolonic S
(2013) Controls on Redox-Nutrient Cycling in the Cretaceous Greenhouse Ocean: Insights from S Isotope Systematics
Poulton S, Henkel S, März C, Urquhart H, Flögel S, Kasten S, Sinninghe Damsté J & Wagner T
(2011) Long-Term Development of Diagenetic Signals of Past Sulfate-Methane Transition Zones in Subseafloor Sediments
Wehrmann L, März C, Meister P, Ockert C, Brunner B, Gussone N, Teichert B & Ferdelman T
(2011) Metal-Rich Brown Layers in Arctic Ocean Sediments: Climate Versus Diagenesis
März C, Stratmann A, Eckert S, Schnetger B, Poulton SW & Brumsack H-J
(2011) Impact of Authigenic Particles on Phosphate and Trace Metal Budgets of Anoxic Basins
Dellwig O, Leipe T, März C, Glockzin M, Häusler K, Moros M, Pollehne F, Schnetger B, Böttcher M & Brumsack H-J
(2007) Geochemistry of Barium in Sediments of the Western Black Sea
Kasten S, Bogus K, Jones M, März C, Pfeifer K & Seifert R

Marz M. (2015) Microbial Metabolic Activities Shaping Pelagic Iron-Rich Aggregates (Iron Snow)
Lu S, Huang S, Gaspar M, Miot J, Neu T, Overman J, Marz M, Benzerara K, Küsel K & Cooper R

Marza A. (2015) Si Diffusion in Fe at High Pressure
Marza A, Tsujino N & Yamazaki D

Marzari N. (2010) Quantitative Description of Electron-Transfer Reactions from First-Principles
Sit PH-L, Migliore A, Klein M & Marzari N

Marzec M. (2018) Assessing the Origin of Water Appearances in Salt Mines: Triple Isotope Analyses (δ2H, δ18O, δ17O) of Heavy Brines from the Klodawa Salt Mine, Central Poland
Dulinski M, Pierchala A, Rozanski K, Gorczyca Z, Czub R & Marzec M

Marzioni D. (2020) Asbestos Induced Toxicity: in Vitro Different Effects of Different Fibres
Di Valerio S, Ramini D, Mensà E, Fazioli F, Marzioni D, Gualtieri AF & Pugnaloni A

Marzocchi A. (2016) The Late Miocene Sorbas Basin: Precessional Variability of 87Sr/86Sr and Implications for Marginal Basin Hydrologic Budgets
Modestou S, Flecker R, Simon D, Gutjahr M, Kouwenhoven T, Marzocchi A & Ellam R
(2015) Environmental Changes Prior to the Messinian Salinity Crisis
Mayser JP, Marzocchi A, Sierro FJ, Flecker R & Pancost RD

Marzocchi U (2011) Nitrate Reduction Drives Distant Sulfide Oxidation
Marzocchi U, Risgaard-Petersen N, Revsbech NP & Nielsen LP

Marzocchi Ugo (2019) Benthic Nitrate Reduction Processes Following Natural Bottom Water Oxygenation
Hylén A, Bonaglia S, Marzocchi U, Robertson E, Kononets M & Hall P
(2017) Cable Bacteria & N Cycling: Direct and Indirect Electrogenic Effects
Kessler A, Cook P, Wawryk M, Glud R, Meysman F, Marzocchi U & Risgaard-Petersen N

Marzola M. (2007) Spinel-Lherzolite Xenoliths from the Hoggar Swell: Evidence for Intracratonic Asthenosphere Upwelling and Lithosphere Rejuvenation
Beccaluva L, Azzouni-Sekkal A, Benhallou A, Bianchini G, Ellam RM, Marzola M, Siena F & Stuart F

Marzoli A. (2022) Emplacement of the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province at the Edges of Cratonic Keels
Boscaini A, Marzoli A, Bertrand H, Chiaradia M, Jourdan F, Faccenda M, Meyzen CM, Callegaro S & Serrano Durán L
(2021) Don’t Blame it on Fluorine: Low F Concentrations in Deccan Traps Magmas Straddling the Extinction Interval Estimated from in situ Analyses on Clinopyroxene
Baker DR, Callegaro S, Renne P, Melluso L, De Min A, Whitehouse M & Marzoli A
(2021) Improving our Understanding of LIP Emplacement Ages Using Petrology, Thermal Modelling, and Geochemistry of Zircon Crystals: A Case Study from the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province
Davies JHFL, Marzoli A, Bertrand H, Youbi N, Ernesto M, Greber ND, Ackerson M, Simpson G, Bouvier A-S, Baumgartner LP, Pettke T, Farina F & Schaltegger U
(2021) Synchrotron Light X-Ray Microtomography Reveals a Crystalline Mush within the Deep Plumbing System of Large Igneous Provinces
Capriolo M, Callegaro S, Dal Corso J, Newton RJ, Baker DR, Renne P, Storm M & Marzoli A
(2020) Spatial-Temporal Evolution of the Deccan Traps Volcanic System
Renne P, Tholt A, Pande K, Sprain C, Vanderkluysen L, Self S, Fendley I & Marzoli A
(2020) Constraints on CAMP Sills Intrusion-Depth from Low-Temperature Thermochronometry
Ansberque C, Chew DM, Marzoli A & Ruhl M
(2019) Deep Carbon in CAMP and the T-J Mass Extinction: New Perspectives on LIPs Through Melt Inclusions
Capriolo M, Marzoli A, Aradi LE, Callegaro S, Dal Corso J, Bartoli O, Newton RJ, Wignall PB, Mills BJW, Baker DR, Youbi N, Spiess R & Szabó C
(2019) Crustal Assimilation during CAMP Emplacement and its Impact on the End Triassic Mass Extinction: Constraints from Zircon
Davies J, Marzoli A, Bertrand H, Youbi N, Ernesto M, Baumgartner L, Greber N & Schaltegger U
(2018) Extended Zircon Crystallization Histories in Residual Melts of Mafic Magmatic Systems
Schaltegger U, Davies J, Greber N, Marzoli A, Bertrand H, Youbi N & Dostal J
(2017) Cratonic Signature and CO2-rich Metasomatism: New Insights from Veneto Volcanic Province Mantle Xenoliths
Brombin V, Bonadiman C, Coltorti M, Fahnestock MF, Bryce JG & Marzoli A
(2016) Trace Element Contents of Spinels from African Mantle Xenoliths
Lenaz D, Musco ME, Petrelli M, Caldeira R, de Ignacio C, De Min A, Marzoli A, Mata J, Perugini D, Princivalle F, Boumehdi MA & Youbi N
(2013) Recycling of Subducted Crust in the Source of Within-Plate CAMP Basalts from Southeastern North America
Callegaro S, Bertrand H, Marzoli A, Chiaradia M, Reisberg L, Meyzen C & Bellieni G
(2013) Sr-Nd and Pb Isotopic Portray of the Crozet Plume
Meyzen C, Marzoli A, Bellieni G & Levresse G
(2013) S Burden in CFBs: A New Approach
Callegaro S, Baker DR, Marzoli A, De Min A, Bertrand H, Geraki T, Viti C & Nestola F
(2013) Direct Link between End-Triassic CAMP Volcanism, C-Cycle Perturbation and Mass Extinction
Marzoli A, Dal Corso J, Tateo F, Jenkyns H, Bertrand H & Youbi N
(2013) Tectonomagmatic Origin of the Late Jurassic Volcanism in the Patagonia Province, Argentina
Serrano L, Kamenetsky V, Marzoli A, Marquez M, Bellieni G, Bertrand H & Ballhaus C
(2011) Sr-Nd-Pb-Os Isotopes of CAMP Tholeiites from Northeast America
Merle R, Marzoli A, Bertrand H, Reisberg L, Chiaradia M & Bellieni G
(2011) Geochemistry of Eastern North American CAMP Diabase Dykes
Callegaro S, Marzoli A, Bertrand H, Reisberg L, Chiaradia M & Bellieni G
(2011) Age and Origin of Alkaline Lavas from Tore-Madeira Rise: Interactions between Complex Lithosphere Motion and Multi-Components Source
Girardeau J, Merle R, Marzoli A & Chiaradia M
(2011) S in CAMP and Paranà-Etendeka CFBs
De Min A, Callegaro S, Baker D & Marzoli A
(2011) Geochemistry of Xenoliths from the Gibeon Kimberlite Province, Namibia
Longo M, Nimis P, Ziberna L, Marzoli A, Zanetti A & Franz L
(2011) Geochemistry of Mantle Microxenoliths from Zagadochnaya Kimberlite (Yakutia, Russia)
Ziberna L, Nimis P, Zanetti A, Sobolev NV & Marzoli A
(2011) Origin of Cameroon Line Basanites from Metasomatized Lithosphere
Marzoli A, Aka F, Chiaradia M, Reisberg L & Merle R
(2007) 40Ar/39Ar Ages of CAMP in North America (Hartford, Deerfield and Fundy Basins)
Marzoli A, Jourdan F, Bertrand H, Renne P, Cirilli S, Tanner L, Kontak D & Bellieni G
(2006) The genesis of CAMP basalts (Morocco) from enriched lithosphere to late asthenosphere mantle sources
Marzoli A, Bertrand H, Chiaradia M, Fontignie D, Youbi N & Bellieni G
(2006) Trace element and Sr-Nd-Pb-Os evidence for a lithospheric mantle source for the European CAMP basalts
Rapaille C, Marzoli A, Reisberg L & Bertrand H
(2006) Parental magmas and crustal contamination of continental tholeiitic basalts from the Central Atlantic magmatic province as revealed by mineral major and trace elements and Sr isotopes
Chiaradia M, Marzoli A, Jourdan F & Bussy F
(2002) Geochemistry and Age of the European CAMP Basalts
Rapaille C, Marzoli A, Bertrand H, Feraud G, Reisberg L & Fontignie D
(2002) Parental Magmas and Crustal Contamination of Tholeiitic Basalts as Revealed by Mineral Major and Trace Element Compositions
Marzoli A, Bussy F & Jourdan F

Mas R. (2006) A Multi-proxy Approach of the Bajocian Sedimentary Crisis in Western Tethys
Beaumont V, Bartolini A, Mas R, Gardin S, Gaillardet J, Chetelat B, O'Dogherty L, Sandoval J & Cecca F

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