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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Marton P. (2000) Magnetite and Greigite from Magnetotactic Bacteria and from Sedimentary Rocks: Size Distributions and Microstructures
Arato B, Cziner K, Posfai M, Marton E & Marton P

Martonak R. (2007) Plastic Deformation of Orthoenstatite and the Ortho- to high-P Clinoenstatite Transition Studied by Atomistic Simulation
Jahn S & Martonak R

Martos Y.M. (2022) Antiphased Dust Deposition and Productivity in the Antarctic Zone over 1.5 Million Years
Weber ME, Bailey I, Hemming SR, Martos YM, Reilly BT, Ronge TA, Brachfeld S, Williams T, Belt S, Smik L, Vogel H, Peck V, Gutjahr M & Seki O
(2017) Late Quaternary Chronology of the Lower Bengal Fan (IODP Expedition 354) – Paleoclimate Implications
Weber ME, Dekens PS, Reilly BS, Lantzsch H, Selkin PA, Das SK, Williams T, Martos YM, Adhikari RR, Gyawali BR, Jia G, Fox L, Ge J, Manoj MC, Savian J & Meynadier L

Martra G. (2019) Silanol Distribution is the Main Determinant of the Membranolytic and Inflammatory Activity of Respirable Silica Particles
Pavan C, Tomatis M, Leinardi R, Santalucia R, Fabbiani M, Yakoub Y, Uwambayinema F, Sironval V, Pastero L, Fubini B, Martra G, Turci F & Lison D

Martrat B. (2002) Apparent Long-Term Cooling of the Sea Surface in the Northeast Atlantic and Mediterranean during the Holocene
Marchal O, Cacho I, Stocker T, Grimalt J, Calvo E & Martrat B

Marts J. (2023) A Comprehensive Field and Laboratory Approach to Investigating PFAS Occurrence and Partitioning
Tokranov AK, Santangelo L, Welch S, Marts J, Schlosser KE & Drouin A

Martschini M. (2023) Who Needs Chemistry When you Have Lasers and a Tandem Accelerator?
Golser R, Marchhart O, Martschini M, Michel M, Strub E, Wieser A & Merchel S

Martucci Annalisa (2019) OH/F Substitution in Topaz: Relationships between Structural Features, Surface Reactivity and Chemical Environments
Precisvalle N, Bonadiman C, Martucci A & Langone A

Martucci Annalisa (2013) Emerging Organic Pollutants Removal from Water Using High Silica Zeolites
Martucci A, Pasti L, Sarti E & Bagatin R
(2013) Regeneration of Organophilic Zeolites after Sulfomethoxazole Antibiotic Adsorption
Leardini L, Martucci A, Braschi I, Blasioli S, Arletti R & Quartieri S

Martucci Annalisa (2022) Relationship between Chemical and Structural Features of Topaz to Unravel Formation Conditions: A Multidisciplinary Approach
Precisvalle N, Bonadiman C, Langone A, Gigli L, Plaisier JR, Hansen TC, Gianoncelli A, Bonanni V, Gariani G & Martucci A

Martucci Annalisa (2020) Geochemical, MCX and Neutron Diffraction in situ Analyses of High OH Blue Topaz, Padre Paraíso (BR)
Precisvalle N, Martucci A, Bonadiman C, Hansen T, Gigli L, Plaisier J & Nobre G. A

Martucci Annalisa (2008) Crystal Structure of B-Gehlenite from an in situ XRPD Study of Datolite Transformation Upon Heating
Cruciani G & Martucci A

Martucci G. (2013) Marine Aerosol Activation to CCN and Cloud Formation
Ovadnevaite J, Martucci G, Ceburnis D, Bialek J & O'Dowd C

Marty Bernard (2023) Tracing Crust-Mantle Interactions along the Yellowstone Hotspot Track
Broadley MW, Barry PH, Bekaert DV, Tyne RL, Karolytė R, Hudak MR, Ramírez C, de Moor M, Mitchell S, Lloyd KG, Ballentine CJ, Marty B & Seltzer AM
(2023) Groundwater Noble Gas Paleothermometry Record of 9℃ LGM Cooling in Eastern France
Bekaert DV, Blard P-H, Raoult Y, Pik R, Kipfer R, Seltzer AM, Legrain E & Marty B
(2023) Atmospheric Helium Isotopes and Unknown Source of Helium-3
Sano Y, Pinti DL, Escobar-Nakajima MT, Takahata N, Zhang M, Goto D & Marty B
(2023) Halogen Composition of Paleoproterozoic Oceans
Burgess R, Avice G, Marty B & Ardoin L
(2023) Unraveling the Composition of Mantle Noble Gases from CO2-rich Geothermal Emanations, Homa Hills, Kenya
Marty B, Contamine D, Pik R, Seltzer AM, Bekaert DV, Diraison M, Walter B, Géraud Y, Omenda P & Varet J
(2023) It’s not Air: What We can Learn from Ar-Kr-Xe Isotopes in Volcanic Gases at the per mil Level and Below
Seltzer AM, Bekaert DV, Barry PH, Broadley MW, Byrne D & Marty B
(2022) Discontinuous Isotopic Evolution of Paleo-Atmospheric Xenon: A Record of Sun-Earth Interactions in the Deep Time?
Marty B, Ardoin L, Almayrac M, Byrne DJ & Broadley MW
(2021) Earth’s Water may Have Been Inherited from Material Similar to Enstatite Chondrite Meteorites
Piani L, Marrocchi Y, Rigaudier T, Thomassin D, Vacher LG & Marty B
(2021) Synergies between Curation and Research in Sample Return Missions
Hutzler A, Carpenter J, Haltigin T, Jones RH, Kminek G, Marty B, McDonald FE, Smith CL & Tait KT
(2021) Resolving Spatial Heterogeneity of Noble Gas Isotopes in Chondrites Using Laser Ablation
Byrne DJ, Broadley MW, Almayrac M & Marty B
(2021) Elemental and Isotopic Behaviour of Nitrogen and Heavy Noble Gases in Interstellar Ice Analogues and the Implications for Cometary Bodies
Almayrac M, Broadley M, Bekaert DV, Piani L & Marty B
(2021) The End of the Atmospheric Xenon Archean’s Evolution: A Study of the Great Oxygenation Event Period
Ardoin LM, Broadley M, Almayrac M, Byrne D, Avice G & Marty B
(2021) A Very Early Origin of Isotopically Distinct Nitrogen in Inner Solar System Protoplanets
Grewal D, Dasgupta R & Marty B
(2021) Origins of Goldschmidt’s Atmophile Elements and Models of Planetary Accretion – V.M. Goldschmidt Medal Lecture
Marty B
(2021) Determining the Volatile Composition of the Ancient Mantle Through the Analysis of Archean Aged Fibrous Diamonds
Broadley M, Byrne D, Kopylova MG, Thomassot E, Almayrac M & Marty B
(2019) Geochemical Evidence for High Volatile Fluxes from the Mantle at the End of the Archean
Marty B, Bekaert D, Broadley M & Jaupart C
(2019) Detection of Primordial Heavy Noble Gases in Yellowstone National Park
Broadley M, Barry P, Bekaert D, Caracausi A, Ballentine C & Marty B
(2019) Focussed Degassing of Stored Carbon
Fischer TP, Muirhead J, Foley SF, Sano Y, Lee H, Takahata N, Laizer A, Kazimoto E, Oliva S, Ebinger C, Van Wijk J, Werner C, Aiuppa A, Allard P, Lopez T, Dufek J & Marty B
(2019) Noble Gas Insights into the Degassing History of Earth's Mantle Reservoirs
Bekaert D, Broadley M, Caracausi A & Marty B
(2019) The EXCITING Experiment: Understanding the Isotopic and Elemental Evolution of Noble Gases Trapped in Water Ice
Almayrac M, Bekaert D, Broadley M & Marty B
(2018) Potassium Isotopic Systematics of Oceanic Basalts
Tuller-Ross B, Lee H, Chen H, Marty B, Kelley KA & Wang K
(2018) Constraints on the Formation and Evolution of the Earth's Atmosphere from Cometary Noble Gases
Broadley M, Bekaert D & Marty B
(2018) Xenon Isotopes in Archean Kerogens: On the Syngenetic Origin of Ancient Organic Materials and Evolution of the Primitive Atmosphere
Bekaert DV, Broadley MW, Delarue F, Avice G, Robert F & Marty B
(2018) Origin and Early Evolution of Terrestrial Volatiles
Marty B
(2017) Assessing the Roles of Comets in Delivering Volatile Elements to Earth
Marty B, Altwegg K & Rubin M
(2017) Potential of the Earth’s Core as a Reservoir for Noble Gases?
Bouhifd MA, Jephcoat A, Kelley S, Porcelli D & Marty B
(2017) The Oldoinyo Lengai Volcano Plumbing System Architecture, and Composition from Source to Surface
Mollex G, France L, Füri E, Bonnet R, Botcharnikov R, Zimmermann L, Wilke S, Deloule E, Chazot G, Kazimoto E, Marty B & Burnard P
(2017) Xenon in the Mantle Below Europe: Constrains on Mantle Plume and Implications for Early Earth's Differentiation
Caracausi A & Marty B
(2016) 3He Excess in Air, a New Potential Tracer for Volcanic CO2 Emissions in the Atmosphere
Boucher C, Marty B, Lan T, Mabry J, Burnard P, Boucher P, Zimmermann L, Ayalew D, Fischer T, De Moor JM & Zelenski M
(2016) The Isotopic Composition of the Martian Atmosphere Recorded in the Tissint Meteorite
Avice G, Bekaert D, Marty B & Chennaoui Aoudjehane H
(2016) Chondritic Xenon in a Mantle Plume beneath Eifel (Germany): Implications for Early Earth's Differentiation
Caracausi A, Avice G, Burnard P, Furi E & Marty B
(2016) Composition of Cometary Volatiles: Implications for the Delivery of Atmospheric Species and for Solar System Dynamics
Marty B, Altwegg K, Avice G & Morbidelli A
(2016) Nitrogen Isotopes as Tracers of Volatile Sources in the Inner Solar System
Füri E & Marty B
(2016) Nitrogen Isotope Fractionation during Terrestrial Core-Mantle Separation
Li Y, Marty B, Shcheka S, Zimmermann L & Keppler H
(2015) The Evolution of the Isotopic Composition of the Atmosphere Through Time
Avice G, Marty B, Burgess R & Zimmermann L
(2015) The Controversy of the Variation of the Helium Isotopes Ratio in Air with Latitude
Boucher C, Lan TF, Bekaert D, Mabry J, Marty B & Burnard P
(2015) Origin of Nitrogen in Lunar Basalts
Füri E, Barry PB, Taylor LA & Marty B
(2015) Hg Isotopes at the K-Pg Boundary
Meier MMM, Cloquet C, Marty B, Ferrière L & Koeberl C
(2015) Origin of Terrestrial Volatiles: Potential Contribution of Comets
Marty B
(2015) Composition of Cometary Volatiles: Results from the ROSINA Instrument on Board of the ROSETTA Spacecraft
Marty B, Altwegg K, Balsiger H, Haessig M, Rubin M & Mousis O
(2015) Synthesis of Refractory Organic Matter in the Ionized Gas Phase of the Solar Nebula
Kuga M, Marty B, Marrocchi Y & Tissandier L
(2014) Constraints on the N Isotopic Evolution of the Solar Nebula from Volatile Analyses of a CAI
Füri E, Chaussidon M & Marty B
(2014) The Age of the Earth-Moon System Revisited Using Xenon Isotope Systematics
Avice G & Marty B
(2014) Geochemical Insights into the Composition of the Archean Atmosphere
Marty B, Avice G, Burgess R, Burnard P, Hebrard E, Kuga M, Philippot P, Pujol M & Zimmermann L
(2014) Origins and Concentrations of Volatiles in the Interiors of the Terrestrial Planets
Füri E & Marty B
(2013) Primordial Noble Gas in the Solar System
Ozima M & Marty B
(2013) Origin of Refractory Organics in Chondrites: An Experimental Study
Kuga M, Marty B & Marrocchi Y
(2013) Evidence for Chondritic Lunar Water and Nitrogen Trapped in Apollo 17 Volcanic Glasses
Füri E, Marty B, Deloule E & Gurenko A
(2013) Temporal Variations of Atmospheric Helium Isotopes
Mabry J, Lan T, Burnard P & Marty B
(2013) High-Precision Atmospheric Helium Isotope Measurement in Volcanic Areas
Lan TF, Mabry JC, Marty B, Burnard P, Füri E, de Moor JM, Fischer TP & McMurtry GM
(2013) Nitrogen Isotopes in Lunar Soils: A Record of Contributions to Planetary Surfaces in the Inner Solar System
Marty B, Chaussidon M, Füri E, Hashizume K, Podosek F, Wieler R & Zimmermann L
(2013) Modeling the Evolution of the Isotopic Composition of Atmospheric Xenon Through Time
Avice G & Marty B
(2013) The Composition of the Archean Atmosphere as a Tracer of Volatile Exchange between the Mantle, the Surface and the Outer Space
Marty B, Pujol M, Burgess R, Hébrard E, Zimmermann L & Philippot P
(2013) Sulfur and Halogen Fluxes at Mid-Ocean Ridges: Estimations Based on Gas Compositions in MORB Vesicles
Kagoshima T, Sano Y, Takahata N & Marty B
(2012) Sulfur Isotope Fractionation during Basaltic Degassing
de Moor M, Fischer T, King P, Sharp Z, Marcus M, Spilde M & Marty B
(2012) Origin of Q-Gases in Pristine Meteorites: An Experimental Study
Kuga M, Marty B, Marrocchi Y, Tissandier L & Zimmermann L
(2012) Nitrogen Composition of the Ancient Atmosphere from Fluid Inclusion Analysis of Archean Quartz
Marty B, Zimmermann L, Pujol M, Burgess R & Phillipot P
(2012) The Volatile Element Record of Earth's Accretion
Marty B
(2012) Investigations into Temporal and Spatial Variations in Atmospheric Helium Isotopes
Mabry J, Marty B & Burnard P
(2011) Mantle Degassing Rates and Gas Loss from Atmosphere: A View from Xenology
Tolstikhin I, Marty B & Hofmann A
(2011) Variations in Atmospheric Helium Isotopes
Mabry J, Marty B & Burnard P
(2011) Origin and Flux of Lunar (Micro-) Impactors: Constraints from N-Ar Analyses of Single Luna 24 Grains
Füri E, Marty B & Assonov S
(2011) Magma Degassing Timescales from Vesicle Size Distribution and Bubble Composition Heterogeneity in MORB Glasses
Colin A, Burnard P & Marty B
(2010) The Volatile Abundance Pattern of the Mantle-Atmosphere: Clues to Origin and Reservoir Fluxes
Marty B
(2010) Xenon Isotope Evidence for UV Irradiation in the Hadean and the Archean
Pujol M, Marty B & Marrocchi Y
(2009) A Study of Degassing at Mid-Oceanic Ridges by Bubble-By-Bubble Analyses
Colin A, Burnard P & Marty B
(2009) Large Scale Nitrogen Isotope Variation in the Solar System
Marty B, Zimmermann L & Burnard P
(2009) Xenon in Archean Barite
Pujol M, Marty B, Burnard P & Philippot P
(2008) In Search of the Archaean Atmosphere in Fluid Inclusions Trapped in 3.52 Ga Quartz (Pilbara Drilling Project)
Pujol M, Marty B, Cauzid J & Philippot P
(2008) Assessing a Plume Contribution to the Galapagos Speading Center by Neon Isotopes
Colin A, Burnard P, Marty B & Graham D
(2007) Terrestrial Atmospheric Nitrogen in Lunar Soils?
Podosek F, Marty B, Zimmerman L, Korotev R & Ozima M
(2007) Impact of the Late Heavy Bombardment on Earth
Marty B & Meibom A
(2007) Noble Gases Composition of Palaeo Archaean Atmosphere and Mantle
Pujol M, Marty B, Cauzid J & Philippot P
(2007) The Source and Distribution of Volatile Elements on Hadean Earth
Yokochi R & Marty B
(2007) Geodynamical Transition in the Mantle at the End of the Hadean
Coltice N & Marty B
(2007) Genesis and the Isotopic Composition of Nitrogen in the Solar Wind
Marty B, Zimmermann L & Burnard P
(2006) A search for cosmogenic nitrogen in a terrestrial rock
Marty B, Yokochi R, Schaefer J & Wieler R
(2006) Mantle dynamics in the Hadean : Earth and Mars
Marty B, Yokopchi R & Marti K
(2006) Xe isotopes in carbonatites: Oldonyo Lengai, East African Rift
Burnard P, Basset R, Marty B, Fischer T, Palhol F, Mangasini F & Makene C
(2006) Chemical composition of Archaean hydrothermal fluids from the Dresser formation (Pilbara Drilling Project, Australia)
Pujol M, Philippot P & Marty B
(2006) High resolution, multicollector noble gas mass spectrometry: HELIX-MC
Burnard P, Pujol M, Basset R & Marty B
(2005) The Source and Consequence of Neon Isotope Heterogeneity in the Mantle
Ballentine C, Marty B, Sherwood Lollar B & Cassidy M
(2004) High Elevation Cosmogenic 3He Production Rates (Central Nepal) Determined from 10Be Cross-Calibration
Gayer E, Pik R, France-Lanord C, Lave J, Bourles D & Marty B
(2003) Discrepancy between Terrestrial Xenology and He-Ne Systematics
Yokochi R & Marty B
(2003) On the Origin of Meteoritic Organics – Clues from the Proto-Solar C and N Isotopic Compositions
Hashizume K, Marty B & Chaussidon M
(2003) Correlated Mo and Ru Anomalies in Differentiated Meteorites
Dauphas N, Marty B, Davis A, Reisberg L & Gallino R
(2003) Stigating Nitrogen Biosignatures in Early Archean and Proterozoic Metasedimentary Phyllosilicates
Papineau D, Mojzsis S, Karhu J & Marty B
(2003) The Xenon Record of the Evolution of Mars
Marty B, Mathew K & Marti K
(2002) Volatile Mass Balance and Recycling at Subduction Zones
Hilton D, Fischer T & Marty B
(2002) Technetium-97 and P-Radionuclides
Dauphas N, Rauscher T, Schatz H, Marty B & Reisberg L
(2002) Long-Term Drainage Network Stability and Uplift of the Ethiopian Plateau Deduced from (U-Th)/He Thermochronometry
Pik R, Marty B & Carignan J
(2002) Oxygen Isotopic Composition of Single Aerosol Particles: A Study of Saharan Dust Sources
Aleon J, Chaussidon M, Marty B, Schütz L & Jaenicke R
(2002) Extension of the Afar Plume Material: He Isotope Constraints
Yokochi R, Pik R, Marty B & Chazot G
(2002) Solubility and Diffusion of Helium in Amorphous Diopside and Anorthite: Measurements Above and Below the Glass Transition
Marrocchi Y, Toplis M, Pik R & Marty B
(2002) Martian Xenology
Marty B, Mathew K & Marti K
(2002) Cosmogenic 3He Production Rate: Comparison of He and Be Data from Himalayan Samples
Gayer E, Pik R, France-Lanord C, Marty B & Bourles D
(2000) In Search of Live 97Tc in the Early Solar System
Dauphas N, Marty B & Reisberg L
(2000) 18O/16O Ratios of Quartz Grains as a Proxy for Source Areas of Atmospheric Detritic Dust: The Case of the Eolian Erosion of the Sahara Desert
Aléon J, Chaussidon M, Marty B, Jaenicke R & Schütz L
(2000) Nitrogen Isotope Systematics of the Mantle and the Fate of Organic Matter Through Time
Marty B & Dauphas N

Marty Bernard M (2020) Noble Gas Isotope Composition of the Yellowstone Mantle Plume
Byrne DJ, Barry PH, Broadley MW, Bekaert DV, Almayrac M, Tyne RL, Ballentine CJ & Marty BM
(2020) The Terrestrial Carbon/Nitrogen Ratio: Insight from the Composition of Natural Gases
Marty B

Marty N. (2023) Insight of the Reactive Transport Models Developed to Understand the Corrosion Processes of High-Level Nuclear Waste
Marty N, Debure M, Michau N, Cochepin B, Linard Y, Tocino F & Martin C
(2023) Selenate Uptake by Green Rust
Grangeon S, Orucoglu E, Greneche JM, Bourhis E, Warmont F, Wille G, Tournassat C & Marty N
(2021) Thermodynamics for Clay Minerals: Calculation Tools for Estimating Thermodynamic Properties
Blanc P, Gherardi F, Vieillard P, Marty N, Gailhanou H, Gaboreau S, Letat B, Geloni C, Gaucher E & Made B
(2019) Modelling of Early Diagenesis of Lacustrine Carbonates Associated with Mg-Silicates
Milesi V, Debure M, Marty N, Capano M, Jezequel D, Steefel C, Rouchon V, Albéric P, Bard E, Guyot F, Virgone A, Gaucher E & Ader M
(2017) Formation of Mg-Aluminosilicates during Early Diagenesis of Carbonate Sediments in the Volcanic Crater Lake of Dziani (Mayotte – Indian Ocean)
Milesi V, Jezequel D, Guyot F, Debure M, Marty N, Claret F, Virgone A, Gaucher E & Ader M
(2017) Kinetics and Mechanisms of Ni Sorption by Nanocrystalline Vernadite
Grangeon S, Fernandez-Martinez A, Claret F, Marty N, Tournassat C, Warmont F & Gloter A
(2013) Thermoddem: An Example of Alive Thermochemical Database
Lassin A, Blanc P, André L, Marty N, Parmentier M, Moyard S, Azaroual M, Piantone P, Gaucher EC, Kervévan C & Tournassat C

Martyna G. (2010) Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics Studies of Aqueous Solutions: Solvation of Salts and Amino Acids
Martyna G & Crain J

Martynov Y.A. (2006) Isotopic and geochemical constraints on the origin of the Sea of Japan
Okamura S, Arculus RJ & Martynov YA

Martz T. (2015) Autonomous Observations of Carbon Dynamics in the Southern California Current System
Martz T, Send U, Ohman M, Takeshita Y, Bresnahan P, Kim H-J, Nam S, Feely R & Alin S

Maruhashi T. (2016) Undergratuate Fieldwork Course on Ecology and Earth Sciences at Mt. Akagi Caldera, Gunma, Japan: for Non-Science Majors
Minai Y, Maruhashi T, Ikeda M & Kawate S

Marui Atsuhisa (2013) Groundwater Chemistry in 2012 in Miyagi Prefecture Including Tsunami Affected Area
Masuda H, Nakaya S, Ikawa R & Marui A

Marui Atsunao (2022) Identification of Glacial Meteoric Water Using Noble Gas Temperature, in the Northern Part of Japan
Hasegawa T, Nakata K, Tomioka Y, Ohta T, Okamoto S, Marui A, Machida I, Ikawa R, Ono M & Matsumoto S
(2019) Stability of Deep Groundwater at Costal Area in Japan
Hasegawa T, Nakata K, Tomioka Y, Ohta T, Marui A, Machida I, Ikawa R, Ono M & Matsumoto S
(2016) Contrast of Groundwater Ages Around Saltwater-Freshwater Mixing Zone
Machida I, Ono M, Koshigai M & Marui A
(2016) Geochemical Characteristics and Distribution of Deep Saline Groundwater in the Osaka Basin
Shintani T, Nakanishi K, Masuda H, Ono M, Marui A, Ishikawa T & Nagishi K

Marumo K. (2003) Hydrothermal Interaction with Volcaniclastic Sediment beneath the Suiyo Seamount Submarine Caldera, Izu-Bonin Arc
Ishibashi J, Yamanaka T, Marumo K & Urabe T
(2003) Archaeal Community in the Hydrothermal System at Suiyo Seamount on the Izu- Ogasawara Arc
Kasai H, Hara K, Kakegawa T, Maruyama A, Ishibashi J & Marumo K

Marumoto K. (2016) Vertical Profile of Mono-Methyl Mercury Concentrations in Seawater of the Genkai Sea, Japan
Marumoto K & Imai S

Maruo M (2003) Manganese in the Marginal Seas
Doi T, Obata H & Maruo M

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