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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Martinez-Vincente D. (2011) Ecological Impact of Submarine Groundwater Discharge in a Mediterranean Lagoon: Correlations between Radon, Radium and Nitrate in the Mar Menor, Murcia, Spain
Claude C, Baudron P, Mayer A, Gilabert J, Martinez-Vincente D, Radakovitch O, Leduc C, Garcia-Arostegui J-L & Cabezas-Calvo-Rubio F

Martinho de Brito M.M. (2023) Picoplankton Rocks: Changes in EPS Production during an Artificial Cyanobacterial Bloom and Possible Implications for Initiation of Whiting Events
Martinho de Brito MM, Bundeleva I, Marin F, Wilmotte A, Vennin E, Plasseraud L & T Visscher P

Martini A. (2018) Near Equilibrium, Non-Thermogenic, Methane in Sedimentary Systems: The Unrecognized Role of Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane?
Giunta T, Young E, Martini A, Warr O, Kohl I, Ash J & Sherwood Lollar B
(2018) Impacts of Seawater Encroachment on Sediment Mercury Methylation
Schenck R, Kopicki M, Yellen B & Martini A
(2017) Deuterium as a Quantitative Tracer of Enhanced Microbial Coalbed Methane Production
Ashley K, Davis K, Martini A, Fields M & McIntosh J
(2016) Acetate Biogeochemistry of Methanogenic Coal Beds and Shales
Vinson D, McIntosh J, Martini A, Darrah T, Kirk M, Akob D & Blair N
(2015) The Potential of Methane Clumped Isotopes to Constrain Formational Environments of Natural Gas Deposits
Stolper D, Eiler J, Sessions A, Valentine D, Martini A, Davis C, Formolo M, Lawson M, Ferreira A & Santos Neto E
(2014) The Urban Geochemistry of Wethersfield Cove, Hartford, CT
Varekamp J, Owrang S, Martini A, Woodruff J, Thomas E & Kruge M
(2014) Mercury Inventories and Isotopic Signatures in Sediments from the Floodplain of the Connecticut River
Martini A, Thibodeau A, Bergquist B, Woodruff J, Yellen B, Owrang S & Varekamp J
(2014) Clumped Isotopes of Methane: Applications to Both Low and High Temperature Natural Systems
Stolper D, Davis C, Eiler J, Ferreira A, Lawson M, Martini A, Santos Neto E, Schoell M, Sessions A, Shusta S, Tang Y, Valentine D & Ellis GS
(2014) Doubly 13C-Substituted Ethane in Shale Gases
Clog M, Martini A, Lawson M & Eiler J
(2012) Mercury Methylation, Pore Water Geochemistry and Legacy Mercury Contamination along the Floodplain of the Connecticut River
Martini A, Woodruff J, Bouberhan H, Bercerra CA & Kekacs D
(2012) Improved Carbon Isotope Modeling of Biogenic Coalbed Methane Systems: The Nature of Initial CO2
Vinson D, McIntosh J, Ritter D, Blair N & Martini A
(2011) Biogeochemistry of Devonian Shale Gas Resources of the Midwest USA: Antrim and New Albany Shales
Martini A, Petsch S, McIntosh J, Kirk M, Schlegel M, Damashek J & Miller S
(2010) Methanogen Variations Related to Hydrogeochemical Conditions in Organic-Rich Shales and Coals in the Illinois Basin, U.S.A
Schlegel M, McIntosh J, Bates B, Kirk M & Martini A
(2010) Microbial Community Structure and Geochemistry of the New Albany Shale (Illinios Basin) and its Potential to Produce Biogenic Methane
Damashek J, Miller S, Kirk M, McIntosh J, Schlegel M, Petsch S & Martini A
(2010) C and H Isotope Systematics of Microbial Methane Accumulations in Coalbeds and Fractured Shales
McIntosh J, Bates B, Schlegel M & Martini A
(2009) Hydrogeologic Controls on Microbial Methanogenesis in Shales and Coalbeds in the Illinois Basin
Schlegel M, McIntosh J, Bates B, Kirk M & Martini A
(2009) Signatures of Anaerobic Hydrocabron Biodegradation in Sulfidic and Methanic Environments
Formolo M, Petsch S, Martini A & Ferdelman T
(2009) Effect of Natural Gas Production on Geochemistry and Microbiology in a Fractured Organic-Rich Shale
Kirk M, Martini A, McIntosh J, Petsch S & Takacs-Vesbach C
(2005) Elemental Cycling in Coastal Tropical Sediments, Saint Lucia, Lesser Antilles: Results from Multiple Pore Water Sampling Techniques (Dialysis, Centrifugation, DET, and DGT)
Ku T, Browne E, Kay J, Martini A, Peters S & Chen M
(2001) Hydrocarbon Oxidation in Sedimentary Basin Gas Reservoirs
Martini A, Walter LM & McIntosh JC

Martini Tonetto E. (2018) U-Pb Badelleyite Ages by SF-LA-ICP-MS
Martini Tonetto E, Fernandes Matheus G, Saraiva dos Santos TJ & Sugano Navarro M
(2017) Cori Monazite, Itambé-Brazil, a New Reference Material for U-Pb Geochronology by LA-ICP-MS
Martini Tonetto E, Sugano Navarro M, Alcântara Ferreira Lima B & Paiva de Oliveira E
(2017) Peixe Zircon: New Brazilian Reference Material for U-Pb Geochronology by LA-Sf-ICP-MS
Sugano Navarro M, Martini Tonetto E & Paiva de Oliveira E
(2015) Trace Elements Determination in Zircon by LA-Sf-ICP-MS
Martini Tonetto E, Sugano Navarro M & Paiva de Oliveira E

Martinkova E. (2018) Copper, Zinc, Chromium and Osmium Isotopic Compositions of the Teplá-Barrandian Unit Black Shales
Ackerman L, Pašava J, Šípková A, Martínková E, Haluzová E, Rodovská Z & Erban V
(2017) Evaluating the Extent of Cr(VI) Reduction in Polluted Groundwater: Toward Better δ53Cr Fingerprinting of Sources
Novak M, Sebek O, Andronikov A, Kotkova J, Chrastny V, Prechova E, Curik J, Veselovsky F, Stepanova M, Farkas J, Martinkova E & Kram P

Martino A. (2009) Microbial Community Stratification in TOC-Depleted Marine Subsurface Sediments of the Pacific Ocean
Durbin A, Biddle J, Martino A, House C, Fischer J, Spivack A, Schrum H, D'Hondt S & Teske A

Martino N. (2018) Lithogeochemistry of Lamprophyric Dykes from Río de la Plata Craton in Uruguay
Muzio R, Martino N & Peel E

Martinolich M. (2023) The Geochemical Evolution of Groundwater in Local to Regional Scale Aquifer Systems Using Reaction Path and Reactive Transport Modelling
Martinolich M, Allen AJ, Kirste DM & Allen DM

Martinot M. (2021) Mapping Silica Content of Altiplano-Puna Volcanic Complex Using ASTER Global Emissivity Dataset
Ito G, Flahaut J, Barthez M, González-Maurel O, Godoy B, Martinot M & Payet V

Martinotti V. (2013) AMERIGO: A New Benthic Lander for Dissolved Flux Measurements at Sediment-Water-Interface
Spagnoli F, Ciceri G, Giuliani G, Martinotti V & Penna P

Martinovic M. (2011) Isotope Distribution of Dissolved Carbonate Species in Serbian Thermal Waters
Miljevic N, Golobocanin D, Colic J & Martinovic M

Martins C. (2013) Effect of N on Microbially Mediated Weathering of Primary Minerals
Mahmood S, Martins C, Olofsson M, Bylund D & Finlay R

Martins D. (2015) Heavy Metal Asdorption and Transport at Clay Minerals – Water Interfaces Using Atomistic Simulations
Molinari M, Martins D, Zhu R, Gonçalves M & Parker S
(2012) Computational Study of the most Stable Pyrophyllite Edge Surfaces for Metal Adsorption
Martins DMS, Goncalves MA, Mirao J & Parker SC
(2011) Stability of Cu Adsorbed onto Clay Surfaces: An Experimental and Computational Study
Goncalves M, Martins D & Parker S

Martins F. (2015) Evidence of Crustal Melting: Insights from the Banabuiú Gneiss-Migmatitic Complex (Central Ceará, Brazil)
Martins F, Azevedo MR, Valle Aguado B, Lima M & Nogueira Neto JA

Martins G. (2011) Phosphorus Mobility in Lake Sediments
Ribeiro D, Martins G, Brito A & Nogueira R

Martins H.C.B. (2013) The Composition of Zircon in Peraluminous Variscan Granites from Northern Portugal
Martins H & Abreu J
(2013) The Pedregal Granitoid: A Peculiar Diatexitic Rock (?) in a Granite-Migmatite Complex
Ferreira J, Martins HCB, Ribeiro MA & Ferreira P
(2013) Magnetic Susceptibility and δ18O Characterization of Granites Related with W, Sn, Mo and Bi (Au) Hydrothermal Vein Deposits
Sant'Ovaia H, Martins H & Noronha F
(2012) Petrografic and Geochemical Characteristic of Metagreywackes (Central Portugal): Implication of Zr Content
Teixeira D, Ribeiro M & Martins H
(2011) Zircon Typologies and Internal Structures as Petrogenetic Indicators in Contrasting Variscan Biotite-Rich Granite Plutons from Northern Portugal
Martins H & Simões P
(2009) Petrophysic and Geochemical Study of Valpaços Granite Pluton (Northern Portugal)
Corrêa-Ribeiro H, Sant'Ovaia H & Martins H
(2009) Geochronology and Petrogenesis of late-Variscan Plutonism (NW Portugal): Synthesis and Inferences on Crustal Recycling and Growth
Dias G, Noronha F, Simões P, Almeida Â, Martins H & Ferreira N
(2007) Different Plutons, the Same Feeding Zone
Martins H, Sant'Ovaia H & Noronha F

Martins I. (2017) Paragenetic Meaning of the Bi- and Ag-Rich Phases from the Panasqueira Lode System (Portugal)
Martins I, Mateus A, Figueiras J, Rodrigues P, Vieira R & Pinto F

Martins J. Vanderlei (2009) How Interactions between Clouds and Aerosols Depend on Scale
Koren I, Feingold G, Remer L & Martins JV

Martins Jean (2020) Long-Term Inheritance of Pb in Soils of Former Mining Sites: The Peisey-Nancroix Pb-Ag Mine (1644-1866, French Alps)
Rossi M, Spadini L, Martins J, Foulquier A, Pesce S, Paimbou-Ouenne P, Guillevic F & Poulenard J

Martins Jean M. F. (2013) Speciation Study in the Sulfamethoxazole-Copper-Ph-Soil System: Implications for Antibiotic Retention Prediction in Soils
Morel M-C, Spadini L, Khaled B & Martins JMF
(2013) The Compared Reactivity of Different Organic Matters and Clay in the Whole Soil and at the Microscale: Unraveling the Reactivities by Combining Chemical Analysis and Physical Fractionation
Navel A, Spadini L, Lamy I, Vince E & Martins J
(2011) Field Scale Organic Management of Vineyard Soils Controls Copper Distribution and Bioavailability at the Micro-Aggregate Scale
Navel A & Martins JMF
(2011) Bacterial Cells can Biosorb and Accelerate the Transport of Heavy Metals Mixtures in Soils
Desaunay A & Martins JMF
(2010) Combined Titration, EXAFS and Molecular Dynamics Modeling Study of Cu(II) Ions Sorbed on the Model Biopolymer Xanthane
Spadini L, Causse B, Mazeau K, Sarret G, Gury J, Martins J, Heyraud A, Geremia R & Delolme C
(2010) Zinc and Cadmium Retention by Two Gram-Negative Bacteria: Surface Adsorption or Internalization?
Desaunay A & Martins JMF
(2008) Proton and Cu2+ Reactivity of Xanthan, a Model Bacterial Exopolysaccharide
Causse B, Spadini L, Delolme C, Sarret G, Martins J, Heyraud A & Mazeau K

Martins Jean M.F. (2023) A Controlled Bioprocess of Mineral Alteration to Recover W, Cu, Zn, Mn, and Mg from a Mine Shaly Hardrock Waste: Coupling Experiments and Geochemical Modeling
Laroche E, Spadini L, Oxarango L, Crouzet A, Voiron C & Martins JMF
(2023) Comparison of Biostimulation and Bioaugmentation Treatments for Recovering of Critical Metals from Tungsten Mine Residues
Laroche E, Spadini L, Oxarango L, Crouzet A, Duwig C, Rossier Y, Cand L, Maret T & Martins JMF
(2016) Combining Geochemical and High-Throughput Sequencing Methods for Evaluating the Distribution and Impact of Single and Multi-Metal Pollutions at the Soil Aggregate Scale
Martins JMF, Lehembre F & Spadini L
(2016) Soil Sorption, Binding Modes and Transfer of Sulfamethoxazole
Spadini L, Navel A, Morel M-C, Granat J, Sebastianutti S & Martins JMF

Martins Juliana (2009) Grazing and Digestion of Magnetotactic Bacteria by Ciliates
Silveira T, Martins J, Abreu F, Silva K, Aronova M, Silva Neto I, Kachar B & Lins U

Martins Línia (2011) The Mesozoic Evolution of the West Iberian Margin as Witnessed by Magma Geochemistry
Mata J, Alves CF, Miranda R, Martins L, Madeira J, Terrinha P, Youbi N, Bensalah M & Azevedo MDR
(2007) Geochemical Evidence for Extensive Carbonate Assimilation by CAMP Tholeiites from Algarve (S Portugal)
Martins L, Munhá J, Madeira J, Youbi N, Mata J & Kerrich R

Martins Lisa (2014) Natural Radiation and Geochemistry of the Lamas de Olo Biotite Granite, Northern Portugal
Teixeira R, Gomes M, Martins L, Pereira A & Neves L
(2013) U-Pb Geochronology of Detrital Zircons from Metasedimentary Rocks from Formation of Desejosa, Serra do Marão, Portugal
Teixeira R, Coke C, Gomes M, Dias R & Martins L
(2011) Radon Risk and their Geological Control in the Region of Amarante (Northern Portugal)
Martins L, Gomes M, Neves L & Pereira A
(2004) Stream Sediments Geochemical Mapping as a Tool for Wide Scale Risk Assessment in Portugal
Batista M, Ferreira A, Prates T, Martins L & Serrano pinto M

Martins Lucelene (2023) Petrogenesis of Neoproterozoic high-K Calc-Alkaline Granites Forming Large Batholiths in SE Brazil: Clues from Trace-Element Chemistry of Apatite and Titanite
Janasi VDA, Martins L, Alves A & Vlach SRF
(2014) Probing the Deep Crust of the Ribeira Fold Belt, Brazil: Sr-Nd-Pb Isotope Geochemistry and in situ Zircon Dating of Neoproterozoic Granites
Janasi VDA, Alves A, Henrique-Pinto R & Martins L
(2007) Monazite Preservation and Formation during Anatexis: An Example from Garnet-Bearing Migmatite, Brazil
Martins L, Janasi V & Vlach S
(2005) Trace-Element Zonation in Monazite from Garnet-Bearing Migmatites and Associated Granites, SE Brazil: Implications for Crustal Anatexis
Martins L & Janasi V
(2004) A laser-ICPMS Study of REE in Garnet of Nazaré Paulista-Type Anatectic Granites from Atibaia Region, Brazil
Martins L, Janasi V & Plank T

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