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Martinez Patricio (2019) Evaluation of the Presence and Spatial Distribution of Critical Raw Materials in Los Buitres and San José Tailing Impoundments, Punta del Cobre District, Atacama, Chile
Caraballo MA, Townley B, Riquelme B, González-Díaz EY, García-Cardenas S, Martínez P & Moraga R
(2019) Mineralogy of Contrasting Tailing Deposits in Chile and Relation to Source Deposits: Potential for Recovery of Valuables
Kotthoff K, Townley B, Caraballo M & Martínez P
(2018) Evaluation of the Presence and Spatial Distribution of Critical Raw Materials in the Cauquenes Porphyry Copper Tailing
Caraballo MA, Townley B, González-Díaz EY, Riquelme B, García-Cardenas S, Collao R, Martinez P & Noriega F

Martinez Paula (2019) Acid Mine Drainage Prediction Using a Combined Chemical-Mineralogical and Textural Characterization Approach on Mine Tailings Samples
Martínez P, Yesares L, Caraballo M, Gómez A, Macías F & Nieto JM
(2009) In situ Investigation of Microbial Diversity and Anaerobic Chlorobenzene Degradation along a Vertical Gradient
Nijenhuis I, Martinez P, Junca H, Stelzer N, Imfeld G, Weber S & Richnow H

Martinez Pedro (2011) Contaminated Soil Diagnosis by Electrical Resistivity Tomography in Underground Storage Tanks of Different Petrol Stations in SE Spain
Rosales RM, Martinez P & Faz A

Martinez Philippe (2012) Widespread Expansion of Intermediate Water Suboxia at 2 Ma
Robinson RS, Martinez P, Etourneau J & Schneider R

Martinez Raul
(2016) Mixed-Flow Bio-Reactor for Atmospheric CO2 Sequestration
Martinez R, Weber S & Grimm C

Martinez Raul E. (2019) Assessment of Trace Elements Distribution in French Agricultural Soils
Herbout A, Armand R, Martinez RE, Rizzo D & Pourret O
(2019) Mineral-Microbe Interactions in Fe-Oxidizing Bacteria
Crowe S, Thompson K, Simister R, Tocheva E, Martinez R & Kappler A
(2017) Effect of Iron Plaques on Rare Earth Element Uptake during Rice Growth
Pourret O, Martinez RE, Dian C & Faucon M-P
(2015) The Effect of Riverine Particulate Material on the Growth Rate of Freshwater Cyanobacteria Synechococcus sp
Grimm C, Martinez RE, Pokrovsky OS, Benning LG & Oelkers EH
(2015) Marine Photoferrotrophs and their Trace Element Contributions to Precambrian Banded Iron Formations
Konhauser K, Alessi D, Robbins L, Liu Y, Martinez R, Lalonde S, Mloszewska A, Kappler A & Li Y
(2014) Isoprene-Derived Secondary Organic Aerosol in an Urban Region Downwind of the Ozark Mountains
Williams B, Mitroo D, Martinez R, Zhang Y, Walker M, Oxford C, Hagan D, Zuo X, Du L, Turner J, Hu L, Baasandorj M & Millet D
(2013) Open-Pit Coal Mining Effects on Rice Paddy Soil Composition and Metal Bioavailability to Oryza sativa L. Plants in Cam Pha, Northeastern Vietnam
Marquez JE, Martinez R, Hoàng TBH & Gieré R
(2013) Modelling of Rare Earth Element Sorption to Bacillus subtilis Bacteria
Martinez R, Pourret O & Takahashi Y
(2012) Trace Element Mobility and Root Iron Plaque Effects on Rice Growth in a Coal Mining Area of North Vietnam
Martinez RE, Marquez JE, Hoa HTB & Giere R
(2012) Schwertmannite Formation in Acid Mine Drainage in NE Viet Nam
Giere R, Hoang-Hoa TB, Martinez R & Wirth R
(2011) Novel Approaches to Organic Aerosol Chemical Characterization
Williams B, Zhang Y, Martinez R, Docherty K, Ulbrich I, Jimenez J, Hering S, Kreisberg N, Goldstein A & Worsnop D
(2009) Co-precipitation of Cadmium during Abiotic and Biogenic Iron (II) Oxidation
Martinez R & Kappler A
(2008) Surface Charge and Zeta-Potential of Metabolically Active and Dead Cyanobacteria
Martinez R, Pokrovsky O, Schott J & Oelkers E
(2007) Characterization of Carbonate Mineral Formation by Cyanobacteria and the Implications in CO2 Sequestration
Martinez R, Pokrovsky O, Schott J & Oelkers E
(2004) Cadmium Complexation by Bacteriogenic Iron Oxides from a Subterranean Environment
Martinez R, Pedersen K & Ferris F
(2003) Surface Chemical Heterogeneity of Bacteriogenic Iron Oxides from a Subterranean Environment
Martinez R, Smith S, Pedersen K & Ferris G
(2003) Surface Chemistry and Reactivity of Bacteriogenic Iron Oxides from Axial Volcano, Juan de Fuca Ridge, North-East Pacific Ocean
Kennedy C, Martinez R, Scott S & Ferris G

Martinez Robert (2010) Uranium Biomineralization Through the Activities of Microbial Phytases
Salome K, DiChristina T, Martinez R, Sobecky P & Taillefert M

Martínez Rodrigo (2020) Looking for Volatile and Mineralogy in Carbonaceous Chondrites
Aravena-González S, Moncada D, Varela ME, Morlok A & Martínez R

Martinez Salvador (2015) Chemical and Mineralogical Characterization and Rheological Constraints on Deposition and Flux in Glassy, Highly Welded Pyroclastic Alkaline Rhyolites (SW Sardinia, Italy)
Tarragó M, Garcia-Valles M, Martinez S, Gimeno D & Gisbert G

Martinez Salvadora (2013) Limestone-Based Technosols. A Remediation Technique for Sediments Contaminated by Heavy Metals
Martinez-Sanchez MJ, Garcia- Lorenzo M, Perez-Sirvent C, Gonzalez E, Perez V, Martinez S, Belando MD, Martinez L & Hernandez C

Martinez Todd (2010) Reactive Solvation and Transport Simulations of OH<sup>-</sup> Ions in Aqueous Environment: A Multistate Empirical Valence Bond (MS-EVB) Approach
Ufimtsev I, Kalinichev A, Martinez T & Kirkpatrick RJ

Martínez Tomás (2017) Class Subject "The Social Role of the Geologist": Impact and Reflections
Hevia F, Pinto L, Moraga A, Martínez F & Martínez T

Martinez Z. (2011) Methylotrophy in Yellowstone National Park Hot Springs
Poret-Peterson A, Romaniello S, Martinez Z, Zolotova N, Elser J & Anbar A

Martínez Abad I. (2013) The Conditions of Formation of the Castro de Rei Reduced W-Skarn
Martínez Abad I & Cepedal Hernández A

Martínez Arbizu P. (2017) Natural Variability of Geochemical Conditions, Biogeochemical Processes and Element Fluxes in Sediments of the Eastern CCZ, Pacific Ocean
Volz J, Mogollón J, Geibert W, Martínez Arbizu P, Koschinksy A & Kasten S

Martínez Ardila A.M. (2015) Arc-Scale Temporal Histories of the Cordilleran Orogen
Kirsch M, Paterson SR, Wobbe F, Martínez Ardila AM, Clausen BL & Alasino PH

Martinez Bonilla A. (2023) Nitrate-Reducing Fe(II)-oxidizing Microorganisms in the Sediments of an Extreme Acid Rock Drainage Affected River (Rio Tinto, Spain)
Bottaro M, Abramov S, Amils R, Martinez Bonilla A, Mansor M, Kleindienst S & Kappler A

Martínez Cortizas A. (2021) Intense Warming on Highland Sumatra during the Mid-Holocene Sea-Level Highstand
Hällberg PL, Martínez Cortizas A, Hapsari KA, Rifai H, Eisele S, Bouvet de Maisonneuve C & Smittenberg R

Martinez Dopico C.I. (2023) Mantle-Crust Interactions and Genesis of the High K-Mg Lamprophyric Stocks, Dykes, and Enclaves in I Type Las Chacras Batholith, Sierras Pampeanas (Argentina)
Martinez Dopico CI, Ribacki E, Lopez de Luchi MG, Montenegro T, Trumbull RB, Romer R, Altenberger U & Parat F

Martinez Esparza A. (2004) Effect of Corroded Engineering Barrier on the Alteration Process of the Spent Fuel Matrix Under Repository Conditions
Quiñones J, Gonzalez de la Huebra A & Martinez Esparza A

Martinéz García M. (2011) Microbial Populations of Clay Formations and their Interactions with Uranium
López Fernández M, Fernández Sanfrancisco O, Martinéz García M, Ranea Robles P, Galera Monge T, Moreno García A & Merroun M

Martinez Mendez G. (2017) Once Upon a Time, Scientific Fairy Tales Promoting the Discovery, Protection and Use of the Ocean
Reyes Macaya DA, Martínez Méndez G, Elyashiv H, Jackson R, Tamborrino L, Tangunan D, Ruiz-Soto S, Hollstein M, Boehnert S, Schmidt C, Neto Dos Santos C, Wang H, Müller Dum D, Hernandez I, Hohmann S, Creco M, Rossel P, Duran Toro V, Park E & Liu Y
(2017) Reconstructing the Variability of the SE Pacific Oxygen Minimum Zone Using Geochemical Proxies in Benthic Foraminifera
Reyes Macaya DA, Hebbeln D, Hoogakker B, Martínez Méndez G, Mohtadi M, Lückge A, Lu Z, Kuhnert H & De Pol Holz R
(2016) Tracing Ocean Circulation in the Western Equatorial Pacific with Carbon, Nitrate, and Neodymium Isotopes
Kienast M, Lehmann N, Martinez Mendez G, Hathorne E, Plaß A, Hollstein M, Granger J & Mohtadi M

Martinez Santana M. (2018) Biomarkers as Tools to Determine the Origin of Hydrocarbon Emanations: Oil Outcrop of La Libertad, Ecuador, August 2016
Lorenzo García E, Martínez Santana M, Alvarez Loor A & Morato Medina A
(2018) Numerical Modeling of Methane, Carbon Dioxide and Water Generated by Subbituminous Coals from Maracaibo Lake Basin, Venezuela
Martinez Santana M, Escobar Navarro M, Lorenzo García E & Marquez Martinez G

Martinez Wilhelmus M. (2021) The Influence of a Diffusive Boundary Layer on Early Organic Matter and Calcium Carbonate Diagenesis
Sulpis O, Martinez Wilhelmus M, Humphreys MP, Carroll D, Berelson W, Menemenlis D, Middelburg J & Adkins J

Martínez-Bofill J. (2019) Geochemistry of Paleogene Sedimentary Rocks from the Eastern Ebro Foreland Basin
Vilà M, Martínez-Bofill J, Amores S & Pi R

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