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Martin-Pozas T. (2022) Moonmilk Deposits: A Case of Biomineralization and Greenhouse Gases Regulation in Subterranean Environments
Martin-Pozas T, Cuezva S, Cañaveras JC, Benavente D, Saiz-Jimenez C, Janssens I, Seijas N, Sanchez-Moral S & Fernandez-Cortes A

Martin-Roberts E. (2023) Resolving the Sources of Crustal Noble Gases in the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin to Aid Helium Prospectivity
Martin-Roberts E, Utting N, Osadetz K, Utley RE, Lawton D & Gilfillan SMV
(2022) Multi-Isotope Geochemical Baseline Study of the CMC Research Institutes CCS Field Research Station (Alberta, Canada), Prior to CO2 Injection
Utley RE, Martin-Roberts E, Utting N, Johnson G, Gyore D, Zurakowska M, Stuart F, Boyce A, Darrah T, Gulliver P, Osadetz K, Lawton D, Haszeldine S & Gilfillan SMV
(2019) Constraints on the Evolution of the Heat and Primordial He Flux from the Iceland Mantle Plume
Martin-Roberts E, Stuart F, Fitton G & Hardarson B

Martín-Romero F. (2013) Adsorption Experiments of Arsenic and Lead onto Barite
Villanueva-Estrada RE, Samperio-Jiménez F, Villanueva-González P, Canet C & Martín-Romero F

Martín-Rubí Juan (2016) Hydrothermal Co-rich Mn Nodules and Stratabound Mn Deposits from Galicia Bank (NE Atlantic)
González J, Somoza L, Hein J, Medialdea T, León R, Urgorri V, Reyes J & Martín-Rubí J

Martín-Rubí Juan Antonio (2007) Mud-Breccia Clasts and Sediments as Nucleation Sites for Hydrocarbon-Derived Ferromanganese Nodules in Carbonate-Mud Mounds from the Gulf of Cadiz
González J, Somoza L, Lunar R, Martínez-Frías J, Martín-Rubí JA, Torres T, Ortiz JE & Díaz del Río V

Martín-Sánchez I. (2021) Responses of the Bentonite Microbial Community to Se(IV)exposure: Insights into Selenium Biogeochemical Cycle
Morales-Hidalgo M, Povedano-Priego C, Jroundi F, Vilchez-Vargas R, Guerra-Tschuschke I, Abad-Ortega MDM, Martín-Sánchez I & Merroun ML
(2021) A Novel and Efficient DNA Extraction Method Focus to the Bacterial Diversity in Compacted Bentonites: Insights into Biogeochemical Processes within the Deep Geological Disposal Concept
Povedano-Priego C, Jroundi F, Lopez-Fernandez M, Shrestha R, Spanek R, Martín-Sánchez I, Villar MV, Ševců A, Dopson M & Merroun ML
(2019) Shifts in the Bacterial Diversity of Aerobic and Anaerobic Bentonite Microcosms Treated with U and G2P
Povedano-Priego C, Jroundi F, Lopez-Fernandez M, Martín-Sánchez I, Dopson M & Merroun ML

Martindale M. (2016) Along-Arc Geochemical Variations in Northern Cascade Intermediate Lavas: Crustal Processes, Slab Melting, or Mantle Heterogeneity?
Martindale M, Weis D & Mullen E
(2014) Geochemical Constraints on the Origin of Evolved Magmas in the Northern Cascades
Martindale M, Mullen E & Weis D
(2013) New Experimental Constraints on Slab Top Conditions
Skora S, Martindale M, Carter L, Blundy J, Elliott T & Pickles J

Martindale R. (2017) Shallow-Water Records of Environmental and Ecological Change at the Toarcian OAE
Martindale R, Ettinger N, Bodin S, Košir A, Brame H-M, Thibodeau A & Larson T
(2011) Corals Constrain CaCO3 Chemistry at the Triassic–Jurassic Boundary, a Potential Ocean Acidification Event
Martindale R, Berelson W, Corsetti F, Bottjer D & West AJ

Martineau C. (2023) Fugitive Mine Dusts in Canada: Their Capture, Characterization, and Impacts
Berryman EJ, Cleaver A, Martineau C, Fenton N, Indorf M-F, Cadieux C, Rickwood C & Huntsman P

Martineau F. (2010) Diagenesis of Gypsum
Baudrand M, Aloisi G, Martineau F, Fourel F, Lécuyer C, Pancost R, Blanc-Valleron M-M, Rouchy J-M, Aref MAM & Grossi V
(2008) Mantle Flux at Lower Crust / Upper Mantle Interface: A Carbon and Hydrogen Isotopes Study of Granulites
Rigaudier T, Gardien V, Lecuyer C, Simon L & Martineau F

Martínek Karel (2011) Paleoenvironmental Evolution of the Lower Miocene Organic Clays (the Sokolov Basin, Eger Graben, Czech Republic): Anorganic Proxies
Knesl I, Kribek B, Martinek K, Rojik P & Francu J
(2011) Molecular Fossils and Organic Proxies Evidencing the Facial Evolution of the Lower Miocene Sokolov Basin, Eger Graben
Francu J, Mácová D, Sýkorová I, Havelcová M, Kribek B, Martínek K & Rojík P

Martinek Klara (2012) Fluid Evolution along a Cross Section Through the Central Alps, Switzerland
Martinek K, Wagner T, Waelle M & Heinrich C
(2010) Zircon Crystallization and the Life-Times of Magmatic-Hydrothermal Ore Systems
Heinrich C, Martinek K, Erni M, von Quadt A & Peytcheva I

Martinelli G. (2023) Seismic Fluid Geochemistry and Short- Imminent Forecasting of Earthquake
Li Y, Caracausi A, Mokhtari M, Yuce G, Nomikou P, Martinelli G, Yalcin Erik N, Martin CC, Hu L & Tian W
(2013) Mineralogy and Boron Geochemistry of Mud Volcanoes from Northern Apennines (Italy)
Pennisi M, Battaglia S & Martinelli G

Martinerie P. (2013) The Stable Isotopic Composition of Carbon Monoxide from Greenland Firn Air Samples Collected at NEEM
Pathirana S, Martinerie P, Witrant E, Kaiser J, van der Veen C & Röckmann T

Martinet I. (2017) Lu-Hf Garnet Geochronology of Peak-Metamorphism in the Tromsø Nappe, Northern Norway
Martinet I, Froitzheim N, Miladinova I, Fassmer K, Münker C & Fonseca ROC

Martinez Ana (2018) Mantle Driven Cretaceous Flare-Up Events in Cordilleran Arcs
Martinez A, Paterson S, Memeti V, Parada M & Molina P

Martínez Ariadna (2013) Atmospheric Methane Concentration at the ClimaDat Network Sites
Curcoll R, Morguí J-A, Àgueda A, Batet Ò, Grossi C, Nofuentes M, Occhipinti P, Arias R, Martínez A & Rodó X

Martinez Carmen Enid (2021) Assessing Soil Organic Matter Features Under Drought and Normal Conditions Using Direct Infusion High Resolution Mass Spectrometry and LC-Ms/MS Feature Based Molecular Networking
DiDonato N, Rivas Ubach A, Clendinen C, Sokol N, Tolic N, Adhikari D, Martinez CE, Pett-Ridge J & Pasa Tolic L
(2020) Biomolecules at Mineral Surfaces: Structure-Bonding-Stability Relationships
Martinez CE
(2013) Linking Nutrient and Contaminant Dynamics in Rhizopheres of Hyperaccumulators
Rosenfeld C, Chaney R, Lanzirotti A & Martinez CE
(2012) Monitoring of Oxidation-Reduction Reactions between Redox Active Fe and Cysteine: Spectroscopic Studies and Multiplet Calculations
Bhattacharyya A, Dvorak J, Stavitski E & Martinez CE
(2012) Trace Metals and Soil Solids: Effects of Soil Heterogeneity on Zn Mobility
Rosenfeld C, Chaney R, Lanzirotti A & Martinez CE
(2012) Evidence for the Accumulation of Heterocyclic N Compounds in Temperate Forest Soils as a Function of Depth
Martinez CE & Dvorak J
(2012) Nitrate Transformation and Immobilization as Affected by Oxic and Biotic Conditions
Kizewski F, Kaye J & Martinez CE
(2011) Biogeochemical Characterization of Contaminant Mn Sequestration
Herndon E, Martinez CE, Eissenstat D & Brantley S
(2007) Biogeochemistry of Metalliferous Peat Cores: Distribution of Zn, S, Mn, Fe and dsrAB Genes and Sulfur and Zinc Speciation
Martinez CE, Yoon S-J, Yáñez C, Martínez-Villegaz N & Bruns MA

Martinez Claudio (2019) How are Critical Elements Distributed in a World-Class Porphyry Cu Deposit?
Reich M, Crespo J, Barra F, Leisen M, Romero R, Verdugo JJ & Martinez C

Martínez Cristina (2013) Diagenesis, Deformation Mechanisms and Architecture of the Fault Zones in the Extensional Neogene Basins of the Northeast Iberian Peninsula
Travé A, Baqués V, Cantarero I, Playà E, Alías G, Moragas M, Martínez C, Pacheco F, Zafra C & Plata A

Martinez Fernando (2023) Magnetic Telechemistry of the Reykjanes Ridge: Implications for the Nature of the Iceland Hotspot
Martinez F, Thorhallsson D, Hey R & Höskuldsson Á
(2020) Remote-Predictive Geologic Mapping of the Reykjanes Ridge: Implications for Volcanic and Structural Evolution of a Slow-Spreading Mid-Ocean Ridge
Panasiuk S, Anderson MO, Höskuldsson Á, Martinez F & Pałgan D
(2019) Initiation and Maturation of Island Arcs
Ribeiro J, Ishizuka O, Lee C-T, Martinez F, Girard G & Ohara Y
(2016) Exploring the Effects of Spreading Rate and Slab-Derived Water on Melting Processes in the Lau-Havre Backarc Systems
Eason D, Dunn R & Martinez F
(2015) The Lau-Havre Basins: Investigating Backarc Crustal Formation from Fast to Ultraslow Opening Rates
Martinez F & Dunn R
(2015) Crustal and Magmatic System Structure along the Eastern Lau Spreading Center
Dunn R, Arai R, Eason D & Martinez F
(2013) Composition of the Shallow Aqueous Fluids Released beneath the SE Mariana Forearc Rift
Ribeiro J, Stern R, Kelley K, Shaw A, Martinez F & Ohara Y

Martínez Francisco (2023) Transient Feedbacks Betwen Fluid Flow, Metamorphic-Metasomatic Mineral Changes, and Deformation Style (Osor LP/HT Complex; Guilleries Massif, Catalan Coastal Ranges, NE Spain)
Reche J, Martínez F & Leoz G
(2019) Micropetrology of Melt and Fluid Inclusions: Evidence of Incipient Melting in Presence of Fluid in HT/LP Metapelites
Leoz Munte G, Ferrero S, Reche Estrada J & Martínez F
(2015) Evolution of Lithospheric Mantle in NE Spain: Insight from Deformation Fabrics and Geochemistry of Mantle Xenoliths
Fernández-Roig M, Galán G, Pin C, Devidal J-L, Mariani E, Oliveras V, Martínez F & Grégoire M

Martínez Francisco José (2013) On Some Feedback-Coupling Relations between Fluid Flow, Igneous Intrusion, Metamorphic / Metasomatic Events and Deformation during Low-P High-T Regional Thermal Metamorphism. An Example from the Osor High-Grade Complex (Catalan Coastal Ranges, NE Iberia)
Reche J & Martínez F
(2011) Mineral Metastability and Effective Bulk Composition: The Effect of Grain Sizes and Modal Mineral Amounts
Verdecchia SO, Reche J, Baldo EG, Segovia-Diaz E & Martínez FJ

Martinez G. (2012) Speciation of Colloidal Fe in Terrestrial and Marine Environments Using Synchrotron X-Ray Spectroscopy and Microscopy
Myneni S, Roychoudhury A, Tyliszczak T, Martinez G & van der Heyden B
(2009) Structure and Chemistry of Fe and Al Aquatic Colloids and their Influence on P Cycling in a Tropical Reservoir
Martinez G, Myneni S, Mishra B & Finkelstein G

Martinez H. (2017) Frontiers in Speciation Sciences: The MARSS Center: Centre of Mass Spectometry for Reactivity and Speciation Sciences
Donard OFX, Berail S, Amouroux D, Tessier E, Pecheyran C, Claverie F, Bowen I, Szpunar J, Bierla K, Schaumloeffel D, Malherbe J, Horreard F, Martinez H & Courreges C

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