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Martin M. W. (2001) U-Pb Geochronology and the Calibration of Metazoan Evolution: Progress and Promise
Bowring SA, Martin MW & Grotzinger JP

Martin Maria (2019) Cryptic Sulfur Cycling in Paddy Soils Leads to Formation of Novel Arsenic Species Important for Rice Research
Planer-Friedrich B, Wang J, Kerl C, Hu P, Martin M, Mu T, Brüggenwirth L, Wu G, Said Pullicino D, Romani M & Wu L
(2017) Thioarsenates – so Far Unrecognized Arsenic Species in Paddy Soils
Planer-Friedrich B, Halder D, Kerl C, Schaller J, Wang J, Martin M & Romani M
(2011) Influence of Different Sources on Cloud Condensation Nuclei Numbers in the High Arctic
Martin M, Sierau B, Leck C & Lohmann U

Martin Medina-Elizalde (2019) Long-Term Monitoring of Drip Water Trace Elements and Cl Variability of Río Secreto Cave in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico
Fernanda L-H, Juan Pablo B, Martin M-E, Patricia B & Stephen B

Martin Megan (2023) Phase Identification of Phosphorus Uptake onto Carbonate Minerals in Coastal Wastewater Injection Zones
Meyers KL, Kump L, Webb S, Richardson JA, Martin M & Ingalls M

Martin Mirko (2011) Development of an Active Mine Water Treatment Technology by Use of Schwertmannite
Janneck E, Burghardt D, Simon E, Damian C, Martin M, Schöne G & Meyer J

Martin Molly (2017) Vertical POC Flux Profiles and Oxygen Utilization Rates from Particulate 230Th-Normalization
Pavia F, Anderson R, Lam P, Martin M, Fine R, Vivancos S, Fleisher M, Zhang P, Lu Y, Cheng H & Edwards RL

Martin Nicholas (2014) Geochemistry of Lavas from the Kaiapo Tuff Cone, Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand: Lava Heterogeneity within a Single Edifice
Martin N, Snell A, Rooney T & Deering C

Martin Nicolas (2023) Bioaugmentation Essay on Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Spicked Microcosms with Mixture of Soil Bacteria
Martin N, Dupuy F, Grybos M, Le Guet T & Joussein E

Martin P (2006) Modelling Structure and Transport at Mineral Interfaces at the Atomic Level
Parker S, Cooke D, Marmier A, Martin P, Spagnoli D, Sayle D & Watson G
(2004) Gas Hydrate Formation and Dissociation in the Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope
McGrail B, Alexander M, Young J & Martin P

Martin Pamela (2012) High Resolution Rare Earth Element (REE) Study on Mussel Shells, a Proxy for the Geochemical Cycling at the Coastal Region?
Bian N, Martin P, Colman A & Pfister C
(2012) Paleoceanographic Interpretation of the Light Rare Earth Elements
Patton G, Martin P, Salgueiro E & Voelker A
(2011) High Resolution Minor and Trace Element Study on Mussel Shells from Coastal Region of Tatoosh Island, Washington, USA
Bian N, Martin P, Pfister C & Colman A
(2009) Temperature and Nutrients Changes during MIS 11c and the Holocene on the Portuguese Margin
Salgueiro E, Voelker A, Martin P, Rodrigues T, Prabhu C, Abrantes F & Grimalt J
(2009) Reconstructing Deep Ocean Carbonate Ion during the LGM and Deglaciation Using Foraminiferal Mg/Ca
Fehrenbacher J & Martin P
(2002) The Role of Deep Sea Temperature Change in the Glacial Carbon Cycle
Martin P, Archer D & Lea D

Martin Patrick (2011) Quantifying Fluxes of Metals to Surface Waters of the South-East Atlantic
Henderson GM, Achterberg E, Baker A, Chance R, Geibert W, Homoky W, Hwieh Y-T, Klunder M, Lohan M, Martin P, Mills R, Milne A, Palmer M, Sanders R, Thomas A, Wake B & Woodward M

Martin Patrick (2019) A Coral-Based Method to Reconstruct Past Variation in Land-To-Ocean Dissolved Organic Carbon Flux
Kaushal N, Yang L, Martin P, Tanzil J, Lee JN & Goodkin N

Martin Patrick (2015) Influence of pH on Boron and Carbon Isotopes in Coral Skeletons
Martin P, Yang TT, Stewart JA, Foster GL, Wang B-S, Fan T-Y, You C-F & Goodkin NF

Martin Pedro Luis (2005) Evolution of the Sorption Studies on a Spanish Bentonite during 8 Years of the FEBEX Project
Missana T, Garcia-Gutierrez M, Alonso U, Granizo N, Mingarro M & Martín PL
(2002) Development of Advanced Tools for Modelling Wind's Tests
Sedano LA, Martin PL, Barcala JM, Campos R, Villar MV & Rivas P

Martin Peter (2016) Determining Source Terms for FDNPP Fallout Using 135Cs/137Cs and Pu Isotopes
Dunne J, Richards D, Coath C, Chen H, Scott T, Martin P & Yamashiki Y
(2016) Gaining Novel Insight into Uranium-Containing Fukushima Daiichi Derived Fallout
Martin P, Richards D, Yamashiki Y & Scott T
(2009) δ53Cr Mixing, Fractionation and Exchange in Contaminant Plumes
Izbicki J, Bullen T, Martin P & Schroth B

Martin Philipp Rafael (2023) Transformation of Iminodi(methylene Phosphonate) on Manganese Dioxides – Passivation of the Mineral Surface by Formed MnII
Roehnelt AMM, Martin PR, Buchner D, Marks RGH, Jochmann MA & Haderlein SB
(2023) Competitive Adsorption of Glyphosate and Organic Compounds at Aluminum Oxide
Wang M, Martin PR, Buchner D & Haderlein SB

Martin Philippe (2013) Redox in Silicate Melts: In situ XAS Investigation of 2 Redox Couples
Leconte M, Martin P, Testemale D, Petitjean C & Neuville D

Martin Pierre-Etienne (2018) Earth’s Building Materials from Mass-Dependent Ca Isotopic Compositions
Bouvier A, Martin P-E, Amsellem E, Maloney M, Frossard P, Boyet M & Moynier F

Martin R (2005) Haze and Pollution Sources over the Grand Canyon and Canyonlands National Parks
Huang S, Popp C, Arimoto R & Martin R
(2005) Simultaneous Cathodoluminescence Hyperspectral Imaging and X-Ray Microanalysis
Edwards P, Martin R & Lee M
(2005) Hyperspectral Cathodoluminescence Mapping of Calcite and Feldspar
Lee M, Martin R, Edwards P & Parsons I

Martin R.d. (2015) Pyrite Compositions from Contrasting Styles of Syenite-Hosted Au at the Young-Davidson and Thunder Creek Deposits, Abitibi Belt, Canada
Linnen RL, Campbell R, Martin RD, Layne GD, Wing B, Gagnon JE, Lin S & Zhang J

Martin Randall V. (2014) Remote Sensing Constraints on Aerosol Sources and Impacts
Henze D, Zhang L, Zhu L, Xu X, Wang J, Cady-Pereira K, Shephard M, Bash J, Lee C & Martin R
(2014) 15 Years of Global PM2.5 Estimates from Satellite
van Donkelaar A, Martin R & Boys B
(2014) NO2 and PM10 Exposure Models for Europe Using Satellite-Derived Measurements
Vienneau D, Bechle MJ, de Hoogh K, Beelen R, Martin RV, van Donkelaar A, Novotny EV, Millet DB, Hoek G & Marshall JD
(2013) Absorbing Aerosol Radiative Effects in the Limb-Scatter Viewing Geometry
Wiacek A, Martin R, Bourassa A, Degenstein D & Lloyd N
(2009) Satellite Remote Sensing Estimate of Global Ground-Level Aerosol Concentrations and Precursors
Martin R, van Donkelaar A, Lee C & Lamsal L

Martin Reich (2015) Diverse Origins for PGE Nanoparticles in Mantle Minerals
Jose Maria G-J & Martin R

Martin Richard L (2011) Which is More Ionic? UO2 or PuO2
Martin RL
(2011) Covalency in the Actinides Probed with Ligand K-Edge X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy
Martin RL & Batista ER

Martin Robert F (2021) The Crucial Role of Hydrocarbons in the Formation of Gold and Uranium Ore in the Witwatersrand Basin, South Africa
Fuchs SH, Schumann D, Martin RF & Couillard M

Martin Robert F. (2012) The Itaju do Colonia Sodalite Litchfieldite Stock, NE Brazil
Pimenta ACS, Conceicao H, Rosa MLS, Martin RF & Rios DC
(2012) Ex situ Carbonate Mineralization: A Novel Way to Sequester CO2 at the Expense of Saline Wastewater
De Vito C, Mignardi S, Ferrini V & Martin RF
(2005) An Atlas of Minerals in Thin Section
Melgarejo J & Martin RF

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