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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Martin Hand (2013) Heating from within and Without, Tales of Contrasting Long-Lived Crustal Hots Spots
Martin H

Martin Hayden (2023) Crustose Coralline Algae Dissolution Buffers Coral Reef Environments
Branson O, Ellwood MJ, Cornwall C, Maher W, Sun Y, Holland KD, Goodarzi P, Martin H & Eggins S
(2019) Variability of Arsenic Species throughout Rice Plants
Martin H, Maher W, Duncan E, Ellwood M & Krikowa F

Martin Hervé (2012) TTG Lu-Hf Isotope Evidence for a Deep Mantle-Continental Crust Connection
Guitreau M, Blichert-Toft J, Martin H, Mojzsis SJ & Albarede F
(2012) The Diversity of Granitoids in the Northern Kaapvaal Craton Records late-Archæan Geodynamic Changes
Laurent O, Martin H, Doucelance R, Moyen J-F & Paquette J-L
(2008) Crystal Growth in Heterogeneous Magmas – 3D Visualization and Self-Affine Fractal Statistics
Slaby E, Martin H, Domonik A & Smigielski M
(2008) Sanukitoids: Transition from Felsic Melt- to Fluid-Dominated Mantle Metasomatism in Subduction Zones
Martin H, Moyen J-F & Rapp R
(2006) Experimental insights into slab-mantle interactions in subduction zones: melting of adakite-metasomatized peridotite and the origin of the 'arc signature'
Rapp RP, Laporte D, Martin H & Shimizu N

Martin I. (2016) Combining Microstructural and Isotopic Analysis of Baddeleyite to Unravel Solar System Bombardment
White L, Darling J, Moser D, Reinhard D, Horstwood M, Bullen D, Barker I, Prosa T, Olson D, Larson D, Clifton P, Lawrence D & Martin I
(2014) Applications of Atom Probe Tomography in Geological Science
Kelly T, Clifton P, Reinhard D, Prosa T, Olson D, Lawrence D, Martin I & Larson D
(2013) Tomography at Single-Atom Scale of 207Pb and 206Pb in a 4374 Ma Zircon
Valley J, Ushikubo T, Cavosie A, Reinhard D, Lawrence D, Martin I, Larson D, Clifton P, Kelly T, Wilde S, Moser D & Spicuzza M

Martin Jeremy (2023) Prey and Predators in the So’a Basin, Flores: Dietary Reconstructions Through Ca and Sr Isotopes in Fossil Enamel of Insular Pleistocene Taxa from Indonesia
Koutamanis D, Hassler A, Tacail T, Kurniawan I, Prasetyo Wibowo U, Martin J, Balter V, Dosseto A, Sutikna T & van den Bergh G
(2022) Strontium Isotopes Measurement of Certified Reference Materials, Igneous and Biological Apatite Samples Using the MC-ICP-MS Neoma in MS/MS Mode and Laser Ablation (LA-MC-ICP-MS/MS)
Telouk P, Guiserix D, Craig G, Martin J & Balter V
(2022) Tracing Diet and Niche Partitioning in Mesozoic Archosaurs and Dinosaurs Using Ca Isotopes
Davechand P, Hassler A, Bybee GM, Choiniere J, Martin J, Pochat-Cottilloux Y & Balter V
(2021) Lactation and Gestation Influence the Body Calcium Isotope Composition: Insights from Wild and Domestic Mammals
Hassler A, Martin J, Ferchaud S, Grivault D, Merceron G, Garel M, Tacail T, Le Goff S, Albalat E, Hernandez J-A & Balter V
(2021) Jurassic Ecology: An Insight into Dietary Dynamics Using Ca Stable Isotopes
Davechand P, Hassler A, Bybee GM, Choiniere J, Martin J & Balter V

Martin Jérémy E. (2018) Monitoring Dairy Consumption in Humans Using Calcium Isotopes
Tacail T, Berthet D, Herrscher E, Valentin F, Clark G & Martin JE

Martin John (2013) Understanding Shale Gas Plays Through the Application of Inorganic Geochemistry
Finlay A & Martin J

Martin Jonathan (2019) Implications of Recycling Flowback and Produced Water on Microbial Community Composition and Scale Formation
Flynn S, Zhong C, von Gunten K, Nesbø C, Warchola T, Snihur K, Sun C, Laniol B, Konhauser K, Martin J, Goss G & Alessi D
(2019) Shifts in Riverine Phosphorus Fluxes and Storage with Ice Sheet Retreat
Pain A, Martin J, Martin E & Rahman S
(2015) Weathering in Deglaciated Watersheds of Western Greenland
Martin E, Scribner C, Martin J & Deuerling K
(2015) Weathering in Modern Carbonate Terrains: Biological Controls on Redox Conditions, Dissolution and Atmospheric CO2 Fluxes
Martin J, Brown A, Ezell J, Pain A & Young C
(2014) Transients in the Biogeochemical Reaction Zone of Subterranean Estuaries
Martin J, Cable J, Roy M & Smith C
(2010) Submarine Groundwater Flux of Nd to Coastal Waters
Chevis D, Johannesson K, Burdige D, Cable J, Martin J & Roy M

Martin Jonathan W. (2015) Comprehensive Approach to the Characterization of Hydraulic Fracturing Flowback Wastewater
Flynn SL, He Y, Pereira A, Folkerts E, Martin JW, Goss GG & Alessi DS

Martin L (2006) Oxygen isotopes, REE and U-Pb behaviour during metamorphic zircon formation
Martin L, Duchene S, Deloule E & Vanderhaeghe O

Martin L. H. J. (2010) Experimental Element Partitioning between Silicate and Carbonatite Melts and Evidence for Liquid Immiscibility
Martin LHJ, Schmidt MW, Gunther D & Hametner K

Martin Laure (2014) Sediment-Eclogite Fluid Exchanges during Subduction in the Tavsanli Zone, Turkey
Gauthiez Putallaz L, Rubatto D, Hermann J, Martin L, Fornash K & Whitney D
(2013) Experimental Constraints on Carbon Recycling in Subducted Sediments and Altered Oceanic Crust
Hermann J & Martin L
(2011) Experimental Determination of CO2/H2O in Subduction Zone Fluids by GC-Tcd Analysis
Martin L & Hermann J

Martin Laure (2015) The O-isotope Composition of Karoo and Etendeka Picrites: High δ18O Mantle or Crustal Contamination?
Harris C, le Roux P, Cochrane R, Martin L, Duncan A, Marsh J, le Roex A & Class C

Martin Laure (2018) Lawsonite Oxygen Isotope and Trace Element Records of Subduction Fluids
Kang P, Whitney D, Martin L & Ghent E

Martin Laure (2020) Hydrothermal Cu-Co-Au Ore Formation during the Mesoarchean: Implications for Archean Cu-Co Metallogenesis
Fox D, Spinks S, Pearce M, Barham M, Kirkland C, Martin L & Aspandiar M
(2020) Is Paleoproterozoic Atmospheric Oxygenation Linked to the Emergence of Continents Above Sea-Level? Evidence from Sulfur and Oxygen Isotopic Signatures in Archean to Proterozoic Sediment-Derived Granitoids
Liebmann J, Spencer CJ, Bucholz CE, Kirkland CL, Martin L, Xia X-P & Kitchen N

Martin Laure (2016) Deep Carbon: SiC in Mantle- and Mantle-Generated Rocks
Huang J-X, Griffin W, Martin L, Toledo V & O'Reilly S
(2016) Stable Isotope Labelling as a Tool to Investigate Mineral-Fluid Interaction
Kilburn M, Fiorentini M, Piazolo S, Rushmer T, Reddy S, Martin L & Jeon H
(2016) Sulfur Isotopic Composition of the Sub-Continental Lithosphere Mantle
Alard O, Thomassot E, Martin L, Cartigny P & O'Reilly SY

Martin Laure (2021) Isotopic Modelling of Archean Crustal Evolution from Comagmatic Zircon--Apatite Pairs
Gillespie J, Kinny P, Kirkland C, Martin L, Nemchin A, Cavosie AJ & Hasterok D
(2021) Petrography, Petrology and Mineralogy of Eclogite Nodules from the Jwaneng Diamond Mine, Botswana. An Approach Documented by Mantle Metasomatism, Kimberlite Emplacement and Finally by Super Sonic Uplift of the Diamondiferous Host Rocks
Sommer H, Jacob D, Martin L & Regenauer-Lieb K

Martin Laure A J (2019) Sulfur Cycling in Altered Oceanic Crust of South China Sea Rift Margin from IODP Expedition 368
Hu S, Tian L, Wang X, Martin L, Schoneveld L, Barnes S, Pagès A & Ding W
(2019) Emergence of Continents Above Sea-Level Influences Composition of Sediment Melts
Liebmann J, Spencer C, Kirkland C, Bucholz C, He X, Tang L, Santosh M, Xia X, Martin L & Evans N
(2019) Origin of Zircon from the Talnakh Economic Ultramafic-Mafic Intrusion (Noril’sk Province, Russia): Evidence from Oxygen Isotope Data
Malitch K, Belousova E, Griffin W, Badanina I, Martin L & Sluzhenikin S
(2019) Mantle-Like Oxygen Isotopes in Kimberlites Determined by in situ SIMS Analyses of Zoned Olivine
Giuliani A, Martin LAJ, Soltys A & Griffin WL
(2019) Early Earth Evolution of the Pilbara Craton, with Implication for Continental Growth
Petersson A, Kemp A, Hickman A, Whitehouse M, Martin L & Gray C
(2019) Apatite Inclusions in Eoarchaean Zircon: Imaging and Analysis
Kinny P, Nemchin A, Martin L, Cavosie A, Jeon H, Kirkland C & Whitehouse M
(2019) In situ O Isotope Analyses in Lawsonite by SIMS: Application to Port Macquarie HP Rocks
Martin L & Galtier A
(2019) Zircon Oxygen and Hafnium Isotope Decoupling during Metamorphism of Sedimentary Rocks in the Albany Fraser Orogen, SW Australia
Hartnady M, Kirkland C, Martin L, Smithies H & Clark C

Martin Laure A.J. (2023) Natural Hydrogen in Low Temperature Geofluids in a Mesoproterozoic Granite, South Australia
Bourdet J, Delle Piane C, Wilske C, Mallants D, Suckow AO, Martin LAJ, Aleshin M, Gerber C, Crane P & Deslandes A
(2023) Authigenic Silica and Primary Productivity in the Mesoproterozoic Oceans: Insights from the Organic Rich Mudstones of the Velkerri Formation (Northern Territory Australia)
Delle Piane C, Millilken KL, Crombez V, Martin LAJ & Rickard WDA
(2023) Is the Primary Sulfur Isotope Signature of a Porphyry Cu-Magma Preserved in Zircon-Hosted Apatite?
Consuma G, Kemp A, Martin LAJ, Hagemann S, Fiorentini M & Tattitch B
(2023) Geochemical Study of Disseminated Nickel Sulfides from the Late Archean Shankaraghatta Ultramafic-Mafic Complex, Western Dharwar Craton (Southern India)
Mukherjee R, Fiorentini M & Martin LAJ
(2023) Noble Gas Analyses of Fluid Inclusions in the Deep Hiltaba Suite Granite (South Australia) Reveal Fluid Circulation on the Billion Year Time Scale
Wilske C, Suckow AO, Gerber C, Crane P, Deslandes A, Delle Piane C, Bourdet J, Questiaux D, Spooner N, Martin LAJ, Aleshin M & Mallants D
(2023) Tracing the Origin of Melt-Enhancing Fluids in TTGs via in situ Oxygen Isotopes
Volante S, Pourteau A, Li Z-X, Collins W, Doucet LS, Olierook H, Martin LAJ & Smit M
(2022) Crustal Growth and Reworking in the Early Archean Narryer Terrane: New Evidence from Strontium Isotopes in Apatite Inclusions
Gillespie J, Kinny P, Cavosie AJ, Kirkland CL, Martin LAJ, Roberts MP, Aleshin M, Fougerouse D, Quadir Z & Nemchin AA
(2022) Going Back in Time: Mineral Pitfalls and Associated SIMS Tricks
Martin LAJ, Gillespie J, Kirkland CL, Kinny P & Aleshin M
(2022) Deposition of Au-Rich Rims of Pyrite from a Carlin-Type Au Deposit
Wu Y, Evans K, Fougerouse D, Danyushevsky L, Olin P, Martin LAJ & Li J
(2022) Variation of Sulfur Isotopes in Indium-Rich Tin Deposits (Baal Gammon and Isabel) of Herberton Mineral Field, Queensland, Australia
Kumar A, Sanislav I, Martin LAJ & Dirks P
(2022) Nanoparticle Suspensions Elucidate High-Grade Gold Mineralisation Processes
Petrella L, Thebaud N, Fougerouse D, Tattitch B, Martin LAJ, Turner S, Suvorova A & Gain S
(2017) Moissanite in Volcanic Systems: Super-Reduced Conditions in the Mantle
Huang J, Xiong Q, Griffin W, Martin L, Toledo V & O'Reilly S
(2017) Textural, Chemical and Isotopic Record of Fluid-Rock Interactions in Lawsonite-Eclogite from Port Macquarie (Australia)
Martin LAJ, Galtier A, Kilburn MR & Guagliardo P
(2017) Origin of Zircons from the Kondyor Platinum-Bearing Massif (Russia): Evidence from U-Pb and Hf-O Isotopic Data
Badanina I, Belousova E, Malitch K, Griffin W & Martin L
(2017) Zircon O Isotope (18O/16O) Single-Grain Mapping Using LG-Sims
Jeon H, Kilburn M & Martin L

Martin Loic (2017) Thallium Sorption onto Illite and Smectite: Implications for Tl Mobility in the Environment
Martin L, Latrille C & Benedetti M

Martin Loïc (2023) Impact of Artisanal Gold Mining on Land Degradation and Soil Contamination in West Africa: Contribution of Remote Sensing and Geochemistry in Koma Bangou, Niger
Abass Saley A, Baratoux D, Ahoussi K, Yao KA, Baratoux L, Martin L, Resongles E, Maurice L & Bruneel O
(2016) Measurement of Free Radium and Thallium with Donnan Membrane Technique: Application to Complexation Study with Dissolved Organic Matter
Martin L, Simonucci C, Viollier E, Lascar E, Tharaud M, Courbet C, Gourgiotis A, Rad S & Benedetti M

Martin Loic A. (2023) Mercury and Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining in the Guianas: Insights from Aquatic and Terrestrial Environments
Martin LA, Maurice L, Diouf M, Landburg GA, Abielie J, Cameron C & Williams A
(2023) Multiple Exposure of Amerindian People to Toxic Metals: How Co-building the Communities Outreach and Empowerment?
Maurice L, Martin LA, Davy D, Laffont L, Decamp P-E, Lartigau F, Landburg GA, Abielie J & Williams A
(2019) Colloidal Transport of Rare Earth Elements in Rivers: Impact of Geological Setting and Human Activity
Martin LA, Koopmans GF, Groenenberg JE, Nobels PR & Hissler C
(2019) Role of Vegetation on Rare Earth Elements Mobilization in the Regolith Below Forest Ecosystems
Montemagno A, Hissler C, Martin LA, Bense V, Pfister L & Uiljenhoet R

Martin Louis (2012) 3D Visualization of the Horne Hydrothermal System
Taylor B, de Kemp E, Grunsky E, Martin L, Rigg D, Goutier J, Lauziere K & Dube B

Martin Lukas (2023) Tracer Transport and Reactive Transport Modeling of Clay-Concrete Interaction: The CI/CI-D Experiments at Mont Terri
Soler JM, Mäder U & Martin L

Martin M (2006) Submicron-Scale Isotopic Variations Within Biogenic ZnS Record the Mechanism and Kinetics of Extracellular Metal-Sulfide Biomineralization
Moreau J, Weber P, Martin M, Webb R, Gilbert B, Hutcheon I & Banfield J

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