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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Martin Blumenberg (2002) Molecular Evidence for Microorganisms in Recent and Ancient Methane-Related Settings
Michaelis W, Richard S, Katja N, Tina T, Martin B & Katrin K

Martin C (2005) Nucleation and Growth of Nano-Apatite: Applications to Biomineralisation
Schofield P, Valsami-Jones E, Sneddon R, Wilson J, Kirk C, Terrill N, Martin C, Lammie D & Wess T
(2005) Chemical Weathering and Erosion in New Zealand Monitored by Bedload and Suspended Sediments
Kautz C & Martin C
(2004) Controls on Calcium Phosphate Cluster Formation
Valsami-Jones E, Schofield P, Terrill N & Martin C
(2004) High Chemical Weathering Induced by Agricultural Pressure
Pierson-Wickmann A, Aquilina L, Martin C, Gascuel C & Jaffrezic A

Martin C. D. (2010) A New Structure of Xenon Clathrate Hydrate
Yang L, Tulk CA, Klug DD, Moudrakovski IL, Ratcliffe CI, Ripmeester JA, Chakoumakos BC, Ehm L, Martin CD & Parise JB

Martin Candace (2016) The Longevity of Archean Mantle Residues in the Convecting Upper Mantle and their Role in Young Continent Formation
Liu J, Scott J, Martin C & Pearson G

Martin Candace E. (2011) Ti-in-Quartz Thermometry of Siliciclastic Metasedimentary Rocks of the Otago Schist, New Zealand
Palin JM, King CL, Wilson A & Martin CE
(2011) Erosion Monitored by Riverine Sediment Ti-in-Quartz, Southern Alps, New Zealand
Martin CE, McKercher KB & Palin JM

Martin Caroline (2012) Chemical Weathering Fluxes Through a Coastal Aquifer, the Pingtung Plain, Southwest Taiwan
Martin C, Galy A, Hovius N, Bickle M, Lin I-T, Horng M-J, Calmels D, Chapman H & Chen H
(2011) Contribution of Groundwater to Chemical Weathering Fluxes in the Pingtung Plain, Taiwan
Martin C, Galy A, Hovius N, Bickle M, Lin I-T, Horng M-J, Calmels D, Chapman H & Chen H

Martin Céline (2021) Element Mobility Related to Low Temperature (<150℃) Hydrothermal Activity: Implication for (U-Th)/He Apatite Dating
Milesi G, Pérotin L, Monié P, Soliva R, Bosch D, Labasque T, Münch P, Taillefer A, Bruguier O, Bonno M & Martin C
(2020) Boron Isotopic Characterisation of Serpentinites from the Atlin Terrane, Canadian Cordillera: Evidence for Preserved Oceanic Core Complexes?
Bogatu A, Bédard JH, Labrousse L, Martin C, Tremblay A & Zagorevski A
(2017) Evaluation of Biases Affecting GDGT Proxies and their Consequences for Lacustrine Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction in Lake Saint Front (France)
Martin C, Ménot G, Thouveny N & Bard E
(2011) Nd and Hf Model Ages in the Western Gneiss Region, Norway: A New Way to Better Understand Mantle-Crust Evolution
Martin C, Duchêne S, Luais B & Deloule E
(2008) Tracking Precipitation Seasonality and Vegetation Features in Asian Oligo-Miocene Mammal Tooth Remains
Martin C & Bentaleb I
(2007) REE and HFSE Mobility from Eclogite to Amphibolite Metamorphism (Vårdalsneset, Norwegian Caledonides)
Martin C, Duchêne S, Luais B & Deloule E

Martin Celine (2023) The B Isotopic Signature of Serpentine from Supra Subduction Zone Ophiolites: Mixing of Fluids and Tectonic Implications
Martin C, Flores KE, Harlow G, Angiboust S, Hodel F & Guice GL
(2022) Record of Fluid-Rock Interaction in a Long-Lived Subduction Channel
Flores KE, Gazel E, Bonnet G, Martin C, Cai Y, Hemming SR, Hannes BK & Harlow G
(2021) The Boron Isotopic Signature of Serpentine from Obducted Ophiolites: Mixture of Fluids and Tectonic Implications
Martin C, Flores K, Harlow G, Angiboust S, Hodel F & Guice G
(2018) Mantle Metasomatism in Subduction Zones: Insight from in situ B Isotopes
Martin C, Flores K, Angiboust S, Vitale-Brovarone A & Harlow G
(2017) Boron Isotopes as Tracers of the Tectonic Origin and Geological History of Serpentinites in Subduction and Suture Zones
Martin C, Harlow G, Flores K & Angiboust S

Martin Christelle (2023) Insight of the Reactive Transport Models Developed to Understand the Corrosion Processes of High-Level Nuclear Waste
Marty N, Debure M, Michau N, Cochepin B, Linard Y, Tocino F & Martin C

Martin Cristina Crespo (2023) Seismic Fluid Geochemistry and Short- Imminent Forecasting of Earthquake
Li Y, Caracausi A, Mokhtari M, Yuce G, Nomikou P, Martinelli G, Yalcin Erik N, Martin CC, Hu L & Tian W

Martin Danielle (2016) Diagenetic History of Large Enigmatic Carbonate Concretions Woodford Shale Criner Hills Area Oklahoma
Martin D, Pashin J, Riedinger N, Gregg J & Gilhooly W

Martin David (2019) Geochemical Fingerprinting of Eccentricity-Related Cycles in ~2.5 Ga Banded Iron Formation
Lantink M, Davies J, Hennekam R, Hilgen F, Howard H, Martin D, Mason P, Reichart G-J & Schaltegger U

Martin David McB (2021) Milankovitch Climate Control on Redox Cyclicity at the Onset of the Great Oxidation Event
Lantink ML, Davies JHFL, Hennekam R, Hilgen FJ, Lenstra WK, Martin DM, Mason PRD, Reichart G-J, Ovtcharova M & Slomp CP

Martín Domingo (2023) Geochemical Behaviour and Potential Health Risk of Mine Waste Reclaimed for Agricultural Purposes in “La Preciosa II” Mine (South of Spain)
Romero-Baena AJ, Delgado J, Barba-Brioso C, Martín D, Campos P, Miras A & González I

Martin Ellen (2023) Evolution of δ13C of Surface Water Masses in the Southeastern Indian Ocean over the Last 50, 000 Years
Sikes EL, Umling N, Starr A, Glaubke R & Martin E
(2021) Global Continental and Marine Detrital εNd: An Updated Compilation for Use in Understanding Marine Nd Cycling
Robinson SM, Ivanovic R, van de Flierdt T, Blanchet CL, Tachikawa K, Martin E, Cook (Falco) C, Williams T, Gregoire L, Plancherel Y, Jeandel C & Arsouze T
(2021) Deglacial CO2 Release and Ventilation in the Indian Ocean Sector Attributed to a Southern Ocean Deep Gateway Effect
Sikes EL, Glaubke R, Umling NE, Wiliams TJ, Starr A & Martin E
(2020) Reduced Northern Source Water and Ventilation during the Last Glacial Maximum in the Indian Ocean Sector of the Southern Ocean Linked to a “Deep Gateway” Effect
Sikes E, Williams T, Starr A & Martin E
(2020) Measuring Ocean Uptake of Anthropogenic CO2 in the Southeastern Indian Ocean: Changes in the 13C Suess Effect over the Last Decade
Wagner A, Williams T, Sikes E & Martin E
(2019) Shifts in Riverine Phosphorus Fluxes and Storage with Ice Sheet Retreat
Pain A, Martin J, Martin E & Rahman S

Martin Ellen E. (2015) A Holocene History of Dynamic Redox Conditions in the Landsort Deep, Baltic Sea
Hardisty D, Riedinger N, Lyons T, Planavsky N, Andrén T, Jorgensen B, Slomp C, Ash J, Bauersachs T & Martin E
(2015) Weathering in Deglaciated Watersheds of Western Greenland
Martin E, Scribner C, Martin J & Deuerling K
(2014) Antarctic Weathering during the Middle Miocene Climatic Optimum and Climate Transition
Martin E, Basak C, Cook C & Fenn C
(2011) Pb Isotopic History of Weathering on Antarctica during the Eocene-Oligocene Transition
Martin E & Basak C
(2010) Extraction and Reliability of Pb Isotopes Derived from Fe-Mn Bearing Phases in Deep Marine Sediments
Basak C & Martin EE
(2010) Pliocene-Pleistocene Record of Sea-Ice Expansion in the North Pacific
Horikawa K, Martin E, Basak C & Sakamoto T
(2009) Circulation in the North Atlantic during the Late Cretaceous Based on Nd Isotopes
Martin E, MacLeod K, Bourbon E, Jimenez Berrocoso A, Isaza-Londono C & Basak C
(2002) Circulation of Eocene to Pliocene Intermediate Water Masses in the Indian Ocean: Evidence from Fossil Fish Teeth Nd Isotopes
Scher HD, Martin EE & Haase AA

Martin Erin (2017) Evaluation of Full-Plate Reconstructions of the Neoproterozoic Using Hf Isotopes in Zircon
Martin E, Collins W, Collins A & Spencer C

Martin Erin L (2021) Making our Resources More Minable: Web-Scraping and Standardization of Data Formatting
Martin EL, Barrote V & Cawood PA
(2019) Opposed Accretionary Orogens at the Core of a Supercontinent: Isotopic Tracers of the Orogens that Assembled Rodinia
Martin EL, Spencer CJ, Collins WJ & Roberts NM
(2019) Social Media as a Platform for Promoting Experiences of Women in Science and Leveling the Playing Field
Martin EL & Spencer CJ

Martin Erwan (2023) Fluid Sources and Pathways in Detachments along mcc Exhumation: Barite Isotopy and Fluid Salinity in Mykonos and Serifos – Cyclades, Greece
De Bue H, Faure A, Verlaguet A, Do Couto D, Jolivet L, Homberg C & Martin E
(2023) Nitrates Production by Volcanic Lightning during Explosive Eruptions and Impact on Life Development
Contamine D, Martin E, Aroskay A, Bekki S & Szopa S
(2017) Multiple Sulfur and Oxygen Isotope Measurements on Sulfates from High to Low-Temperature Formation Whitin Volcanic and Anthropogenic Plumes
Le Gendre E, Martin E, Bekki S & Cartigny P
(2017) Modeling the Pathways of Generation of O-Mif in Tropospheric Sulfates
Galeazzo T, Bekki S & Martin E
(2016) Geochemical Characterization of a High Resolution DC Electrical Resistivity Tomography Crossing the Summit Craters of Mt Etna
Finizola A, Ricci T, Sciarra A, Delcher E, Antoine R, Peltier A, Neri M, Bernard J, Brothelande E, Fargier Y, Fauchard C, Foucart B, Gailler L, Gusset R, Lazarte Zerpa I, Martin E, Mezon C, Poret M, Portal A & Rossi M
(2012) Isotopic Insight into Volcanic Sulfate Formation in the Troposphere
Martin E, Bekki S, Ninin C & Bindeman I
(2010) Multi-Isotopes (17O, 18O, 34S) Study of Volcanic Sulfate from Modern Tropospheric Eruptions
Martin E & Bindeman I
(2009) Hydrogen Isotope Analyses of Hydrous Glasses by TC/EA System
Martin E, Bindeman I, Palandri J & Johnston D
(2008) Detailed “Supervolcanic” Ash Record in Dry Lake Tecopa, California: δ34S, δ18O and Δ17O of Soluble Volcanic Sulfate
Martin E & Bindeman I

Martin F J Flower (2009) Nomenclature, Diagnosis and Origin of High-Magnesian Andesits(HMA) and Magnesian Andesits(MA): A Review from Petrographic and Experimental Data
Deng J, Martin FJF, Liu C, Mo X, Su S & Wu Z

Martin Francisco (2013) Trace Metals in Plants of Chadak Gold Ore Field, Uzbekistan
Kodirov O, Martin F & Shukurov N
(2011) Geochemistry and Mineralogy of the Arid Region, Hormozgan Province (Southern Iran), in Relation with Geo-Pedological Factors of Soil Evolution
Abbaslou H, Martin F, Abtahi A & Javad PoorgohardiI M
(2001) Chemical Weathering in a High Elevation Watershed in the French Pyrenees: New Insight on the Mineralogical Controls and Fluxes during Weathering in a Granitic Environment
Oliva P, Dupré B, Martin F, Darrozes J & Escalier J

Martin François (2008) Chemical Weathering of Mafic Rocks in Boreal Environment (NW Russia)
Vasyukova E, Oliva P, Pokrovsky O, Viers J, Martin F, Dupre B & Bychkov A

Martin Frédéric (2022) Impact of a CO2 Leak on the Release of Trace Elements in a Shallow Carbonated Freshwater Aquifer in Relation to Hydrodynamic Conditions
Rossi L, Loisy C, Cerepi A, Le Roux O, Estublier A, Noirez S, Martin F, Hautefeuille B, Brichart T & Garcia B
(2022) Using Noble Gas Concentrations and δ13C to Monitor CO2 Leakage in a Carbonate Freshwater Shallow Aquifer
Noirez S, Julia G, Ekambas P, Martin F, Vermesse H, Garcia B, Estublier A, Leroux O, Loisy C, Rossi L, Brichart T, Hautefeuille B & Cerepi A
(2021) Dissolved Trace Metals Dynamics during a rich-CO2-water Leakage in a Near-Surface Carbonate Freshwater Aquifer
Rossi L, Loisy C, Cerepi A, Petit A, Le Roux O, Estublier A, Noirez S, Martin F, Hautefeuille B, Brichart T & Garcia B
(2021) Geochemical Monitoring of CO2 and CH4 Injection in a Carbonate Shallow Aquifer
Julia G, Noirez S, Vermesse H, Ekambas P, Arfi L, Martin F, Estublier A, Garcia B, Loisy C, Rossi L, Cerepi A, Le Roux O & Petit A
(2021) Development of a Downhole Sampler and an Integrated Analysis System for Gas Content Determination in an Aquifer Fluid (Major, Noble Gas and Isotopic Meaurement). Application in situ on a Geothermal Well
Noirez S, Julia G, Martin F, Ekambas P, Estublier A, Ricroch P, Lajarthe M, Cazeaux D & Savay-Guerraz G
(2020) Using Noble Gas Concentrations and δ13C to Monitor CO2 Leakage in a Carbonate Freshwater Shallow Aquifer
Noirez S, Thomas B, Lavielle B, Baldassari A, Bachaud P, Bouquet S, Vermesse H, Ekambas P, Martin F, Estublier A, Garcia B, Brichart T, Chiquet P, Luu van Lang L, Gance J, Texier B, Hautefeuille B, Leroux O, Loisy C, Petit A, Rossi L, Kennedy S & Cerepi A

Martin Gary R. (2015) The Expression Levels of Cellular Prion Protein Affect Copper Isotopic Shifts in the Organs of Mice
Miller K, Keenan CM, Martin GR, Sharkey KA, Jirik FR & Wieser ME

Martin Gerzabek (2017) Microscopic Analysis of the Structure, Dynamics, and Adsorption Properties of the Standard Leonardite Humic Acid Using Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Drazen P, Daniel T, Martin G & Chris O

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