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Martens Uwe (2015) The Destruction and Growth of Lower Continental Crust along a Paleozoic Active Margin: An Example from Chiapas, Mexico
Weber B, González R, Cisneros A, Manjarrez R & Martens U

Martens Uwe (2007) Detrital Zircon Ages of Metamorphic and Sedimentary Rocks from the Maya Block (Middle America)
Weber B, Valencia V & Martens U

Martes C. (2017) Transport of Organic Carbon and Mineral Associations from Soil to Sea in the Godavari River Basin (India)
Kirkels F, Usman M, Zwart H, Basu S, Martes C, Lupker M, Eglinton T & Peterse F

Martha G. (2019) An Experimental Study of Trace Metal Regeneration and Implications for the Amazon River Estuary
Hollister AP, Buck KN, Hubbard K, Robert M, Tilney CL, Schlosser C, Martha G & Koschinsky A

Marti D. (2011) Fluid Inclusions in Stalagmites Used as a Quantitative Thermometer in Paleoclimate Research
Krüger Y, Marti D, Hidalgo Staub R, Fleitmann D & Frenz M

Martí J. (2019) Deciphering Deception Island’s Magma Plumbing System: An Interdisciplinary Approach
Geyer A, Álvarez-Valero AM, Gisbert G, Aulinas M, Hernández-Barreña D, Lobo A & Martí J

Marti Joan (2021) Observing the Plutonic-Volcanic Connection
Martí J
(2019) Magma Hybridization Recorded in Banded Pumices from the 0.17 Ma El Abrigo Eruption, Tenerife: Preliminary Results
González-García D, Perugini D, Giordano D, Vasseur J, Martí J & Dingwell DB
(2016) Dykes, Crystals, and Seismic Unrest of Monogenetic Eruptions
Albert H, Costa F & Marti J
(2009) Time Scales of Magmatic Processes of Mafic Historical Eruptions from Tenerife, Canary Islands
Costa F & Marti J
(2007) Time Series Diffusion Experiments with Alkaline Natural Melts
Teixidó F, De Campos C, Martí J & Dingwell D

Marti K. (2008) Muon Produced Neon in Quartz at Large Depths: BeNe Project Progress Report
Fernández-Mosquera D, Marti K, Hahm D, Vidal-Romani JR, Braucher R & Bourles D
(2006) Mantle dynamics in the Hadean : Earth and Mars
Marty B, Yokopchi R & Marti K
(2003) The Xenon Record of the Evolution of Mars
Marty B, Mathew K & Marti K
(2003) Cosmogenic NE in Terrestrial Quartz: How to Correct the Trapped Component
Fernandez Mosquera D, Marti K & Vidal Romani J
(2002) Acapulco Recorded an Early Asteroidal Heat Pulse
Marti K, Kim Y, Min K, Renne P & Farley K
(2002) Martian Xenology
Marty B, Mathew K & Marti K

Martí Vicenç (2007) Uptake of U(VI) by Hydrated and Degraded Cement
Colas E, Grivé M, Gaona X, Duro L, Rojo I, Rovira M, Martí V & de Pablo J

Martí Vicens (2013) Human Health Risk Assessment of a Closed Landfill Based on Direct Gas Measurements
Jubany I, Gallego E, Giménez J, Martí V, Perales JF, Roca FJ & de Pablo J
(2008) Antimony(V) Sorption and Mobility in Calcareous Soils
Martínez-Lladó X, Rovira M, Martí V, Giménez J & de Pablo J

Marti-Arbona R. (2020) Aqueous Chemistry Influences Uranium Isotope Fractionation
Jemison N, Boukhalfa H, Marti-Arbona R, Yeager C, Williams R & Xu N
(2019) Mechanisms of Uranium Isotope Fractionation
Jemison N, Boukhalfa H, Marti-Arbona R, Yeager C & Xu N
(2019) Rock Varnish: Implications for Biosignatures on Mars
Marti-Arbona R, Lanza N, Teshima M, Lingappa U, Fischer W & Yeager C

Martignier A. (2019) Investigating the Potential of Intracellular Mineral Inclusions in Microalgae as a Novel Bioremediation Method for Radioactive 90Sr Water Pollution
Segovia Campos I, Martignier A, Jaquet J-M, Filella M, Barja F & Ariztegui D
(2017) Widespread Occurence of Unicellular Eukaryotes Forming Amorphous Carbonate Inclusions
Martignier A, Jaquet J-M, Filella M & Ariztegui D

Martignole J. (2003) Mantle Signature of Trace Element-Poor Zircon from the Cabonga Nepheline Syenite Complex (Grenville Province, Western Québec)
Hudon P, Martignole J & Gauthier G

Martin A (2005) Standardless XRF Analysis for LOI-Rich Rock Samples by Scatter Fundamental Parameter Method
Martin A

Martin A. M. (2001) Metal Adsorption onto Bacterial Surfaces: Development of a Predictive Approach
Fein JB, Martin AM & Wightman PG

Martin Adam (2020) The Great Oxidation Event Preceded a Paleoproterozoic ‘snowball Earth’
Warke M, Di Rocco T, Zerkle A, Lepland A, Prave A, Martin A, Ueno Y & Claire M
(2018) On the Orgin of Intraplate Volcanism in Antarctica
Panter K, Castillo P, Krans S, Reindel J, Martin A & Smellie J
(2013) A δ13C Record from Marine Carbonates Deposited Below Diamictites between ca. 2430 and 2440 Ma
Brasier A, Martin A, Melezhik V, Prave A, Condon D & Fallick A

Martin Adam P. (2015) Trends in the Inorganic Species Budget of New Zealand Soils (Southern South Island): Natural Versus Anthropogenic Change
Martin AP, Rattenbury MS, Turnbull RE & Christie AB
(2015) Lithospheric Mantle Evolution of the Western Ross Sea Area in the West Antarcic Rift System
Doherty C, Class C, Goldstein S, Shirey S, Martin A, Cooper A & Berg J
(2015) Paleoproterozoic Organic Carbon Burial Events and δ13Corg Excursions: Global or Regional Controls?
Lepland A, Martin A, Prave A & Eichinger F

Martin Adran P. (2019) ‘Lab-on-Chip’ Sensor for in situ Determination of Silicate in Natural Waters
Clinton-Bailey GS, Beaton AD, Patey MD, Davey EL, Fowell SE, Martin AP, White SN, Birchill AJ & Mowlem MC

Martin Adrian (2021) Hydrothermal Iron Supply to the Remote Southeast Pacific Ocean
Birchill AJ, Baker C, Wyatt N, Turnbull I, Milne A, Martin A, Moore M & Ussher S
(2018) Differential Coupling of Oceanic Nutrient Cycles Controlled Through Maximum Biotic Uptake Ratios
Moore M, Bernardello R & Martin A
(2017) A Unifying Framework for the Multi-Nutrient Ocean
Moore M, Bernardello R & Martin A

Martin Alan (2012) Advanced Geological Applications Using XRF Elemental Mapping and Small Spot Analysis
Martin A, Bonvin D, Shaffer C & Juchli K
(2012) Unveiling Key Players in the Geological Disposal Environment
Suzuki Y, Fukuda A, Konnno U, Kouduka M, Hagiwara H, Martin A, Takeno N, Ito K & Mizuno T
(2008) Authigenic Cyanide Phases in Mine-Impacted Lake Sediments
Jambor J & Martin A
(2008) Determination of Species-Specific Selenium Exchange Fluxes Across the Sediment-Water Interface
Wallschläger D, London J, Chen Y-W, Belzile N & Martin A

Martin Andrew (2019) Assessing Magmatic Volatile Flux in Ancient VMS Systems
Martin A, Keith M, Parvaz D, McDonald I, Boyce A, McFall K, Jenkin G & MacLeod C
(2017) Just Plain Pyrite? Understanding Te and Se in Cyprus-Type VMS Deposits
Martin A, McDonald I, Prichard H & Jenkin G
(2011) LTD Phase I.: Long-Term Real-Scale Diffusion Experiment Results
Havlova V, Martin A, Eikenberg J & Sus F

Martin Ashley (2020) The Trace Element Composition of a Range of Modern and Archean Microbial Carbonates
Martin A, Unruh C, Lazarov M, Markowska M, Junginger A, Bischoff K, Chivas A & Weyer S
(2019) Uranium Isotope Fractionation Across the GOE Boundary: Insights from a New Dataset and Changepoint Analyses
Martin A, Brueske A, Lazarov M & Weyer S
(2017) Probing the Groundwater Cycle on Carbonate Islands Using Si and Li Isotopes, Rottnest Island, Australia
Martin A, Meredith K, Baker A, Bryan E & Norman M
(2013) Developing the Comminution Age Technique: Isolating the Detrital Minerals
Martin A & Dosseto A

Martin Ashley N. (2023) The Formation of Stratabound V Rich Highly Metalliferous Black Shales
Gregory DD, McGill D, Concepcion DBC, Reynolds MA, Schuth S, Martin AN & Brueckner SM
(2023) Deciphering U Isotope Signatures of Archean Banded Iron Formations
Weyer S, Lazarov M, Martin AN & Viehmann S
(2023) Controls on the Vanadium Isotope Composition (δ51V) of Euxinic Sediments from the Abyssal Plain of the Black Sea
Martin AN, Schuth S, Dellwig O & Weyer S
(2022) Are Microbial Carbonates Reliable Archives for the Redox State of the Precambrian Oceans and Atmosphere?
Martin AN & Weyer S
(2021) Stable Isotope Analyses of Fluid Inclusions in Speleothems: Opportunities and Challenges for their Application as Paleo-Temperature Archives
Markowska M, Levy E, de Graaf S, Scholz D, Martin AN, Petraglia M, Groucutt HS, Martinez-Garcia A, Treble PC, Baker A, Haug GH & Vonhof H
(2021) The Uranium Isotopic Composition of Lacustrine Holocene Stromatolites from the East African Rift System
Martin AN, Markowska M, Junginger A & Weyer S
(2021) Uranium Isotopic Fractionation in Microbial Mats Forming on Marine Sands from the Dutchisland Schiermonnikoog
Unruh CS, Martin AN, Weyer S & Dultz S

Martin Audrey (2013) Fayalite Oxidation Processes at Obsidian Cliffs, Oregon
Martin A, Médard E, Devouard B, Keller L, Righter K, Devidal J-L & Rahman Z

Martin Bart (2018) Using Geochemistry to Help Answer Stratigraphic and Petrogenetic Questions in the Wanapum Basalt, Columbia River Basalt Group
Martin B

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