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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Marshall Timothy (2016) The Stability of Colloidal U(VI) Nanoparticles Under Alkaline Conditions in the Presence of Quartz, Orthoclase, & Cement Phases
Hibberd R, Law G, Bryan N, Bots P, Marshall T, Shaw S & Morris K
(2015) Controls on the Fate and Speciation of Np(V) during Iron (Oxyhydr)oxide Crystallisation
Bots P, Shaw S, Law G, Marshall T, Mosselmans F & Morris K
(2015) Incorporation of Technetium-99 into Nanoparticulate Magnetite
Shaw S, Marshall T, Morris K, Law G, Bots P & Mosselmans F

Marshall V. (2013) Crustal Evolution during Granite Emplacement: Inheritance and Development of Heat-Producing Element Enrichment
Marshall V, Knesel K, Bryan S, Allen C & Uysal T

Marshall W.G. (2001) Hydrogen Positions in Leucophoenicite, Mn7Si3O12(OH)2, and a Comparison with the Hydrous B Phases
Welch MD, Marshall WG, Ross NL & Knight KS

Marsico R. (2013) Dark Production of Reactive Oxygen Species in Freshwaters
Voelker B, Marsico R, Schneider R, Hansel C & Zhang T

Marsiske Maximiliam R (2021) Immobilization of Metals in Low pH M-S-H Cement
Ruiz Agudo C, Marsiske MR, Di Lorenzo F & Bernard E

Marsiske Maximilian (2020) Magnesium-Silicate-Hydrate (M-S-H) Nucleation in Presence of Polymeric Additives
Marsiske M & Ruiz-Agudo C

Marske Jared (2015) Petrology and Geochemical Evolution of Lavas from the Ongoing and Voluminous Puu Oo Eruption of Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii
Garcia M, Pietruszka A, Marske J, Norman M, Rhodes JM & Greene A

Marske Jared (2014) Lead Isotopic Evolution of Kīlauea Volcano, Hawaiʻi
Pietruszka A, Marske J, Heaton D, Burns D & Garcia M
(2013) Investigating the Link between Magmatic Volatiles and Mantle Source Lithology in the Hawaiian Plume: A View from Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions, Glasses, and Osmium Isotopes
Marske J, Hauri E, Garcia M & Pietruszka A
(2012) The Origin of Chemical Heterogeneity in the Hawaiian Mantle Plume
Pietruszka A, Norman M, Garcia M, Marske J & Burns D
(2011) Mantle Controls on the Geochemistry of Kīlauea Lavas Erupted over the Last Millennium
Burns D, Pietruszka A, Norman M, Marske J, Garcia M & Rhodes JM
(2011) Short Magma Residence Times for Kilauea Volcano Based on High-Precision Pb Isotope Ratios
Heaton D, Pietruszka A, Garcia M & Marske J

Marske Jared (2018) A High Carbon Content of the Hawaiian Mantle from Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions
Tucker J, Hauri E, Marske J, Garcia M, Pietruszka A & Trusdell F

Marsset B. (2015) High-Resolution 3D Seismic Imaging of the Utu Uli Mn-Ni Deposit
Thomas Y, Pelleter E, Marsset B, Ker S, Fouquet Y, Alix A-S, Cheron S & Etoubleau J

Marston R. (2005) Monazite Records of Deformation within the Himalayan Main Central Thrust Shear Zone, NW India
Catlos E, Dubey C, Marston R & Harrison M

Marteau P. (2017) Development and Interpretation of Activity Test for Microbial Transformation of Inorganic Arsenic
Lescure T, Thouin H, Marteau P, Bauda P, Gautret P & Battaglia-Brunet F

Martegani L. (2023) Triple Oxygen Isotopes Provide Insights into Hydrological and Climatological Controls of Ephemeral Lakes in Southern Spain
Voigt C, Gázquez F, Martegani L & Rodríguez-Rodríguez M
(2023) Triple Oxygen and Hydrogen Stable Isotopes of Gypsum Hydration Water in Sub-Actual Playa-Lakes Sediments: Implications for Paleoclimate Reconstructions
Gázquez F, Martegani L & Voigt C

Marteinsson V. (2016) Physicochemical Context Synthesis for the MASE Mars Analogue Sites
Monaghan E, Ehrenfreund P, Cockell C, Schwendner P, Rettberg P, Belbo-Vranesevic K, Bohmeier M, Rabbow E, Westall F, Gaboyer F, Walter N, Moissl-Eichinger C, Perras A, Gomez F, Amils R, Garcia L, Marteinsson V & Vannier P

Martel C. (2023) An Experimental Study of Storage (P, T, x-H2O, fO2) Conditions beneath Krafla Central Volcano (Iceland)
Rusiecka M, Rooyakkers S & Martel C
(2023) Lithium in Felsic Magmas: A Volcanological Perspective
Dupont de Dinechin M, Balcone-Boissard H, Martel C & Rusiecka M
(2023) Pre-Eruptive Architecture and Reactivation Timescales Prior to the 1956 Climactic Eruption of Bezymianny Volcano (Kamchatka, Russia)
Ostorero L, Martel C, Balcone-Boissard H, Boudon G, Erdmann S, d'Augustin T, Belousov A, Belousova M & Davydova V
(2022) Nucleation Delay of Feldspar in Water Saturated Rhyolite during Decompression in Shallow Volcanic Systems
Rusiecka M & Martel C
(2021) Sulphur Behaviour and Oxygen Fugacity Variation in Mt. Etna System Revealed by Melt Inclusions
Gennaro EM, Iacono-Marziano G, Paonita A, Moussallam Y, Peters N, Pichavant M & Martel C
(2017) Melt Inclusions Track Changes in Chemistry and Oxidation State of Etnean Magmas
Gennaro E, Iacono-Marziano G, Paonita A, Rizzo A, Martel C, Rotolo S, Liotta M & Pichavant M
(2016) Melt Inclusions Constrain S Behaviour and Redox Conditions in Etnean Magmas
Gennaro E, Iacono-Marziano G, Rizzo A, Paonita A, Liotta M, Pichavant M, Martel C & Rotolo S
(2015) Sulfur Behavior in Etnean Magmatic System (Italy)
Gennaro E, Iacono-Marziano G, Rizzo A, Pichavant M, Paonita A, Liotta M, Rotolo S & Martel C

Martel E. (2022) Discovery of a Giant Juvenile 3.3–3.1 Ga Terrane in the Rae Craton, Canada
Neil B, Tersmette DB, Chacko T, Heaman LM, Kjarsgaard BA, Martel E, Creaser RA, Pearson DG, Stern RA, Dufrane SA & Luo Y
(2017) The Effects of Metamorphism on the Preservation of Crystallization and Detrital Ages: A Case Study from the Archean Rae Craton (Canada)
Regis D, Acosta-Gongora P, Davis W, Knox B, Pehrsson S & Martel E

Marteleto T.D.P. (2023) Lithium Isotopes in Groundwater and its Apparent Age in Connected Aquifers
Enzweiler J, Marteleto TDP & de Abreu AES

Martelli M. (2014) Real-Time Measurements of Concentration and Isotope Composition of Atmospheric and Volcanic CO2 at Mt. Etna (Italy)
Jost H, Rizzo A, Caracausi A, Paonita A, Liotta M & Martelli M
(2013) A Two-Component Mantle Below Mt Etna Volcano: Evidences from Noble Gas and Trace Element Geochemistry of Primitive Products
Correale A, Paonita A, Martelli M, Rizzo A, Rotolo S, Corsaro RA & Di Renzo V
(2013) Magma Dynamics at Mount Etna (Italy) Inferred from Geochemistry of Gas Emissions
Caracausi A, Martelli M, Paonita A & Rizzo AL
(2013) Sulfur and Chlorine Isotopes in Volcanic Products at Mt. Etna, Italy
Liotta M, Rizzo AL, Paonita A, Barnes JD, Caracausi A, Corsaro R & Martelli M
(2013) Helium Isotopes Signature of Mafic Volcanics at Stromboli (Italy) during its Magmatic Evolution
Martelli M, Rizzo A, Renzulli A, Ridolfi F, Arienzo I & Rosciglione A
(2009) Geochemical Fluxes Associated to the Betic Subduction (Spain): Helium Isotopic Analyses of Mantle Xenoliths
Martelli M, Bianchini G & Beccaluva L
(2009) Methane Fluxes from the Soils in Active Volcanic Areas: The Case of Pantelleria Island (Italy)
D'Alessandro W, Bellomo S, Brusca L, Longo M, Martelli M & Pecoraino G
(2004) He-Sr Isotope Constraints on the Mantle beneath the Monte Vulture Volcano, Southern Italy
Paternoster M, Martelli M, Stuart F & Nuccio M
(2004) Source of Radiogenic He in the Mantle Wedge: Constraints from Italian Plio-Quaternary Volcanism
Martelli M, Di liberto V, Ellam R, Nuccio P & Stuart F

Martellini T. (2023) Preliminary Assessment of Microplastic Abundance and Spatial Distribution along the Surface Water Pathway of the Arno River (Central Italy)
Monnanni A, Rimondi V, Morelli G, Nannoni A, Cabigliera SB, Martellini T, Laurati M, Ciani F, Cincinelli A, Lattanzi P & Costagliola P

Märten A. (2021) The Fate of (Ultra)trace Elements along a Steep Redox Gradient in Mesoscale Laboratory Lysimeters
Böhm M, Jara-Heredia D, Märten A, Quinto F & Schäfer T
(2019) Determining pH-Gradients and CO2-O2-dynamics in the Capillary Fringe of a Meso-Scaled Lysimeter Approach with Different Soil Types by Planar Optodes
Märten A, Böhm M & Schäfer T
(2017) PIXE Microanalysis of Birch Roots Colonized by Ectomycorrhizal Fungi: New Insights into Metal Distribution and Potential Tolerance Mechanisms
Märten A, Merten D, Formann S, Kelemen M, Vavpetič P, Pelicon P & Vogel-Mikuš K
(2015) Does Birch Vegetation Influence the Bioavailability of Metals in U Mining Affected Substrate? A Mesocosm Experiment
Märten A, Merten D, Kothe E & Büchel G
(2013) Time Resolved Monitoring of Uranium Contamination of Oak Trees
Merten D, Berger D, Märten A & Köhler M

Martens A. (2023) How Were Crystallization Pressures and Temperatures Affected by Temporal and Morphological Changes in the Last 2 Ma beneath Martinique Island?
Martens A & Germa A

Martens C.S. (2014) In situ Measurements of Methane in the Benthic Boundary Layer Near Natural Hydrocarbon Seeps in the Deep Northern Gulf of Mexico
Martens C & Mendlovitz H
(2002) Radon-222 Determination of CO2 and Trace Gas Exchange Rates between Forest Canopies and the Troposphere in Brazilian Amazonia
Martens CS, Shay TJ, Mendlovitz HP, Menton MC, Moura JMS & Moraes OLL

Martens E. (2010) Humic Colloid-Associated Migration of Radionuclides in an Argillaceous Formation
Bruggeman C, Maes N, Salah S, Martens E, Wang L, Van Gompel M & Brassinnes S

Martens J. (2015) An NMR View of Nucleation Theory for Zeolites Crystallization
Taulelle F, Van Tendeloo L, Kirschhock CEA, Martens J, Breynaert E & Haouas M

Martens Johan A. (2014) A Unifed NMR View of Silicates from Zeolites to Ionic Liquids
Haouas M, Van Tendeloo L, Breynaert E, Kirschhock CEA, Martens J & Taulelle F
(2013) Zeolites as Ion Exchanger in Harsh Ultra-Alkaline Conditions
Breynaert E, Van Tendeloo L, Gobechiya E, Wangermez W, Deblochouse B, Martens JA, Kirschhock CEA & Maes A

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