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Marshall Christopher (2019) Capturing Seasonal Changes in Microbial Interactions Across Redox Dynamic Environments
Weisenhorn P, Flynn T, Marshall C, O'Loughlin E, Henry C & Kemner K
(2017) Microbial Community Development Under Iron-Reducing Conditions in Wetland Sediment Microcosms Amended with Electron Shuttles
Flynn T, Sladek M, Jensvold Z, Marshall C, Antonopoulos D, Koval J, Kemner K & O'Loughlin E
(2012) Warm Arctic Peatlands – Future Methane Factories?
Marshall C, Large D, Meredith W, Snape C, Spiro B & Jochmann M

Marshall Craig
(2013) Raman Hyperspectral Imaging of Carbonaceous Materials and Hematite: Potential Misinterpretations
Marshall C & Olcott Marshall A
(2013) Delineating Biotic and Abiotic Carbonaceous Material in the Apex Chert
Olcott Marshall A, Jehlicka J, Rouzaud J-N & Marshall C
(2010) Delineating Primary and Secondary Organic Carbon in Neoproterozoic Glacial Sediments
Olcott Marshall A & Marshall C
(2010) A New Approach to Molecularly Characterize the Biology and Economic Utility of Oil Shales
Marshall C & Olcott Marshall A
(2010) Vanadium: A New Biomarker of Ancient Life
Emry J, Olcott Marshall A & Marshall C
(2007) Deciphering the Record of Early Life in Precambrian Oceans Using Combined Microscopy and Microchemistry of Organic-Walled Microfossils
Javaux E & Marshall C

Marshall D. D. (2001) Emeralds in Canada: The Crown Showing, Southeastern Yukon
Groat LA, Marshall DD, Giuliani G, Ercit TS, Gault RA, Wise MA, Wengzynowski W & Eaton WD

Marshall Dan (2013) A New Model for Emerald Mineralisation and Boiling as a Mechanism for Emerald Zoning and Colouration
Marshall D, Loughrey L, Hewton M & Xue G

Marshall David (2013) The Role of Mesoscale Ocean Eddies in the Glacial Cycle of Atmospheric pCO2
Munday D, Johnson H & Marshall D

Marshall David L (2019) Comparing Ozone and Nitrous Oxide as Reaction Cell Gases for Rb-Sr Isotope Analyses with QQQ ICPMS
Allen CM, DeBruyn M, Marshall DL, Haroumi Moromizato K, Poad B & Blanksby SJ

Marshall Edward (2022) Rapid Source Shifting of a Deep Magmatic System Revealed by the Fagradalsfjall Eruption, Iceland
Halldorsson SA, Marshall E, Caracciolo A, Matthews S, Bali E, Rasmussen M, Ranta E, Gunnarsson-Robin J, Guðfinnsson GH, Sigmarsson O, Maclennan J, Jackson M, Whitehouse MJ, Jeon H, van der Meer QHA, Mibei G, Kalliokoski M, Repczynska M, Rúnarsdóttir R, Sigurdsson G, Pfeffer M, Scott S, Kjartansdóttir R, Kleine BI, Clive O, Aiuppa A, Ilyinskaya E, Bitetto M, Giudice G & Stefánsson A
(2020) The Boron Isotope Systematics of Icelandic Basalts and Melt Inclusions
Marshall E, Halldorsson S, Ranta E, Caracciolo A, Bali E, Jeon H, Whitehouse M & Stefansson A
(2018) Xenolith Constraints on “Self Assimilation” and the Origin of Low δ18O Values in Mauna Kea Basalts
Anderson D, Lassiter J & Marshall E
(2018) Understanding the (Mis)behavior of Water Contents in Nominally Anhydrous Mantle Minerals
Marshall E, Lassiter J & Barnes J
(2016) Diopside and Magnetite Lamellae in Olivine Xenocyrsts from the Colorado Plateau: Former Ringwoodite?
Sakamaki K, Sato Y, Marshall E & Ogasawara Y
(2016) Constraints on the Petrogenesis of the Laurentian 1.4 Ga Pluton Belt: A Sm-Nd and Lu-Hf Isotope Study of Peridotite Xenoliths from the Colorado Plateau
Marshall E, Lassiter J & Barnes J

Marshall Edward W. (2023) Thorium, Sr and Nd Isotope Ratios in Basalts from the 2021-2022 Fagradalshraun, Iceland
Sigmarsson O, Gannoun A, Herve G, Bosq C, Auclair D, Marshall EW & Halldorsson SA
(2023) Geochemical Evolution of the 2021 and 2022 Fagradalsfjall Eruptions
Marshall EW, Caracciolo A, Matthews S, Ranta E, Gunnarsson-Robin J, Sigmarsson O, Halldorsson SA, Bali E, Guðfinnsson GH, Bar Rasmussen M & Lowe N
(2023) Using Geochemistry to Unravel the Dynamics of Icelandic Volcanoes: Results from Recent Monitoring Studies of Basaltic Fissure Eruptions
Halldorsson SA, Marshall EW, Rooyakkers SM, Caracciolo A, Gunnarsson-Robin J, Bali E, Guðfinnsson GH, Sigmarsson O, Matthews S & Maclennan J
(2023) Rapid 3He/4He Changes in Fagradalsfjall (Iceland) 2021 Lavas
Horton F, Marshall EW, Halldorsson SA, Barry PH, Curtice J & Kurz MD
(2022) Linking Diffusion Chronometry to Geophysical Indicators of Volcanic Unrest – Insights from the 2021 Fagradalsfjall Eruption
Kahl M, Mutch EJF, Maclennan J, Morgan D, Couperthwaite F, Bali E, Thordarson T, Guðfinnsson GH, Walshaw R, Buisman I, Buhre S, van der Meer QHA, Caracciolo A, Marshall EW, Rasmussen M, Gallagher CR, Moreland W, Höskuldsson Á & Askew RA
(2022) What do Silicate Melt Inclusions Represent in the Macrocrysts of the 2021 Fagradalsfjall Eruption (Reykjanes Peninsula, Iceland)?
Bali E, Caracciolo A, Matthews S, Marshall EW, Neave D, Guðfinnsson GH & Halldorsson SA

Marshall I. (2016) Quantification of Deep Sedimentary Microorganisms and Single-Cell Genomic Analysis from IODP Leg 347 Baltic Sea Paleoenvironment
Lloyd K, Buongiorno J, Turner S, Webster G, Bird J, Reese B, Marshall I, Asai M, Shumaker A, Roy T, Weightman A & Schippers A

Marshall J (2000) Models of Haline-Thermal Mode Switching in Palaeo Oceans
Zhang R, Follows M & Marshall J

Marshall Jill (2016) Paleo-Erosion Rates with Cosmogenic Nuclides: A Synthesis of Erosion and Climate over Million-Year Timescales
Granger D, Marshall J, Roering J, Zhao Z & Laureano F

Marshall Jill A. (2015) Using a Paleo Perspective to Decipher Climate Controls on Erosion and Landscape Evolution
Roering J, Marshall J, Bartlein P, Gavin D & Granger D
(2010) Effects of Elevation, Lithology, Climate, and Erosion on Hillslope Rock Fragment Distribution and Abundance in Diverse Settings
Marshall JA, Sklar LS & Riebe CS

Marshall John (2023) Environmental and Biological Controls on Mercury Records in Collocated Tree Rings, Peat Deposits, and Lake Sediment Archives in Northern Sweden
Peng H, Zhang X, Marshall J, Nilsson M, Li C, Björn E, Bishop K & Zhu W
(2019) Hydrological and Biogeochemical Change to Rapid Warming in Eocene Lake Uinta, Green River Formation, Utah
Elson A, Rohrssen M, Marshall J & Whiteside J
(2018) Hydrological Cycling in a Long-Lived Eocene Lake Uinta, Green River Formation, Utah
Elson A, Rohrssen M, Marshall J & Whiteside J
(2018) The Influence of Solid Phase Organic Carbon on the Sorption/Desorption of Hydrophobic Organic Pollutants in Landfill Barriers
Huang P-R, Smallman D, Stringfellow A & Marshall J
(2014) Evolutionary Advances in Land Plants and Fungal Symbioses: Effects on Global Biogeochemical Cycles
Leake J, Quirk J, Thorley R, Morris J, Stein W, Berry C, Marshall J, Mannolini F, Banwart S & Beerling D
(2002) Laser ablation-ICP-MS Compositional Profiling of Chamber Walls in Planktonic Foraminifera; Implications for Mg/Ca Thermometry
Eggins S, DeDeckker P & Marshall J

Marshall John E.A. (2023) Land Plant Radiation and its Linkages to Global Marine Anoxia during the Devonian
Gilhooly W, Vander Pas B, Smart MS, Filippelli G, Ozaki K, Reinhard CT, Marshall JEA & Whiteside J
(2023) Elevated Ultraviolet Radiation at the End-Permian Mass Extinction
Fraser WT, Liu F, Peng H, Marshall JEA, Lomax B, Bomfleur B, Kent M & Jardine P
(2021) Modeling Global Biosphere Response to Enhanced Riverine Nutrient Delivery during the Late Devonian Kellwasser Event
Smart MS, Ozaki K, Reinhard CT, Marshall JEA, Whiteside J, Gilhooly W & Filippelli G
(2021) The European ‘initial’ Negative Carbon Isotope Excursion did not Record the Onset of the End-Triassic Marine Mass Extinction
Beith SJ, Whiteside J, Fox CP & Marshall JEA

Marshall Joseph

Marshall Julian D. (2014) NO2 and PM10 Exposure Models for Europe Using Satellite-Derived Measurements
Vienneau D, Bechle MJ, de Hoogh K, Beelen R, Martin RV, van Donkelaar A, Novotny EV, Millet DB, Hoek G & Marshall JD
(2014) Monthly NO2 Exposure Models for the United States Using Satellite-Derived Measurements, 2000 – 2010
Bechle MJ, Millet DB & Marshall JD

Marshall K. (2014) The Microbial Methane Observatory for Seafloor Analysis (MIMOSA): Long-Term Coupled Geochemistry and Microbiology Experimentation in the Deep-Sea
Orcutt B, Lapham L, Girguis P, Wheat CG, Marshall K & Delaney J
(2012) Effect of Ce(III) Oxidation by Mn(IV) on its Use as a Paleo-Redox Proxy
Schijf J & Marshall KS
(2010) YREE Sorption on HFO in 0.5 M NaCl
Marshall K & Schijf J

Marshall Madeline S (2023) Characterizing Uranium Speciation in Marine Phosphorites to Advance the Paleo-Redox Proxy
Meyer F, Chappaz A, Marshall MS, Hancock L & Lau KV

Marshall Matthew (2019) Variations in Composition and Bioavailability of Dissolved Organic Matter in Glacially-Fed River Catchments in Chilean Patagonia
Marshall M, Kellerman A, Wadham J, Pryer H, Hawkings J, Robinson L & Spencer R
(2019) The Influence of Glacier Cover on Trace Metal Input and Cycling in Patagonian Fjords
Hawkings J, Sherrell R, Conway T, Wadham J, Hendry K, Pryer H, Daneri G, Torres R, Bertrand S, Kellerman A, Marshall M, Beaton A, Ng HC, Roccanova V, Bu R, Summers B, Benning L & Spencer R
(2019) Glacial Cover Affects Nutrient Fluxes from Rivers in Chilean Patagonia
Pryer H, Wadham J, Hawkings J, Robinson L, Hendry K, Marshall M, Yates C & Hatton J
(2017) Mechanistic Insight into Microbial Biomineralization of Iron Oxides
Sand K, Jelavić S, Dobberschütz S, Ashby P, Marshall M, Friddle R & Deyoreo J

Marshall Matthew J. (2014) Bacterially-Produced Uraninite – Ultrastructural Characterization by High Resolution Imaging and Analyses
Dohnalkova A, Marshall M, Kemner K, Kennedy D, Genc A & Fredrickson J
(2010) Visualization of Hydrated Bacterial Structures by Complementary Electron Microscopy Technique
Marshall MJ, Dohnalkova AC, Arey BW, Williams KH & Fredrickson JK
(2008) Molecular-Scale Biogeochemical Mechanisms Affecting the Mobility of Hanford Site Contaminants
Marshall M, Kennedy D, Plymale A, Dohnalkova A, Beliaev A, Shi L, Zachara J & Fredrickson J
(2008) Biogeochemical Redox Reactions Controlling Technetium-99 Solubility
Plymale A, Kennedy D, Jaisi D, Dong H, Heald S, Dohnalkova A, Marshall M, Zachara J, McKinley J & Fredrickson J
(2005) Imaging and Analysis of Biominerals and Nanostructures Associated with Bacterial Membranes
Dohnalkova A, Kennedy D, Marshall M, Gorby Y, Elias D & Fredrickson J

Marshall N. (2022) Lipid Biomarkers Record Strong Marine Methane Cycling and an Anoxic Deep Ocean Persisting Through the Ordovician and Silurian Periods
Marshall N, Love G, Bekker A, Rohrssen M & Lee C

Marshall S. L. (2001) ??Physical and Thermodynamic Properties of Gas Clathrate Hydrates Determined by in situ Neutron Scattering
Chakoumakos BC, Rawn CJ, Jones CY, Marshall SL, Stern LA, Kirby SH, Ishii Y, Toby BH & Dender DC

Marshall Samuel J (2021) Molybdenum Isotope Systematics in the High-P/T Schistes Lustrés and at Lago di Cignana: Investigation of Partitioning and Isotopic Fractionation during Subduction Zone Metamorphism
Marshall SJ, Gaschnig RM, Stegner CJ, Rader ST & Bebout GE
(2021) Molybdenum Behavior during Subduction Zone Metamorphism in the Catalina Schist
Stegner CJ, Marshall SJ, Gaschnig RM, Rader ST & Bebout GE

Marshall Stephanie (2020) Sulfur Geochemistry of Mining Impacted Waters
Marshall S, Colenbrander-Nelson T, Bennett D, Apte S & Warren L
(2020) Pulling Back the Curtain on Microbial Sulfur Dynamics in a Mine Tailings Reservoir
Whaley-Martin K, Chen L-X, Colenbrander Nelson T, Marshall S, Apte S, Rossi L, Kantor R, Twible L, Banfield J & Warren L
(2016) Microbial Sulfur Metabolism in Mining WasteWaters
Warren L, Lei S, Kantor R, Butterfield C, Burstein D, Colenbrander-Nelson T, Bennett D, Marshall S, Camacho D, Apte S & Banfield J
(2010) Arsenic Mobilization during Microbial Fe(III)-Reduction of Bacteriogenic Iron Oxides
Marshall S, Gault A, Langley S, Takahashi Y & Fortin D

Marshall Tim (2012) Uranium Incorporation during Iron (Oxyhydr)oxide Crystallisation at Hyperalkaline pH
Marshall T, Law G, Morris K, Mosselmans F & Shaw S

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