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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Marris H. (2013) Iron Speciation in Natural and Industrial Dust: What can We Learn from Individual Particle Analysis?
Flament P, Deboudt K, Marris H & Gieré R

Marritt S. (2011) Defining a Landscape for Microbial Electron Transfer to Extracellular Minerals
Butt J, Gates A, Marritt S, Edwards M, Shi L, Fredrickson J, Zachara J, Richardson D & Clarke T

Marrocchi Y. (2023) Using Li Concentration and Isotopic Composition to Unravel the Link between Type I and II Chondrule Olivine
Neukampf J, Marrocchi Y, Villeneuve J & Roskosz M
(2023) The High-Temperature Origin of Hydrogen in Enstatite Chondrite Chondrules and Implications for the Origin of Terrestrial Water
Thomassin D, Piani L, Villeneuve J, Bouden N, Caumon M-C & Marrocchi Y
(2023) Hydrogen-Bearing Phases in Carbonaceous (and Other) Chondrites
Rigaudier T, Debruycker M, Piani L & Marrocchi Y
(2023) Reassessment of the Age of the Solar System and the Chronology of Chondrule Formation
Piralla M, Villeneuve J, Schnuriger N, Bekaert DV & Marrocchi Y
(2023) Isotopic Evidence for a Common Origin of CAIs and AOAs
Burkhardt C, Jansen C, Marrocchi Y, Schneider JM, Wölfer E & Kleine T
(2021) Triple Oxygen Isotope Measurements by Multi-Collector Large-Geometry Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry
Peres P, Bouden N, Villeneuve J, Marrocchi Y, Deloule E, Füri E, Gurenko A, Piani L, Thomassot E & Fernandes F
(2021) The Volatile Inventory and Hydrogen Isotope Composition of Apatite in the Brachina Meteorite
Tartese R, Marrocchi Y, Piani L & Anand M
(2021) Rapid Condensation of the First Solar System Solids Inferred from Silicon Isotopes in Amoeboid Olivine Aggregates
Marrocchi Y, Villeneuve J, Jacquet E, Piralla M & Chaussidon M
(2021) Hydrogen in Chondrites: Influence of Parent Body Alteration and Atmospheric Contamination on Primordial Components
Vacher LG, Piani L, Rigaudier T, Thomassin D, Florin G, Piralla M & Marrocchi Y
(2021) Earth’s Water may Have Been Inherited from Material Similar to Enstatite Chondrite Meteorites
Piani L, Marrocchi Y, Rigaudier T, Thomassin D, Vacher LG & Marty B
(2021) Origin of Spinel in CV Chondrules
Schnuriger N, Cartier C, Villeneuve J, Batanova VG, Regnault M & Marrocchi Y
(2021) Apatite Halogen and Hydrogen Isotope Constraints on the Conditions of Hydrothermal Alteration in Carbonaceous Chondrites
Piralla M, Tartese R, Marrocchi Y & Joy KH
(2021) Silicon Isotopic Compositions of Chondrule Silicates in Carbonaceous Chondrites and the Formation of Primordial Solids in the Accretion Disk
Villeneuve J, Marrocchi Y & Jacquet E
(2021) Nitrogen Speciation and Solubility in Silicate Melts and Fluids
Bernadou F, Slodczyk A, Füri E, Gaillard F, Marrocchi Y & Canizares A
(2019) Nitrogen Solubility in the Upper Terrestrial Magma Ocean: An Experimental Approach
Boulliung J, Füri E, Dalou C, Tissandier L, Zimmermann L & Marrocchi Y
(2019) Reaction Rates and Products of Olivine Alteration in Ammonia Aqueous Solutions: Application to Icy Worlds
Zandanel A, Truche L, Hellmann R, Tobie G & Marrocchi Y
(2017) Storage and Diffusion of Helium in Olivine Grain Boundaries
Delon R, Demouchy S, Marrocchi Y, Bouhifd A & Burnard P
(2016) Experimental Protocol for Diffusion of Noble Gas in Polycrystalline Olivine
Burnard P, Demouchy S, Delon R, Arnaud N, Bouhifd MA, Marrocchi Y, Cordier P & Addad A
(2016) Origin of Oxygen Isotopic Variations in Meteoritic Chondrules
Chaussidon M & Marrocchi Y
(2016) Cooling Experiments of Fe-Fes Melts: A Cooling Speedometer of Chondrules
Mori M, Tachibana S, Piani L, Marrocchi Y, Schrader DL & Connolly, Jr. HC
(2016) Alteration Condition of CM Chondrites: An Experimental Approach
Vacher L, Truche L, Mosser-Ruck R & Marrocchi Y
(2016) Incorporation and Diffusion of Noble Gases in Grain Boundaries
Delon R, Demouchy S, Marrocchi Y, Bouhifd A & Burnard P
(2015) Distinguishing Recycled Heavy Noble Gases from Atmosphere Contaminants
Delon R, Burnard P & Marrocchi Y
(2015) Synthesis of Refractory Organic Matter in the Ionized Gas Phase of the Solar Nebula
Kuga M, Marty B, Marrocchi Y & Tissandier L
(2013) Origin of Refractory Organics in Chondrites: An Experimental Study
Kuga M, Marty B & Marrocchi Y
(2012) Origin of Q-Gases in Pristine Meteorites: An Experimental Study
Kuga M, Marty B, Marrocchi Y, Tissandier L & Zimmermann L
(2010) Xenon Isotope Evidence for UV Irradiation in the Hadean and the Archean
Pujol M, Marty B & Marrocchi Y
(2009) In situ Analysis of the Molecular Organic and Elemental Composition of a 3.33 Ga Microbial Mat from Barberton
Westall F, Lemelle L, Simionovici A, Salomé M, Marrocchi Y, Foucher F, Cavalazzi B, Meibom A, Robert F, Moustafaoui S, Jauss A, Toporski J, Laclean L, Southam G, Susan W, Vilette S, Jamme F & Dumas P
(2008) Ar Solubility in Mantle Phases (Revisited)
Burnard P, Toplis M & Marrocchi Y
(2007) Neon and Plume – MORB Mixing along the Galapagos Spreading Center
Poirier V, Burnard P, Graham D & Marrocchi Y
(2007) Helium and Argon Solubility in Silicate Melts: Relationship between Solubility and Liquid Structure
Marrocchi Y, Toplis MJ & Burnard P
(2002) Solubility and Diffusion of Helium in Amorphous Diopside and Anorthite: Measurements Above and Below the Glass Transition
Marrocchi Y, Toplis M, Pik R & Marty B

Marrocchino E. (2023) Geochemical and Isotopic Analysis for the Definition of Tomato's Terroir in po River Delta Environment: The Case Study of Massenzatica (Fe, Italy)
Wibisono KF, Aquilano A, Telloli C, Ferroni L & Marrocchino E
(2023) Leaf Elementomics in Chlorophyll-Deficient Wheat Mutants
Ferroni L, Aquilano A, Demaria S, Colpo A & Marrocchino E
(2023) Geochemical and δ13C Characterization of Areia do Mastro and Papo-Seco Formations (Lower Cretaceous, Barremian) for Paleo-environmental Reconstruction of the Boca do Chapim and Praia do Areia do Mastro Sequences (Cabo Espichel, South Portugal)
Pang C-H, Aquilano A, Vaccaro C, Figueiredo S & Marrocchino E
(2021) 3D Digitalization and Micro-Analysis for Cultural Heritage Research: The Case Study of the Bishop's Head of Casa Romei Museum in Ferrara
Aquilano A, Nicoli M, Sardo AQ & Marrocchino E
(2019) Batch Tests to Evaluate Sulphates Released in Friulan Plain Water
Rizzo M, Rezaeyan L & Marrocchino E
(2010) Mineralogical and Petrological Analyses of Three Chondrite Meteorites Recovered from the Istfane Strewnfield (Morocco)
Ait Touchnt A, Ibhi A, Marrocchino E & Vaccaro C
(2010) Monitoring and Comparison of Solid Particulate Matter between Po Valley and Friuli Plain
Telloli C, Coren F, Marrocchino E, Vaccaro C & Bovolenta MR
(2010) Grapes and Wines on Basic Anorogenic Volcanic Rock Terrains in South Lessini (Italy): Geochemical Fingerprint and Heavy Metals Assimilation
Ferioli G, Bartolomei P, Esposito M, Marrocchino E, Sansone L, Tassinari R & Vaccaro C
(2010) Trace and Ultratrace Elements in Grapes: Possible Applications for Geographical Traceability
Faccia FA, Vaccaro C, Sansone L, Marrocchino E & Tassinari R
(2009) Indoor Radon Concentrations: The Influence of Geological Factors in Italian Study Case
Rosseti M, Batolomei P, Esposito M, Marrocchino E & Vaccaro C
(2007) Petrochemical Characterisation of Natural Stones from the Etruscan Site of Marzabotto (Bologna-Italy): Preliminary Results
Lugli S, Marrocchino E, Mazzucchelli M, Sighinolfi F & Vaccaro C
(2002) Petrology of Pedrazzo Magmatic Complex (Trento, Italy)
Marrocchino E, Coltorti M, Visonà D & Thirwall MF

Marroni M. (2013) Andesitic Dyke Swarms in the Araç-Boyalı Foredeep Basin, N Anatolia: Evidence for Eocene Extension
Çakıroğlu RE, Göncüoğlu MC, Marroni M & Pandolfi L

Marroquín Selva (2020) Organic Matter Sulfurization as a Mechanism of Enhanced Burial of Reduced Carbon and Sulfur Across the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event
Marroquín S, Pritchard J, Föllmi K, Fantasia A, Ruebsam W, Trabucho Alexandre J & Gill B
(2018) Investigating the Sulphur Cycle during the End-Triassic Mass Extinction from Panthalassa
Marroquín S, Gill B, Them T, Owens J, Gröcke D & Caruthers A

Marroquín Selva Mariana (2023) Development of a Paired Kerogen-Pyrite Sulfur Isotope Proxy to Track Marine Biogeochemical Cycling and Organic Remineralization
Marroquín SM & Sessions AL

Marrs C. (2017) Solubility of Nd(OH)3 at High pH
Icenhower J, Sisk C, Kirkes L, Knox J, Marrs C & Dean J
(2016) Partitioning of Fission Products (Cs, Sr and I) into Salt Phases
Icenhower J, Kirkes L, Marrs C, Knox J, Dean J, Grant R & Ohlhausen J
(2015) Partitioning of Fission Products (Cs, Sr and I) into Salt Phases
Icenhower J, Kirkes L & Marrs C

Marry V. (2023) Molecular Transport Mechanisms in Confined Clays
Marry V
(2021) Wettability of Clay Surfaces and its Implication on the Status of Water in Unsaturated Porous Media
Guérin L, Michot L, Ferrage E, Claret F & Marry V
(2021) Microscopic Scale Modelling of Fluids and Solutes Confined in Unsaturated Clays
Marry V, Le Crom S, Tournassat C & Robinet J-C
(2018) Molecular Dynamics Study of Unsaturated Clay Pore
Le Crom S, Marry V, Tournassat C & Robinet J-C
(2018) Adsorption of GMP and dGMP Nucleotides onto Na-Montmorillonite Using Molecular Dynamics Simulation
Bacle P, Le Crom S & Marry V
(2017) A Classical Polarizable Force Field for the Structure and Dynamics of Water and Cations in Clays and Zeolites
Marry V, Tesson S, Louisfrema W, Salanne M, Rotenberg B, Boutin A & Ferrage E
(2015) Specific Interactions at Clay Surfaces: Multiscale Modeling of Dynamics in Clay/Water Systems
Marry V, Bacle P, Carof A, Botan A & Rotenberg B
(2011) Water Dynamics in Clay as a Function of Temperature: Coupling Neutron Spin Echo and Molecular Dynamics
Marry V, Dubois E, Malikova N, Salanne M, Longeville S, Haussler W & Breu J
(2009) Structure and Dynamics in Clays from Molecular Simulations
Marry V, Rotenberg B, Dufrêche J-F, Malikova N, Vuilleumier R & Turq P

Marsac K. (2017) Evaluating Non-Potable Water Usage for Oil and Gas Purposes in the Permian Basin
Marsac K & Navarre-Sitchler A

Marsac Remi (2023) Estimating Organic Matter Acid-Base Properties and Electrical Charge by Spectrophotometry
Tesfa M, Dia A, Mahe F, Janot N & Marsac R
(2023) Investigation of magnetite-Co Interactions by Soft XAS and XMCD
Fablet L, Pédrot M, Marsac R & Choueikani F
(2023) The Rare Earth Element ‘probe’: Investigation of the Water/Solid Interfaces and their Impact on the Rare Earth Element Dissemination
Davranche M, Dia A, Marsac R, Catrouillet C, Pédrot M, Tadayon Y, Vantelon D, Blancho F & Gigault J
(2023) Prediction of the Impact of the Environmental Conditions on the Stoichiometry (Fe(II)/Fe(III)) of Magnetite Nanoparticles
Jungcharoen P, Pédrot M, Heberling F, Hanna K, Choueikani F, Catrouillet C, Dia A & Marsac R
(2022) What Degree of Complexity to Model the Release of Metals from Solid Deposits from Water Treatment Nature-Based Solutions?
Blanc D, Banc C, Gautier M, Lupsea M, Marsac R & Gourdon R
(2021) Simplified Spectrophotometric Acid-Base Titrations to Assess Organic Matter Reactivity
Tesfa M, Marsac R, Dia A & Mahe F
(2021) Reactive Transport of Rare Earth Elements: Surface Complexation with Quartz Surfaces and Modeling Investigations
IqbaI M, Marsac R & Hanna K
(2021) Geochemical Behavior of Redox Sensitive Lanthanides and Actinides at Colloids-Water Interfaces
Marsac R, Banik NL, Luetzenkirchen J & Pédrot M
(2021) Reactive Transport of Selenite and Strontium Through a Goethite Coated Sand Column
Zunftmeister L, Nie Z, Heberling F, Luetzenkirchen J, Finck N, Liu C, Marsac R, Jordan N & Hanna K
(2017) Adsorption of Antibiotics onto Mixtures of Goethite and Manganese Oxide
Kamagate M, Marsac R, Assadi A, Giraudet S, Coulibaly L & Hanna K

Marsac Rémi (2013) Competitive Effect of Al(III) on Eu(III) Sorption to Illite
Marsac R, Schnurr A, Kupcik T, Rabung T, Schäfer T, Banik NL, Marquardt C, Marques-Fernandez M, Baeyens B, Bradbury M & Geckeis H
(2013) Montmorillonite Colloid Size Heterogeneity – Fractionation and Characterization
Norrfors K, Bouby M, Heck S, Finck N, Marsac R, Schäfer T, Geckeis H & Wold S

Marsac Rémi (2011) Competition between Lanthanides and Al for Humic Acid Binding
Marsac R, Davranche M, Gruau G & Dia A
(2009) Rare Earth Elements Fractionnation Modelling between Manganese Oxide and Humic Acid
Pourret O, Marsac R, Davranche M & Fauvain L

Marsac Rémi (2020) Release of Metals from Wastewater Residue at Different pHs: An Ultrafiltration Investigation
Banc C, Gautier M, Blanc D, Lupsea-Toader M & Marsac R

Marsac Rémi (2019) Structural Organization and Formation of Iron-Organic Matter Nanoaggregates: A Kinetic Approach Coupling Quick-EXAFS and MCR-Als Chemometry
Vantelon D, Davranche M, Marsac R, La Fontaine C, Guénet H, Jestin J, Campaore G, Beauvois A & Briois V
(2019) Isotopic Fractionation of Cd and Zn onto Humic Acid at Low and High Ionic Strength
Ratié G, Michálková Z, Chrastný V, Marsac R, Alessi D & Komárek M
(2019) Selenite and Strontium Breakthrough in a Column of Goethite Coated Sand: Experiments and Modelling
Zunftmeister L, Nie Z, Heberling F, Marsac R, Hanna K, Finck N, Liu C & Lützenkirchen J
(2019) Sorptive Fractionation of Natural Organic Matter and its Impact on Contaminants Transport Under Flow-Through Conditions
Marsac R, Cheng W, Leblay C, Pierson-Wickmann A-C, Dia A & Hanna K

Marsaglia K. (2021) Magnetic Mineral Diagenesis and Associated Biogeochemical Processes in Cold Seepage and Gas Hydrate Sites of the Guaymas Basin
Kars M, Pastor L, Burin C, Morono Y, Koornneef LMT, Höfig TW, Teske A, Lizarralde D, Aiello I, Ash J, Bojanova D, Buatier M, Edgcomb VP, Galerne C, Gontharet S, Heuer VB, Jiang S, Kim J-H, Marsaglia K, Meyer NR, Neumann F, Negrete R, Peña-Salinas M, Perez Cruz L, Ran L, Riboulleau A, Sarao J, Schubert F, Singh SK, Stock J, Toffin L, Xie W, Xu S, Yamanaka T & Zhuang G

Marsaioli A. (2009) Integrated Investigation on Petroleum Biodegradation
Santos Neto E, Oliveira V, Reis F, Koike L, Marsaioli A, Vasconcellos S, Sette L, Crespim E, Cerqueira J, Lopes JA, Lima SG, Cruz G, Simioni K & Dussan LJ

Marsal F. (2015) Coupling the Gas Phase to Reactive Transport to Model the Oxic Transient Stage in Radioactive Waste Disposals
De Windt L, Corvisier J, Marsal F & Lagneau V
(2013) Microbial Corrosion of Steel in Toarcian Argillite: Influence of Metabolisms and Biofilms
Urios L, Perez A, Wittebroodt C, Mercier F, Flachet M, Marsal F, Neff D, Magot M & Dillmann P
(2012) Microbial Characterization at Iron-Clay Interfaces after 10 Years of Interaction in situ in an Argillaceous Formation (Tournemire, France)
Urios L, Marsal F, Pellegrini D & Magot M

Marsala A. (2013) Deep Ingression of Meteoric Water in Late-Metamorphic Veins: A LA-ICPMS Fluid Inclusion Study from the Rhenish Massif, Germany
Marsala A, Wagner T & Wälle M

Marsay Chris (2023) Early Observations of Aerosols from the Hawaii Aerosol Time-Series
Kollman C, Marsay C, Ohnemus D, Bates E, Stephens M & Buck C
(2016) Sinking Feelings: Model and Iron Isotope Evidence for the Fate of Fe from the East Pacific Rise Hydrothermal System
John S, Fitzsimmons J, Marsay C, German C & Sherrell R
(2015) On the Use of PELAGRA Sediment Traps and Radionuclides (234Th, 210Po) for Estimating Particle Export Efficiency in the High Latitude North Atlantic
Ceballos-Romero E, Villa-Alfageme M, Le Moigne F, Henson S, Marsay C & Garcia-Tenorio R

Marsay Christopher (2017) Aerosol Deposition and Fractional Solubility of Trace Elements in the Remote Ocean
Buck C, Landing W, Aguilar-Islas A, Marsay C & Kadko D

Marschall Horst (2023) Oxidized Slab Fluids Recorded by Sulfur-in-Apatite: A Case Study from Syros, Greece
Walters JB, Marschall H, Grützner T, Klimm K, Konecke B & Simon A
(2023) A Single Web-Interface to Access, Visualise and Model Data from Multiple Geo- and Cosmochemical Databases
Hezel DC, Elangovan P, Lehnert KA, Klöcking M, Sturm A & Marschall H
(2023) Split Stream Bulk-Rock Elemental and Boron Isotopes Analysis by LA-Sf-ICPMS
Xu J, Gerdes A, Schmidt A & Marschall H
(2023) Timescales of Oceanic Lithosphere Hydration: Constraints from Rodingites, Apennines, Italy
Lorthioir C, Scambelluri M, Belmonte D, Millonig LJ, Gerdes A, Marschall H, Starr PG & Baxter EF
(2023) Unraveling the Molybdenum (Mo) Cycle at the Subduction Interface: A Case Study from the Ligurian Alps
Brown A, Codillo E, Scambelluri M, Schwarzenbach EM, Rojas Kolomiets E, Bizimis M, Marschall H & Dragovic B
(2023) Tracing the Emergence of Continental Crust in the Archean-To-Proterozoic Using Boron Isotopes of Marine Deposits (Cherts and Iron Formations)
Abbo A, Marschall H & Gerdes A
(2023) Stable Isotope Fractionation in High-Grade Metamorphic and Magmatic Systems
Marschall H
(2023) U-Pb Dating of Metamorphic Ilmenite by LA-ICPMS
Beranoaguirre A, Millonig LJ, Albert R, Marschall H & Gerdes A
(2023) Garnet Reference Material for in situ U-Pb Dating
Millonig LJ, Beranoaguirre A, Albert R, Marschall H & Gerdes A
(2023) Character and Timing of Mantle Metasomatism in Orogenic Settings: Trace-Element Zonation and U-Pb Dating of Garnet
Kotkova J, Copjakova R, Millonig LJ, Marschall H & Gerdes A
(2021) Fluid-Mediated Mass Transfer between Mafic and Ultramafic Rocks in Subduction Zones: Insights from the High-Pressure Voltri Massif (Ligurian Alps, Italy)
Codillo EA, Klein F, Dragovic B, Marschall H, Baxter E & Scambelluri M
(2021) Experimental Constraints on the Physical Properties of Melange Rocks and their Relationship to Arc Magmas
Le Roux V, Codillo EA, Behn M, Marschall H & Bebout GE
(2021) Pushing the Limits: U-Pb Dating of Garnet by LA-MC-ICPMS at Sub-Ng/G U Levels
Beranoaguirre A, Millonig LJ, Shu Q, Albert R, Marschall H, Gil Ibarguchi JI & Gerdes A
(2021) Garnet U-Pb Dating by LA-ICP-MS: Regional Metamorphic Garnet vs. Skarn Garnet
Millonig LJ, Beranoaguirre A, Albert R, Marschall H & Gerdes A
(2020) Sulfur Isotopes in Sulfides from Lesser Antilles Arc Cumulates
Pollock T, Cruz-Uribe A, Marschall H & Blundy J
(2019) Thallium Isotopic Constrains on Generation of EMII and HIMU Ocean Island Basalts in the South Pacific
Blusztajn J, Nielsen S, Marschall H & Shu Y
(2019) Reaction of Subducted Sediment with Peridotite Produces Saline Fluid Inclusions in Diamonds
Forster M, Foley S, Marschall H, Alard O & Buhre S
(2019) Mass Transfer between Crustal and Mantle Rocks in Subduction Zones: Insights from the High-Pressure Voltri Massif (Ligurian Alps, Italy)
Codillo E, Klein F, Marschall H, Dragovic B & Scambelluri M
(2019) Thallium Isotope Compositions of Subducted Eclogites: Constrains on the Origin of Ocean Island Basalts
Shu Y, Nielsen S, Marschall H, John T, Blusztajn J & Auro M
(2019) Variable Sulfur Release Predicted for Hot and Cold Subducting Slabs
Walters J, Cruz-Uribe A & Marschall H
(2018) Isotopically Heavy Boron in the Source of Ocean Island Basalts
Marschall H & Jackson M
(2018) Generation of Arc-Like Magmas by Mélange-Peridotite Interaction in the Mantle Wedge
Codillo E, Le Roux V & Marschall H
(2018) CSEs in High Pressure Rocks from Exhumed Terranes
Walters J, Cruz-Uribe A & Marschall H
(2018) Mobilization of S during Subduction via Metamorphic Redox Reactions
Cruz-Uribe A, Walters J & Marschall H
(2018) Sulfide Geochemistry of Cumulates from the Lesser Antilles Arc
Pollock T, Cruz-Uribe A, Marschall H & Blundy J
(2018) H Partitioning between Olivine and Melt between 0.1MPa and 12 GPa
Sarafian A, Nielsen S, Hauri E, Marschall H & Sarafian E
(2016) How Continents Form: Insight from Pb Isotopes Measured on K-Feldspar Inclusions within Zircons
Delavault H, Dhuime B, Hawkesworth C, Cawood P, Marschall H &  EIMF

Marschall Horst R. (2017) Thallium Isotope Systematics in Volcanics from St. Helena Island. Constraints on the Origin of the HIMU Reservoir
Blusztajn J, Nielsen S, Marschall H, Shu Y & Hanyu T
(2017) Volatile Content of 4-Vesta: Evidence from Unequilibrated Eucrites
Sarafian A, Nielsen S, Marschall H, Gaetani G, Hauri E, Righter K & Berger E
(2017) Behaviour of Boron Isotopes during Magmatic Degassing
Thomaidis K, Deegan FM, Troll VR, Whitehouse MJ, Weis FA, Helbling AH, Marschall HR & Geiger H
(2017) Arc-Like Magmas and Pyroxenites Generated by Mélange-Peridotite Interaction in the Mantle Wedge
Le Roux V, Codillo E & Marschall H
(2017) Experimental Hybridization of Mantle Wedge by Mélange Rocks, and the Generation of Arc Magmas
Codillo E, Le Roux V & Marschall H
(2017) The Fluorine and Chlorine Budget of the Earth’s Peridotite Mantle
Urann B, Le Roux V, Hammond K, Marschall H, Lee C-T & Monteleone B
(2017) Arc Lavas Form from Melting of Mélange Rocks; Sediment Melts and Slab-Derived Fluids are not Major Contributors
Nielsen S & Marschall H
(2017) Braking the Scale of in situ Pb Isotope Microanalysis Down to 10 μm Spot Size: A Comparison of SIMS and LA-MC-ICP-MS
Delavault H, Dhuime B, Hawkesworth C & Marschall H
(2017) Matrix Effects in B Isotope Analysis of Silicate Minerals by SIMS
De Hoog J, Monteleone B, Savov I, Marschall H, Zack T & Eimf F
(2017) Effects of T, ƒO2, and Doping Level on Diffusion of HFSE in Rutile
Marschall H, Dohmen R & Ludwig T
(2015) In situ Isotopic Measurements on Mineral Inclusions as a New Window on Crustal Evolution Studies
Dhuime B, Delavault H, Hawkesworth C, Cawood P, Marschall H, Bruand E, Kemp T, Lewis J &  EIMF
(2015) Remelting the Gondwanan Mantle
Dick H, Zhou H, Gao C & Marschall H
(2015) Changes in Tourmaline Trace Element Geochemistry during Magmatic Differentiation and Hydrothermal Ore Deposition
Duchoslav M, Marks M, McCammon C, Marschall H, Wenzel T & Markl G
(2015) Arc Magma Genesis from Melting of Mélange Diapirs
Cruz-Uribe AM, Marschall HR, Gaetani GA & Grozeva N
(2015) The Geodynamic Setting of Continental Crust Generation Through Pb Isotopes on Mineral Inclusions within Zircon
Delavault H, Dhuime B, Hawkesworth C, Cawood P, Marschall H, Bruant E, Kemp T &  EIMF
(2015) Detrital Garnet Geochronology as a Complement to Detrital Zircon and Monazite Ages from the French Broad River, Southern Appalachians
Eccles-Maneiro K, Baxter E, Samson S & Marschall H
(2015) The B and Li Isotopic Compositions of MORB and the Depleted Mantle
Marschall H, Wanless D, Shimizu N, Pogge von Strandmann P & Elliott T
(2014) The Source of Water for 4-Vesta is Likely Carbonacous Chondrites
Sarafian A, Nielsen S, Marschall H & McCubbin F
(2014) Diffusion-Driven Li Isotope Fractionation in Cpx: Anisotropy and the Influence of ƒO2
Liu Y-H, Gaetani G, Marschall H & Dohmen R
(2014) Controls of Oxygen Fugacity on Trace Element Diffusion in Rutile
Dohmen R, Polednia J, Marschall H & Thomas L
(2014) Timing and Duration of Continental Collision during Gondwana Assembly – A Case Study from Antarctica
Marschall H, Pauly J, Meyer H-P, Chatterjee N & Monteleone B
(2014) Mixing at the Plate Interface and its Importance for Convergent Margins
Marschall H & Schumacher J
(2013) Formation Mechanisms of Reaction Zones in Mélange Zones: Evidence for Mechanical Mixing
Gorman J, Penniston-Dorland S, Walker R & Marschall H
(2013) Mélange Formation, Mantle-Wedge Diapirs and Subduction Zone Magmatism
Marschall H & Schumacher J
(2013) Dehydration of Metasomatic Rocks along Subduction and Cold Diapiric P-T Trajectories
Schumacher JC & Marschall HR
(2012) Sulfur Isotopes in High-Pressure Rocks
Marschall H & Shimizu N
(2011) Fractionation of Li and Mg Isotopes in Mantle Derived Materials- Promise, Perils and Progress
Elliott T, Pogge von Strandmann P, Lai YJ, Kasemann S, Ionov D, Takazawa E, Marschall H, Gallagher K & Dohmen R
(2011) Characterization of Magma from Inclusions in Zircon: Apatite and Biotite Work Well, Feldspar Less so
Jennings E, Marschall H, Hawkesworth C & Storey C
(2011) Recycling Agents in Subduction Zones: Fluids, Melts and Solids!
Marschall H & Schumacher J
(2011) Testing the Use of Detrital Rutile to Investigate HP/UHP Rocks
Enea FC, Taylor J, Storey C, Marschall H & K-Schmolke M
(2009) Archean-Proterozoic Evolution in East Antarctica
Marschall H, Storey C, Dhuime B, Leat P & Hawkesworth C
(2009) Mg Isotope Heterogeneity in the Mantle
Pogge von Strandmann P, Elliott T, Marschall H, Ionov D & Niu Y
(2009) Genesis of Tourmaline-Quartz-Wolframite Veins in the Schwarzwald, SW Germany
Guth AK, Marks MAW, Marschall HR, Barth M & Markl G
(2009) The Generation, Evolution and Preservation of the Continental Crust
Hawkesworth C, Storey C, Dhuime B, Marschall H, Pietranik A & Kemp T
(2009) Diffusive Fractionation of Nb and Ta in Rutile
Dohmen R, Marschall H & Ludwig T
(2008) Li and Mg Exchange between Eclogite Lenses and their Host Rocks: Evidence from Isotope Profiles
Marschall H & Pogge von Strandmann P
(2007) Boron Isotopes of K-Tourmaline from the Kokchetav UHP Massif
Korsakov A, Marschall H & Kozmenko O
(2007) Sodic Pyroxene and Sodic Amphibole as Potential Micro-Analytical Reference Material for Li Isotopes
Marks MAW, Rudnick RL, Ludwig T, Marschall H, Zack T, Halama R, McDonough WF, Rost D, Wenzel T & Vicenzi EP
(2007) Heavy Lithium in Subducted Slabs
Marschall H, Pogge von Strandmann P, Seitz H-M & Elliott T
(2006) The metamorphic record of Lithium and Boron isotope fractionation in subduction zones
Marschall H, Elliott T & Abell R
(2004) Is There a Matrix Effect in SIMS Boron Isotope Analysis?
Ludwig T, Marschall H & Altherr R
(2004) Trace Element Systematics of High-Pressure Metamorphic Rocks from Syros (Greece)
Marschall H, Altherr R, Gméling K & Kasztovszky Z
(2003) Isotope Fractionation during Subduction: The Case for Li and B
Zack T & Marschall H

Marschall P. (2013) Resolving Gas Transport Through Compacted Sand/Bentonite Material by Using Noble Gases
Rueedi J, Senger R & Marschall P

Marschall R. (2023) An Inflationary Disk Phase of Protoplanetary Disks
Marschall R & Morbidelli A

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