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Marques Fernandes M (2012) Sorption of Lanthanides and Trivalent Actinides on Montmorillonite in the Presence and Absence of Carbonate
Marques Fernandes M, Baeyens B, Daehn R, Stumpf T & Bradbury M
(2012) Investigations of Fe(II) Sorption onto Montmorillonite. A Wet Chemistry and XAS Study
Soltermann D, Marques Fernandes M, Daehn R, Baeyens B & Bradbury M
(2004) Incorporation of Trivalent Actinides (Cm(III)) in Calcite: A Time Resolved Laser Fluorescence Spectroscopy (TRLFS) Study
Marques Fernandes M, Stumpf T, Rabung T, Bosbach D, Bauer A & Fanghaenel T

Marques Fernandes Maria (2023) Molecular Scale Understanding of Ni2+ Adsorption on Swelling Clay Minerals
Stotskyi V, Di Lorenzo F, Marques Fernandes M, Scheinost AC, Krack M, Lanson M, Lanson B & Churakov SV
(2022) Metal Sorption on Clay Minerals Aiming at the Geological Storage of Nuclear Wastes
Di Lorenzo F, Stotskyi V, Scheinost AC, Lanson M, Lanson B, Churakov SV & Marques Fernandes M
(2019) Reduction of NpO2+ and TcO4- at the FeII-Montmorillonite-Water Interface
Marques Fernandes M, Scheinost AC & Baeyens B
(2018) Thallium Sorption onto Soil Minerals
Voegelin A, Wick S, Marques Fernandes M & Baeyens B
(2017) Thallium Sorption onto Illite
Voegelin A, Wick S, Marques Fernandes M & Baeyens B
(2017) Sorption of U and Eu on Illite: Influence of Accessory Minerals
Marques Fernandes M, Scheinost AC & Baeyens B
(2017) Sorption of NpO2+ on Montmorillonite: Influence of Ferrous Iron
Marques Fernandes M, Scheinost AC & Baeyens B
(2015) Surface Complexation and Oxidation of Ferrous Iron on Montmorillonites
Soltermann D, Marques Fernandes M, Dähn R, Baeyens B & Gorski C

Marques Sierra A.L. (2023) Study of the Pozzolanic Activity of Hydrochar as a Substitute for Cementitious Materials
Marques Sierra AL, Santos MM, Suárez M, Amado-Fierro A, González la Fuente JM & Centeno TA
(2023) Assessment of Waste Sludge from Chemical Industry as Sulphate-Based Additive in Cements
Moreno JF, Sánchez A, Oulego P, Marques Sierra AL, Collado S, Blanco F & Díaz M

Marquet A. (2017) A New Compilation of Element Concentrations in the Natural River Water Standard SLRS-6 (NRC-Cnrc)
Yeghicheyan D, Aubert D, Bouhnik-Le Coz M, Chmeleff J, Delpoux S, Djouraev I, Granier G, Lacan F, Piro J-L, Rousseau T, Cloquet C, Marquet A, Menniti C, Pradoux C, Freydier R, Vieira da Silva-Filho E & Suchorski K

Marquez J.E. (2013) Open-Pit Coal Mining Effects on Rice Paddy Soil Composition and Metal Bioavailability to Oryza sativa L. Plants in Cam Pha, Northeastern Vietnam
Marquez JE, Martinez R, Hoàng TBH & Gieré R
(2012) Trace Element Mobility and Root Iron Plaque Effects on Rice Growth in a Coal Mining Area of North Vietnam
Martinez RE, Marquez JE, Hoa HTB & Giere R

Marquez M. (2013) Tectonomagmatic Origin of the Late Jurassic Volcanism in the Patagonia Province, Argentina
Serrano L, Kamenetsky V, Marzoli A, Marquez M, Bellieni G, Bertrand H & Ballhaus C

Marquez Ren T. (2022) Search for the Carriers of P-Process Anomalies in Early Solar System Condensates
Marquez RT, Charlier BLA, Abbott T, Smeets P, Heck PR & Tissot FLH
(2022) Apparent Mo Isotope Anomalies Resulting from Non-Exponential Mass Fractionation
Budde G, Tissot FLH, Kleine T & Marquez RT

Marquez Ren Thomas (2017) Tectonic Evolution and History of the South China Sea: Clues from Re-Os Isotopes
Marquez RT, Tejada ML, Suzuki K, Peleo-Alampay A, Goto K, Hyun S & Senda R

Marquez Martinez G. (2018) Numerical Modeling of Methane, Carbon Dioxide and Water Generated by Subbituminous Coals from Maracaibo Lake Basin, Venezuela
Martinez Santana M, Escobar Navarro M, Lorenzo García E & Marquez Martinez G

Márquez-Zavalía M.F. (2016) Biogeochemical Formation of Secondary Gold Particles: Implications for Gold Dispersion
Shuster J, Ateh KI, Márquez-Zavalía MF, Suh CE, Reith F & Southam G

Marquillas R. (2013) Hg as a Proxy for Volcanic Activity during Extreme Environmental Turnover: The K-T Boundary
Sial AN, Lacerda LD, Ferreira VP, Frei R, Marquillas RA, Barbosa JA, Gaucher C, Windmöller CC & Pereira NS
(2012) Mercury as a Proxy for Volcanogenic CO2 Buildup in Neoproterozoic Snowball Earth and Volcanism in the K-T Transition
Ferreira V, Sial A, Lacerda LD, Frei R, Gaucher C & Marquillas R

Marquis E. (2017) REE Enrichment Processes in the Ambohimirahavavy Complex Ion Adsorption Deposit, Madagascar Using Y-Nd µ-XANES Spectroscopy
Nason P, Smith M, Finch A, Borst A, Estrade G & Marquis E

Marr J. (2011) Horizontial and Vertical Water Mass Tracing of the SW Pacific Ocean during the Last Deglaciation
Marr J, Baker J, Carter L, Allan A, Christiansen K & Bostock H

Marr L. (2018) In situ Detection of Droplet pH Using Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy
Wei H, Marr L & Vikesland P

Marra F. (2021) High Precision 40Ar/39Ar Dating of Distal Tephra Layers from the Fucino Paleolacustrine Sequence Using ATONA Amplifiers Array
Nomade S, Guillou H, Scao V, Pereira A, Tootell D, Leicher N, Monaco L, Giaccio B, Wagner B, Palladino D, Marra F, Sottili G & Zanchetta G
(2012) Ultrapotassic Lava Flows from Colli Albani Volcanic District (Central Italy) Give Insights into the Crystallization of Magmatic Calcite in Effusive Rocks
Gozzi F, Gaeta M, Freda C, Mollo S, Di Rocco T, Marra F, Dallai L & Pack A

Marra K. (2019) Potential Biosignatures of Surface Alteration on Mars Inferred from Terrestrial Analog Regoliths
Demirel C, McCollom N, Marra K, Elwood Madden A, Hall B, Levy J, Soreghan G & Elwood Madden M
(2014) Assessing Reactive Surface Areas in Glacial Sediments
Elwood Madden M, Funderburg R, Joo Y-J, Miller J, Elwood Madden A, Hall B, Marra K & Soreghan G
(2012) Comparison of Grain Size and BET Surface Area Trends in Modern Glacial and Non-Glacial Fluvial Sediments as a Proxy for Deep-Time Climate
Marra K, Elwood Madden M, Soreghan G & Stumpf A

Marrapu P.

Marras G. (2023) Redox Heterogeneities in the Archean Mantle Inferred from Mineral Inclusions in Siberian E-Type Diamonds: Implications for Volatile Speciation and Diamond Formation
Marras G, Mikhailenko D, McCammon C, Aulbach S, Logvinova A, Dominijanni S & Stagno V
(2019) The Redox State of the Graphite- and Diamond-Bearing Eclogite Xenoliths from Udachnaya Kimberlite Pipe (Siberian Craton): Implication for the Origin of Diamonds
Mikhailenko D, Stagno V, Korsakov A, Andreozzi G, Cerantola V, Marras G, Golovin A & Malygina E

Marrero J. (2015) A Modified Reductive Bioleaching of Laterite Ores and Mine Waste Using Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans and/Or Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans
Marrero J, Coto O & Schippers A

Marrero Santiago (2007) Carbon Isotopes vs Temperature: Contact Metamorphism in Graphitic Metapelites at Western Venezuela
Reategui K, Martinez M, Melendez W & Marrero S
(2000) Geochemical Characteristics of River Fluxes in the Cuyuni Tropical Basin (Southern Venezuela): Importance of the Organo-Colloidal Control on Elements Behavior
Tosiani T, Loubet M, Dupre B, Marrero S, Berger G, Yanes C & Ramirez A

Marrero Shasta (2009) Cosmogenic 36Cl Surface Exposure Age Calculator
Marrero S, Borchers B, Akkan H & Phillips F
(2008) Cosmogenic Chlorine-36 Chronology for Pleistocene Shoreline Deposits in Panamint Valley, California
Phillips F, Marrero S, Roof S, Smith R & Jayko A
(2008) Cosmogenic Chlorine-36 Calibration of Potassium Production Rates
Marrero S, Phillips F, Stone JO & Borchers B

Marret F. (2017) Combination of Organic and Inorganic Proxies for Hydroclimate Reconstruction of the Ogooué River Basin (Gabon, Gulf of Guinea) during the Last 25ka
Skonieczny C, Bayon G, Schefuß E, Mollenhauer G, Thiéblemont D, Bouillon S, Toucanne S, Etoubleau J, Chéron S, Nonnotte P, Rouget M-L, Ponzevera E, Germain Y, Dennielou B & Marret F

Marriner N. (2009) Metals Pollution of the Ancient Harbor of Tyre (Lebanon)
Elmaleh A, Galy A, Allard T, Day JA, Marriner N & Morhange C

Marriott A. (2021) Human Health Risk Assessment (HHRA) of Arsenic and Mercury from Large- and Artisanal-Scale Gold Mining Districts of Senegal (West Africa)
Thiombane M, Marriott A, Hamilton E, Watts M, Niane B & Di Bonito M
(2020) Hazard from Soil Contamination in the Gold Mining District of Kedougou (Senegal, Africa)
Thiombane M, De Vivo B, Niane B, Watts MJ, Marriott A & Di Bonito M

Marriott C. (2002) Lithium and Calcium Isotope Fractionation in Inorganically Precipitated Calcite: Assessing their Potential as a Paleothermometer
Marriott C, Belshaw N & Henderson G

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