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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Marotzke J (2000) Understanding Large-Scale Oceanic Transport Processes
Marotzke J

Marotzke Jochem (2022) The Response of Climatic and Oceanic Conditions to a Marinoan Snowball Earth
Ramme L, Ilyina T & Marotzke J

Marouane B. (2021) Sequestration of Se(VI) Using S-Zvi Under Oxic and Anoxic Conditions
Marouane B, Mohanraj J, Thelakkat M & Peiffer S
(2019) From Waste to Resource: The Use of Schwertmannite to Remove Oxoanions
Peiffer S, Klug M, Marouane B, Chen N, Obst M, Eberhardt J, Susan R & Diana B
(2019) Adsorption Mechanism of Selenite and Selenate on Schwertmannite
Marouane B, Chen N, Obst M & Peiffer S

Marozava S. (2023) Isotope Fractionation Reveals Limitations and Microbial Regulation of Pollutant Biodegradation at Low Concentrations
Elsner M, Sun F, Kundu K, Ehrl B, Gharasoo M, Marozava S, Mellage A, Merl-Pham J, Peters J, Wang Z, Bakkour R, Melsbach A, Cao X, Zimmermann R, Griebler C, Thullner M & Cirpka OA

Marquand T.I. (2023) Effect of Water Table Depth on Greenhouse Gas Production and Consumption in Fenland Peat
Marquand TI, Faulkner K & Turchyn A(V
(2023) Seasonal Variations in Rate of Bacterial Sulfate Reduction and Sulfur Isotopic Fractionation in Coastal Salt Marshes
Zhu B, Marquand TI, Daunt CM, Clegg JA, Williams B, Todd JD & Turchyn A(V

Marquard J. (2013) Radionuclides (10Be, 210Pb, 137Cs and 7Be) to Determine Anthropogenic Impact on Erosion Rates
Marquard J, Barrows TT & Aalto RE

Marquardt C (2004) The Effect of a Mg-Oxychloride- Brucite Backfill Material on the Pu Behavior in MgCl2-NaCl-Brines
Metz V, Vejmelka P, Kienzler B, Marquardt C, Seibert A & Fanghänel T

Marquardt Christian (2011) Sorption and Redox Behavior of Neptunium on Opalinus Clay and Callovo–Oxfordian Argillite
Banik NL, Marquardt C, Schild D, Rothe J & Schäfer T
(2007) Surface Analytical Studies of Feldspar Surface Reaction with U(VI)
Chardon E, Bosbach D, Livens F, Lyon I, Marquardt C, Romer J, Schild D, Wincott P, Wogelius R & Vaughan D

Marquardt Christian (2013) Competitive Effect of Al(III) on Eu(III) Sorption to Illite
Marsac R, Schnurr A, Kupcik T, Rabung T, Schäfer T, Banik NL, Marquardt C, Marques-Fernandez M, Baeyens B, Bradbury M & Geckeis H

Marquardt Hauke (2016) The Redox State of the Earth’s Lower Mantle
Frost D, Kurnosov A, Boffa Ballaran T, Marquardt H, Armstrong K & Myhill R

Marquardt Hauke (2017) Comparative Brillouin Spectroscopy Measurements Suggest that Water May be Seismically Invisible in Earth’s Transition Zone
Marquardt H, Schulze K, Kurnosov A, Boffa Ballaran T, Kawazoe T & Koch-Müller M

Marquardt Hauke (2019) Earth’s Lower Mantle Elasticity from Mineral-Physics Constraints
Kurnosov A, Criniti G, Boffa Ballaran T, Marquardt H & Frost DJ

Marquardt Hauke (2011) Focused Ion Beam Cutting of Large Samples for Brillouin Spectroscopy
Marquardt K & Marquardt H
(2011) Elastic Properties of Nano-Crystalline MgO to High Pressures by Brillouin Scattering
Marquardt H, Gleason A, Marquardt K, Speziale S, Miyagi L, Neusser G, Wenk H-R & Jeanloz R

Marquardt Hauke (2015) Internally Consistent High-Pressure Elasticity of Single-Crystal (Mg, Fe)2SiO4 Wadsleyite
Buchen J, Marquardt H, Kawazoe T, Kurnosov A & Boffa Ballaran T
(2015) Direct Quantification of the Effects of Iron Content and Hydration on the High-Pressure Elasticity of Single-Crystal Ringwoodite
Schulze K, Marquardt H, Kawazoe T, Koch-Müller M, Kurnosov A & Boffa Ballaran T
(2015) Strength of (Mg, Fe)O Ferropericlase at High-Pressures and High-Temperatures and Slab Stagnation in the Shallow Lower Mantle
Marquardt H, Miyagi L, Speziale S & Liermann H-P
(2015) Single-Crystal Elastic Properties of Mg0.88Fe0.12Si0.09Al0.11O3 – Bridgmanite at High Pressure
Kurnosov A, Marquardt H, Boffa Ballaran T & Frost D
(2015) The Influence of Iron Partitioning on Seismic Wave Velocities in the Lower Mantle
Frost D, Kurnosov A, Boffa Ballaran T, Marquardt H, Ziberna L & Chantel J

Marquardt J. (2021) Cenozoic Evolution of Deep-Sea Temperature from Clumped Isotope Thermometry
Meckler AN, Sexton P, Piasecki A, Leutert T, Marquardt J, Ziegler M, Agterhuis T, Rae JWB, Barnet JSK, Tripati A & Bernasconi SM

Marquardt Katharina (2017) Nm-Scale Composition Determination, Quantitative EBSD Measurements: Implications of Interfaces for Bulk Rock Properties
Marquardt K, De Graef M, Polednia J, Ferreira F, Faul U, Sing S & Dohmen R
(2017) Grain Boundary Diffusion and its Relation to Grain Boundary Segregation of Multiple Elements in Garnet
Polednia J, Marquardt K & Dohmen R

Marquardt Katharina (2015) Metallic Lead Nanospheres Discovered in Ancient Antarctic Zircons
Kusiak M, Dunkley D, Whitehouse M, Wilde S, Wirth R & Marquardt K
(2015) Halogen Abundances in OIB Source Regions
Joachim B, Pawley A, Lyon I, Henkel T, Marquardt K, Clay P, Burgess R & Ballentine C

Marquardt Katharina (2016) Nano Scale Chemical Analyses of Ultra-High Pressure Melting Experiments
Marquardt K, Miyajima N, Petitgirard S, Armstrong K & Frost D
(2016) Partitioning of Al, Ca to Olivine Grain Boundaries, the Impact on Crystal Habit
Marquardt K & Morales L
(2016) Evidence for Water in the Lower Mantle from Ferropericlase Included in Diamond
Palot M, Jacobsen SD, Townsend JP, Nestola F, Marquardt K, Harris JW, Stachel T, McCammon CA & Pearson DG

Marquardt Katharina (2014) Halogen Incorporation in Forsterite at Earth´s Mantle Conditions
Joachim B, Marquardt K, Pawley A, Lyon I, Henkel T, Burgess R & Ballentine C
(2013) Ni Diffusion in Small Angle Grain Boundaries of Forsterite
Marquardt K & Dohmen R
(2013) Ancient Mobilisation of Radiogenic Pb and Ti during High-Grade Metamorphism
Kusiak MA, Whitehouse MJ, Wilde SA, Dunkley DJ, Nemchin AA, Wirth R & Marquardt K
(2012) Experimental Study on the Pseudobinary H2O+NaAlSi3O8 at 600-800℃ and to 2.5 GPa
Schmidt C, Watenphul A, Wohlers A & Marquardt K
(2011) Focused Ion Beam Cutting of Large Samples for Brillouin Spectroscopy
Marquardt K & Marquardt H
(2011) Elastic Properties of Nano-Crystalline MgO to High Pressures by Brillouin Scattering
Marquardt H, Gleason A, Marquardt K, Speziale S, Miyagi L, Neusser G, Wenk H-R & Jeanloz R

Marquardt Katharina (2019) Olivine Interface Distributions in Static and Dynamic Equilibrium; Effects of Diffusion vs. Effects of Dislocation Motion
Marquardt K, Ferreira F, Hansen L & Faul U
(2019) Pb Transport in CaTiO3 Controlled by Diffusion and Recrystallization Governed by Lattice Strain
Beyer C, Marquardt K, Vollmer C & Chakraborty S

Marquardt Katharina Tinka (2022) Grain Boundary Energy Variation in Olivine
Sedlak M, Austin A & Marquardt KT
(2022) Chemically Induced Strain during Solid State Diffusion in Minerals: An Experimental Study Using Pyrope – Spessartine and Pyrope – Grossularite Diffusion Couples
Chakraborty S, Marquardt KT & Ganguly J

Marquardt Martin (2016) Evolution of a Peraluminous REE Enriched Garnet Granite Towards a World Class HREE Enriched Ion-Exchange Deposit, Penco, Chile
Dold B, Belmar A, Marquardt M & Albornoz A

Marquardt Mathias (2009) Prediction of Sub-Seafloor Gas Hydrate Inventories by Empirical Relationships
Marquardt M, Hensen C, Henke T, Müller C & Wallmann K

Marquardt N. (2023) Characterization of Mercury Species and Microbial Communities in Sediments and Suspended Particulate Matter from Historically Contaminated River Systems
Wiederhold JG, Gfeller L, Marquardt N, Alten A, Krisch S, Breidenbach A, Schüttler A, Hahn J, Buchinger S, Wick A, Biester H & Duester L

Marquardt W.

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