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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Markovic Stefan (2023) Shelf Pyrite Weathering as Negative Feedback to Glacial pCO2 during the Eocene-Oligocene Transition
Yao W, Markovic S, Paytan A, Erhardt AM & Wortmann UG

Marković Tamara (2009) Problems with High Concentrations of Mn and Fe at the Pumping Site Petruševec – Zagreb (Croatia)
Larva O, Marković T & Brkić Ž
(2009) Usage of Tritium, δD, δ18O and Chemical Data in the Hydrogeological Investigations of the Karstic Area -Lička Jasenica
Marković T, Terzić J & Krajcar Bronić I

Marković Tamara (2020) Can Dating MRT of Groundwater with C-14 be Reliable in Alluvial Aquifers?
Marković T, Karlović I, Maldini K, Šparica Miko M, Larva O & Brkić Ž

Markovic Tamara (2015) Fractionation of Zn Upon Complexation with Physiologically Relevant Organic Ligands in Plants
Markovic T, Simperler A, Harvey J, Vilar R & Weiss D

Markovich K. (2021) Application of 85Kr, 3H, 39Ar, and 14C, Noble Gas Thermometry, and Modeling to Constrain Mountain-Front Recharge to Basin-Fill Aquifers
McIntosh J, Markovich K, Noyes C, Condon L, Ferguson G, Carroll KC & Purtschert RJ

Markowiak M. (2022) Geochemistry of Porphyry-Style Pyrite as a Tool for Vectoring Boiling Horizons: An Example from Myszków Mo-Cu-W Deposit (Poland)
Naglik B, Dumańska-Słowik MA, Toboła T, Dimitrova D, Derkowski P, Zieliński G, Habryn R & Markowiak M

Markowska M. (2021) Stable Isotope Analyses of Fluid Inclusions in Speleothems: Opportunities and Challenges for their Application as Paleo-Temperature Archives
Markowska M, Levy E, de Graaf S, Scholz D, Martin AN, Petraglia M, Groucutt HS, Martinez-Garcia A, Treble PC, Baker A, Haug GH & Vonhof H
(2021) The Uranium Isotopic Composition of Lacustrine Holocene Stromatolites from the East African Rift System
Martin AN, Markowska M, Junginger A & Weyer S
(2020) The Trace Element Composition of a Range of Modern and Archean Microbial Carbonates
Martin A, Unruh C, Lazarov M, Markowska M, Junginger A, Bischoff K, Chivas A & Weyer S
(2014) Water Oxygen Isotope Systematics from Source to Stalagmites
Baker A, Acworth RI, Andersen M, Cuthbert M, Graham P, Jex C, Mariethoz G, Marjo C, Markowska M, Rau G, Roshan H, Rutlidge H & Treble P

Markowski A. (2007) Growth of the Earth's Core
Halliday A, Georg B, Grove T, Lee D-C, Markowski A, Quitte G, Schauble E, Singletary S & Williams H
(2006) Tungsten isotopes and oxidation in early planetary mantles
Halliday A, Wood B & Markowski A

Markowski K. (2017) Developing and Deploying a Field kit for Lead in Soils in NYC and Peru
Landes F, Ponce-Canchihuamán JC, Inauen J, Markowski K, Ellis T & van Geen A

Marks A. (2017) The Refractive Index of Organic Material from Atmospheric Aerosol Measured over the Visible Wavelength Range Using Optical Tweezers
Shepherd R, King M, Ward A, Marks A & Brough N

Marks C. (2022) Making Silicic Magmas: It’s Igneous but Maybe a lot Colder Than you Think
Lundstrom C, Bruckel KM, Velazquez-Sanchez MG, Ortega K, Roden N, Manselle P, Campe C & Marks C

Marks J. (2016) Tracing Metal Processing in Soil with Molybdenum Isotopes
Pett-Ridge J, King E, Marks J & Trierweiler A
(2014) Distribution of Soil Molybdenum Across a Soil Nitrogen Gradient
Marks J, Pett-Ridge J & Perakis S

Marks K. (2013) Metagenomic Insights into the Response of Indigenous Microbial Communities in Beach Sands to the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
Kostka J, Rodriguez-R LM, Overholt W, Lin X, Marks K, Konstantinidis K & Huettel M

Marks Michael (2017) Microanalysis of Cl, Br and I in Apatite, Scapolite and Silicate Glasses by LA-ICP-MS
Caulfield J, Tomlinson E, Marks M, Chew D, McKenna C & Ubide T
(2017) A Global Review on the Origin of Agpaitic Rocks and their Relation to Miaskitic Peralkaline Rocks
Marks M & Markl G

Marks Michael A. W. (2023) Volcanic Activity and Magmatic Evolution in the Southern Central European Volcanic Province Reveal Mantle Heterogeneities and Two Geochemically Distinct Melt Sources
Binder T, Marks MAW, Walter BF & Markl G
(2023) Scientific Drilling at a REE-Mineralised Carbonatite
Goodenough K, Broom-Fendley S, Marks MAW & Spear J
(2019) Evidence for Wall-Rock Assimilation in Carbonatites from the Kaiserstuhl (Germany)
Marks MAW, Giebel RJ, Walter BF, Braunger S, Wenzel T & Markl G
(2019) Carbonatite-Alkaline Silicate Rock Complexes Reflect Highly Oxidized Conditions in their Upper Mantle Source
Braunger S, Marks MAW, Wenzel T, Chmyz L, Azzone RG & Markl G
(2019) A Model for the Formation of Carbonatite-Phoscorite Assemblages
Giebel RJ, Marks MAW, Gauert CDK & Markl G
(2019) Halogen Cycling (F, Cl, Br, I) in the Critical Zone
Epp T, Neidhardt H, Marks MAW, Markl G & Oelmann Y
(2019) Fluids Exsolved from the Kaiserstuhl Carbonatite, SW Germany: Brine Generation by Boiling
Walter BF, Steele-MacInnis M, Giebel RJ, Marks MAW & Markl G
(2019) Sulphur Isotopes of Alkaline Igenous Suites: New Insights into Magmatic Fluid Evolution and Crustal Recycling
Hutchison W, Babiel R, Finch A, Marks M, Markl G, Boyce A, Stüeken E, Friis H, Borst A & Horsburgh N
(2019) Halogen Behaviour in Sodalite and Eudialyte of the Ilímaussaq Intrusion, South Greenland
Eggenkamp H, Marks M & Markl G

Marks Michael A.W. (2022) The Role of Continental Crust in the Global Halogen Cycle: Insights from Halogen Concentrations (F, Cl, Br, and I) of Ancient Glacial Deposits
Han P-Y, Rudnick RL, He T, Marks MAW, Wang S-J, Gaschnig RM & Hu Z-C
(2022) Silicates in Carbonatites – Origin and Interpretation
Giebel RJ, Walter BF, Marks MAW & Markl G
(2021) Halogens in Serpentinised-Troctolites (Atlantis Massif): Implications for the Role of Serpentinization in Volatile Subduction Budgets
Kendrick MA, Godard M & Marks MAW
(2021) The Cl Isotope Variation of Sodalite and Eudialyte in Ilímaussaq (South Greenland)
Eggenkamp HGM, Marks MAW, Bonifacie M, Bardoux G, Agrinier P & Markl G
(2021) Fluid Release in Carbonatitic Systems and its Implication for Carbonatite Magma Ascent, Compositional Evolution and REE-Mineralization
Walter BF, Giebel RJ, Steele-MacInnis M, Marks MAW, Kolb J & Markl G
(2020) Magmatic Interaction in Peralkaline Syenites of the Junguni Complex, Malawi
Walter BF, Giebel RJ, Marks MAW & Markl G
(2020) Mica Compositions Record Carbonatite – Silicate Wall-Rock Interaction
Giebel RJ, Walter BF, Marks MAW & Markl G
(2017) Fluid-Mineral Interaction and REE Mineralization in the Palabora Carbonatite Complex
Giebel RJ, Marks MAW, Gauert CDK & Markl G
(2015) Changes in Tourmaline Trace Element Geochemistry during Magmatic Differentiation and Hydrothermal Ore Deposition
Duchoslav M, Marks M, McCammon C, Marschall H, Wenzel T & Markl G
(2015) The Effect of Temperature and Cataclastic Deformation on Salinity, Halogen Systematics and Metal Transport Capacities of Continental Basement Brines – An Experimental Approach
Burisch M, Marks M, Nowak M & Markl G
(2015) Distinguishing Magmatic and Metamorphic Processes in the Norra Kärr Alkaline Complex, Southern Sweden
Atanasova P, Marks M, Krause J, Markl G & Gutzmer J
(2015) Eudialyte-Group Minerals as Monitors of Magmatic and Hydrothermal Processes in Peralkaline Rocks
Marks M, Lindhuber M, Ratschbacher B, Giehl C, Nowak M & Markl G
(2013) Experimental Investigations on Halogen-Rich Agpaitic Phase Equilibria
Giehl C, Marks M & Nowak M
(2013) The Halogen (F, Cl, Br) Budget of Continental Granitoid Plutonic Rocks
Teiber H, Marks M, Wenzel T, Siebel W, Altherr R & Markl G
(2013) Compositional Variation in Apatites from Alkaline Silicate Rocks and Associated Carbonatites: A Case Study of the Kaiserstuhl Complex, Germany
Wang L, Wenzel T, von der Handt A, Keller J, Marks MAW & Markl G
(2012) Multiple Growth Events in Diamonds from Murowa; Evidence from FTIR Mapping of N and H Defects
Kohn S, Bulanova G, Smith C, Walter M, Marks A & McKay A
(2011) Heavy Isotope Fractionation in Magmatic Systems: The Example Tl
Hettmann K, Kreissig K, Schauble E, Rehkämper M, Marks M & Markl G
(2011) Experimental Investigation of the Differentiation of Iron-Rich Peralkaline Magma
Giehl C, Babiel R, Reiche S, Marks M & Nowak M
(2011) Volatile Elements in Apatite: An Integrated Analytical Approach with Special Focus on Bromine
Marks MAW, Whitehouse M, Wenzel T, Stosnach H & Markl G
(2011) Element Transport and Mineral Replacement Reactions during Alkali Contact Metamorphism
Derrey IT, Marks M & Markl G
(2011) Mineral Compositions Indicate Magma Recharge Processes in the Ilímaussaq Complex, Greenland
Ratschbacher B, Marks M, Pfaff K & Markl G
(2009) Thallium-Mineralization during Late Magmatic Activity in the Peralkaline Complex Ilimaussaq, Greenland
Hettmann K, Marks M, Wenzel T, Zack T & Markl G
(2009) Genesis of Tourmaline-Quartz-Wolframite Veins in the Schwarzwald, SW Germany
Guth AK, Marks MAW, Marschall HR, Barth M & Markl G
(2007) Sodic Pyroxene and Sodic Amphibole as Potential Micro-Analytical Reference Material for Li Isotopes
Marks MAW, Rudnick RL, Ludwig T, Marschall H, Zack T, Halama R, McDonough WF, Rost D, Wenzel T & Vicenzi EP
(2007) What Governs the Transition from Miaskitic to Agpaitic Assemblages in Peralkaline Rocks?
Schilling J, Marks MAW & Markl G
(2007) Stable Isotope Geochemistry of Amphiboles from Alkaline Igneous Complexes
Waczek Z, Vennemann T, Harris C, Markl G & Marks M
(2007) Petrology and Phase Equilibria of Ti-Andradite and Titanite in Alkaline Ultramafic Rocks of the Tamazeght Complex, Morocco
Coulson I, Marks M & Markl G
(2007) Kinetic Li Isotopic Fractionation in the Alkaline Plutonic Ilímaussaq Complex, South Greenland
Marks MAW, Rudnick RL, McCammon C, Vennemann T & Markl G
(2007) Fluid-Rock Interactions Recorded by Kinetic Fractionation of Li Isotopes
Rudnick R, McDonough W, Teng F-Z & Marks M
(2005) Estimating lambda(<+>40<$>K) by U-Pb and <+>39<$>Ar-<+>40<$>Ar Dating of the Peralkaline Ilímaussaq Complex, Greenland
Krumrei T, Villa IM, Marks M & Markl G
(2003) Extremely Low D/H Ratios of Amphiboles from Alkaline Syenite Complexes: Implications for the Genesis of Alkaline to Peralkaline Magmas or Problems with Mineral-Water Fractionations?
Vennemann T, Marks M, Siebel W, Markl G & Potter J

Marks Naomi (2019) The Timing of Early Solar System Reservoir Separation
Jacobsen B, Liu M-C, Hertwig A, Marks N, McKeegan K, Kruijer T & Borg L
(2018) Experimental Determination of Zn Isotope Fractionation during Evaporation
Wimpenny J, Marks N, Knight K, Rolison J, Ryerson R, Badro J, Sanborn M, Huyskens M & Yin Q-Z
(2018) Natural Carbonate Precipitation Rates from Bomb-Pulse Radiocarbon Dating
Smith M, Finstad K, Dipple G, Beaudoin G, Marks N, Ryerson F & Aines R
(2015) Trace Element Budget along a Section of Fast-Spread Oceanic Crust: Results from Drilling at the Hess Deep Rift (ODP Leg 147 and IODP Expedition 345)
Godard M, Falloon T, Gillis K, Akizawa N, Koepke J, Marks N, Saha A, Garbe-Schonberg D & Meyer R
(2014) Hydrothermal Alteration at the Hess Deep Rift
Gillis K, Marks N, Faak K, McCaig A, Nozaka T, Python M, Wintsch R, Snow J & Klaus A
(2014) Characterizing Fluid-Rock Interaction in the Lower Gabbros from Hess Deep
Marks N & Gillis K
(2014) Static and Fault-Related Alteration In The Lower Ocean Crust, IODP Expedition 345, Hess Deep
McCaig A, Titarenko S, Faak K, Harigane Y, Marks N, Nozaka T, Python M, Wintsch R & Gillis K
(2012) Analysis of 33 Uranium Ore Concentrate Samples: A Case Study in Nuclear Forensics
Marks N, Hutcheon I, Robel M & Borg L

Marks Nigel (2013) The Effect of Chemical Evolution in 137CsCl on Radionuclide Leaching
Zhang F, Marks N, Gale J, Kang Q, Uberuaga B, Stanek C & Henson N
(2013) Experimental and Modelling Studies of Nuclear Materials
Lumpkin G, Aughterson R, Gregg D, Kuo E, Middleburgh S, Qin M, de los Reyes M, Thorogood G, Zhang Y, Zhang Z, Robinson M & Marks N
(2013) Structure and Radiation Damage in Y<sub>2</sub>Ti<sub>2</sub>O<sub>7</sub> And Y<sub>2</sub>TiO5
Robinson M, Marks N, Carter D, Qin M, Middleburgh S, Thorogood G, Kuo E, Aughterson R & Lumpkin G

Marks R.G.H. (2023) Transformation of Iminodi(methylene Phosphonate) on Manganese Dioxides – Passivation of the Mineral Surface by Formed MnII
Roehnelt AMM, Martin PR, Buchner D, Marks RGH, Jochmann MA & Haderlein SB

Marks S. (2011) Pb and Zn Distribution in Stalagmites
Goettlicher J, Marks S, Simon R, Steininger R, Platte A & Niggemann S

Markulin K. (2020) Unraveling the Secrets Recorded in the Chemistry of Bivalve Shells
Schöne BR, Schnabel E, Höche N, Murakami-Sugihara N, Jochum KP, Nishida K, Peharda M, Markulin K, Unvanović H & Shirai K
(2017) Trace Element Records in Aragonitic Bivalve Shells as Environmental Proxies
Markulin K, Peharda M, Mertz-Kraus R & Schöne BR

Markussen S. (2017) Concrete Production Through Microbially Induced Dissolution and Re-precipitation of Limestone
Røyne A, Phua YJ, Eikjeland IG, Le SB, Markussen S, Josefsen K & Wentzel A

Markussen Marcilly Chloé (2022) New Constraints on Early Paleozoic Carbon Cycle Balance and Climate Change from Modelling
Markussen Marcilly C, Maffre P, Le Hir G, Pohl A, Fluteau F, Godderis Y, Donnadieu Y, Hatlen Heimdal T & Torsvik TH

Markussen Marcilly Chloe (2020) The Impact of Paleogeography on Long-Term CO2 Models
Markussen Marcilly C & Torsvik TH

Markusson Sigurdur (2018) Fluid Evolution of Krafla Geothermal Field, Iceland, as Traced by Noble Gas and Stable Isotopes
Li Y, Zhou Z, Holland G, Zwahlen C, Markusson S & Wang Y
(2017) Noble Gas and Stable Isotope Characteristics of Hydrothermal Fluid System, Krafla, Iceland
Li Y, Zhou Z, Markusson S, Zwahlen C & Holland G

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