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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Markewich H. (2012) Post OIS6 Climate-Change Records in the Lower Mississippi Valley and Mid-Atlantic Coastal Plain
Markewich H, Pavich M, Wysocki D & Litwin R

Markewitz D. (2015) 14C Distribution in Soils with Different History of Land Use in Calhoun CZO
Cherkinsky A & Markewitz D

Markey Rich (2018) Melt Water Surge at End Marinoan Glaciation: Os Isotopic Evidence
Hannah J, Stein H, Yang G, Markey R, Tohver E, Kjoll HJ & Torsvik T

Markey Richard J. (2006) Precise 2004 ± 9 Ma Re-Os age for Pechenga black shale: Comparison of sulfides and organic material
Hannah JL, Stein HJ, Zimmerman A, Yang G, Markey RJ & Melezhik VA
(2006) Re-Os evidence for the origin of Fe-oxide-(Cu-Au) deposits in SW Iberia at the Frasnian-Famennian boundary
Stein H, Markey R, Carriedo J & Tornos F
(2006) Timescales for fluid storage and release in porphyry Cu-Mo systems – Timescales for felsic magma storage and volcanic eruptions
 HS & Markey R
(2005) The First Re-Os Ages of Auriferous Sulfides from European Variscides
Mikulski S, Markey R & Stein H
(2004) Characterization of a Molybdenite Reference Material for Re-Os
Markey R, Stein H, Hannah J, Selby D & Creaser R
(2004) Gold: A Re-Os Geochronometer?
Hannah J, Stein H, Markey R & Scherstén A
(2003) Dating Young Molybdenites and LLHR Samples Using Re-Os: The Pitfalls and Overcoming Them
Stein H, Markey R & Hannah J
(2003) Power in Partnership: Re-Os Molybdenite and U-Pb Zircon Dating
Stein H, Markey R & Hannah J
(2003) Chondritic Initial 187Os/188Os in Paleoproterozoic Shale (Seawater) and Onset of Oxidative Weathering
Hannah J, Stein H, Bekker A, Markey R & Holland H
(2002) Defining the Lifespan of a Giant Porphyry Cu Deposit: Re-Os Dating at Los Pelambres, Chile
Stein H, Markey R, Sillitoe R & Perelló J
(2002) Late Archean-Early Proterozoic Formation and Reworking of a Porphyry Cu(Mo)Deposit Recorded in Molybdenite: Re-Os Dating at Malanjkhand, Central India
Hannah JL, Stein HJ, Zimmerman A, Markey RJ, Sarkar SC & Pal AB
(2000) Robust Re-Os Molybdenite Ages for the Hemlo Au Deposit, Superior Province, Canada
Stein HJ, Markey RJ & Morgan JW

Markey Richard M (2015) Re-Os Shale Data Reveal Gravity Gliding Deformation and Surface Water Circulation, Hekkingen Formation, Loppa High, Barents Sea
Markey R, Stein H, Hannah J, Georgiev S, Pedersen JH & Dons C
(2014) 187Re-187Os Geochronometry in Molybdenite – 20 Years Fast Forward
Stein HJ, Zimmerman A, Hannah JL & Markey RM

Markham E. (2019) Contrasting the Transport and Fate of PCBs and PFASs Across the Atlantic Ocean
Lohmann R, Markham E, Yanishevsky T, Karaskova P, Becanova J & Klanova J

Märki L. (2020) Towards Refining the Carbon Budget of the Taiwan Orogeny
Blattmann T, Lin B, Liu Z, Wang S-L, Märki L, Eglinton T & Lupker M
(2019) Organic and Inorganic Long-Term Carbon Budget of Himalayan Erosion after the 2015 Gorkha Earthquake
Märki L, Lupker M, Gajurel A, Haghipour N, France-Lanord C, Lavé J, Morin G, Gallen S & Eglinton T
(2019) Riverine Particulate Organic Matter Sourcing Varies Across the Himalaya
Menges J, Hovius N, Andermann C, Lupker M, Märki L, Haghipour N, Eglinton T, Gleixner G & Sachse D

Märki M. (2002) Nitrogen Turnover in Lake Sediments – Seen with Ion-Selective Electrodes
Märki M, Müller B, Dinkel C & Wehrli B

Markič M. (2011) Carbon Cycling in the Pliocene Velenje Coal Basin, Slovenia, Inferred from Stable Carbon Isotopes
Kanduč T, Žigon S, Markič M, Zavšek S & McIntosh J

Markl Gregor (2013) The Halogen (F, Cl, Br) Budget of Continental Granitoid Plutonic Rocks
Teiber H, Marks M, Wenzel T, Siebel W, Altherr R & Markl G
(2013) Compositional Variation in Apatites from Alkaline Silicate Rocks and Associated Carbonatites: A Case Study of the Kaiserstuhl Complex, Germany
Wang L, Wenzel T, von der Handt A, Keller J, Marks MAW & Markl G
(2012) Fluoride Complexation of Hafnium Under Hydrothermal Conditions
Loges A, Migdisov AA, Wagner T, Williams-Jones AE & Markl G
(2011) Heavy Isotope Fractionation in Magmatic Systems: The Example Tl
Hettmann K, Kreissig K, Schauble E, Rehkämper M, Marks M & Markl G
(2011) Volatile Elements in Apatite: An Integrated Analytical Approach with Special Focus on Bromine
Marks MAW, Whitehouse M, Wenzel T, Stosnach H & Markl G
(2011) Element Transport and Mineral Replacement Reactions during Alkali Contact Metamorphism
Derrey IT, Marks M & Markl G
(2011) Fluoride Complexation of Yttrium Under Hydrothermal Conditions
Loges A, Migdisov A, Wagner T, Williams-Jones A & Markl G
(2011) Mineralizations Monitor Depth and Composition Variations of Paleohydrothermal Fluid Systems
Markl G & Staude S
(2011) F, Cl and S Contents of Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions from Picritic Dike Rocks, Etendeka, NW Namibia
Worgard L, Trumbull R, Keiding J, Veksler I, Wiedenbeck M, Wenzel T & Markl G
(2011) Mineral Compositions Indicate Magma Recharge Processes in the Ilímaussaq Complex, Greenland
Ratschbacher B, Marks M, Pfaff K & Markl G
(2010) REE Fractionation during Low-Temperature Water-Mineral Interaction
Loges A, Goeb S, Jacob DE, Bau M, Wagner T & Markl G
(2010) Tectonothermal History of the Black Forest (Germany): A Triple Dating Approach on a Single Apatite Sample
Danisik M, Pfaff K, Evans N, Manoloukos C, Staude S, McDonald B & Markl G
(2009) REE Contents in Minerals and Water from Hydrothermal Veins
Goeb S, Loges A, Wenzel T, Bau M, Barth M, Berner Z & Markl G
(2009) Thallium-Mineralization during Late Magmatic Activity in the Peralkaline Complex Ilimaussaq, Greenland
Hettmann K, Marks M, Wenzel T, Zack T & Markl G
(2009) Genesis of Tourmaline-Quartz-Wolframite Veins in the Schwarzwald, SW Germany
Guth AK, Marks MAW, Marschall HR, Barth M & Markl G
(2009) Remobilization of REE in F-Rich, Low-Temperature Environments
Loges A, Goeb S, Barth M, Bau M, Wagner T & Markl G
(2009) Geochemical Modeling of the Formation of Kyanite-Quartz Veins, Alpe Sponda, Central Alps
Wagner T, Beitter T & Markl G
(2007) Iron Isotope Fractionation during Hydrothermal Ore Deposition and Alteration
Markl G, von Blanckenburg F, Wagner T & Horn I
(2007) Fractionation Processes in the Layered Ilimaussaq Nepheline Syenite
Pfaff K, Krumrei T, Rudolf T & Markl G
(2007) What Governs the Transition from Miaskitic to Agpaitic Assemblages in Peralkaline Rocks?
Schilling J, Marks MAW & Markl G
(2007) The Hydrothermal Wenzel Deposit, South Germany: Implications for the Formation of Kongsberg-Type Silver Deposits
Staude S, Wagner T & Markl G
(2007) Fluid Geochemistry in the Ivigtut Cryolite Deposit, South Greenland
Koehler J & Markl G
(2007) REE Systematics of Fluorites in (Per-)alkaline Systems
Schoenenberger J, Koehler J & Markl G
(2007) Stable Isotope Geochemistry of Amphiboles from Alkaline Igneous Complexes
Waczek Z, Vennemann T, Harris C, Markl G & Marks M
(2007) Petrology and Phase Equilibria of Ti-Andradite and Titanite in Alkaline Ultramafic Rocks of the Tamazeght Complex, Morocco
Coulson I, Marks M & Markl G
(2007) Li, Be, B and δ11B Values from the Peralkaline Ilimaussaq Intrusion and its Country Rocks (South Greenland)
Kaliwoda M, Altherr R & Markl G
(2007) Kinetic Li Isotopic Fractionation in the Alkaline Plutonic Ilímaussaq Complex, South Greenland
Marks MAW, Rudnick RL, McCammon C, Vennemann T & Markl G
(2005) Estimating lambda(<+>40<$>K) by U-Pb and <+>39<$>Ar-<+>40<$>Ar Dating of the Peralkaline Ilímaussaq Complex, Greenland
Krumrei T, Villa IM, Marks M & Markl G
(2003) Extremely Low D/H Ratios of Amphiboles from Alkaline Syenite Complexes: Implications for the Genesis of Alkaline to Peralkaline Magmas or Problems with Mineral-Water Fractionations?
Vennemann T, Marks M, Siebel W, Markl G & Potter J

Markl Gregor (2019) Evidence for Wall-Rock Assimilation in Carbonatites from the Kaiserstuhl (Germany)
Marks MAW, Giebel RJ, Walter BF, Braunger S, Wenzel T & Markl G
(2019) Carbonatite-Alkaline Silicate Rock Complexes Reflect Highly Oxidized Conditions in their Upper Mantle Source
Braunger S, Marks MAW, Wenzel T, Chmyz L, Azzone RG & Markl G
(2019) A Model for the Formation of Carbonatite-Phoscorite Assemblages
Giebel RJ, Marks MAW, Gauert CDK & Markl G
(2019) Halogen Cycling (F, Cl, Br, I) in the Critical Zone
Epp T, Neidhardt H, Marks MAW, Markl G & Oelmann Y
(2019) Fluids Exsolved from the Kaiserstuhl Carbonatite, SW Germany: Brine Generation by Boiling
Walter BF, Steele-MacInnis M, Giebel RJ, Marks MAW & Markl G
(2019) Sulphur Isotopes of Alkaline Igenous Suites: New Insights into Magmatic Fluid Evolution and Crustal Recycling
Hutchison W, Babiel R, Finch A, Marks M, Markl G, Boyce A, Stüeken E, Friis H, Borst A & Horsburgh N
(2019) Halogen Behaviour in Sodalite and Eudialyte of the Ilímaussaq Intrusion, South Greenland
Eggenkamp H, Marks M & Markl G

Markl Gregor (2020) Magmatic Interaction in Peralkaline Syenites of the Junguni Complex, Malawi
Walter BF, Giebel RJ, Marks MAW & Markl G
(2020) Mica Compositions Record Carbonatite – Silicate Wall-Rock Interaction
Giebel RJ, Walter BF, Marks MAW & Markl G

Markl Gregor (2021) The Cl Isotope Variation of Sodalite and Eudialyte in Ilímaussaq (South Greenland)
Eggenkamp HGM, Marks MAW, Bonifacie M, Bardoux G, Agrinier P & Markl G
(2021) Fluid Release in Carbonatitic Systems and its Implication for Carbonatite Magma Ascent, Compositional Evolution and REE-Mineralization
Walter BF, Giebel RJ, Steele-MacInnis M, Marks MAW, Kolb J & Markl G

Markl Gregor (2022) Silicates in Carbonatites – Origin and Interpretation
Giebel RJ, Walter BF, Marks MAW & Markl G

Markl Gregor (2017) Fluid-Mineral Interaction and REE Mineralization in the Palabora Carbonatite Complex
Giebel RJ, Marks MAW, Gauert CDK & Markl G
(2017) A Global Review on the Origin of Agpaitic Rocks and their Relation to Miaskitic Peralkaline Rocks
Marks M & Markl G
(2017) Mineral Systems Analysis of Variscan Ore Deposits: The Need for Geochemical Data
Gutzmer J, Burisch M, Frenzel M, Ostendorf J, Haschke S, Seifert T & Markl G
(2017) Hydrothermal Carbonate-Sulfate Assemblages Record the Transition from a Deep to a Shallow Hydrothermal System, Schwarzwald, SW Germany
Burisch M, Walter B, Gerdes A, Lanz M & Markl G
(2017) Silver-Bearing Ores of the Clara Mine, SW-Germany
Keim M, Neumann U, Walter B, Bayerl R & Markl G

Markl Gregor (2015) Changes in Tourmaline Trace Element Geochemistry during Magmatic Differentiation and Hydrothermal Ore Deposition
Duchoslav M, Marks M, McCammon C, Marschall H, Wenzel T & Markl G
(2015) The Integration Modes of Structural Bound W(VI) in Hematite and Goethite
Kreißl S, Bolanz R, Göttlicher J, Steininger R, Tarassov M & Markl G
(2015) The Effect of Temperature and Cataclastic Deformation on Salinity, Halogen Systematics and Metal Transport Capacities of Continental Basement Brines – An Experimental Approach
Burisch M, Marks M, Nowak M & Markl G
(2015) Chemical Evolution of Continental Basement Brines – A Field Study from the Schwarzwald, SW Germany
Walter B, Burisch M & Markl G
(2015) Distinguishing Magmatic and Metamorphic Processes in the Norra Kärr Alkaline Complex, Southern Sweden
Atanasova P, Marks M, Krause J, Markl G & Gutzmer J
(2015) Eudialyte-Group Minerals as Monitors of Magmatic and Hydrothermal Processes in Peralkaline Rocks
Marks M, Lindhuber M, Ratschbacher B, Giehl C, Nowak M & Markl G
(2015) Time Scales and Textural Evolution during Weathering of Galena
Keim M & Markl G

Markl Gregor (2023) Volcanic Activity and Magmatic Evolution in the Southern Central European Volcanic Province Reveal Mantle Heterogeneities and Two Geochemically Distinct Melt Sources
Binder T, Marks MAW, Walter BF & Markl G
(2023) Skarn-, Greisen- and Vein-Hosted Sn Mineralization at Geyer, Erzgebirge (Germany)
Meyer N, Markl G, Gerdes A, Gutzmer J & Burisch M
(2023) Textures of Sulfide-Silicate-Interactions in Magmatic Sulfide Deposits
Raisch DFA, Staude S & Markl G

Markle B. (2013) Inferring a West Antarctica Firn Temperature History from a Shallow Ice Core Using a New Proxy
Gkinis V, Jones T, White J, Vaughn B, Steig E, Markle B & Schoenemann S

Marklein Alison (2017) Drought Mitigation Through Carbon Management: Improved Understanding of the Role of Soil Aggregates in Agriculture
Ying S, Avila CC, Berhe A, Bogie N, Brodiee E, Dubinsky E, Ghezzehei T, Marklein A, Nico P, Parikh S, Rath D, Riley W, Schaefer M, Scow K & Torn M

Marklein Alison R (2023) Olivine and Lime Application in the US Midwest: A Field Study for Quantifying Carbon Dioxide Removal, Soil, and Crop Health
Marklein AR, Tucker KA, Fleming XB, Chang E & Wolf A
(2023) Immobile Trace Element Based Enhanced Rock Weathering Soil Measurements of Carbon Reductions in the US Midwest
Chang ES, Kantola IB, Marklein AR, Masters M, Moore CE, Bernacchi CJ, Epihov DZ, Beerling DJ & DeLucia EH

Markmann T. (2023) Advanced Petrological Modelling for Predicting Fluid Fluxes in Subduction Zones
Markmann T & Lanari P
(2023) Tracing Fluid Infiltration in Subducted Oceanic Crust at High Pressure Conditions
Rubatto D, Williams M, Markmann T, Lanari P & Hermann J
(2023) A Deep-Learning Approach to Trace Fluid-Driven Garnet Dissolution in 3D
Hartmeier P, Lanari P, Markmann T & Forshaw JB
(2023) Deciphering the Behavior of Trace Elements during Partial Melting Using Multi-Phase Quantitative Compositional Mapping by LA-ICPMS
Lanari P, Dominguez H, Markmann T & Riel N

Marko L. (2018) In situ LA-ICP-MS U-Th-Pb Monazite Dating of Metapelites from Namche Barwa Area, Eastern Tibet
Peng T, Gerdes A, Albert Roper R, Millonig LJ, Marko L, Zeng L-S & Wu C-M
(2018) In situ U-Pb Dating of Garnet. A Laser Ablation ICP-MS Approach on Low-U Garnet
Albert Roper R, Gerdes A, Millonig LJ, Buick IS & Marko L
(2017) U-Pb Zircon Ages and Geochemical Analyses of French Guiana Recent Coastal Sediments Under Amazon Influence
Philippe S, Dörr W, Marko L, Courcot L, Lesourd S, Caillaud J, Gontharet S, Gardel A, Bory A & Henry F
(2015) U-Pb and Lu-Hf Isotope Systematics of Nb-Ta Mineralization
Marko L, Gerdes A, van Lichterfelde M & Melcher F

Markova K. (2017) Dump Organic Matter Characteristics: View by Geochemical Proxies
Milakovska Z, Stefanova M, Marinov S & Markova K

Marková L. (2017) Dehydration of Perlite Glass from Slovakia
Varga P, Uhlík P, Lexa J, Bizovská V, Šurka J, Marková L & Pálokvá H

Markovic Sava (2023) Zircon U–Pb Ages, Geochemistry and Sr-Nd Isotopes of Sanukitoids, Two Mica and Hybrid Granites of Bas Draa Inlier, Western Anti-Atlas, Morocco
Askkour F, Ikenne M, Chelle-Michou C, Cousens B, Markovic S, Souhassou M, Ousbih M, El Bilali H & Ernst RE
(2023) The Late Neoproterozoic LIP in the Northwestern Part of the West African Craton: Evidences from Stratigraphy, Geochronology, Geochemistry and Nd Isotopes of the Ouarzazate Group, Anti Atlas, Morocco
Ousbih M, Ikenne M, Cousens B, Chelle-Michou C, El Bilali H, Gaouzi A, Markovic S, Askkour F, Mouhajir M, el Mouden S, Youbi N & Ernst RE
(2022) Zircon U–Pb Ages and Geochemistry of Granitoids from the Central Massif of the Bas Draa Inlier (Western Anti-Atlas, Morocco)
Askkour F, Ikenne M, Chelle-Michou C, Cousens B, Souhassou M, Markovic S, Ousbih M, Gasquet D, El Bilali H & Ernst RE
(2022) Stratigraphy, Geochronology, Geochemistry and Nd Isotopes of the Late Ediacaran Ouarzazate Group Series from Eastern and Central Anti Atlas – (Morocco)
Ousbih M, Ikenne M, Cousens B, Chelle-Michou C, El Bilali H, Markovic S, Gaouzi A, Askkour F, Mouhajir M, el Mouden S, Youbi N & Ernst RE

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