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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Mariotti Apolline (2021) Impact of Quaternary Glacial Cycles on Denudation in Western Mediterranean Mountains
Blard P-H, Molliex S, Mariotti A, Charreau J, Jouet G, Toucanne S & Jorry S

Mariotti G. (2015) Cyanobacterial Fossilization Through the Formation and Trapping of Clays
Newman S, Mariotti G & Bosak T

Mariotti Veronique (2013) Quantification of the Role of Orbital and Millennial Timescale Processes on δ18O and 17Δ Signals
Reutenauer C, Landais A, Woillez M-N, Risi C, Braconnot P, Blunier T, Mariotti V & Kageyama M

Mariotti Victoria (2023) Mineral-Organic Interactions: Toward Innovative Therapeutic Devices for Tomorrow’s Medicine
Aubry C, Mariotti V, Combes C, Drouet C, Arpin C, Kauss T & Barthelemy P

Maris A. (2022) Earliest Fossil Record of Cyanobacterial Microbialites >120 Myr Before the Great Oxygenation Event
Hickman-Lewis K, Gasparotto G, Maris A, Poggiali G, Brucato JR, Baneschi I, Boschi C, Siketić Z, Jakšić M, Barac M, Brajković M, Krmpotić M, Ghica D, Stefan M & Cavalazzi B
(2021) Oldest Methanogens from Subseafloor Hydrothermal Environment, South Africa
Cavalazzi B, Lemelle L, Simionovici AS, Cady SL, Russell M, Bailo E, Canteri R, Enrico E, Manceau A, Maris A, Salome M, Thomassot E, Bouden N, Tucoulou Tachoueres R & Hofmann A

Marjamaa K. (2017) Microbial Degradation of Low-Level Radioactive Waste in Repository Conditions
Vikman M, Marjamaa K, Itävaara M, Nykyri M, Small J & Paaso N

Marjanovic M. (2023) Discovery and Exploration of Active Off-Axis Hydrothermal Vents at 9° 54'N East Pacific Rise
McDermott JM, Parnell-Turner R, Barreyre T, Herrera S, Downing CC, Pittoors NC, Pehr K, Vohsen SA, Dowd WS, Wu J-N, Marjanovic M, Siverand JM, Bibaj E, Preston V & Fornari DJ

Marjo Chris (2014) Water Oxygen Isotope Systematics from Source to Stalagmites
Baker A, Acworth RI, Andersen M, Cuthbert M, Graham P, Jex C, Mariethoz G, Marjo C, Markowska M, Rau G, Roshan H, Rutlidge H & Treble P

Marjo Christopher (2016) Evidence for Micrite Formation by Particle-Dominated Mineralization
Frisia S, Rubanov S, Borsato A, Gattolin G, Della Porta G, Marjo C, Rich A & Dove P
(2016) Profiling of P and S in Mozambique Coal Using an XRF Core Scanner
Esterle J, Rodrigues S, Kelloway S, Marjo C & Ward C

Mark B (2005) Travertine Formation and Other Pattern Forming Processes on Sloping Surfaces
Jamtveit B, Hammer O, Mark B, Simon D, Dag D & Jens F

Mark Brzezinski (2021) Updating the Biogeochemical Cycle of Silicon in the Modern Ocean
Tréguer PJ, Sutton JN, Mark B, Charette M, Devries T, Dutkiewicz S, Ehlert C, Hawkings J, Leynaert A, Liu SM, Llopis Monferrer N, Lopez-Acosta M, Maldonado M, Rahman S, Ran L & Rouxel O
(2021) Opal Diagenesis within Southern Ocean Sediments Tracked by Stable Silicon Isotopes
Closset I, Mark B, Cardinal D, Dapoigny A, Jones J & Robinson R

Mark Chris (2023) Tracking Ice-Sheet Dynamics by Detrital Provenance Pb-Isotope and 87Rb/87Sr Dating during the Middle Miocene Climatic Transition, Prydz Bay, Antarctica
Neofitu R, Mark C, Rösel D, Zack T, Kelley S & Daly JS
(2021) Isotopic Forward Modelling: A New Tool to Interpret U-Pb Thermochronometry Data
Mark C, Cogné N, Vermeesch P, Smye AJ, Chew DM & Daly JS
(2020) Petrochronology and Thermochronology of Apatite
Chew D, Spikings R, Mark C, O'Sullivan G, Henrichs I & Ansberque C
(2017) Apatite Pb-Profiling by LA-MC-ICPMS: An Example of Lower Crustal Thermochronometry from the Alps
Mark C, Chew D, Cogné N, Daly S & Henrichs I
(2017) Apatite Halogen Content Measurements by SEM-Edx and LA-Q-ICPMS: A Provenance Analysis Approach
Ansberque C, Chew D, Caulfield J & Mark C
(2017) Combined Chronometry and Geochemistry of Apatite for Very High Resolution Provenance Analysis
O'Sullivan G, Chew D, Morton A, Schneider S, Henrichs I & Mark C
(2015) Linking Oligo-Miocene Drainage Divide Migration to Orogenic Wedge State in the European Alps: A Multi-Proxy Provenance Approach
Mark C, Cogne N & Chew D

Mark Conrad (2014) Determining Water and Carbon Fluxes into Groundwater from a Semiarid Floodplain Vadose Zone
Tokunaga T, Wan J, Dong W, Kenneth W, Mark R, Yongman K, Boris F, Mark C, John C, Chad H, Benjamin G, Richard D, Philip L & Susan H

Mark Darren (2023) The Louisiade Plateau Large Igneous Province in the Coral Sea, Northeast of Australia
Cohen BE, Kalnins LM, Whittaker J, Seton M, Williams S, Carey R, Fitton G & Mark D
(2017) Identifying the Host(s) of Martian Water in the Nakhlite Meteorites
Lee M, Mark D & Coehn B
(2017) Taking the Pulse of Mars via 40Ar/39Ar Dating of a Plume-Fed Volcano
Cohen B, Mark D, Cassata W, Lee M, Tomkinson T & Smith C
(2017) 1 Million Years of Volcanism on Ascension Island: Insights from Stratigraphy, 40Ar/39Ar Dating and Petrology
Preece K, Chamberlain K, Barclay J, Mark D, Brown R, Vye-Brown C & Cohen B
(2017) Assembly of the British Tertiary Igneous Province
Mahajan R, Ickert R & Mark D
(2017) Interrogation of ‘apparent’ Age Dispersion in 40Ar/39Ar Neutron Fluence Moniotor Minerals
Mark D, Ickert R, Mahajan R, Dymock R & Imlach J
(2017) A Refined Age for the Gow Lake Impact Structure Using 40Ar/39Ar Geochronology
Pickersgill A, Mark D, Lee M & Osinski G
(2017) Development of a Fine-Grained Sediment Un-Mixing Tool for 40Ar/39Ar Dating of Multi-Age Component Samples
Carter J, Mark D & Lee M
(2017) Extending the Utility of Multidynamic MC-Tims by Optimal Use of Redundant Data
Ickert R, Mahajan R, Carter J, Gallagher V, Kelley A & Mark D
(2015) Simulating Atmospheric Loss and Carbonate Formation on Early Mars Using Hydrothermal Experiments
Macartney A, Harkness P, Mark D & Lee M
(2015) Mineral-Scale Magma Generation: Insights from Rhyolite Lavas Prior to Last Yellowstone Supereruption
Troch J, Ellis B, Mark D, Bindeman I, Kent A & Bachmann O
(2014) Instrumentation Development for Planetary in situ 40Ar/39Ar Geochronology
Morgan L, Davidheiser-Kroll B, Munk M, van Bibber K, Harkness P, Lee M, Wright I, Gupta S & Mark D
(2013) Using Tephra Layers to Provide Absolute and Relative Chronologies for Sedimentary Archives: An Example from the Lake Suigetsu SG06 Record from Japan
Smith V, Staff R, Mark D, Blockley S, Bronk Ramsey C & Nakagawa T
(2011) Widespread Synchronous Volcanism on the Snake River Plain
Ellis B, Wolff J, Mark D & Bindeman I
(2011) Constraints on Earth Outgassing History from Ar Isotope Composition of Devonian Atmosphere
Stuart F & Mark D
(2011) The Manicouagan Impact Crater: A Site for Testing the Accuracy of Revisions to the K-Ar System
Mark D & Morgan L
(2011) Improving the Accuracy of the 40Ar/39Ar Geochronometer
Morgan L, Mark D, Kuiper K, Postma O, Villa I & Wijbrans J
(2011) Toward Establishing Precise Chronologies for the Integration of Late Pleistocene Palaeoclimate Archives: An Example from Suigetsu SG06, Japan
Smith V, Mark D, Staff R, Blockley S, Bronk Ramsey C, Bryant C, Nakagawa T, Kim KH, Weh A, Takemura K & Danhara T
(2009) Development of a Transmitted-Light Dual-Window UHV Laser Cell for in situ 40Ar-39Ar Geochronology
Mark D
(2008) Application of Multi-Collector Mass Spectrometry to Argon Geochonology
Barfod D, Mark D & Stuart F
(2008) Microporous and Micropermeable Subgrain Microtextures in K-Feldspar
Mark D

Mark Darren F. (2020) Pre-Rifting Volatile-Rich Melts and Asthenosphere Influxes: The Alkaline-Carbonatitic Lamprophyres of the Southern Alps (NE Italy)
Casetta F, Ickert RB, Mark DF, Bonadiman C, Giacomoni PP, Ntaflos T & Coltorti M
(2020) High Precision 40Ar/39Ar Dating of Jarosite and Alunite
Barfod D, Lemberg J & Mark D
(2020) A Customised ARGUS VI Noble Gas Mass Spectrometer for 40Ar/39Ar Geochronology
Hamilton D & Mark D
(2020) Forensic Geochronology of an Explosive-Effusive Transition: Ascension Island
Scarrow JH, Schmitt AK, Danisik M, Montero P, Preece KJ, Davies BV, Brown RJ, Mark D & Barclay J

Mark G. (2006) Stable isotope and LA-ICP-MS microanalytical evidence for a hydrothermal origin of Paleoproterozoic Fe oxide-apatite deposits, western Norrbotten County, Sweden
Mark G, Williams P & Miller J
(2006) Episodic, potassic, ‘A-type’ Mesoproterozoic magmatism in the Mount Isa Inlier, NE Australia: a syn-tectonic origin?
Mark G & Pollard P
(2006) Trace element geochemistry of magnetite and pyrite in Fe oxide (±Cu-Au) mineralised systems: insights into the geochemistry of ore-forming fluids
Carew M, Mark G, Oliver N & Pearson N
(2006) Magmatic Br/Cl - I/Cl: Possible Implications for Bulk Earth and Seawater Composition Through Time
Kendrick M & Mark G
(2006) Pre-1.8 Ga Crustal Evolution of the Mount Isa Fault Region, Northeastern Australia - Insights from SHRIMP U-Pb and In-situ Lu-Hf Analysis of Zircons
Bierlein F, Black L, Hergt J & Mark G
(2006) Salt and copper in iron oxide-copper-gold systems, Cloncurry district, Australia
Baker T, Bertelli M, Fisher L, Fu B, Hodgson W, Kendrick M, Mark G, Mustard R, Ryan C & Williams P
(2005) Br-Cl Fractionation in Mid-Crustal Fluid-Rock Systems
Mark G, Williams P, Blake K, vanAchterberg E & Ryan C
(2004) Precambrian Fe oxide-(Cu-Au) Hydrothermal Systems: An Isotopic Perspective from Scandinavia
Mark G, Williams P & Miller J

Mark P. (2014) Resolving Shock Features in Monazite Using EBSD and their Effects on SHRIMP U-Pb Systematics
Erickson T, Mark P, Cavosie A, Nicholas T, Steven R, Richard T & Christopher C

Mark Rehkamper (2002) Fe Isotope Composition of Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalts and Mantle Peridotites
Williams H, Lee D-C, Sylvain L, Nadya T, Franck P & Mark R

Mark Robbins (2014) Determining Water and Carbon Fluxes into Groundwater from a Semiarid Floodplain Vadose Zone
Tokunaga T, Wan J, Dong W, Kenneth W, Mark R, Yongman K, Boris F, Mark C, John C, Chad H, Benjamin G, Richard D, Philip L & Susan H

Mark S. (2015) Mycorhizal Fungi and Soil Formation: Bridging Scales and Processes
Mark S

Märk T.D. (2023) Pyridinium–Water Nanodroplets Under Irradiation
Parrado Ospina L, Lissillour H, Comte D, Lavy L, Bertier P, Calabria P, Fillol R, Calvo F, Farizon B, Farizon M & Märk TD
(2023) Formation and Elongation of Polyglycine via Unimolecular Reaction in the Gas Phase
Lissillour H, Parrado Ospina L, Comte D, Lavy L, Bertier P, Calabria P, Fillol R, Calvo F, Daniel I, Farizon B, Farizon M & Märk TD

Mark Jensen M. (2010) Authigenic Clay Formation Following Fe-Oxide Reduction in a Fe-Si-C Rich Lake Sediment
O´Connell DW, Mark Jensen M, Thamdrup B, Jakobsen R, Postma D, Hansen HCB & Bender Koch C
(2009) Biogeochemistry of Electron Transfer at the Iron Oxide – Solution Interface in Sediments
O'Connell D, Mark Jensen M, Thamdrup B, Jakobsen R, Bender Koch C, Postma D & Bruun Hansen HC

Markee A. (2008) The Hawaiian PLUME Experiment and its Initial Data Assessment
Laske G, Markee A, Orcutt JA, Wolfe CJ, Solomon SC, Collins JA, Detrick RS, Bercovici DA & Hauri EH

Markelov I. (2021) The Role of Shallow Basins and the Littoral Zone in Modulating Lake P Cycling: A Mass Balance Analysis of Lake Erie
Akbarzadeh Z, Bocaniov S, Powley H, Markelov I & Van Cappellen P
(2016) Interplay between As, Sb, Cr and N in Argillaceous Suspensions Under Redox Oscillating Conditions
Markelova E, Couture R-M, Parsons C, Markelov I, Made B, Van Cappellen P & Charlet L
(2016) Thermodynamic and Kinetic Properties of U(VI) Sorption on Chalk Substrates
Gehin A, Markelov I, Crancon P & Charlet L
(2016) Predicting Lake Anoxia Using a Coupled Water Column-Sediment Diagenesis Model
Markelov I, Van Cappellen P & Couture R-M
(2015) New Thermodynamic Approach to Represent the Redox Sequence of Oxidant Utilization during Organic Matter Decomposition
Markelov I & Van Cappellen P

Markelova E. (2019) Arsenic Oxidation by Flavin-Derived Reactive Species Under Oxic and Anoxic Conditions
Pi K, Markelova E & Van Cappellen P
(2018) Flavins, Redox Potentials and Reactive Oxygen Species
Pi K, Markelova E & Van Cappellen P
(2016) Interplay between As, Sb, Cr and N in Argillaceous Suspensions Under Redox Oscillating Conditions
Markelova E, Couture R-M, Parsons C, Markelov I, Made B, Van Cappellen P & Charlet L
(2015) Comparative Im/Mobilization of As, Cr, Sb in Argillaceous and Soil Suspensions
Markelova E, Couture R-M, Parsons C, van Cappellen P, Made B & Charlet L

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