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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Marin-Carbonne Johanna (2015) Fe and S Isotope Constraints on Redox Conditions Associated with Barite Deposits from the 3.2 Ga Mapepe Formation (South Africa)
Busigny V, Marin-Carbonne J, Muller E, Cartigny P, Assayag N, Rollion-Bard C & Philippot P
(2015) Evidence of Microbial Sulfate Reduction in Nanopyrites Enclosed in 2.7 Billions Year Old Stromatolitic Organic Remains
Marin-Carbonne J, Remusat L, Sforna M, Thomazo C, Cartigny P & Philippot P
(2015) Hydrothermalism and Molecular Preservation of Precambrian Gunflint Microfossils
Bernard S, Alleon J, Marin-Carbonne J & Robert F

Marin-Carbonne Johanna (2023) The Precambrian S-Cycle Viewed Through the Lense of Microscale Isotopic Observations
Pasquier V, Marin-Carbonne J & Halevy I
(2023) Multi-Step Increase of Atmospheric Oxygen between ~2.5-2.4 Ga
Senger MH, Davies JHFL, Marin-Carbonne J, Greber ND & Schaltegger U
(2023) Characterisation of Post-Burial Alterations in Archean Seafloor-Derived Lava and Cherts: Implications for the Primitive Terrestrial Environments
Kitoga S, Marin-Carbonne J, Boyet M, Moyen J-F, Stevens G & Zakharov D
(2023) Micropyrite: A Promising biosignature?Insights from Modern and Ancient Sediments
Marin-Carbonne J, Decraene M-N, Dupeyron J, Alleon J, Pasquier V, Remusat L, Thomazo C, Olivier N, Benzerara K & Bernard S
(2023) Multiple Sulfur Isotope Composition Analysis in Sphalerite by SIMS: Importance of Instrumental Mass Fractionation Effects
Bovay T, Marin-Carbonne J, Bouvier A-S, Kouzmanov K, Greber ND, Saitoh M, Marger K, Berger A, Meisser N & Demers-Roberge A
(2023) Tracking Granitic Magma Origin and Evolution Using Stable Silicon Isotopes in Zircon
Guitreau M, Gannoun A, Deng Z, Chaussidon M, Moynier F, Barbarin B & Marin-Carbonne J
(2023) Formation Pathways of Precambrian Sedimentary Pyrite: Insights from in situ Fe Isotopes
Dupeyron J, Decraene M-N, Marin-Carbonne J & Busigny V
(2023) Hydrothermal Processes Recorded by Pyritic-Organic-Rich Laminae in the 3.4-Ga Buck Reef Chert
Alleon J, Pasquier V & Marin-Carbonne J

Marin-Carbonne Johanna (2022) S-Cycle Characterization in the Paleoproterozoic Kuruman Iron Formation, Transvaal Supergroup, South Africa
Senger MH, Marin-Carbonne J, Davies JHFL, Mason PRD, Bouvier A-S & Schaltegger U
(2022) In situ Multiple Sulfur Isotope Analyses of a Mesoarchean (2.93 Ga) Sulfidic Shale, Red Lake, Canada
Afroz M, Marin-Carbonne J, Fralick PW, Patry L & Lalonde SV

Marin-Carbonne Johanna (2021) Under-Representation of Talents Among Awards in Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry
Riches AJV, Pourret O, Ader M, Anand P, Arndt S, Bots P, Dosseto A, Li Z, Marin-Carbonne J, Middleton JL & Ngwenya B
(2021) Constraining Geochemistry’s Community Demographics
Little SH, Labidi J, Riches AJV, Bots P, Anand P, Arndt S, Li Z, Maters EC, Marin-Carbonne J, Chi Fru E, Pourret O, Ngwenya B & Samankassou E
(2021) Environmental and Diagenetic Signals Recorded in Cherts from Archean to Cenozoic: Combining in situ δ18O and High-Precision Δ17O Measurements
Zakharov D, Marin-Carbonne J, Di Rocco T & Pack A
(2021) Nitrogen Isotope Variations Across the 3.4 Gyr Buck Reef Chert, South Africa, Question Early Nitrogen Sources and Pathways
Pellerin A, Thomazo C, Ader M, Marin-Carbonne J, Alleon J, Vennin E & Hofmann A
(2021) A Positive Iron Isotope Excursion Recorded in Micropyrites at the Smithian-Spathian (Early Triassic) Boundary
Decraene M-N, Marin-Carbonne J, Thomazo C, Bouvier A-S, Brayard A & Olivier N
(2021) Experimentally Investigating the Influence of Mineralogy on the Geochemical Preservation of Microbial Fossils during Diagenesis
Alleon J, Viennet J-C, Marin-Carbonne J & Bernard S
(2021) Depositional System and Terrigenous Influence in an Archaean Deep Water Environment (3.2 Ga-Old Fig Tree Group, Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa)
Aquila Q, Garçon M, Olivier N, Marin-Carbonne J & Thomazo C
(2021) Sub-Micrometer Pyrites in Microbialites Record Equilibrium S Isotope Fractionation by Microbial Sulfate Reduction Independently of the Sulfate Concentration of the Water
Marin-Carbonne J, Decraene M-N, Remusat L, Havas R, Thomazo C, Pasquier V, Alleon J, Zeyen N, Bernard S, Escrig S, Vennin E, Meibom A & Benzerara K
(2021) Unravelling Early Diagenesis: New Insight from Microscale Minor Sulfur Isotopes
Pasquier V, Decraene M-N, Marin-Carbonne J, Thomazo C, Fike DA & Halevy I

Marin-Carbonne Johanna (2020) In situ High Resolution Measurements of Fe Isotope Composition in Micro-Pyrite Using Hyperion Radio Frequency Source on IMS 1280 HR2
Decraene M-N, Marin-Carbonne J, Bouvier A-S, Bouden N, Villeneuve J & Deloule E
(2020) Silicon Isotope Systematics of Zircon from Various Granite Types
Guitreau M, Gannoun A, Deng Z, Marin-Carbonne J, Chaussidon M & Moynier F
(2020) Modern and Ancient Hydrosphere-Rock Interactions Constrained from Triple Oxygen Isotope and in situ δ18O Measurements
Zakharov D, Tanaka R, Butterfield D, Reed M, Palandri J, Bindeman I, Bouvier A-S & Marin-Carbonne J

Marin-Carbonne Johanna (2019) Microscale Characterization of Pyrites from Archean Sediments Brings New Constrains on Past Microbial Metabolisms
Marin Carbonne J, Thomazo C, Busigny V, Decraene M-N, Saitoh M, Alleon J, Remusat L & Bernard S
(2019) Iron Isotopes in Micropyrites from the 2.7 Ga Tumbiana Formation (Western Australia)
Decraene M-N, Marin-Carbonne J, Thomazo C, Olivier N, Philippot P & Deloule E
(2019) Carbon and Nitrogen Isotopes Biosignatures of Early Earth Continental Biosphere Modern Analogs
Thomazo C, Couradeau E, Marin-Carbonne J, Homann M, Sansjofre P, Lalonde S & Garcia-Pichel F
(2019) Quadruple Sulfur Isotope Records of Quartz-Rich Sandstones of the 3.22 Ga Moodies Group (Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa)
Saitoh M, Marin-Carbonne J, Olivier N, Moyen J-F, Ueno Y & Thomazo C
(2019) Molecular Preservation of Organic Microfossils in Paleoarchean Cherts
Alleon J, Bernard S, Olivier N, Thomazo C & Marin-Carbonne J
(2019) Oxidative Sulfur Cycling and Microbial Colonization of the Continents 3.2 Ga ago
Nabhan S, Marin-Carbonne J, Mason PRD & Heubeck C
(2019) S-Isotope Determination of Nano-Pyrites by NanoSIMS Imaging: Application to Biominerals in Precambrian Stromatolites
Remusat L, Marin-Carbonne J, Decraene M-N, Escrig S, Meibom A & Thomazo C

Marin-Carbonne Johanna (2014) In situ Fe and S Isotope Composition of Pyrites from the 3.24 Ga Old Mendon Formation, South Africa
Marin-Carbonne J, Muller E, Miot J, Busigny V, Rollion-Bard C & Philippot P
(2013) Fe, S Isotope Systematics of the 3.24 Ga Old Mendon-Mapepe Formations, Kaapvaal Craton, South Africa
Marin-Carbonne J, Muller E, Busigny V, Rollion-Bard C & Philippot P
(2012) In situ Fe and Multiple S Isotope Analyses of an Archean Pyrite Nodule
Marin-Carbonne J, Rollion-Bard C, Hofmann A, Thomassot E, McKeegan K, Bekker A & Rouxel O
(2012) Silicon and Oxygen Isotopes during Diagenesis of the Monterey Chert
Ziegler K & Marin-Carbonne J
(2011) The Diagenesis Effect on Paleo-Temperature Reconstruction from Precambrian Cherts
Marin-Carbonne J, Chaussidon M & Robert F
(2011) Silicon and Oxygen Isotope Values of Cherts and their Precursors
Ziegler K, Marin-Carbonne J, McKeegan K & Young E
(2009) Micro-Scale Study of δ18O and δ30Si in Precambrian Cherts: Implications for Oceanic Temperatures Reconstructions
Marin J, Chaussidon M & Robert F
(2007) Micro-Scale Oxygen Isotopic Variation in 1.9 Ga Gunflint Cherts: New Constraints on their Paleo-Environmental Significance
Marin J, Chaussidon M & Robert F

Marín-Jaramillo J.P. (2023) Fungal Organic Nitrogen Assimilation and Community Assembly Across a 100-Year Arctic Proglacial Soil Chronosequence
Trejos-Espeleta JC, Marín-Jaramillo JP, Sommers P, Schmidt S, Bradley JA & Orsi W

Marín-Moreno H. (2023) Weakening of the Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane (AOM) Biofilter: The Combined Role of Methane Gas Transport and Methanotrophic Biomass Dynamics
De La Fuente Ruiz M, Arndt S, Marín-Moreno H, Minshull TA & Vaunat J

Marin-Roldan A. (2016) Multi-Scale Hydrological Variability in N Iberia during the Mid to Late Holocene from Speleothem Mg/Ca
Cruz JA, Turrero MJ, Marin-Roldan A, Caceres JO, Ortega AI, Edwards RL, Rodiguez-Fonseca B, Muñoz-Garcia MB & Martin-Chivelet J

Marin-Spiotta E. (2020) Vulnerability of Paleosol Carbon Decomposition to Root-Derived Carbon Inputs
de graaff M-A, McMurtry A, Szymanski L, Dolui M, Pett-Ridge J, Behre A, Mason J & Marin-Spiotta E
(2010) The Nature of Ancient Organic Matter in Buried Paleosol Mineral Horizons
Chaopricha NT, Marin-Spiotta E & Mason J

Marinaccio A. (2020) A Study of Radicals in Industrial Raw Cristobalite Powders
Di Benedetto F, Giaccherini A, Romanelli M, Montegrossi G, Belluso E, Capella S, Zoleo A, Arcangeli G, Marinaccio A, Gottardo O & Capacci F

Marincea S (2004) Similar Sources for the Apuseni Mts and Banat (Roumania) Late Cretaceous Banatitic Magmatism
Vander Auwera J, Berza T, Dupont A, Marincea S & Pin C

Marincea Ștefan (2020) Phosphates Diversity and Development in Conțu Pegmatites, Cindrel Mountains, Romania
Călin N, Dumitraș D-G, Simion GC, Marincea Ș, Ion A-M, Constantina C, Poll I, Iancu AM & Sava C

Marincea Stefan (2021) Hydrothermal Fluorapatite in Magnesian Skarns from Valea Rea (Budureasa, Bihor Mountains, Romania)
Marincea S, Pantia AII, Dumitras D-G, Sava Ghinet C & Filiuta AE
(2021) Preliminary Mineralogical Study of the Flotation Sand from the Tăuşani Tailing Pound (Moldova Nouă, Romania)
Dumitras D-G, Marincea SH, Marincea S & Neacsu A
(2021) Phlogopite in Magnesian Skarns from Seven Occurrences in the Banatitic Magmatic and Metallogenetic Belt, Romania
Sava Ghinet C & Marincea S
(2021) Preliminary Mineralogical Study of the Magnesian Skarn from Valea Rea (Budureasa, Bihor Mountain, Romania)
Pantia AI, Marincea S, Filiuta AE, Dumitras D-G & Sava Ghinet C
(2019) Ludwigite within Five Occurrences of Magnesian Skarns from Romania: New Mineralogical Data
Marincea S, Dumitras D-G & Sava C
(2019) Hydroxylapatite in few Fossil Bat-Guano Deposits from Caves in Romania
Dumitras D-G & Marincea S
(2019) The Impact on the Environment of the Phosphogypsum Stacks in Romania
Iancu AM, Dumitras D-G, Marincea S & Sava C
(2019) Metasomatic Replacements in the Phosphate Mineral Association from the Li-Bearing Pegmatites in Conţu, Romania
Călin N, Dumitraş D-G, Marincea Ş, Iancu AM & Sava C
(2019) Vesuvianite from the High-Temperature Skarn Occurrences from Romania
Sava C, Marincea S, Dumitras DG, Iancu AM, Vanheyste J & Dal Bo F
(2019) The REE and Trace Elements Potential of the Albești Granite, Argeș County, Romania
Pantia A-I, Filiuță A-E, Lorincz S, Dumitraș D-G, Ion A & Marincea Ș
(2017) Preliminary Paleontological and Mineralogical Study of the Diatomites from Patarlagele, Romania
Sebe-Radoi O-G, Dumitras D-G, Marincea S, Calin N, Birgaoanu D & Barbu O-C
(2017) Brushite in few Fossil Bat-Guano Deposits from Caves in Romania
Dumitras D-G, Marincea S, Diaconu G & Iancu A-M
(2015) Comparative Study on the Trace Element Contents of Sulfides from the Neogene and Laramian Porphyry Copper Deposits from Romania
Cioacă ME, Munteanu M, Wälle M, Marincea Ș & Dumitraș DG
(2015) The Crystal Chemistry of Ardealite from the Type Locality, the “Dry” Cioclovina Cave, Şureanu Mountains, Romania
Dumitras D-G & Marincea S
(2015) Application on X-Ray Diffractometry on the Skarn Mineralization, in the Upper Basin of Mraconia Valley, Romania
Anason MA, Marincea S, Dumitras DG, Ghinet C & Iancu A
(2015) High-Temperature Metamorphic Process in Ciclova – Oraviţa Area (Banat, Romania)
Ghinet C, Marincea S, Dumitras DG, Anason MA & Iancu AM
(2015) Mineral Versus Chemical Zoning in the High Temperature, High CO2 Activity Contact Zone from Măgureaua Vaţei, Apuseni Mountains, Romania
Marincea S, Dumitras D-G, Vanheyste J & Cavenaile D
(2013) Mineralogical and Geochemical Zoning at High-Temperature Contacts as a Function of CO2 Pressure: An Example from Romanian Skarns
Marincea S, Dumitras D-G, Anason AM, Ghinet C & Iancu AM
(2013) REE Content of Phosphogypsum from Romania
Iancu AM, Dumitras DG, Bilal E, Marincea S, Ghinet C, Calin N & Anason AM
(2013) Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Natural Porcelanites
Dumitras D-G, Ion A, Milosan I, Marincea S & Costea C
(2013) Geochemical Considerations of the Gehlenitic Skarns from Valea Crişenilor – Oraviţa (Romania)
Ghinet C, Marincea S, Bilal E & Iancu A-M

Marincea Stefan H (2021) Preliminary Mineralogical Study of the Flotation Sand from the Tăuşani Tailing Pound (Moldova Nouă, Romania)
Dumitras D-G, Marincea SH, Marincea S & Neacsu A

Marinelli R. (2020) Respirable Inorganic Fibers Dispersed in Air and Settled in Human Lung Samples: Assessment of their Nature, Source, and Concentration in a NW Italy Large City
Capella S, Bellis D, Fioretti E, Marinelli R & Belluso E

Mariner R. (2005) Helium Isotope Systematics in Geothermal Fluids of the Cascade Volcanic Arc
van Soest M, Mariner R & Evans W

Maring Hal (2009) Marine Aerosol Production, Chemical Evolution, and Feedbacks over the Open Ocean
Keene W, Long M, Sander R, Kieber D, Maring H & Pszenny A

Maring Hal (2010) The NASA Decadal Survey Aerosol, Cloud, Ecosystems Mission
McClain C, Bontempi P & Maring H

Marinho M M (2005) Geochronology of a Rare Alkaline Magmatism: The Blue Sodalite-Syenite Ore (NE Brazil)
Rosa MLS, Menezes RCL, Conceição H, Macambira MJ, Galarza MA, Oliveira EC, Marinho MM & Rios DC
(2004) Nd and Sr Isotopic Composition of the South Bahia Alkaline Province (NE Brazil)
Rosa M, Conceição H, Marinho M, Macambira M, Cunha M, Peixoto A, Menezes R & Almeida R

Marinho Moacyr Moura (2002) Geochronology of the South Bahia Alkaline Province (NE Brazil)
Rosa MDLDS, Conceição H, Marinho MM, Macambira MJB & Marques LS
(2002) The Oldest Zircons from the South America Continent
Rios DC, Conceição H, Davis DW, Rosa MDLDS & Marinho MM

Marini C. (2019) Selenium and Mercury Species Interactions in Wheat Plants
Subirana MA, Boada R, Simonelli L, Marini C, Jew A, Webb S, Brown GE, Llugany M & Valiente M

Marini J-C. (2007) Recycled Oceanic Crust and Sediments Control the Hf-Nd Mantle Array
Chauvel C, Lewin E, Carpentier M & Marini J-C

Marini L (2005) Effects of Sulfur Degassing and Sulfide Separation in Some Products of Mt. Etna Volcano (Sicily, Italy)
Moretti R, Gambardella B, Marini L & Métrich N
(2005) Chromium Isotopic Fractionation during Cr(VI) Reduction in Groundwaters
Petrini R, Slejko FF, Ottonello G, Marini L, Vetuschi Zuccolini M & Accornero M

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