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Marco Urrea E. (2019) Dual C-Br Isotope Fractionation during Anaerobic Biodegradation of Ethylene Dibromide by Dehalococcoides- and Dehalogenimonas-Containing Cultures
Shouakar-Stash O, Palau J, Rosell M, Yu R, Hatijah Mortan S, Marco Urrea E, Freedman DL & Soler A

Marcolan L. (2009) Groundwater Hydrogeochemical Anomalies in São Paulo State, Brazil
Bertolo R, Bourotte C & Marcolan L

Marcolli C. (2013) Temperature Dependence of Water Activity in Organic Aerosols
Ganbavale G, Marcolli C, Zuend A, Krieger U & Peter T
(2011) Phases and Phase Transitions of Tropospheric Aerosols
Marcolli C, Song M, Ciobanu G, Zuend A, Ganbavale G, Zobrist B, Luo B, Soonsin V, Krieger U & Peter T
(2009) The Vapor Pressures of Dicarboxylic Acids Reconsidered: The Physical State of the Aerosol
Soonsin V, Zardini A, Krieger U, Marcolli C & Peter T
(2009) Organic Aerosols: Liquids or Glasses?
Marcolli C, Zobrist B, Krieger U, Luo B, Soonsin V, Peter T, Pedernera A & Koop T

Marcon Vinícius (2019) Study of Leucite-Nepheline-Diopside and Kalsilite-Nepheline-Diopside Phase Diagrams at 4GPa Under Dry Conditions
Wilbert de Souza MR, Vieira Conceição R, Marcon V, Grings Cedeño D, Schmitz Quinteiro RV & Colombo Carniel L
(2018) Study of Silica-Undersaturated Magmas Through the Kls-Nph-Di-SiO2 System at 4.0 GPa Under Dry Conditions
Souza M, Conceição R, Marcon V, Cedeño D, Quinteiro R & Carniel L

Marcon Vinicius (2023) Evolution of Carbonatite and Silicate Melts Stable at the Same Pressure and Temperature Conditions in the Lithospheric Mantle
Marcon V, Gervasoni F, Vieira Conceicao R & Souza M

Marcon Vinicius Henrique (2020) Carbonatite/Lamproite Liquid Imissibility in the Earth’s Mantle Through the Nefeline-Diopside-Kalsilite ±CO2, CH4, H2O Diagram
Vieira Conceicao R, Marcon VH, Wilbert de Souza MR, Colombo Carniel L, Schmitz Quinteiro RV, Rovane P, Pimentel Mizusaki AM & Schulz von Spitzenberger M
(2017) Celadonite Alteration, an Efficient Water and Potassium Transporter into the Mantle
Schmitz Quinteiro RV, Vieira Conceição R, Wilbert de Souza MR, Grings Cadeño D, Marcon VH & Colombo Carniel L

Marcon Virginia (2023) Exploring Mineral Precipitates at the Onset of Bulk Weathering of Crystalline Rocks with Reactive Transport Models
Brantley SL, Marcon V, Li L & Wen H
(2018) Aerobic Microbial Lithotrophic Oxidation of Pyrite at Neutral pH
Napieralski S, Marcon V, Brantley S & Roden E
(2018) Sandstone Ridges act as Collectors for Dust and Overlying Soil Particles over 100 ka Timeframes
Marcon V, Hoagland B, Gu X, Kaye J & Brantley S
(2017) Metal Cycling in Acid Geosystems
Kaszuba J & Marcon V

Marcon Y. (2017) Assessing Deep-Sea Nodule Mining Impacts on the Benthic Ecosystem: From Large to Small Scale
Stratmann T, Voorsmit I, Sweetman A, Mevenkamp L, Vanreusel A, Gebruk A, Brown A, Purser A, Marcon Y, Jones D, Soetaert K, Wei C-L & van Oevelen D
(2017) Mining-Induced Loss of Seafloor Integrity Compromises Ecosystem Functioning
Haeckel M, Vonnahme T, De Stigter H, Janssen F, Wenzhöfer F, Marcon Y, Purser A, Haffert L, Köser K, Greinert J & Boetius A
(2017) Geological Settings of Hydrothermal Vents at 6°15’W and 55°30’E on the Gakkel Ridge, Arctic Ocean
Marcon Y, Purser A, Diehl A, Albers E, Türke A, McDermott J, German C, Hand K, Schlindwein V, Dorschel B, Wegener G, Boetius A & Bach W

Marconi D. (2013) Quantifying Nitrogen Fixation in the North Atlantic Using Paired Analyses of Cd and N Stable Isotopes
John S, Conway T, Casciotti K, Sigman D, Rafter P & Marconi D

Marcotte D. (2018) Recovery Dynamics of Surface Water/Groundwater Interactions Following an Intense Flooding Event at a 2-Lake Bank Filtration Site
Masse-Dufresne J, Baudron P, Barbecot F, Marcotte D, Proteau-Bédard F, Patenaude M, Pontoreau C & Delestre M

Marcotte S. (2018) Organic Compounds and Trace Metal Elements in the Eure River Watershed: Past and Actual Records of Anthropogenic Impacts
Gardes T, Debret M, Copard Y, Koltalo F, Patault E, Laberdesque Y, Develle A-L, Deloffre J, Marcotte S, Sabatier P, Chaumillon E, Coulombier T, Révillon S & Nizou J

Marcoux E. (2017) From Rare Metal Granite to Sn-W-Li-Nb-Ta Mineralizations: Results on Argemela (Central Portugal)
Michaud J, Marcoux E, Pichavant M, Gumiaux C & Gloaguen E
(2017) U/Pb and REE LA-ICPMS Analyses on Apatite and Scheelite as Tracers of Fluid Circulations for the Polyphased W-Au Salau Ore Deposit (France)
Poitrenaud T, Poujol M, Augier R & Marcoux E
(2013) δ<sup>97/95</sup>Mo in Molybdenites from the Azegour Skarn (Morocco)
Breillat N, Guerrot C, Negrel P & Marcoux E

Marcoux M. (2013) Micro-Fracturing Induced by Radioactivity of Minerals: Consequences on the Permeability of Rocks
Boschero V, Seydou-Guillaume A-M, Marcoux M, Noiriel C & Orgogozo L

Marcq S. (2009) Aerosol Radiative Forcing Estimated from in situ Measurements at the NCO-P Station (5100 m, Nepal)
Laj P, Bonasoni P, Roger J-C, Villani P, Sellegri K, Venzac H, Calzolari F, Cristofanelli P, Marinoni A, Vuillermoz E, Marcq S & Bergin M

Marcucci E. (2013) Volcanic Acid-Sulfate Analogs for Early Mars
Hynek B, McCollom T, Rogers K & Marcucci E
(2010) Acid-Sulfate Weathering Pathways at Cerro Negro, Nicaragua
Marcucci E, Hynek B & McCollom T

Marcuello A. (2002) Multi-Component Reactive Transport Modelling at the Ratones Uranium Mine (Spain)
Marcuello A, Gómez P, Saaltink M, Ayora C & Carrera J

Marcus D. (2013) Anoxygenic Cyanobacterial Mats in Middle Island Sinkhole, Lake Huron: An Analogue of the Precambrian
Dick G, Kinsman-Costello L, Sheldon N, Biddanda B, Marcus D, Voorhies A, Snider M & Gallagher T

Marcus Matthew (2020) Revealing Biomineralization and SOM-Mineral Associations with Chemical Imaging Methods
Dohnalkova A, Kovarik L, Varga T, Battu AK, Jiao Y, Park D, Marcus M, Krivanek O, Lovejoy T & Kukkadapu R
(2017) Surprises in Iron Cycling at the Peru Margin
Lam PJ, Heller MI, Moffett JW, Till CP, John S, Sanial V, Charette M, Lee J-M, Toner BM & Marcus M

Marcus Matthew A (2022) Spectroscopy Reveals Biofilm-Hosted Life in Deep Subsurface Sediments
Schuler CJ, Marcus MA, Santelli CM & Toner BM
(2022) Investigating the Complexation of Soil Organic Carbon by Calcium Using Spectroscopy and Thermodynamics
Rowley MC, Pena J, Rad B, Marcus MA, Bone S, Pegoraro E, Castanha C, Torn M & Nico PS
(2021) Investigating the Nano- and Micro-Scale Features of Continental Fractured-Rock Deep Biosphere
Toner BM, Schuler C, Nicholas SL, Tappero RV, Marcus MA & Santelli CM

Marcus Matthew A. (2016) Biomineral Vaterite Spicules do not Grow from Amorphous Calcium Carbonate, They Grow Ion by Ion from Solution
Pokroy B, Kabalah-Amitai L, Polishchuk I, DeVol RT, Blonsky AZ, Sun C-Y, Marcus MA, Scholl A & Gilbert PUPA
(2016) The Structure of Nacre in Jurassic Pinna Shells
Gilbert PUPA, Giuffre AJ, Bergmann KD, Myers CE, Marcus MA, DeVol RT, Sun C-Y, Blonsky AZ, Zhao J, Karan E, Tamre E, Tamura N, Lemer S, Giribet G, Eiler J & Knoll A
(2015) Quantification and Description of As Species in Aquifer Solids with µXAS
Nicholas S, Gowan A, Knaeble A, Marcus M, Woodruff L, Erickson M, Lynch J & Toner B
(2014) Quantification of Arsenic Species in Aquifer Solids Using micro-XAS
Nicholas S, Knaeble A, Marcus M, Woodruff L, Erickson M & Toner B
(2012) Measuring the Speciation of Iron in Hydrothermal Plume Particles
Toner B, Breier J, Edwards K, Fakra S, German C, Marcus M & Rouxel O
(2012) Sulfur Isotope Fractionation during Basaltic Degassing
de Moor M, Fischer T, King P, Sharp Z, Marcus M, Spilde M & Marty B
(2012) Making Sense of Large Sets of XANES Spectra
Marcus M, Lenoir T, Lam P & Manceau A
(2011) The Speciation of Marine Particulate Iron Adjacent to Active and Passive Continental Margins
Lam PJ, Ohnemus DC & Marcus MA
(2011) Evaluation of Chromium Reductive Immobilization and Oxidative Re-mobilization in Flow-Through Aquifer Sediment Columns
Varadharajan C, Nico P, Yang L, Marcus M, Han R, Bill M, Larsen J, Molins S, Steefel C, Conrad M, Brodie E & Beller H
(2010) Going Deep: Elemental Distribution, Speciation and Redox States in a Marine Ferromanganese Nodule
Marcus MA, Fakra SC, Toner BM, Horn G & Edwards KJ
(2009) X-Ray Views of the Defect Structure and Chemistry of Environmental Nanoparticles
Manceau A, Lanson B, Marcus M, Skanthakumar S & Soderholm L
(2009) Trace Element Partitioning and Redox States in a Ferromanganese Nodule from the SW Pacific
Marcus M, Fakra S, Toner B, Horn G & Edwards K
(2008) Kinetics of Fe(II)-catalyzed Transformation of Ferrihydrite Under Anaerobic Dynamic Flow Conditions
Yang L, Steefel C, Marcus M & Song X
(2007) Evaluation of Oxidation State and Potential for Bio-Signatures in Fe-Bearing Minerals in Deep-Sea Minerals Using Spectroscopic Approaches
Edwards K, Marcus M, Toner B & Santelli C
(2005) Micro-Spectroscopic Investigation of Selenium Speciation in Reclaimed Mine Soils from Southeastern Idaho
Strawn D, Ryser A, Marcus M, Johnson-Maynard J, Moller G & Gunter M
(2005) Natural Speciation of Mn, Ni and Zn at the Micrometer Scale in a Clayey Paddy Soil Using X-Ray Fluorescence, Absorption, and Diffraction
Manceau A, Schlegel M, Rihs S & Marcus M
(2005) Changes in Zn Speciation in the Rhizosphere of Graminaceous Plants Induced by Phytostabilization of a Contaminated Sediment
Panfili F, Manceau A, Sarret G, Laboudigue A, Bert V & Marcus M

Marcus R. (2002) Mass-Independent Isotope Effects
Marcus R

Mare Eleanor (2019) Nitrogen Speciation in Silicate Melts by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
Mare E, Formoso F, Ashbrook S, Dawson D, Bromiley G & Mikhail S
(2018) Nitrogen and Potassium Transiting the Redox and Subduction Barrier
Jackson C, Cottrell E, Andrews B, Mikhail S & Mare E
(2018) Divalent Germanium: Stable at Low Oxygen Fugacity and Highly Incompatible in Olivine
Mare E, O'Neill H, Berry A & Glover C
(2016) Changes in the Coordination and Valence State of Ge in Silicate Melts at Conditions Relevant to Core Formation
Mare E, O'Neill H & Berry A
(2015) Coordination Changes of Trace Elements in Silicate Melts with Pressure
Mare E, O'Neill H & Berry A

Mare Eleanor Rose (2021) A Genetic Metasomatic Link between Eclogitic and Peridotitic Diamond Inclusions
Rinaldi M, Mikhail S, Mare ER & Sverjensky D

Mare L. (2015) Magnetic Study of Jaspers of the Fig Tree Group from Barb4 Drill Core
Wabo H, Beukes N, Mare L, Humbert F & de Kock M

Marean C (2006) Paleoclimatic Context Of The Origins Of Modern Humans in South Africa: Based on Speleothems Isotopic Records
Bar-Matthews M, Marean C, Nilssen P, Fisher E, Herries A & Karkanas P

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