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Marchesini I. (2013) First Preliminary Map of Deep CO2 Degassing in Alpine Region
Donnini M, Frondini F, Cardellini C, Caliro S, Chiodini G, Marchesini I & Guzzetti F
(2013) Alpine Weathering and Carbon Cycle
Donnini M, Probst J-L, Probst A, Frondini F, Marchesini I & Guzzetti F

Marchetti D (2005) <+>3<$>He Exposure Ages of Boulder Armored Terraces in the Northwestern Colorado Plateau
Marchetti D, Cerling T & Dohrenwend J

Marchetti David (2023) Sub-Millennial Scale Reconstruction of Late Quaternary Critical Zones in Utah, USA Using Laminated Soil Carbonate Rinds
Cerling T, Huth T, Marchetti D, Passey BH, Ellwein A, Mahan S, Bard E, Rostek F, Tuna T, Blum T & Holder RM
(2020) Soil Pendant Carbonate Record of Climate Change in the Holocene and Late Pleistocene
Cerling T, Huth T, Marchetti D, Bowling D, Ellwein A, Passey B, Fernandez D, Valley J & Orland I

Marchev P. (2013) Fertile Magmatism in a Changing Compression and Extension Regime on the Central Balkan Peninsula
Peytcheva I, Georgiev S, Grozdev V, Marchev P & von Quadt A
(2009) The HFSE Budget of Post-Collisional High-K Basalts and Shoshonites
Kirchenbaur M, Münker C & Marchev P
(2009) Primitive High-K Ankaramites and the Evolution of the Eastern Srednogorie Arc in SE Europe
Georgiev S, Marchev P, von Quadt A, Heinrich C & Peytcheva I
(2007) Resolving the Evolution of a Subduction Zone: Eastern Srednogorie, SE Europe
Georgiev S, Von Quadt A, Marchev P, Heinrich C & Peytcheva I
(2000) The Southern Strimon Lineament (Bulgaria/Greece): A Fluid Geochemistry Study
Vaselli O, Rossi F, Tassi F, Magro G, Petrov P, Kolios N, Minissale A & Marchev P

Marchhart O. (2023) Significance and Dynamics of Catchment Scale Instabilities from Morphometry and 10Be Denudation Rates: Example of the Strengbach Catchment in the Vosges Mountains
Moreno Martin DS, van der Woerd J, Chabaux F, Meriaux A-S, Rixhon G, Mathieux B, Merchel S, Marchhart O, Wieser A & Bonne P
(2023) Who Needs Chemistry When you Have Lasers and a Tandem Accelerator?
Golser R, Marchhart O, Martschini M, Michel M, Strub E, Wieser A & Merchel S

Marchi M.R. (2015) Trace Metals and PAHs Content in Superficial Soils of Sao Paulo Campus University, Brazil
Bourotte CLM, Sugauara L & Marchi MR

Marchi S. (2021) Earth’s Wild Years
Marchi S
(2017) HSE Removal from the Lunar Mantle and the Timeline of the Lunar Bombardment
Morbidelli A, Nesvorny D, Laurenz V, Marchi S, Rubie D, Elkins-Tanton L & Jacobson S
(2017) Exploring the Causes of 182W Heterogeneity in Earth
Walker R, Marchi S & Canup R
(2013) High Velocity Collisions Recorded in Asteroidal Meteorites: New Ways to Constrain Planet Formation
Bottke W & Marchi S

Marchildon N. (2001) Melt Segregation during Anatexis: Controls on Magma Composition
Marchildon N & Brown M
(2001) Microstructures of Anatectic Rocks: Observations and Implications
Brown M & Marchildon N

Marchina C. (2017) 87Sr/86Sr Signature in the Po River Water and its Implication on Rock Weathering at Basin Scale
Marchina C, Natali C, Bryce J, Pennisi M, Fahnestock F & Bianchini G
(2015) Tracing Geogenic and Anthropogenic Sources in the Po River Dissolved Load with a Multi Isotope Approach
Marchina C, Bianchini G, Knoeller K, Natali C, Pennisi M & Colombani N
(2013) The River Po: Geochemical Fluxes and Related Insights on Weathering Processes and Erosion Rates
Bianchini G, Marchina C, Knöller K & Pennisi M
(2013) Isotopic Composition of Precipitation in Ferrara Province
Marchina C, Vaccaro C, Fazzini M, Di Roma A & Bianchini G

Marchioro A. (2020) Simulation Predictions of non-Linear Optics at Solid-Liquid Interfaces
Předota M, Kroutil O, Biriukov D, Pezzoti S, Marchioro A, Bischoff M, Gaigeot M-P & Roke S

Marchis F. (2019) MapX – An in situ Mapping X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer for Planetary Science
Walroth R, Blake D, Sarrazin P, Marchis F, Gailhanou M & Thompson K

Marchitto Thomas (2022) Mineralogical Insights into Coral Trace Element Incorporation and Stress Response
Chapman A, Farfan GA, Thompson D, Carilli J, Sayani H & Marchitto T
(2020) Individual Foraminiferal Mg/Ca as a Proxy for ENSO Variance: Core Top Validation and Last Glacial Maximum Application
Marchitto T, Rongstad B, Serrato Marks G & Karnauskas K
(2014) Seasonal and Interannual Ocean Temperature Reconstruction Using Mg/Ca Measurements on Individual Planktic Foraminifera
Marchitto T, Grist H & van Geen A
(2011) The Relationship between Δ14C and δ13C of DIC in the LGM Ocean
Bryan S, Lehman S & Marchitto T
(2011) Low Latitude Surface Ocean Contribution to the Deglacial Atmospheric Radiocarbon Decline
Marchitto T, Lehman S, Lindsay C, Bryan S, Ortiz J & van Geen A
(2008) Precise Calibration of Oxygen Isotope Paleotemperature Equations for Several Taxa of Benthic Foraminifera
Marchitto T, Bryan S, Curry W, Lynch-Stieglitz J & Lund D
(2006) The ocean's great deglacial CO2 release: Evidence from deep sea CaCO3 preservation and intermediate water 14C activity
Marchitto T, Lehman S, Ortiz J & Van Geen A
(2002) Upper North Atlantic Deep Water Variability during the Holocene
Marchitto T & deMenocal P
(2002) Sea Surface Temperature Patterns in the Early Holocene: Global Ocean Response to Insolation Forcing
Lynch-Stieglitz J, Liu Z, Koutavas A, Marchitto T & Brady E

Marchitto Tom (2016) Enhanced ENSO Variability during the Little Ice Age Based on Mg/Ca in Individual Planktonic Foraminifera
Marchitto T, Fehrenbacher J, Spero H & van Geen L

Marchive L. (2021) Insights into the Mechanisms of Cadmium Accumulation by Theobroma Cacao Using Stable Isotope Analysis
Moore RE, Marchive L, Coles BJ, Schreck E, Maurice L & Rehkämper M

Marchlewski T. (2011) Pyromorphite Formation from Natural and Surfactant-Modified Montmorillonite Adsorbed Lead
Bajda T, Figuła A, Manecki M & Marchlewski T
(2010) Simultaneous Immobilization of As and Pb in Contaminated Soils
Marchlewski T & Rakovan J
(2010) Investigation of Ca-Pb-P-As Solid Solutions in Apatite
Taylor A, Marchlewski T & Rakovan J

Marcial J. (2022) Microbe-Mineral Dynamics within a ‘grass-To-Glass’ Soil Profile at a Late Iron Age Archaeological Site with Implications for Long-Term Storage of Nuclear Waste Glasses
Wells J, Plymale A, Pearce C, Graham E, Bagwell C, Brislawn C, Cheeke T, Danna V, Fansler S, Arey B, Bowden M, Varga T, Saunders D, Allen J, Marcial J, Tyrrell K, Weaver J, Sjöblom R, Vicenzi E, McCloy JS, Hjärthner-Holdar E, Englund M, Ogenhall E, Peeler D & Kruger A
(2021) Revisit the Thermodynamics of Orthosilicates for Actinide Waste Form
Guo X, Strzelecki AC, Marcial J, Estevenon P, Mesbah A, Szenknect S, Migdisov AA, Xu H, McCloy J, Ewing R & Dacheux N
(2020) Comparing Alteration Layer Characteristics of Ancient Hillfort Glasses Corroded in the Field and Laboratory
Neeway J, Pearce C, Nava-Farias L, Seymour L & Marcial J

Marcial-Basilio V.J.

Marcic C. (2023) Evaluating Micropollutant Degradation and Persistence in Soil with Compound-Specific Isotope Analysis (CSIA)
Imfeld G, Masbou J, Marcic C & Payraudeau S

Marcil J-S. (2023) Microbial Diversity and Functions in a Deep and Old Terrestrial Subsurface Aquifer Ecosystem
Lazar CS, Gagnon J-C & Marcil J-S

Marcinek Saša (2022) Dynamics of Trace Elements and Dissolved Organic Matter in Estuarine Surface Microlayer
Marcinek S, Cindric A-M & Omanovic D

Marcinek Sasa (2019) Copper Speciation in Natural Waters by CLE-Adcsv – A Methodological Uncertainties
Marcinek S, Cindric A-M, Padan J, Garnier C & Omanovic D

Marciniak D. (2022) Sulfide Ore Deposits Remote Detection in the Rio Tinto Area, Terrestrial Analog of Mars
Ciazela M, Ciążela J, Marciniak D & Pieterek B
(2022) Migration of Chalcophile Elements in the Oceanic Lithosphere and Implications for Future SMS Prospecting along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR, 26-33°N)
Ciążela J, Tomczak M, Marciniak D, Pieterek B & Kozlowska-Roman A
(2022) Metal Migration Through an Oceanic Crust-Mantle Transition Zone (ICDP OmanDP Holes CM1A and CM2B)
Marciniak D, Ciążela J, Jesus AP, Koepke J, Pieterek B, Strauss H, Lazarov M, Horn I, Kuhn T, Czupyt Z, Panczyk M, Slaby E & Prell M
(2022) Ore Minerals in Martian Meteorites: MIL 03346, NWA 5219, and NWA 13367
Fitt M, Ciazela J, Marciniak D, Paquet M, Ciazela M, Latacz L, Laban M, Blutstein K, Marciniak-Maliszewska B, Slaby E & Prell M
(2022) Perspectives for Ore Prospecting in Space: Multiplanetary Far-Ir ORE Spectrometer (MIRORES)
Jozefowicz M, Ciazela J, Kowalinski M, Bakala J, Zalewska N, Ciazela M, Marciniak D, Pieterek B, Paslawski G, Szaforz Z & Sniadkowski A

Marciniak-Maliszewska B. (2022) Ore Minerals in Martian Meteorites: MIL 03346, NWA 5219, and NWA 13367
Fitt M, Ciazela J, Marciniak D, Paquet M, Ciazela M, Latacz L, Laban M, Blutstein K, Marciniak-Maliszewska B, Slaby E & Prell M

Marcinko C. (2013) 129I Concentrations in Surface and Deep Seawater from the Irish Sea and the Atlantic Ocean
López-Gutiérrez JM, Villa-Alfageme M, Peruchena JI, Schnabel C, Marcinko C & McGinnity P

Marco E. (2019) Air Quality Conditions Inside Taxis
Moreno T, Pacitto A, Fernandez A, Amato F, Marco E, Grimalt JO, Buonanno G & Querol X

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