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Maranger Roxanne (2009) Aerobic Respiration and Hypoxia in the Lower St. Lawrence Estuary: Constraints on Oxygen Sink Partitioning from Stable Isotope Ratios of Dissolved Oxygen
Lehmann MF, Barnett B, Bender ML, Gelinas Y, Gilbert D, Maranger R, Mucci A, Sundby B & Thibodeau B

Marangoni Y. (2010) Multiple Isotope Geochronology of the Permo-Triassic Araguainha Impact Crater and Implications for the Carbon Isotope Record
Tohver E, Lana C, Cawood P, Fletcher I, Sherlock S, Jourdan F, Rasmussen B, Estrada B, Trindade R, Souza Filho C & Marangoni Y

Maraschin A. (2010) Experimental and Numerical Modeling of CO2-Water-Rock Interactions Aimed for Geological Storage in the Denver Basin
Iglesias R, Ketzer M, Sbrissa G, Maraschin A, Bressan L & Steel R

Marbach T. (2002) Granite Alteration Processes Determined by Sr- Pb-Isotopes and Th/U Disequilibria
Marbach T, Kober B & Mangini A

Marbler H (2004) Submarine Hydrothermal Trace Metal Input into the Ocean Through Island Arc Volcanism in the Lesser Antilles
Georg B, Frank M, Marbler H, Koschinsky A, Van de Flierdt T, Bolz V, Kubik P & Halbach P

Marbler Herwig (2012) Geochemical, Mineralogical and Geomechanical Effects of Impure CO2 on Reservoir Sandstones during the Injection and Geological Storage: An Experimental Approach
Marbler H, Schmidt M, Erickson K, Lempp C & Polmann H

Marboeuf U. (2015) Kinetics of Hydrogen/Deuterium Exchanges in Cometary Ices
Faure M, Quirico E, Faure A, Schmitt B, Theulé P & Marboeuf U

Marburg A. (2019) New Insights in Geobiochemical Characterization of Terrestrial and Planetary Underwater Vent Systems
Sobron P, Barge L, Acosta-Maeda T, Amend J, Burnett J, Detry R, Hermis N, Kelley D, Manalang D, Marburg A, Misra A, Nawaz A, Price R, Rehnmark F, Smith M, Thornton B, Yu D & Zacny K

Marc E.E. (2017) In situ Biodegradation in Contaminated Sediments Assessed by Compound Specific Isotope Analysis with High-Resolution Sampling
Gilevska T, Passeport E, Shayan M, Seger E, Lutz EJ, West KA, Morgan SA, Marc EE, Lacrampe-Couloume G & Sherwood Lollar B

Marca Alina (2019) Reconstructing North Atlantic Palaeotemperatures: An Evaluation of Clumped Isotopes as Part of Multiproxy Foraminiferal Investigations
Umbo S, Chapman M, Dennis P & Marca A

Marca Alina (2015) Marine Bivalve Mollusc Shell DELTA47-temperature Calibration Using the MIRA Mass Spectrometer
Clarke L, Dennis P, Marca A, Petrizzo D & Henkes G

Marca Alina (2013) Calibration of the Δ47 (Clumped Isotope) Thermometer for Biogenic and Inorganic Carbonate Using the MIRA IRMS
Kirk R, Dennis P, Farkas J & Marca A

Marca Alina D. (2021) Hot and Late: Clumped Isotopes in Middle Jurassic Calcite-Cemented Concretions from Skye
Paxton RB, Andrews JE, Dennis PF & Marca AD

Marcacci K. (2020) Neutron Imaging of Soil Rhizosphere & Root Water Dynamics
Warren J, Bilheux H, Perfect E, DeCarlo K, Marcacci K & Bilheux J-C

Marcaida M. (2018) Boron Isotope Constraints Upon Fluid-Rock Interactions Associated with Emplacement of the 1.8–1.1 Ma Geysers Plutonic Complex
Marcaida M, Coble M & Grove M

Marcaillou C. (2018) Distribution, Speciation and Enrichment Processes of Scandium in Lateritic Profile of New Caledonia
Munoz M, Ulrich M, Bonnet C, Levard C, Rose J, Ambrosi J-P, Cathelineau M, Teitler Y, Marcaillou C & Hesse B
(2011) Iron Speciation in Serpentine during Oceanic-Type Serpentinization
Andreani M, Munoz M, Marcaillou C & Delacour A

Marçais J. (2021) Using Hillslope-Scale Groundwater Model to Bridge the Gap between Basin Inputs and River Concentrations. The Case of Nitrates in Brittany (France)
Guillaumot L, Aquilina L, Marçais J, Durand P & Dreuzy J-RD
(2021) Coupling Groundwater Age Tracers (CFCs) and In-Stream Solute Time Series (DSi) to Decipher the Reactivity of Crystalline Watersheds
Marçais J, Dreuzy J-RD, Aquilina L, Guillaumot L, Labasque T, Pinay G & Derry LA

Marcano M C (2005) Geochemistry of the Tinaquillo Peridotite Massif, Venezuela
Choi SH, Mukasa SB, Andronikov AV & Marcano MC

Marcano Maria (2016) Imaging the Reduction of chromium(VI) on Magnetite Surfaces Using in situ Electrochemical AFM
Walker S, Marcano M, Bender W & Becker U
(2015) Reduction of U(VI) by Fe(II): Influence of Fe- and Al-(oxyhydr)oxides on Redox Catalysis
Taylor S, Marcano M, Rosso K & Becker U

Marcano Norka (2015) An Approach to a Practical Petroleum Charge and Reservoir Fluid Residence Time Dating Method
Sonei R, Marcano N, Snowdon L, Ranger M & Larter S

Marcano Norka (2012) Systematics of Biodegradation of Sulfur Compounds in Heavy Oil Reservoirs
Marcano N, Oldenburg T, Mayer B & Larter S
(2011) Beyond Petroleomics – Petroleum Geochemistry for the 21st Century
Oldenburg T, Marcano N, Huang H, Hsieh B & Larter S

Marcantonio F. (2023) Sources of Anthropogenic Lead (Pb) in Asia Since the Industrial Revolution: Pb Isotopic Characterization in Ice Cores from Tibet and the Himalayas
Sierra-Hernández R, Marcantonio F, Beaudon E, Griffith EM & Thompson LG
(2023) Utilization of Lead Isotopes as a Tracer of Lead and Freshwater Inputs to Galveston Bay, Texas
Kim Y, Fitzsimmons JN, Marcantonio F & Lopez AM
(2023) Discovery of Chemosynthetic Micro-Fossils in the Indus Ophiolite-Hosted Hydrothermal Ophicarbonate Veins
Das S, Basu A, Mukherjee B, Yang J, Sen K, Marcantonio F & Bhattacharya S
(2023) Neodymium Isotope Ratios in Sedimentary Organic Matter
van de Laar D, Marcantonio F & Zhang Y
(2022) Dynamic Nutrient Regime and Phytoplankton Response in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific Ocean over the Past 25, 000 Years
Schimmenti D(, Marcantonio F, Sarao J, Hayes CT, Hertzberg J & Schmidt MW
(2021) Dynamics of Biological Productivity and Carbon Export in the Easternmost Equatorial Pacific Ocean over the Last 25, 000 Years
Schimmenti D(, Marcantonio F, Hayes CT, Hertzberg J & Schmidt MW
(2020) Tracking the Source of High Pb Levels in Children’s Blood
Marcantonio F, Becker F, Wichterich C, Datta S, Cizmas L, Surber J, Kennedy K & Bowles E
(2017) Iron Fertilization of the Eastern Equatorial Pacific Linked to Heinrich Stadial Events
Marcantonio F, Loveley M, Wisler M, Hertzberg J, Schmidt M & Lyle M
(2011) Dissolved 230Th-232Th Dynamics in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean
Singh A, Marcantonio F & Lyle M
(2011) Centennial-Scale Sea Surface Temperature and Salinity Change in the Florida Straits during the Early Holocene
Schmidt M, Weinlein W, Marcantonio F & Lynch-Stieglitz J
(2011) Testing Boundary Exchange of Nd Isotopes in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean
Woodard S, Marcantonio F, Thomas D & Lyle M
(2011) Response of Antarctic Intermediate Water to Weaker Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation during the Last Deglaciation
Xie R, Marcantonio F & Schmidt MW
(2011) 230Th Inventories in New Sediment Cores from the Eastern Equatorial Pacific: Constraints on the 230Th Constant-Flux Proxy
Marcantonio F, Ibrahim R, Singh A & Lyle M
(2008) Extraterrestrial 3He and Constraints on Eolian Fluxes and Provenance in Sediments from the Shatsky Rise
Marcantonio F, Woodard S, Thomas D, McGee D & Winckler G
(2008) Testing the Response of xs230Th and Extraterrestrial 3He to Sediment Redistribution at the Blake Ridge, Western North Atlantic
McGee D, Marcantonio F, McManus JF & Winckler G
(2006) 232Th-derived dust fluxes as a marker of deglacial changes in ITCZ position and intensity in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific
McGee D, Marcantonio F & Lynch-Stieglitz J

Marcatelli C. (2021) Detection of Interlayered Illite/Smectite by Means of XRD and Hyperspectral Techniques: Advantages and Disadvantages
Deon F, van Ruitenbeek F, Marcatelli C & Lievens C

Marcay C. (2019) The Air-Sea Chemical Exchange in the Arctic Ocean: Lessons Learned from the 2015 GN01 US GEOTRACES Cruise
Gao Y, Marcay C, Yu S, Fan S, Mukherjee P, Buck C & Landing W

Marcè R. (2019) Evaluating the Influence of Temperature and Redox Conditions during the Infiltration in a Recharge Pond Located in the Llobregat River Basin
Barba C, Rodriguez-Escales P, Sanchez-Vila X, Marcè R & Folch A
(2019) Understanding Changes of Eh, DOM and Water Quality in a MAR Surface Pond
Folch A, Barba C, Marce R, Benito A & Sánchez-Vila X

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