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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Mankoff K. (2017) Novel Microbial Communities in Subglacial (Dark) Permafrost
Macalady J, Mankoff K, Lutz S & Benning L

Mankovics M. (2020) Mineralogical Cycle of Pb(II) in a Sinter Plant of Iron and Steel Industry
Mankovics M, Topa BA, Pekker P, Meskál L, Harman Tóth E & Weiszburg TG

Manley P. (2010) From Sea to Lake, the Geochemical History of Lake Champlain, North America
Gilhooly W, Robinson A, Lyons T, Manley P, Cronin T, Manley T & Kelley C

Manley T. (2010) From Sea to Lake, the Geochemical History of Lake Champlain, North America
Gilhooly W, Robinson A, Lyons T, Manley P, Cronin T, Manley T & Kelley C

Mann A. (2006) Resolving Bedrock Geology Using Multi-Element Soil Geochemistry - Examples from the Yilgarn Craton, W.A.
Mann A

Mann B. (2014) Reactions of Soil Organic Matter with Iron and Iron-Oxides on its Sorption, Transport and Degradation
Gu B, Herndon E, Mann B, Bargar J, Wullschleger S, Graham D & Liang L
(2014) Geochemical Drivers of Organic Matter Degradation in Arctic Tundra
Herndon E, Mann B, Bargar J, Graham D, Wullschleger S, Gu B & Liang L

Mann C. (2015) Interactions between Vitrified Nuclear Wastes and High pH Solutions: An Experimental and Natural Analogue Approach
Mann C, Hyatt N, Provis J, Milodowski A, Field L, Shaw R & Corkhill C

Mann G. (2013) Organics in the Mix: How Important are They for the Uncertainty in Global Aerosol-Climate Effects?
Carslaw K, Lee L, Scott C, Pringle K, Reddington C, Mann G, Spracklen D, Riccobono F, Baltensperger U & Kirkby J
(2013) Uncertainties in Global CCN and Cloud Drops: Which Aerosol Processes are Important?
Carslaw K, Lee L, Pringle K, Mann G & Reddington C
(2011) Aerosol Mass Spectrometer Constraint on the Global Secondary Organic Aerosol Budget
Spracklen D, Jimenez J, Carslaw K, Worsnop D, Evans M, Mann G, Zhang Q, Canagaratna M, Allan J, Coe H, Mcfiggans G, Rap A & Forster P
(2011) Minor Effect of Physical Size Sorting on Iron Solubility of Transported Mineral Dust
Woodhouse M, Shi Z, Carslaw K, Krom M, Mann G & Benning L
(2010) Response of Marine Aerosol to Changes in Phytoplankton Induced by Perturbations to Aeolian Iron Input
Woodhouse M, Buitenhuis E, Mann G, Carslaw K & Boucher O
(2010) Influence of Soil Weathering on the Potential Iron Solubility in Soil Dust Subjected to Atmospheric Processing
Shi Z, Krom M, Bonneville S, Baker A, Jickells T, Carslaw K, Mann G & Benning L

Mann J. (2010) Isotopic Reference Materials: New Frontiers Leading to New Opportunities
Vocke R & Mann J

Mann K. (2023) Mineral Quantification in Mixtures of Synthetic Goethite, Hematite and Ferrihydrite by Table-Top NEXAFS at the O K-Edge
Wild P, Holburg J, Müller M, Totsche KU, Mann K, Thieme J & Eusterhues K
(2021) Laboratory-Scale NEXAFS Spectroscopy: The Challenge of Sample Preparation and First Spectra of Fe Oxides and Natural Organic Matter
Wild P, Holburg J, Müller M, Totsche KU, Mann K, Thieme J & Eusterhues K

Mann P. (2021) Radium Inputs into the Arctic Ocean from Rivers: A Basin-Wide Estimate
Bullock EJ, Dabrowski JS, Kipp LE, Brown KA, Mann P, Henderson PB, Moore W & Charette MA
(2015) Biogeochemical Processes in Arctic Rivers and the Land-Ocean Interface
Mann P, Vonk J, McIntyre C, Eglinton T, Holmes R, Stubbins A & Spencer R
(2014) A 2.5Ma Year Record of Wetland Development in the Congo Basin Inferred from Hopanoid Biomarkers
Talbot H, Spencer-Jones C, Handley L, Dinga B, Schefuss E, Mann P, Poulsen J, Spencer R, Wabakanghanzi J & Wagner T

Mann S. (2007) Direct Analysis of Various Geological Materials Using 213 nm and 193 nm Laser Ablation Systems and ICP-MS
Krause P, Horton M & Mann S

Mann U. (2009) Fluid-Absent Melting of Pelites at Subarc Depths
Mann U & Schmidt MW
(2007) Unequivocal Evidence for a Deep Magma Ocean from Metal/Silicate Partitioning of Ta, V and Si during Core Formation
Mann U, Frost DJ & Rubie DC

Mann V. (2010) Nucleic Acid Bases Under Hydrothermal Conditions by Densimetry, Calorimetry and UV-Visible Spectroscopy
Mann V & Tremaine P

Manna J. (2020) Investigating Transformation of CFCs at a Contaminated Field Site Using Compound-Specific Isotope Analysis
Phillips E, Gilevska T, Horst A, Manna J, Seger ES, Lutz EJ, Norcross S, Morgan SA, West KA, Mack EE, Dworatzek S, Webb J & Sherwood Lollar B

Mannella G. (2017) Mediterranean Climate Variability during the Last Interglacial
Mannella G, Zanchetta G, Regattieri E, Wagner B, Giaccio B, Nomade S, Pereira A, Renne P & Niespolo E

Manners Hayley (2015) Selective Preservation of Amides in Marine Tephra Layers
Palmer M, Manners H, Gernon T, Sutton P & Rowlands S

Manners Hayley R. (2023) Iron Isotope Signals: Use and Limitations in Natural Marine Sediments
Henkel S, Köster M, Liu B, Staubwasser M, Meixner A, Kasemann SA, Manners HR, Heuer VB, Morono Y, Inagaki F & Kasten S
(2021) Volcanic Ash Alteration as Driver of (Bio-)geochemical Iron Cycling in Deep Marine Sediments of the Nankai Trough
Köster M, Manners HR, Meixner A, Kasemann SA, Staubwasser M, Morono Y, Inagaki F, Heuer VB, Kasten S & Henkel S

Manninen H. (2013) Atmospheric Aerosol Nucleation in the Po Valley during the PEGASOS-Supersito Experiment
Decesari S, Marinoni A, Gobbi GP, Hamed A, Laaksonen A, Manninen H, Poluzzi V & Facchini MC

Manninen M. (2007) Removal of Uranium, Arsenic and Phosphorus from Aqueous Solutions Using Steel Slag
Hanski E, Mäkelä K, Manninen M, Kujala K & Perämäki P

Manning A. (2023) Persistent Science Challenges in Legacy Mine Land Sites: Results from a Multi-Scale Geochemical Study in Tomichi Creek, Colorado, USA
Morrison J, Manning A, Runkel RL, Walton-Day K & McGee BN
(2023) Climate-Driven Increases in Stream Metal Concentrations in Mineralized Headwater Catchments throughout the Colorado Rocky Mountains, USA
Manning A, Petach TN, Runkel RL & McKnight DM
(2018) Ferricrete, Surface- and Groundwater Chemistry as an Indicator for Concealed Mineral Deposits
Morrison J, Manning A & Wanty R
(2018) Using High-Resolution Streambank Groundwater Discharge Sampling to Locate Concealed Mineral Deposits
Manning A, Wanty R, Morrison J & Mills C
(2018) Copper Isotopes in Surface- and Groundwater as Indicators of Hydrothermally Altered Crystalline Bedrock in Handcart Gulch, Colorado, USA
Wanty R, Manning A, Morrison J, Verplanck P, Caine J & Balistrieri L
(2002) Constraining Groundwater Flow in Fractured Aquifers Using Environmental Tracers
Solomon K, Sheldon A & Manning A

Manning C (2006) Do Icelandic alkali basalts really have normal mantle δ18O?
Manning C, Thirlwall M & Lowry D
(2006) What’s so super about supercritical fluids in subduction zones?
Manning C
(2003) Volatile Cycling in Subduction Zones: Decreasing the Deficit
Manning C
(2003) Geology, Age, and Origin of Akilia Supracrustal Rocks, Greenland
Manning C, Mojzsis S & Harrison M
(2000) Experimental Determination of the Solubility of Diaspore in Pure H2O at 0.5-2 GPa and 350-450 ºC
Lin H & Manning C

Manning Cheryl (2018) Integration of NGSS Earth and Space Science Concepts into a High School Chemistry Course: One Teacher’s Experience
Manning C

Manning Christina (2017) A Tonian Seawater Strontium Isotope Curve
Zhou Y, Manning C, Li D, Ling H, Zhu M & Shields G
(2016) Numerical Modelling of Magma Plumbing System Interactions at Torfajökull, Iceland: An Insight from the Crystal Cargo
Imarisio C, Manning C, Waltham D & Burgess P
(2015) Constructing a Neoproterozoic Seawater Strontium Isotope Curve
Zhou Y, Shields G, Manning C, Thirlwall M, Thurow J, Zhu M & Ling H
(2014) Olivine Trace Element Constraints on the Location of Melt Mixing in Iceland
Thirlwall M, Manning C, Wilks B, Crossley R & Gee M
(2014) Does Sub-Lithospheric Topography Control the Extent of Plume Flow Under Iceland?
Manning C & Thirlwall M
(2014) Deconvolving Laser-Ablation Profiles to Resolve Sharp Compositional Boundaries
Manning C & Waltham D
(2013) The Eastern Rift Zone Through Time: A Record of Plume Pulsing or Magma Plumbing Evolution?
Manning C & Thirlwall M
(2011) The Role of North Atlantic Asthenosphere in the Genesis of Icelandic Lavas: Evidence from Heimaey
Manning C & Thirlwall M
(2009) Redox-Sensitive Trace Metals during the Neoproterozoic Oxygenation Event
Och L, Shields G, Ling H, Li D, Cremonese L, Thirlwall M, Manning C & Osborne T
(2007) Magma Sources in the Icelandic Western Rift Zone (WRZ): Crustal and Mantle Input
Steele R, Thirlwall M, Manning C, Gee M, Regelous M & Lowry D
(2007) Hf-Nd Isotopic Decoupling in Enriched Icelandic Lavas
Manning C & Thirlwall M

Manning Craig (2022) Deep Sourced Fluids for Peridotite Carbonation in the Shallow Mantle Wedge
de Obeso JC, Kelemen P, Leong JA, Menzel MD, Manning C, Godard M, Cai Y & Bolge L
(2021) Oxidation of Subducted Organic Matter Buffered by Marine Carbonate Rules the Carbon Isotopic Signature of Arc Emissions
Tumiati S, Remusat L, Tiraboschi C, Sverjensky D, Manning C, Vitale Brovarone A, Poli S & Boutier A
(2019) Carbon Chemistry in the Early Magma Ocean
Solomatova N, Caracas R & Manning C
(2019) Viscosity and Atomic Structure of CO2-bearing Magmas in the Earth’s Interior
Stagno V, Stopponi V, Kono Y, Romano C, Poe BT, Lupi S, D'Arco A, Hrubiak R, Scarlato P, Bonechi B, Perinelli C, Gaeta M & Manning CE
(2016) Reevaluating Carbon Fluxes in Subduction Zones
Manning C & Kelemen P
(2016) Experimental Determination of Liquidus H2O Contents of Simple Granites at Deep Crustal Conditions
Makhluf A, Newton R & Manning C
(2016) Structure, Stability and Themoelastic Properties of CO2-IV
Palaich S, Makhluf A, Santamaria-Perez D, Tulk C, Molaison J, Guthrie M, Kavner A & Manning C
(2015) Solubility of F-Cl-Apatites in KCl-H2O Brines at 800℃ and 1 GPa
Mair P, Tropper P, Manning C & Harlov D
(2015) FO2 and pH during Subduction Zone Metasomatism: Challenges and Opportunities
Galvez ME, Manning CE & Connolly JAD
(2015) The Global Range of Subduction Zone Thermal Structures from Exhumed Blueschists and Eclogites: Rocks are Hotter Than Models
Penniston-Dorland S, Kohn M & Manning C
(2014) The Effect of Composition and Pressure on the Structure of Carbonate-Silicate Melts Using in situ X-Ray Diffuse Scattering
Hummer D, Kavner A, Manning C, Park C, Kono Y & Kenney-Benson C

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