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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Mangal V. (2020) Molecular Effects of Inorganic Mercury on Freshwater Microalgae: An Omics Approach
Guéguen C, Mangal V, Donaldson M & Saville B

Mangalaa K.r. (2015) Silicon Isotopes and Biogeochemical Processes in Indian Estuaries
Mangalaa KR, Cardinal D, Thil F, Dokala B & Sarma VVSS

Mangalaa Kameswari Rajasekaran (2017) Silicate Weathering and Dissolution Recorded by Si Isotopes in Shallow Groundwater Near the Indian Coast
Cardinal D, Mangalaa KR, Dapoigny A, Sarma NS & Sarma VVSS

Mangan M (2005) Laboratory Investigations into the Causes of Explosive Volcanic Eruptions
Mangan M

Mangan Margaret (2014) ATR-FTIR Spectroscopy to Measure H2O and CO2 in Silicate Glass
Lowenstern J, Sisson T, Blatter D, Mangan M & Hankins B
(2014) Fe Oxidation State in Hydrous Magmas during Ascent and Degassing
Humphreys M, Brooker R, Fraser D, Burgisser A, Mangan M, McCammon C & Smith V

Manganelli S. (2010) Ar Diffusion in Basaltic Glass and Implications for Thermochronology in Oceanic Ridge Settings
Manganelli S & Grove M

Manganini S (2006) Particle Properties and Paleoceanographic Proxies
Eglinton T, Hwang J, Ohkouchi N, Francois R, Montlucon D & Manganini S

Manganini Steven (2016) Resuspension and Lateral Transport of Radiologically-Contaminated Seafloor Sediment off Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant
Honda M, Buesseler K, German C, Otosaka S, Black E, Kawakami H, Manganini S & Pike S
(2015) Coupled Organic & Inorganic Tracers of Particle Flux Processes in the Western Arctic Ocean
Schwab M, Rickli J, Blusztajn J, Manganini S, Harvey R, Vance D, McIntyre C & Eglinton T
(2014) Time-Series Investigations of Settling Particle Flux and Composition in the Deep Canada Basin, Arctic Ocean
Eglinton T, Manganini S, Blusztajn J, Kim M, Hwang J, Montlucon D, Krishfield R & McIntyre C

Mangas J. (2019) REE Exploration in Carbonatites, Alkaline Magmatic Rocks and Corresponding Paleosols at Intraplate Oceanic Islands (Gran Canaria and Fuerteventura, Canary Islands, Spain)
Campeny M, Menéndez I, Quevedo-González L, Mangas J, Yepes J, Tauler E, Melgarejo JC, Casillas R, Méndez-Ramos J & Acosta-Mora P
(2017) Southwestern Africa on the Burner: Pleistocene Carbonatite Volcanism Linked to Mantle Upwelling in Angola
Giuliani A, Campeny M, Kamenetsky VS, Maas R, Melgarejo JC, Kohn BP, Matchan EL, Mangas J, Goncalves AO & Manuel J
(2013) Sodium Rich Magmas Parental to Catanda Carbonatitic Lavas (Angola): Melt Inclusion Evidence
Campeny M, Kamenetsky V, Melgarejo JC, Mangas J, Bambi A & Manuel J

Mangasini Frederick (2015) Volatile-Rich Nephelinites from an Early-Stage Rifting (Hanang, North Tanzania)
Baudouin C, Parat F, Denis C & Mangasini F

Mangasini Fredrick (2011) Superplume Control of East Africa Rift Volcanism: Helium Isotope Evidence from Alkaline Magmatism of Tanzania
Hilton D, Halldorsson S, Barry P, Fischer T, De Moor M, Ramirez C, Mangasini F & Scarsi P
(2006) Xe isotopes in carbonatites: Oldonyo Lengai, East African Rift
Burnard P, Basset R, Marty B, Fischer T, Palhol F, Mangasini F & Makene C

Mangayayam Marco (2017) Green Rust Composition Effect on Reactivity with Toxic Metals and Chlorinated Solvents
Mangayayam M, Dideriksen K, Stipp S & Tobler D

Mangayayam Marco C. (2019) Alginate Impacts on Hematite Crystallisation and Bioreduction by Shewanella oneidensis MR-1
Weihe SHC, Mangayayam MC, Sand KK & Tobler DJ
(2019) Sulfidized Zero-Valent Iron for Trichloroethene Reduction: Insights on Sulfidation Treatment and Long-Term Performance
Mangayayam M, Dideriksen K, Ceccato M, Freeman H, Benning L & Tobler D

Mangelsdorf K. (2019) Comparison between Free and Bound Biomarkers in Petroleum Source Rocks
Yang S, Horsfield B & Mangelsdorf K
(2016) Volatile Fatty Acids, Key Intermediates for Microbial Metabolism in Subsurface Sediments – Generation and Fate
Glombitza C, Røy H, Mangelsdorf K, Horsfield B & Jørgensen BB
(2012) Geomicrobiological and Geochemical Study on Pockmarks in the SW Barents Sea
Nickel J, Mangelsdorf K, Kallmeyer J, di Primio R & Stoddart D
(2012) Response of Methanogenic Communities to Glacial-Interglacial Climate Changes in the Siberian Arctic
Mangelsdorf K, Griess J, Gattinger A & Wagner D
(2011) Biogeochemical Characterization of Geothermal Fluids
Vieth-Hillebrand A, Vetter A, Sachse A, Henne S, Regenspurg S & Mangelsdorf K
(2007) Temperature-Dependent Molecular Cell Membrane Adaptation of Microbial Populations in Siberian Permafrost
Mangelsdorf K, Finsel E, Liebner S & Wagner D
(2006) Scientific drilling of a cold-water carbonate mound: Shipboard biogeochemical results from IODP Expedition 307
Ferdelman T, Cragg B, Frank T, Gharib J, Leonide P, Mangelsdorf K, Sakai S, Samarkin V, Spivack A, Kano A & Williams T
(2004) Molecular Characterisation of the Organic Matter at the Mallik 5L-38 Research Well: Implications for Depositional Environment and the Deep Biosphere
Haberer R, Mangelsdorf K, Zink K, Wilkes H & Horsfield B
(2004) Deep Biosphere in Terrestrial Systems (DEBITS): The New Zealand Coal Band
Horsfield B, Sykes R, Parkes J, Mangelsdorf K, Kallmeyer J, Dieckmann V & Edbrook S
(2002) Organic Diagenesis: A Potential Provider of Substrates for Deep Microbial Ecosystems
Horsfield B, Dieckmann V, Mangelsdorf K, Di Primio R, Wilkes H & Schloemer S
(2002) Mid-Chain Diols and Keto-Ols as Potential Paleoenvironmental Tracers for the California Continental Margin during the Late Quaternary
Mangelsdorf K, G¸ntner U & Rullkˆtter J

Mangenot Xavier (2023) New Time Constraints on Alpine Brittle Structures: Coexistence of Compressive and Transtensive Deformation Since the Miocene
Bilau A, Bienveignant D, Boschetti L, Rolland Y, Schwartz S, Godeau N, Guihou A, Deschamps P, Gautheron CE, Pinna-Jamme R, Brigaud B, Mangenot X & Dumont T
(2023) Calcite – Hematite Dating, Stable and Clumped Isotopes Record the History of Fault Activity, Exhumation and Climate in the Internal Alps (Penninic Frontal Thrust and Briançonnais Zone)
Rolland Y, Bilau A, Schwartz S, Gautheron CE, Brigaud B, Mangenot X, Godeau N, Guihou A, Deschamps P, Pinna-Jamme R, Noret A, Bienveignant D & Dumont T
(2020) Generation of Thermogenic Methane in the Central Alps (Switzerland) during Mid Miocene Metamorphism – New Insights from Paired Clumped Isotopologues (13CH3D and 12CH2D2)
Mangenot X, Tarantola A, Girard J-P, Le VH, Mullis J & Eiler J
(2019) Using Carbonate and Methane Clumped Isotopes for Sedimentary Basins Analysis
Mangenot X, Chailan O, Gasparrini M, Bonifacie M, Petit A, Rouchon V & Eiler J
(2017) An Emerging Thermo-Chronometer to Resolve Longstanding Enigmas in Sedimentary Basin Analysis: D47/(U-Pb)
Mangenot X, Gasparrini M, Bonifaci M, Gerdes A & Rouchon V
(2015) Paleotemperatures and Paleofluids Recorded by Both Carbonate Clumped Isotope and Fluid Inclusion Thermometries from Calcite Cements of the Paris Basin
Mangenot X, Bonifacie M, Gasparrini M & Rouchon V

Mangenot Xavier Alain (2021) Geochemistry of CH4 Isotopologues (13CH3D and 12CH2D2) within Fluid Inclusions in Alpine Tectonic Quartz Fissures
Mangenot XA, Tarantola A, Girard J-P, Le VH, Mullis J & Eiler J

Mangeret A. (2023) The Use of Stable Lead Isotopes for the Identification of the Sources and Transport Processes Leading to the Release of Radioactive Contaminants Downstream of Former Uranium Mine Sites
Geng T, Peron O, Mangeret A, Le Coz M, David K, Del Nero M, Montavon G & Gourgiotis A
(2023) Speciation of Pb and Cu in a Wetland Impacted by Former Uranium Mining Activities
Darricau L, Gorny J, Mangeret A, Zebracki M & Courtin A
(2021) Controls of Climate and Organic Matter on Uranium Fluxes to Lake Sediments over the Holocene
Lefebvre P, Sabatier P, Mangeret A, Gourgiotis A, Le Pape P, Develle A-L, Louvat P, Diez O, Reyss J-L, Gaillardet J, Cazala C & Morin G
(2021) Evolution of Noncrystalline Uranium in Lake Sediments over 3, 300 Years
Lefebvre P, Gourgiotis A, Mangeret A, Sabatier P, Le Pape P, Diez O, Louvat P, Menguy N, Merrot P, Baya C, Zebracki M, Blanchart P, Malet E, Jézéquel D, Reyss J-L, Bargar J, Gaillardet J, Cazala C & Morin G
(2019) Redox Cycling of Uranium Phosphate Minerals in a Mining-Contaminated Wetland
Stetten L, Blanchart P, Mangeret A, Lefebvre P, Le Pape P, Bargar JR, Cazala C & Morin G
(2017) Early Diagenetic Reduction of Mononuclear U(VI) to U(IV) in Undisturbed Lake Sediments
Stetten L, Mangeret A, Cazala C & Morin G

Mangham A. (2009) Ligand Effects on Oxidative Stability of CdSe Nanoparticles
Mangham A, Louis K, Bramson A, Metz K, Pedersen J & Hamers R
(2009) Developmental Toxicity of Oxidatively Degraded QDs
Wiecinski P, King Heiden T, Metz K, Mangham A, Hamers R, Heideman W, Peterson R & Pedersen J

Manghnani M. (2020) Short- and Intermediate-Range Structure and Dynamics of Fe-Ni-C Liquid Under Compression
Wang J, Chen B, Williams Q & Manghnani M

Mangiacapra A.

Mangiante D. (2014) Fumarate Photoreduction by Zinc Sulfide Nanoparticles: Ultrafast Studies of Prebiotic Photochemistry
Mangiante D, Gilbert B, Schaller R & Banfield J

Mangin C.C. (2022) Lake Pavin is a Microbial Mineralization Oasis
Lefevre CT, Menguy N, Benzerara K, Busigny V, Mangin CC, Mehta N, Travert C, Bolzoni R, Bidaud CC, Mathon FP, Jézéquel D, Viollier E, Skouri-Panet F, Duprat E & Monteil CL

Mangin D. (2016) Si Isotopes to Investigate Mechanisms and Kinetics of Glass Alteration
Verney-Carron A, Sessegolo L, Saheb M, Ausset P, Losno R, Mangin D & Valle N

Mangini A. (2015) Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation Around Heinrich-Stadials 1 & 2
Antz B, Lippold J, Schulz H, Frank N & Mangini A
(2015) Growth Rate Variations of FeMn Crusts – O2 Concentrations in the Deep Pacific over the Last 30 ka
Hemsing F, Mangini A, Wirsig C & Frank N
(2013) Reconstruction of Humid Phases in the Caribbean during the Late Pleistocene
Winterhalder S, Scholz D, Mangini A, Spötl C, Miller TE, Winter A, Jochum KP & Pajón JM
(2012) Reconstruction of the North Atlantic Circulation Back to the Last Interglacial by a Combined Proxy Approach
Boehm E, Lippold J, Gutjahr M, Gruetzner J & Mangini A
(2012) Stable Isotope and Trace Element Records in Holocene Stalagmites from Java: Paleoarchive of Climate Change and Human Activity?
Hartmann A, Eiche E, Neumann T, Fohlmeister J, Schroder-Ritzrau A & Mangini A
(2011) Decoupled Evolution of Temperature and Precipitation in Western Germany during the Last Interglacial Reconstructed from a Precisely Dated Speleothem
Scholz D, Hoffmann D, Spötl C, Hopcroft P, Mangini A & Richter D
(2011) Variation in Contribution of Bay of Bengal Moisture Source Derived from Stable Isotopic Composition of Cave Carbonates in Meghalaya, India
Rangarajan R, Routh J, Ghosh P, Mangini A, Fohlmeister J, Baskar S, Baskar R & Holzkamper S
(2011) Megadroughts at the Dawn of Islam Recorded in a Stalagmite from Northern Oman
Fleitmann D, Bradley RS, Burns SJ, Mudelsee M, Cheng H, Edwards LR, Mangini A & Matter A
(2011) Biological Precipitation of Calcite in Stalagmites
Kumar A, Routh J, Mangini A, Baskar S & Patnaik JK
(2011) Mn-Crusts Record Deep Ocean Ventilation Changes
Mangini A
(2011) Reconstruction of the Atlantic Circulation Back to the Last Interglacial by a Combined Proxy Approach
Böhm E, Lippold J, Weyer S, Gutjahr M & Mangini A
(2011) Intermediate Water Δ14C off Brazil between 3-40 ka BP
Ruckelshausen M, Kowsmann R, Godoy JM, Santos GM & Mangini A
(2009) Noble Gas Temperatures from Speleothems
Aeschbach-Hertig W, Kluge T, Marx T, Scholz D, Spötl C, Niggemann S & Mangini A
(2009) Water Mass Properties and Circulation in the Cape Basin – A Multi Proxy Approach
Christl M & Mangini A
(2009) The Response of Sedimentary 231Pa/230Th on Particle Flux – Findings from the African Margin
Lippold J, Christl M, Hofmann A, Mollenhauer G, Mulitza S, Weyer S & Mangini A
(2009) Deep Sea Corals off Brazil Verify a Reduction of NADW Formation during H3, H1 and the YD
Mangini A, Godoy JM, Godoy ML, Kowsmann R, Santos G, Ruckelshausen M, Schroeder-Ritzrau A & Wacker L
(2008) 14C Variability in Two Late Holocene Stalagmites and the Implications for Climate Forcing Mechanisms
McDermott F, Jackson A, Mangini A, Mattey D & Frisia S
(2008) Display Sedimentary 231Pa/230Th Ratios the Strength of Atlantic Deep Water Circulation? – An Approach for the Past 30, 000 Years
Lippold J, Christl M, Gruetzner J, Lahaye Y, Winter D & Mangini A
(2007) Comparison of Laser Ablation and Micromill Sampling Techniques for MC-ICPMS 230Th-234U-238U Measurements on Speleothems
Hoffmann D, Spoetl C & Mangini A
(2004) Uranium (VI) Uptake by Calcium Carbonate and Lake Sediments
Koroleva M & Mangini A
(2002) Redox Driven Cycling of Uranium between Sediment and Water in a Seasonal Anoxic and Sulfidic Lake
Laukenmann S, Wild V, Christl M, Mangini A, Isenbeck-Schröter M & Ilmberger J
(2002) Granite Alteration Processes Determined by Sr- Pb-Isotopes and Th/U Disequilibria
Marbach T, Kober B & Mangini A
(2002) Seasonal and Spatial Controls of 230Th/231Pa Ratios in the Arabian Sea
Scholten J, Fietzke J, Mangini A, Stoffers P & Ittekkot V
(2002) Distribution of 230Th and 231Pa off SW-Africa
Fietzke J, Scholten J, Mangini A, Reuter S & Stoffers P
(2002) Distribution and Sedimentary Flux of 10Beryllium, 230Thorium, and 231Protactinium in the South Atlantic Ocean on a Glacial / Interglacial Timescale; A Multibox Model Approach
Christl M, Siegle S, Strobl C, Reuter S & Mangini A
(2002) Stalagmites Indicate a Link between Earth's Magnetic Field and Climate during the Past 200, 000 Years
Mangini A
(2000) Evidence for Solar Forcing of the Indian Ocean Monsoon in a High-Resolution Speleothem Record from Oman
Burns S, Neff U, Mudelsee M, Fleitmann D, Mangini A & Matter A
(2000) Deep Sea Corals Evidence Periodic Reduced Ventilation of the N. Atlantic during the LGM/Holocene Transition
Mangini A & Lomitschka M

Mangler Martin (2020) A Relationship between Timing of Mafic Recharge and VEI at Popocatépetl Volcano, Mexico?
Mangler M, Petrone CM & Prytulak J
(2018) Pyroxene Residence Time of Two Contrasting Plinian Eruptions at Popocatèpetl Volcano (Mexico)
Petrone CM, Leung YL, Mangler M, Delgado-Granados H & Prytulak J
(2017) Recharge, Recycle, Repeat: The Steady-State Plumbing System of Popocatépetl Volcano, Mexico
Mangler M, Petrone CM, Prytulak J, Hill S & Delgado-Granados H
(2016) Isotopic Constraints on Subduction Initiation and Evolution: IODP Exp. 352 (Bonin Forearc)
Prytulak J, Li H, Taylor R, Godard M, Ryan J, Mangler M, Shervais J, Reagan M & Pearce J
(2015) The Build up to a Large Explosive Eruption 14, 000 Years ago at Popocatépetl Volcano (Mexico)
Fyfe F, Mangler M, Prytulak J, Delgado-Granados H & Petrone CM

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