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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Mamontov E. (2021) Microstructural Origins of Chemomechanical Changes in Novaculite
Anovitz L, Flores-Betencourt A, Allard LF, Bosomworth P, Irle S, Mamontov E, Ghose D, Tajuelo Rodriguez E, Erdman D, Lowden RR, Ilavsky J, Kuzmenko I, Bleuel M & Littrell K
(2018) Propane Dynamics in Porous Silica: A Neutron Scattering and MD Simulation Study
Gautam S, Le T, Le T, Liu T, Rother G, Jalarvo N, Mamontov E, Welch S, Sheets J, Striolo A & Cole D
(2018) Properties of Ultra-Confined Water: Effects on Phase Stability
Anovitz L, Kolesnikov A, Hoffmann C, Reiter G, Prisk T, Kent P, Mamontov E & Wesolowksi D
(2018) Structure and Dynamics of Water on Forsterite Surface
Liu T, Gautam S, Wang H-W, Anovitz L, Cole D & Mamontov E
(2015) Structure, Dynamics and Reactivity of Fluids in Confined Geometries
Cole D, Andersen A, Gautam S, Hoyt D, Mamontov E, Mueller K, Kolesnikov A, Le T, Liu T, Ok S, Patankar S, Phan A, Rother G, Striolo A, Tomasko D & Washton N
(2014) Vibrational Dynamics and Tunneling of Water in Beryl
Kolesnikov A, Anovitz L, Mamontov E, Podlesnyak A & Ehlers G
(2014) Dynamical Behavior of Propane Under Nano-Confinement: Neutron Scattering Studies
Cole D, Gautam S, Rother G, Mamontov E, Kolesnikov A, Liu T, Striolo A, Phan A & Le T
(2011) Influence of Interfacial Water Structure on Surface Protonation and Ion Adsorption at Metal Oxide Surfaces
Machesky M, Wesolowski D, Vlcek L, Mamontov E, Kent P, Predota M, Rosenqvist J, Ridley M, Cummings P, Kubicki J, Sofo J, Kumar N, Lvov S, Bandura A, Fenter P & Zhang Z
(2010) Pico- to Nano-Second Dynamics of Water on Mineral Surfaces
Mamontov E, Vlcek L, Wesolowski D, Cole D, Anovitz L, Wang W & Cummings P
(2010) Diffusion of Methane in Nano-Porous Carbon Aerogel Probed by Quasielastic Neutron Scattering
Mamontov E, Chathoth S & Melnichenko Y
(2010) Complex Dynamics of Water Adsorbed on Metal Oxide Surfaces
Cummings PT, Vlcek L, Mamontov E & Wesolowski DJ
(2009) Structure and Dynamics of Fluids in Nanoporous Earth and Engineered Materials Determined from Neutron Scattering and MD Simulations
Cole D, Mamontov E, Rother G, Chialvo A, Vlcek L & Cummings P
(2009) Atomistic Origins of Mineral-Water Interfacial Phenomena and their Relation to Surface Complexation Models
Wesolowski DJ, Bandura AV, Cummings PT, Fenter PA, Kubicki JD, Lvov SN, Machesky ML, Mamontov E, Predota M, Ridley MK, Rosenqvist J, Sofo JO, Vlcek L & Zhang Z
(2008) Quasielastic Neutron Scattering Coupled with Classical Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Water Diffusion at Metal Oxide Surfaces
Wesolowski D, Mamontov E, Vlcek L, Wang W, Cummings P, Rosenqvist J, Anovitz L & Cole D
(2008) An Inelastic Neutron Scattering Study of Adsorbed Water on Rutile and Cassiterite Nanoparticles
Levchenko A, Navrotsky A, Ross N, Spencer E, Kolesnikov A, Wesolowski D, Cole D, Mamontov E, Boerio-Goates J & Woodfield B
(2008) Dynamics of Water in Aqueous Solutions Confined in Silica Matrices Determined from Neutron Scattering
Cole D, Mamontov E, Dai S, Pawel M, Liang C, Jenkins T, Gasparovic G, Kintzel E, Vlcek L & Cummings P
(2007) Surface Charge, Ion Adsorption and Molecular Dynamics at the alfa-Sno2/water Interface
Rosenqvist J, Vlcek L, Mamontov E, Machesky M, Cummings P & Wesolowski D

Mamouri R-E. (2021) Impact of Assimilating Spaceborne Lidar Dust Extinction in Northern Africa and Middle East
Escribano J, Di Tomaso E, Jorba O, Klose M, Gonçalves Ageitos M, Macchia F, Amiridis V, Baars H, Marinou E, Proestakis E, Urbanneck C, Althausen D, Bühl J, Mamouri R-E & Perez Garcia-Pando C

Mamun A.A. (2016) Sorption Mechanisms of Chromate with Ferrihydrite Through Coprecipitation in Aqueous Solution
Mamun AA, Tokoro C & Morita M

Mamun S.A. (2023) Increased Carbon Trapping in Plant and Deposition in Soil is Possible Through the Application of Processed Carbonaceous Wastes in Soils
Mamun SA

Mamuse A. (2023) Repeated Melting of Archean Crust: New Evidence of the Progressive Differentiation of the Zimbabwe Craton
Koopmans L, Mapingere B, Palin RM, Mamuse A, Gardiner NJ, Larson K, Dyck B & Robb LJ
(2019) The Kalahari Craton in the Fiery Heart of Rodinia
Gumsley A, Sałacińska A, Knoper M, Mamuse A, Chew D, Söderlund U, Kamo S, Szopa K & Ernst R

Man Lianjian (2019) Formation of Fe-Rich Volatile-Bearing Phases in the Deep Lower Mantle
Yuan H, Zhang L, Man L, Kim DY, Popov D, Meng Y, Greenberg E & Prakapenka V

Man Lianjie (2023) Water-Triggered Dissociation of Iron-Rich Magnesium Silicate in the Deep Lower Mantle: Implications for Formation of UVLZs Near the Margins of LLSVPs via Slab Interaction
Yuan H & Man L
(2021) The Incorporation of Mg into Core-Forming Melts during the Accretion of Terrestrial Planets
Man L & Frost D

Man M. (2022) Litter Quality and Quantity Alters the Balance of Soil Organic Matter Composition and Decomposition in Forests
Simpson MJ, Man M & Lajtha K

Mana S. (2021) Redox-Dependent Recycling of Carbon in Subduction Zones: A Petrological and Isotope Study from the Belvidere Mountain Complex Ultramafic Body
Boutier A, Vitale Brovarone A, Martinez I, Sissmann O, Agostini S, Daniel I & Mana S

Manabe T. (2016) Fate of As(V) and As(III) during Bacterial Iron Reduction of Ferrihydrite
Manabe T & Konishi H
(2015) Iron-Rich Clays and Si-Bearing Magnetite Produced by Iron-Reducing Bacteria
Konishi H & Manabe T
(2015) Reduction of As- and Zn-Loaded Ferrihydrite by Iron-Reducing Bacteria
Manabe T & Konishi H

Managave S. (2023) Simultaneous Synthesis of N-Alkanes and N-Alkanoic Acids in Tropical Angiosperms
Saishree A, Managave S & Sanyal P
(2020) Redox Conditions and Carbon Cycling of Mesoproterozoic Ocean: Clues from Trace Element and C-O-Sr Isotope Geochemistry of Carbonate Rocks of the Bhima Group, Eastern Dharwar Craton, India
Augustine S, Absar N, Managave S, Bhutani R & Balakrishnan S
(2020) Depositional Environments of Neoarchean Carbonates from the Dharwar Craton, India: Constraints from Geochemical and Isotopic Studies
Govind A V, Behera K, Balakrishnan S, Dash JK, Bhutani R, Managave S & Srinivasan R
(2017) Deciphering Redox Conditions, Solute Sources and Carbon Cycling of Mesoproterozoic Ocean from Trace Element, REE, C, O, Sr and Nd Isotope Proxies of Carbonate Rocks
Augustine S, Absar N, Managave S, Bhutani R & Balakrishnan S

Managh A. (2018) Doubling Sensitivity in MC-ICP-MS Using High-Efficiency, Rapid-Response Laser Ablation Technology
Craig G, Managh A, Stremtan C, Lloyd N & Horstwood M

Manaka M. (2022) New Geochemical Data Set of 53 Elements in Stream Sediments Classified by the Dominant Lithology in a Drainage Basin –GSJ Medal Lecture–
Ohta A, Imai N, Okai T, Manaka M, Kubota R, Nakamura A & Tachibana Y

Manalang D. (2019) New Insights in Geobiochemical Characterization of Terrestrial and Planetary Underwater Vent Systems
Sobron P, Barge L, Acosta-Maeda T, Amend J, Burnett J, Detry R, Hermis N, Kelley D, Manalang D, Marburg A, Misra A, Nawaz A, Price R, Rehnmark F, Smith M, Thornton B, Yu D & Zacny K

Manalilkada Sasidharan S. (2012) Field Scale Investigation of Geochemical Parameters Controlling High and Low As Occurrence in Murshidabad District, West Bengal: India
Manalilkada Sasidharan S, Telfeyan K, Ford S, Neal A, Haug TJ, Johannesson K & Datta S

Manalo P. (2022) Geochemistry of Fe-Ti Oxides and Related Ni-Cu-Fe Sulfides from the Tete Gabbro-Anorthosite Suite, Mozambique: Evidence for Magmatic Evolution and Ore Genesis
Unganai DAB, Imai A, Ashwal L, Takahashi R, Jamal DL, Agangi A, Manalo P, Yonezu K & Sato H

Manard B.T. (2023) Development of a High-Throughput Method for Elemental and Isotopic Characterization of Nanoparticles via Single Particle-Icp-TOF-MS
Quarles Jr CD, Manard BT, Bradley VC, Hendriks L, Andrews HB, Sullivan P & Hexel CR

Mañas E. (2010) Water Diffusion in the Dehydroxylation Reactions in Dioctahedral Phyllosilicates by ab Initio Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Sainz-Diaz I, Molina-Montes E, Donadio D, Mañas E & Hernandez-Laguna A

Manasfi T. (2020) Are UV Filters Polluting our Beaches? A Field Study of French Mediterranean Beach from Consumer Survey to Water Analysis
Labille J, Slomberg D, Catalano R, Robert S, Apers-Tremelo M-L, Boudenne J-L, Manasfi T & Radakovitch O

Manatschal G. (2023) Serpentinization as a Tape-Recorder of Mantle Exhumation: The Example of the Alpine Tethys Rifted Margins
Hochscheid F, Ulrich M, Munoz M, Manatschal G & Boulvais P
(2023) Partial Melting and Mantle-Melts Interactions at the Diamantina Zone:insights on the Mantle Evolution during Lithospheric Break-Up
Ballay M, Ulrich M & Manatschal G
(2022) The Temperatures and Cooling Rates Recorded by Ultramafic Rocks during Mantle Exhumation at Passive Margins: The Example of the Diamantina Zone, SW Australia
Ulrich M, Ballay M & Manatschal G
(2022) Mantle-Melt Interactions Related to Lithospheric Break-Up: Insights from the Diamantina Zone (SW Australia)
Ballay M, Ulrich M & Manatschal G
(2022) Fluid and Mineral Geochemistry during Experimental Seawater-Based Serpentinization
Hochscheid F, Ulrich M, Osselin F, Munoz M, Lemarchand D & Manatschal G
(2021) Ultramafic-Hosted Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide Deposits: An Overlooked Sub-Class of VMS Deposits Forming in Complex Tectonic Environments?
Patten CGC, Coltat R, Junge M, Peillod A, Ulrich M, Manatschal G & Kolb J
(2021) Preservation of Oceanic Oygen Isotope Signatures of Ophicalcites Through the Alpine Overprint
Boulvais P, Coltat R, Branquet Y & Manatschal G
(2020) Conditions of Fluid-Rock Interactions and Related Chemical Mobilities in Magma-Poor Rifted Margins: Insights from Rodingites and Serpentinites
Ulrich M, Amann M, Muñoz M, Lemarchand D, Pelt E, Sauter D & Manatschal G
(2020) Geochemical Study of Serpentinization along an Ocean-Continent Transition Zone: The Alpine Tethys as a Case Study (SE-Switzerland)
Hochscheid F, Ulrich M, Munoz M, Lemarchand D & Manatschal G
(2019) Geochemical Tracers of Fluid-Rock Interactions in Exhumed Mantle Domains: A Comprehensive Study of Serpentinization Processes
Hochscheid F, Ulrich M, Munoz M, Lemarchand D & Manatschal G
(2013) Intrusion Mechanisms of Mafic Plutons in the Middle Crust: Insights from the Permian Sondalo Gabbroic Complex (Central Alps)
Petri B, Mateeva T, Mohn G, Manatschal G, Schulmann K & Skrzypek E
(2009) (U-Th)/He Magnetite Dating of Exhumed Serpentinized Mantle: A Case Study from the Tasna Ocean-Continent Transition, SE Switzerland
Evans S, Stockli D, Müntener O & Manatschal G

Manavalan M.S. (2016) Stable Isotope (C-O-S) and REE Study of BIF Hosted Ganjur Gold Deposit, Neoarchean Dharwar Craton, India: Evidence for Mantle/Magmatic Source of Mineralizing Fluid
Sagar SKS, Shushanata SS, Rameswamiya RS, Anindya AS, Anindya AM & Manavalan MS

Manby G. (2016) Integrated Petrographic and Rock-Magnetic Investigation of Ferromagnetic Separates of Metabasites from Oscar II Land, Western Spitsbergen
Burzynski M, Michalski K, Nejbert K, Domanska-Siuda J & Manby G

Manca R. (2023) Mercury Emissions from Herbaria Cabinets
Ciani F, Manca R, Bianchi E, Mortato A, Salmi A, Lattanzi P, Costagliola P & Rimondi V

Mancardi G. (2017) Detection of Posner’s Clusters during Calcium Phosphate Nucleation: A Molecular Dynamics Study
Mancardi G, Hernandez Tamargo CE, Di Tommaso D & de Leeuw N

Manceau A. (2021) Oldest Methanogens from Subseafloor Hydrothermal Environment, South Africa
Cavalazzi B, Lemelle L, Simionovici AS, Cady SL, Russell M, Bailo E, Canteri R, Enrico E, Manceau A, Maris A, Salome M, Thomassot E, Bouden N, Tucoulou Tachoueres R & Hofmann A
(2019) Detoxification of Methylmercury in Nanoparticulate HgSe in Tissues of Subantarctic Seabird from XAFS Analysis and STEM-Haadf Imaging
Gaillot A-C, Bustamante P, Cherel Y & Manceau A
(2017) Imaging and Structural Characterization of HgS Nanoparticles in Organic Matrice: Results and Challenges
Gaillot A-C, Lebedev O, Pelloquin D, Lanson M & Manceau A
(2012) Making Sense of Large Sets of XANES Spectra
Marcus M, Lenoir T, Lam P & Manceau A
(2009) X-Ray Views of the Defect Structure and Chemistry of Environmental Nanoparticles
Manceau A, Lanson B, Marcus M, Skanthakumar S & Soderholm L
(2009) Mercury(II)-Sulfur Binding in Peat
Nagy K, Manceau A, Ryan J & Aiken G
(2009) Proton Binding Constants for Natural Organic Matter
Manceau A, Matynia A, Lenoir T, Causse B & Spadini L
(2005) Structure Determination of Natural and Synthetic Nanocrystalline Phyllomanganates
Lanson B & Manceau A
(2005) Nucleation and Epitaxial Growth of Zn Phyllosilicate on Montmorillonite
Schlegel M & Manceau A
(2005) Natural Speciation of Mn, Ni and Zn at the Micrometer Scale in a Clayey Paddy Soil Using X-Ray Fluorescence, Absorption, and Diffraction
Manceau A, Schlegel M, Rihs S & Marcus M
(2005) Changes in Zn Speciation in the Rhizosphere of Graminaceous Plants Induced by Phytostabilization of a Contaminated Sediment
Panfili F, Manceau A, Sarret G, Laboudigue A, Bert V & Marcus M
(2005) Interaction of U(VI) with Birnessite: A Solution Chemistry and EXAFS Study
Rihs S, Gaillard C & Manceau A
(2004) Uptake Mechanisms of Ni(II) on Montmorillonite as Determined by X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy
Dähn R, Scheidegger A, Manceau A, Baeyens B & Bradbury M
(2002) Surface Reactivity of Clay Nanoparticles as Studied by Polarized EXAFS
Daehn R, Daehn R, Scheidegger AM, Manceau A, Baeyens B & Bradbury M
(2001) What Determines the Coordination Chemistry of Zn Sorbed on Phyllomanganate?
Manceau A, Lanson B & Drits VA
(2001) Nucleation and Epitaxial Growth of Zn-Phyllosilicate on Hectorite Particles
Schlegel ML, Manceau A, Charlet L & Hazemann J-L
(2000) Surface Structural Control of Trace Element Partitioning in Natural Mn Oxides
Manceau A, Lanson B & Drits V

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