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Malthe-Sørenssen A. (2019) Molecular Dynamics Simulations of the Hydration Force and Transport Properties of a Water Film during Reaction-Induced Fracturing
Guren MG, Zheng X, Jamtveit B, Hafreager A, Sveinsson H, Malthe-Sørenssen A & Renard F
(2015) Fracture Formation due to Growth of Hydrous Carbonates
Ulven OI, Beinlich A, Sun W, Austrheim H & Malthe-Sørenssen A

Maltsev A. (2013) Investigation of the Processes of Organic Matter Diagenesis in Sediments of Lake Beloye, West Siberia, by the Pyrolytic Methods
Melenevsky V, Leonova G, Bobrov V, Konyshev A & Maltsev A
(2013) Biogeochemical Types of Lake Sapropels in Siberia
Leonova G, Bobrov V, Krivonogov S, Bogush A, Maltsev A & Bogush G
(2013) Biogeochemistry of the Big Toroki Sapropel Lake, Western Siberia
Maltsev A, Leonova G, Krivonogov S & Bobrov V
(2013) Element Accumulation in Peat of the Vidrino Highmoor
Bogush A, Bobrov V, Leonova G, Anoshin G, Krivonogov S, Kondratyeva L, Preis Y & Maltsev A

Maltseva A. (2021) Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Sediments of Salt Marshes and Littoral Zones from the Russian Coast of the Barents Sea
Kursheva A, Morgunova I, Petrova V, Litvinenko I, Maltseva A & Golikova E

Maltz M. (2020) Microorganisms in the Critical Zone: An ASSET Case Study for Sample Processing and Data Workflows, Synthesis, and Dissemination
Aronson E, Maltz M, Garijo D, Arogyawsamy K, Dove N, Mayorga E, Freund H, Bruyere C & Daniels M

Malusova M. (2018) Microbial Iron Cycling during Permafrost Thaw
Patzner M-S, Malusova M, Nikeleit V, Kappler A & Bryce C

Malvoisin B. (2023) Mechanism of Low-Grade Metamorphic Alteration of Zircon
Janots E, Seydoux-Guillaume A-M & Malvoisin B
(2022) Cr and Fe Behavior during Hydrothermal Alteration of Chromitites in the Sabzevar Ophiolite (NE Iran): Chemical and Nano-Textural Characterization
Eslami A, Malvoisin B & Brunet F
(2022) Initial Results from the Oman Drilling Project Multi-Borehole Observatory: Petrogenesis and Ongoing Alteration of Mantle Peridotite in the Weathering Horizon
Kelemen P, Leong JA, de Obeso JC, Matter J, Ellison ET, Templeton AS, Nothaft DB, Eslami A, Evans K, Godard M, Malvoisin B, Coggon JA, Warsi N, Pezard P, Cho S, Teagle D, Michibayashi K, Takazawa E & Al Sulaimani Z
(2021) Multi-Stage Hydrothermal Alteration of Chromium Spinels from the Sabzevar Ophiolite (SE Iran)
Eslami A, Malvoisin B, Brunet F, Kananian A, Bach W, Grieco G, Cavallo A & Gatta D
(2021) Ferrobrucite Synthesis and Reactivity Under Hydrothermal Conditions Below 150℃
Carlin W, Malvoisin B, Brunet F, Lanson B, Findling N, Lanson M, Fargetton T, Jeannin L & Lhote O
(2012) Isotopic and Petrologic Evidence for Graphite Formation by Carbonate Reduction in Blueschist Metamorphic Rocks
Galvez ME, Martinez I, Beyssac O, Benzerara K, Malvoisin B, Chopin C & Malavieille J

Malygina E. (2019) The Redox State of the Graphite- and Diamond-Bearing Eclogite Xenoliths from Udachnaya Kimberlite Pipe (Siberian Craton): Implication for the Origin of Diamonds
Mikhailenko D, Stagno V, Korsakov A, Andreozzi G, Cerantola V, Marras G, Golovin A & Malygina E
(2009) Clinopyroxene Eclogite-Peridotite Thermobarometry of the Large Yakutian Kimberlite Pipes
Ashchepkov I, Logvinova A, Kuligin S, Pokhilenko L, Vladykin N, Mityukhin S, Alymova N, Malygina E & Vishnyakova E

Malyshev Sergey (2021) Mafic Dykes in the Northern and South-Eastern Siberian Craton with Age of ca 1.4 Ga: Remnants of Large Igneous Province and Possible Marker for Nuna Break up?
Malyshev S, Ivanov A, Savatenkov V, Lebedeva O, Kamenetsky V, Kamenetsky M, Pasenko AM & Sitkina D
(2013) Understanding Long-Term Variability of Dust in Different Parts of the World
Ginoux P, Malyshev S & Shevliakova E

Malyshev Sergey V. (2020) Geochemical Typification of Early Cambrian Magmatism of the Northeast of the Siberian Platform (Neleger River Area)
Savelev AD, Malyshev SV & Pazukhina AA

Malyshkin S. (2013) Research of Condensation of Supersaturated Water Vapor
Klimkin A, Kozlov A, Krymskiy G, Kuryak A, Malyshkin S, Petrov A & Ponomarev Y

Malz N. (2019) Subsolidus Cooling of Large Igneous Bodies – A Study of the Skaergaard Intrusion, Greenland
Malz N, Faak K, Namur O & Chakraborty S
(2015) Continental Thickening vs. Flat Subduction – The Cause for Cretaceous Magmatism in the Pamir
Malz N, Pfänder JA, Ratschbacher L, Münker C, Mezger K, Jung S, Garbe-Schönberg D & Hauff F
(2013) What Causes the Rapid Change of Cenozoic Magma Sources in the Pamir?
Malz N, Ratschbacher L, Pfänder JA & Münker C

Malzer W. (2008) Sapphirine Granulites of the Gruf Complex (Central Alps, N-Italy): In situ Monazite Dating by SHRIMP and Confocal Synchrotron µ-XRF
Möller A, Schmitz S, Wilke M, Nelson DR, Malzer W, Kanngießer B, Schefer S & Bousquet R

Małoszowski M. (2009) Transformation of Slag from Historical Smelting Slag Dumps in the Tatra National Park (S Poland)
Michalik M, Małoszowski M & Wilczyńska-Michalik W

Mamadjanov Y. (2020) Geochemical and Mineral Composition of Tajikistan Loess and their Provenance Implication
Song Y, Li Y, Chen X, Zong X & Mamadjanov Y

Mamaeva E. (2014) Investigation of Role and Metabolic Potentials of the Microorganisms in Sites of Gas and Oil Containing Mineralized Fluids in Lake Baikal Using Molecular Methods
Lomakina A, Pogodaeva T, Mamaeva E & Zemskaya T

Mamais D. (2016) Cr and Mn Speciation and Interactions in Greek Ophiolites
Chrysochoou M, Mamais D & Dermatas D

Mamajanov I. (2019) Messy Chemistry Approach to Origins of Life
Mamajanov I & Jia T
(2015) Aspartate Transformation Under Hydrothermal Conditions with Brucite [Mg(OH)2]
Estrada C, Mamajanov I, Hao J, Sverjensky D, Cody G & Hazen R

Maman S. (2018) The Potential of Remote Sensing for Assessing Urban Contamination Levels Around a Legacy Mining Zone
Garb Y, Friedlander L, Ericson B, Weisbrod N, Rottman S, Dayan I, Maman S & Blumberg D

Mamani M. (2004) Geochemistry, Radiogenic and U-Series Isotopes in Andean Magmas: Crustal Assimilation and Adakite-Like Magmatism in the Central and Southern Andes
Woerner G, Mamani M, Mercier R & Kilian R

Mamani Jarro J. (2022) As3MT Polymorphisms and Vitamin D: Effects in Arsenic Elimination and Genotoxic Damage in Women of Poopó Lake – Bolivia
Tirado Bustillos NS & Mamani Jarro J

Mamberti M. (2000) Remnants of the Cretaceous Colombian Oceanic Plateau in Ecuador: Evidenced by the Petrology and the Geochemistry of Picrites and Mg-Rich Basalts
Mamberti M, Lapierre H, Bosch D, Eggins S, Jaillard E, Hernandez J & Polvé M

Mamedov V. (2009) Lateritic Sheet Air
Mamedov V & Vorobjov S

Mameri L. (2017) Highly Magnesian Melts are Parental to Podiform Chromitites in the Mantle Section of the Oman Ophiolite
Rollinson H & Mameri L
(2017) Mechanical Anisotropy of Olivine Polycrystals: A Comparision between Laboratory Data and Viscoplastic Self-Consistent Models
Mameri L, Tommasi A, Signorelli J & Hansen L

Mamet S. (2018) Microbes and Minerals in Permafrost: Quantifying Microbe Mineral Interactions Using Positron Emission Tomography Coupled to Soft X-Ray Spectroscopy of Psychrotrophic Bioremediation in Permafrost Soils
Peak D, Siciliano S, Chang Y-F, Conway A, Shannon W, Mamet S, Helgason B, Talebitaher A, Papandreou Z, Palaia T, Teymurazyan A & Regier T

Mamindy-Pajany Y. (2014) Fate of Heavy Metals in Sludge-Amended Soils: A Multiscale Approach
Mamindy-Pajany Y, Sayen S & Guillon E

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