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Malik Aneela (2017) Enhanced Microbial Natural Gas Generation from Coalbeds, An Overview
Orem W, Barnhart E, Fields M, Ruppert L, Malik A & Jones E

Malik Anushree (2023) Fate, Transport, and Bioremediation of Chromium in Soil-Groundwater System at Rania-Khan Chandpur Site, India
Gupta PK, Nair VK, Dalvi VS, Dhali S, Malik A & Pant KK

Malik C. (2020) Dynamics in the Isotope Hydrobiogeochemistry in a Temperate Rewetted Coastal Peatland and Associated Surface Waters
Jenner A-K, Westphal J, von Ahn CME, Rach B, Winski L, Malik C, Schmiedinger I & Böttcher ME
(2020) Multi-Isotope (H, C, O, S) Hydrobiogeochemistry of Groundwaters Impacted by Pyrite Oxidation and Carbonate Dissolution in a Temperate Porous Aquifer
Malik C, Jenner A-K, Schmiedinger I & Böttcher ME

Malik Dwiyoga (2017) Rare Earth Elements as Supporting Approaches for Early-Stage Geothermal Exploration
Shoedarto RM, Tada Y, Kashiwaya K, Koike K, Iskandar I, Heriawan MN, Notosiswojo S & Malik D

Malik Dwiyogarani (2013) Isotope Geochemistry of Wayang Windu Geothermal Field, Indonesia
Prasetio R, Wiegand B, Sauter M & Malik D

Malik J.N. (2023) Marine Calcifiers as Timekeepers: Environmental Variability and Ocean Surface Conditions
Athirigothi Aouge F, Malik JN, Paul D, Chakraborty S & Achyuthan H

Malik N. (2021) Study on Carbon Isotope Effects at Kamchatka Magmatic Rocks and Volcanic Gases
Voropaev SA, Malik N, Sevastyanov V, Dushenko N & Kuznetsova O
(2016) A New Estimate of Gas Emissions from Ebeko Volcano, Kurile Islands
Melnikov D, Malik N, Kotenko T, Inguaggiato S & Zelenski M

Malik Z.A. (2011) Sr and Nd Isotope Studies on Sediment Core Samples from Cauvery Delta, South India: Evidence for Monsoon Induced Changes in Provenance
Malik ZA, Srinivasan B & Singh P

Malikova I. (2000) Radionuclide 137Cs in the Lake Deposits of the Altai Region
Bobrov V, Strakhovenko V, Shcherbov B, Gavshin V, Malikova I, Sukhorukov F, Kovalev S, Stepin A & Melgunov M

Malikova N. (2011) Water Dynamics in Clay as a Function of Temperature: Coupling Neutron Spin Echo and Molecular Dynamics
Marry V, Dubois E, Malikova N, Salanne M, Longeville S, Haussler W & Breu J
(2009) Structure and Dynamics in Clays from Molecular Simulations
Marry V, Rotenberg B, Dufrêche J-F, Malikova N, Vuilleumier R & Turq P

Malin J. (2010) Studying the Interactions of Trivalent Metal Ions with the Silica/Water Interface Using Second Harmonic Generation
Jordan D, Malin J & Geiger F
(2010) U(VI) and Sr(II) Speciation at the Silica/Water Interface Determined by Second Harmonic Generation
Malin J & Geiger F
(2010) Monitoring the Interaction of Divalent Metal Ions with Surface Bound ssDNA Using Second Harmonic Generation
Holland J, Malin J, Jordan D & Geiger F
(2009) Interactions of Metal Cations with Mineral/Water and Organic-Containing Mineral/Water Interfaces Studied by Second Harmonic Generation
Hayes P, Malin J, Konek C & Geiger F

Malin M. (2017) Effects of Weathering a Volcanic Rock on Mars 3.7 Billion Years ago
Coleman M, Schieber J, Bish D, Reed M, Hausrath E, Cosgrove J, Gupta S, Minitti M & Malin M

Malina G. (2016) Qualitative and Quantitative Evaluation of Soil Organic Matter for Sustainable Soil Management
Malina G & Kwiatkowska-Malina J

Malina N. (2023) Insights into Arsenic-Dissolved Organic Matter Complexation
Ojeda A & Malina N
(2022) Assessing Watershed Health: Multiproxy Contaminant Tracing in a Geographic Context
Larson E, Malina N, Millner S & Ojeda A
(2022) Role of Sedimentary Organic Matter on Arsenic Mobilization in a Potential Natural Reactive Barrier (NRB) along the Fluctuating Meghna River, Bangladesh
Varner TS, Kulkarni H, Nguyen W, Kwak K, Buskirk ZE, Cardenas MB, Ojeda A, Knappett PSK, Malina N & Datta S

Malina O. (2022) Nitriding of nZVI as a Novel Means to Improve its Selectivity for Trichloroethylene Remediation
Brumovsky M, Oborná J, Micić V, Malina O, Kašlík J, Tunega D, Kolos M, Hofmann T, Karlický F & Filip J

Malinovskiy Dmitiry (2017) Characterisation Measurements of 13C/12C Isotope Amount Ratios in Glycine Candidate Reference Materials by MC-ICPMS and EA-IRMS
Malinovskiy D, Dunn P, Holcombe G & Goenaga-Infante H

Malinovskiy Dmitry (2009) Isotopic Fractionation of Sn due to Methylation and Demethylation Reactions in Aqueous Solution
Malinovskiy D, Vanhaecke F & Moens L
(2004) Iron Isotope Fractionation in River Colloidal Matter
Ingri J, Malinovskiy D, Rodushkin I, Baxter D, Andersson P & Öhlander B
(2004) Fe Isotope Fractionation during Redox Cycling of Fe in Lake Water
Malinovsky D, Rodushkin I, Baxter D, Öhlander B & Ingri J

Malinovsky D. (2010) Pb Isotope Fractionation during Photodissociation of Tetraethyllead in Aqueous Solution
Malinovsky D, Kashulin N & Vanhaecke F
(2007) Fractionation of Iron Isotopes in Shallow-Marine Ferromanganese Concretions
Ingri J, Rodushkin I, Malinovsky D, Hålenius U, Baxter D & Andersson P

Malins A. (2016) Simulation Study of Sediment and Radio-Cesium Transport over 2015 Typhoon Etau
Sakuma K, Malins A, Machida M & Kitamura A
(2016) The Effect of 2015 Typhoon Etau on Radiation Dose Rates in River Basins Surrounding Fukushima Daiichi
Malins A, Sakuma K, Nakanishi T, Machida M & Kitamura A

Malitch Kreshimir (2015) A Combined Nd-Sr-Cu-S Isotope Study of the Chernogorsk and Zub-Marksheider Ore-Bearing Intrusions (Noril’sk Province, Russia)
Malitch K, Latypov R, Badanina I & Sluzhenikin S

Malitch Kreshimir (2019) Origin of Zircon from the Talnakh Economic Ultramafic-Mafic Intrusion (Noril’sk Province, Russia): Evidence from Oxygen Isotope Data
Malitch K, Belousova E, Griffin W, Badanina I, Martin L & Sluzhenikin S
(2019) Os Isotope Systematics of Ru-Os Sulfides and Ru-Os-Ir Alloys from the Verkh-Neivinsk and Kunar Ophiolite-Type Complexes (Russia)
Badanina I, Malitch K, Belousova E, Puchtel I & Murzin V

Malitch Kreshimir (2014) Stable Isotope Study of Magmatic Sulfide Ni-Cu-Pge Ores of the Noril’sk Province (Russia)
Malitch K, Latypov R, Badanina I & Sluzhenikin S
(2013) U-Pb and Hf Isotope Characteristics of Zircon from Chromitites at Finero
Badanina I, Malitch K & Belousova E
(2013) Timing and Distinct Magma Sources in Ultramafic-Mafic Intrusions of the Taimyr Peninsula (Russia)
Malitch K, Badanina I & Romanov A
(2012) Cu-Isotope Systematic of Magmatic PGE-Cu-Ni Sulfide Ores from the Talnakh and Kharaelakh Intrusions, Noril'sk Province (Russia)
Malitch K & Latypov R
(2010) Os Isotopes in Witwatersrand Platinum-Group Alloys: Implications for Ancient Mantle Melting Events and the Timing of Gold Formation
Dale CW, Pearson DG, Nowell GM, Parman SW, Oberthür T & Malitch KN
(2006) Os isotope systematics of Os-bearing alloys and sulfides from continental and oceanic mantle: new data
Malitch K
(2006) U-Pb SHRIMP dating of zircons from the ore-bearing Kharaelakh intrusion (Talnakh district, Russia)
Petrov O, Malitch K, Shevchenko S, Matukov D, Presnyakov S, Tolmacheva E, Tuganova E & Khalenev V
(2002) Constraints on Melting and Osmium Isotopic Sources in the Ophiolitic Upper Mantle: Evidence from Ru-Os Sulfides and Os-Ir-Ru Alloys
Malitch K

Malitch Kreshimir (2017) Origin of Zircons from the Kondyor Platinum-Bearing Massif (Russia): Evidence from U-Pb and Hf-O Isotopic Data
Badanina I, Belousova E, Malitch K, Griffin W & Martin L
(2017) Archaean Crust-Mantle Links: Os Isotopes in Witwatersrand PGM
Dale C, Nowell G, Pearson DG, Oberthür T & Malitch K

Malkemus D. (2017) Geochemistry of Breitenbush Hot Springs, Oregon, USA
Perkins R, Malkemus D & Palmer C

Malkin E. (2009) Urban Socio-Economic Factors Affect the Isotopic Composition of Fish Muscle
Malkin E, Peebles E & Hollander D

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