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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Majumder J. (2020) Late Quaternary Variations in Monsoon Induced Upwelling and Oxygen Minimum Zone in the Eastern Arabian Sea: A Study Based on the Thecosome Pteropod Assemblage and Total Organic Carbon of Sediment
Majumder J, Gupta AK, Kumar P, Mohan K & Biju N

Majumder S. (2019) Rising Arsenic Concentrations in an Intensively Pumped Agricultural Basin in Central Mexico
Knappett P, Li Y, Majumder S, Huang Y, Loza I, Hernandez H, Aviles Jasso M, Mahlknecht J, Datta S & Nordstrom DK
(2018) Oxyanion-Forming Trace Elements and Associated Geochemical Processes in High Arsenic Aquifers
Majumder S, Vega M & Datta S
(2018) Intensive Pumping Impacts Arsenic Concentrations in Drinking Water Aquifers in an Inter-Montane Basin
Knappett P, Li Y, Datta S, Loza I, Majumder S, Hernandez H, Shepherd F, Aviles M, Pina V, Huang Y, Lynch B & Mahlknecht J
(2009) Isotopic Investigation into the Role of Surface Waters in Promoting Arsenic Release in Bengali Groundwaters
Lawson M, Ballentine C, Polya D, Zhou Z, Smith K, Boyce A, Chatterjee D, Majumder S & Biswas A

Majzlan J. (2023) A Thermodynamic Study of the Olivenite-Libethenite Solid Solution
Majzlan J, Plumhoff A, Števko M, Steciuk G, Plášil J, Dachs E & Benisek A
(2023) Antimony Release and Isotope Fractionation during Leaching of Stibnite (Sb2S3): An Experimental Study
Kaufmann AB, Lazarov M, Majzlan J & Weyer S
(2022) Antimony Isotope Signature of Hydrothermal Ore Formation and Weathering of Antimony Ore Deposits
Kaufmann AB, Lazarov M & Majzlan J
(2021) Tl Sequestration in the Middle Part of the Allchar Sb–As–Tl–Au Deposit, North Macedonia
Đorđević T, Kolitsch U, Drahota P, Majzlan J, Peřestá M, Tasev G, Serafimovski T, Boev I & Boev B
(2021) Thermodynamics of Tin Perovskites of the Schoenfliesite Group □2(BSn4+)(OH, O)6 (B = Ca, Fe3+, Mg, Mn2+, Zn, Cu)
Majzlan J, Haase P, Christensen HG, Nielsen UG, Bender Koch C & Galazka Z
(2021) Antimony and Cu Isotope Variations in the Sb-Au Orogenic Deposit Dúbrava (Slovakia)
Kaufmann AB, Lazarov M, Weyer S, Kiefer S & Majzlan J
(2020) Mobility of Tl and Hg in the As-Rich Waste Dumps of Adit no. 25, Former Allchar Mine, North Macedonia
Dordevic T, Kolitsch U, Drahota P, Peresta M, Majzlan J, Kiefer S, Tasev G, Serafimovski T, Boev I & Boev B
(2020) In situ Determination of Sb Isotopes by fs-LA-MC-ICP-MS
Kaufmann AB, Lazarov M, Weyer S & Majzlan J
(2019) Isotopic Signatures of Cu and Hg during Weathering of Tetrahedrite and Chalcopyrite
Majzlan J, Stevko M, Herrmann J, Lazarov M & Wiederhold J
(2019) Thermodynamic Data of Cement Phases
Grevel K-D, Bellmann F, Majzlan J & Dachs E
(2016) Speciation and Fractionation of Geogenic Thallium in Soils from the Swiss Jura Mountains
Voegelin A, Pfenninger N, Petrikis J, Majzlan J, Plötze M, Mangold S, Steininger R & Göttlicher J
(2015) Insights in the Secondary Mineralogy of Antimony
Majzlan J, Borcinova Radkova A, Jamieson H, Lalinska Volekova B, Stevko M & Chovan M
(2015) Study of Tetrahedrite-Tennantite (Cu6[Cu4(Fe,Zn2)]Sb4S13 - Cu6[Cu4(Fe,Zn2)]As4S13) Weathering Products in Mine Wastes from Abandoned Waste Rock Piles, Špania Dolina, Slovakia
Borčinová Radková A, Jamieson H, Števko M, Majzlan J, Lalinská-Voleková B & Chovan M
(2015) In situ X-Ray Diffraction Investigations of FeO(OH) and MnO(OH) at High Pressures and Temperatures
Grevel K-D, Wiethoff F, Petrikis J, Majzlan J, Kirste J & Lathe C
(2015) The Interplay between Amorphous, Nanocrystalline and Crystalline Materials in Weathering Processes
Majzlan J, Stevko M & Amoako F
(2015) FTIR, XAS and XPS Studies on the Stability & Reactivity of Ferrihydrite and Nano-Goethite
Myneni S, Crompton N, Majzlan J, Frith M & Bernasek S
(2014) Mineralogy and Microbial Diversity in As-Rich Waste Dumps
Amoako FY, Majzlan J & Kothe E
(2013) Mineral Transformations and Bacterial Diversity in As-Rich Waste Dumps
Amoako FY, Majzlan J & Kothe E
(2013) Mineralogy and Thermodynamics of Secondary Arsenic Phases
Majzlan J, Drahota P & Filippi M
(2012) Thermodynamic Properties of Antlerite, Brochantite, and Posnjakite
Zittlau AH & Majzlan J
(2012) Thermodynamic Prediction of Aqueous As Concentration in Scorodite-Rich Tailings
Majzlan J
(2011) On the Multitude of Niches for Bacteria and Archaea in an Acidic Biofilm
Ziegler S, Dolch K, Majzlan J & Gescher J
(2011) Mineralizing Fluids of the Barite-Fluorite Mineralization at the S Edge of the Thuringian Basin, Germany
Brey M, Majzlan J, Bakker R & Prochaska W
(2011) Secondary Minerals in Mine Wastes at Sb Deposits in Slovakia
Klimko T, Majzlan J, Lalinská B, Chovan M, Goettlicher J & Steininger R
(2011) Experimentally Determined Standard Properties for MgSO4·4H2O (Starkeyite) and MgSO4·3H2O; A Revised Internally Consistent Thermodynamic Dataset for Magnesium Sulfate Hydrates
Grevel K-D, Majzlan J, Benisek A, Dachs E, Steiger M, Fortes AD & Marler B
(2011) Thermodynamics of Crystalline iron(III) Arsenates Scorodite, Kaňkite, and Bukovskýite
Majzlan J, Drahota P, Filippi M, Novak M, Loun J & Grevel K-D
(2011) The Effect of Sb(V) on the Transformation of Ferrihydrite to Goethite, Hematite, and Feroxyhyte
Bolanz R, Majzlan J & Ackermann S
(2011) Arsenic Mobility in Coal-Combustion Ashes Mixed with Agricultural Soil
Veselská V, Peťková K, Bolanz R, Majzlan J, Jurkovič Ľ, Lalinská B, Hiller E & Ďurža O
(2010) The Contrasting Behavior of As and Sb in the Mining Waste Near Pezinok, Slovakia
Majzlan J, Lalinska B, Chovan M, Göttlicher J, Steininger R, Hug K, Ziegler S & Gescher J
(2009) Thermodynamic Properties of Kornelite (Fe2(SO4)3·~7.75H2O) and Paracoquimbite (Fe2(SO4)3·9H2O)
Ackermann S, Lazic B, Armbruster T, Doyle S, Grevel K-D & Majzlan J
(2009) Internally Consistent Thermodynamic Data for Magnesium Sulfate Hydrates
Grevel K-D & Majzlan J
(2009) Matrix Composition and Community Structure Analysis of a Novel Bacterial Pyrite Leaching Community
Ziegler S, Ackermann S, Göttlicher J, Majzlan J & Gescher J
(2008) Chemistry and Spectroscopy of Iron-Sulfate Minerals from Iron Mountain, California, U.S.A
Alpers CN, Majzlan J, Bender Koch C, Bishop JL, Coleman ML, Dyar MD, McCleskey RB, Myneni SCB, Nordstrom DK & Sobron P
(2008) Heat Capacity and Entropy of Stoichiometric Jarosite Compounds
Glasnak P, Majzlan J, Dachs E & Boerio-Goates J
(2008) Synthesis and Mineralogical Characterization of Members of the Voltaite Group
Kowalski W, Gieré R & Majzlan J
(2008) Size-Driven Structural and Thermodynamic Complexity in Iron Oxides
Navrotsky A, Mazeina L & Majzlan J
(2008) Sb Sorption Complexes on Fe Oxide Surfaces: An EXAFS Study
Ackermann S, Majzlan J, Bolanz R, Giere R & Newville M
(2008) Stabilization of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles by the Adsorption of Sulfate, Phosphate, and Arsenate
Majzlan J
(2007) Heat Capacity and Entropy of MgSiO3 and Mg2SiO4 Glasses
Majzlan J, Tangeman J & Dachs E
(2007) Antimony Speciation in Shooting Ranges and its Association with Iron Oxides
Ackermann S, Gieré R & Majzlan J
(2007) A Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory for Environmental Studies
Göttlicher J, Steininger R, Kramar U, Majzlan J, Nehrke G & Zöger N
(2006) Formation, Composition, Structure, and Ageing of As-ferrihydrite From Pezinok, Slovakia
Majzlan J, Chovan M, Lalinská B, Jurkoviè L, Milovská S & Göttlicher J
(2006) Polymorphic transformations of iron oxides: a thermodynamic view
Mazeina L, Majzlan J & Navrotsky A
(2005) The Existence and Mobility of Hydronium Ion in the Structure of Jarosite
Majzlan J, Nielsen U & Grey C
(2005) Thermodynamic Data for Hydrated Ferric Sulfates and Application to Secondary Minerals at Iron Mountain, California
Alpers CN, Majzlan J, McCleskey RB, Nordstrom DK & Navrotsky A
(2004) Iron and Sulfate in Acidic Waters: From Aqueous Clusters to Mineral Precipitates
Majzlan J & Myneni S
(2003) Spectroscopic Investigation of Di- and Trivalent Ion Interaction with Sulfate in Aqueous Solutions
Majzlan J & Myneni S
(2002) Thermochemistry of Poorly Crystalline Iron Oxides
Majzlan J, Bender Koch C & Navrotsky A
(2001) Thermodynamics of the Fe-O-H System
Majzlan J, Navrotsky A, Lang BE, Stevens R, Woodfield BF & Boerio-Goates J

Mak D. (2008) Alternate Method for Sulfate δ17O Measurements
Mak D & Norman A-L

Mak J. (2009) Heterogeneous Reactions of NO3 and N2O5 with a Range of Organic Substrates
Gross S, Knopf D, Mak J, Iannone R & Bertram A

Makabe A. (2023) Environmental Changes in the Arctic over the Past 10 Myr Based on Os Isotope Stratigraphy and Chemical Composition of Ferromanganese Crusts
Konstantinova N, Suzuki K, Chang Q, Makabe A, Hein JR, Brekke H & Skolotnev S
(2022) Osmium Isotope Stratigraphy Age and Elemental Composition of Ferromanganese Crusts from Iwaki Seamount
Kobayashi E, Suzuki K, Usui A, Chang Q, Makabe A, Kashiwabara T & Orihashi Y
(2019) Variations in Fluid Chemistry Among Twenty High-Temperature Hydrothermal Vent Sites in the Okinawa Trough
Kawagucci S, Matsui Y, Makabe A, Chen C, Kitada K & Miyazaki J
(2019) Nitrification Rates in the Subarctic and Subtropical North Pacific
Makabe A, Nunoura T, Yoshikawa C & Koba K
(2017) Geochemical and Biological Features of Hydrothermal Vent Fields Newly Discovered in the Okinawa Trough
Makabe A, Tasumi E, Matsui Y, Horai S, Sato S, Chen C, Shibuya T, Kitada K, Takahashi A, Miyazaki J, Nakamura K, Kawagucci S & Kumagai H
(2016) Isotopic Analyses of Dissovled N2O and Nitrite in the Subarctic North Pacific
Toyoda S, Matsushima S, Makabe A, Nunoura T, Yoshikawa C & Yoshida N
(2016) Nitrogen Isotope of Chloropigments in the Nitrogen Cycle in the Ocean
Ogawa NO, Yoshikawa C, Suga H, Makabe A, Matsui Y, Yoshida O, Kawagucci S, Fujiki T, Harada N & Ohkouchi N
(2016) Discovery of New Hydrothermal Vent Fields in the Mid- and southern-Okinawa Trough
Makabe A, Tsutsumi S, Chen C, Torimoto J, Matsui Y, Shibuya T, Miyazaki J, Kitada K & Kawagucci S
(2013) Physiological and Isotopic Characteristics of Nitrogen Fixation by Hyperthermophilic Methanogens: Implication for Nitrogen Anabolism of the Subseafloor Microbial Communities on the Early Earth
Nishizawa M, Miyazaki J, Makabe A, Koba K & Takai K
(2011) Linking Nitrogen Isotope Systematics and Microbiology in a Subsurface Geothermal Water Stream, Hishikari Gold Mine, Japan
Nishizawa M, Koba K, Makabe A, Yoshida N, Hirai M, Miyazaki J, Nunoura T & Takai K

Makagon V. (2004) Formation of Rare-Metal Pegmatites Related to Deep-Seated Geodynamic Processes in the Eastern Sayan, Siberia, Russian Federation
Chokan V & Makagon V

Makahnouk M. (2012) Fracture Mineral Investigation in Crystalline Rock, SW Greenland
Makahnouk M, Frape S, Blyth A, Ruskeeniemi T, Coniglio M & Drimmie R

Makarem C. (2019) Tunable Laser Spectrometry Ability on Steroids to Track Ocean Methane
Coleman M, Christensen L, Kriesel J, Makarem C & Kelly J

Makarenko G. (2002) Fe-Mf Silicate Strings on the Earth
Makarenko G

Makarenko N. (2015) Sources and Geodynamics of Early Paleozoic Gabbro–Monzodiorite Intrusions of the Kuznetsk Alatau Ridge, Siberia
Vrublevskii V, Kotel'nikov A, Makarenko N, Borodina N & Gertner I

Makarov A. (2023) Laser Desorption Mass Spectrometry (LDMS) with an Orbitrap Analyzer for in situ Planetary Science
Arevalo R, Ray S, Ni Z, Southard A, Danell R, Grubisic A, Graham J, Briois C, Thirkell L, Colin F & Makarov A
(2016) Determining the Isotopic Structures of Molecules by Orbitrap Mass Spectrometry
Eiler J, Chimiak E, Dallas B, Griep-Raming J, Juchelka D, Kitchen N, Makarov A & Schwieters J

Makarov M. (2014) Lichens as a Source of Soluble Precursors for Humification
Zavarzina A, Zagoskina N, Makarov M, Nikolaeva T, Laphsin P & Zavarzin A

Makarova Irina (2014) Mobility of Natural and Artificial Isotopes in the Floodplain Biogeocoenose (Near Impact Zone of KMCC)
Kropacheva M, Melgunov M & Makarova I

Makarova Irina (2013) Geochemistry of Uranium in the Reduced Carbonaceous Sediments of Small Lakes in Baikal Region
Vosel Y, Strakhovenko V & Makarova I

Makarova Irina (2020) Some Artifical Isotopes in Yenisei River Biogeocynosis: Contents, Speciation, Pollutant Flow
Kropacheva M, Melgunov M, Chuguevsky A, Mezina K & Makarova I

Makarova Irina (2018) Artificial Isotopes Speciation in Biomass of Terrestrial Vascular Plants
Kropacheva M, Melgunov M & Makarova I

Makarova Y. (2008) Superimposed Lithogeochemical Patterns and Trains as Pathfinders to Concealed Ore Deposits
Shevchenko S, Sokolov S, Marchenko A & Makarova Y
(2007) New Approaches to Geochemical Exploration for Deep-Seated and Covered Mineral Deposits
Sokolov S, Marchenko A, Shevchenko S, Makarova Y & Ilchenko V

Makart S. (2023) Automated and Streamlined Strontium Purification of Aqueous Samples for Isotopic Analyses
Manestar GN, Lewis H, McCoy-West AJ, Naidoo N, Makart S, Thompson O & Mahan B

Makarycheva A. (2015) Analysis of the Carboxylic Acid in Surface Water of the Subarctic Zone of Western Siberia
Slizhov Y, Khasanov V, Makarycheva A & Mishenina L

Makeev A. (2023) Conditions of Formation, Substitutions and Trace Element Geochemistry in Unusual Sphalerite and Wurtzite from Gonianitoviy Site, Pai-Khoi Range, Yukorskii Peninsula, Nenetskiy Autonomous Okrug, Russian Federation
Tonkacheev D & Makeev A

Mäkelä K. (2007) Removal of Uranium, Arsenic and Phosphorus from Aqueous Solutions Using Steel Slag
Hanski E, Mäkelä K, Manninen M, Kujala K & Perämäki P

Makene C. (2006) Xe isotopes in carbonatites: Oldonyo Lengai, East African Rift
Burnard P, Basset R, Marty B, Fischer T, Palhol F, Mangasini F & Makene C

Makepeace C. (2016) Mineralogical, Geochemical and Radiological Characterisation of Weathered Uranium Ore
Corkhill C, Crean D, Makepeace C, Bailey D, Stennett M & Hyatt N

Makeš O. (2015) Seasonal Differences in Chemical Composition of Atmospheric Aerosol Studied with High Resolution in Prague
Kubelová L, Vodička P, Makeš O, Schwarz J & Ždímal V
(2015) Possible Relations between Organic Aerosols Analysed by Aerosol Mass Spectrometer and EC/OC Analyzer
Vodička P, Makeš O, Kubelová L, Schwarz J & Ždímal V

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