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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Musset O. (2022) In situ Laser-Laser C- and O- Isotopes Measurements in Carbonates
Thomazo C, Musset O, Jovovic I & Sans-Jofre P
(2021) In situ Laser-Laser Carbon and Oxygen Isotopes Measurements in Carbonates: A Step Forward Field Isotopic Characterization
Thomazo C, Sans-Jofre P, Musset O, Cocquerez T & Lalonde SV

Mussi A. (2013) Deformation Mechanisms of Olivine Compressed at 300 MPa and 800-1100℃
Cordier P, Demouchy S, Mussi A & Tommasi A
(2011) Boron Isotopes as pH Proxy: Combination of Boron Speciation and Isotope Composition Data
Rollion-Bard C, Blamart D, Trebosc J, Tricot G, Mussi A & Cuif J-P

Mußmann M. (2017) Nitrous Oxide Reduction by Metabolically Specialized Bacteria in Dynamic Permeable Sediments
Marchant HK, Milucka J, Mussmann M, Tegetmeyer HE, Ahmerkamp S, Rahal J & Kuypers MM
(2015) Physiological and Ecological Constraints on TEX86 and GDGT Provenance Revealed by Pure Culture Experiments and Quinone Biomarkers
Elling FJ, Becker KW, Könneke M, Schröder JM, Hurley SJ, Mußmann M, Pearson A & Hinrichs K-U
(2010) Novel Groups of Sulfur Oxidizing Bacteria in Coastal Sediments
Mußmann M, Lenk S, Arnds J, Zerjatke K, Moraru C & Amann R

Mustafaev Agababa (2020) Alkaline-Mafic Magmatism as Exemplified by the University Foidodolite-Gabbro Pluton, NE Kuznetsk Alatau, Siberia
Mustafaev A & Gertner I

Mustafaev Agababa Aslanovich (2021) New Age of Zr from Ijolite-Porphyry Dikes Associated with the University Pluton (Kuznetsk Alatau Ridge, SW Siberia)
Mustafaev AA & Gertner IF

Mustapha S. (2016) Exploiting Symmetry to Study Solid Solutions and Disordered Crystalline Systems
Lacivita V, D'Arco P & Mustapha S

Mustard J. (2020) Abiotic CH4 Production in the Subsurface of Terrestrial Planets
Tarnas J, Mustard J, Sherwood Lollar B, Stamenkovic V & Warr O
(2018) Production of H2 on Mars Through Radiolysis and Implications for Habitability
Tarnas J, Mustard J, Sherwood Lollar B, Bramble M, Cannon K, Plesa A-C & Plumbo A
(2018) A Pyroclastic Protolith for the most Widespread Serpentine- and Carbonate-Bearing Ultramafic Rock on the Martian Surface
Kremer C, Mustard J & Bramble M
(2016) Aqueous Alteration of the Martian Crust during Magma Ocean Cooling
Cannon K, Mustard J & Parman S
(2008) Sulfates on Mars: How Recent Discoveries from CRISM, OMEGA and the MERs are Changing Our View of the Planet
Bishop J, Lane M, Dyar D, Parente M, Roach L, Murchie S & Mustard J

Mustard R. (2006) Tracing the source and evolution of the Osborne IOCG ore fluids
Fisher LA, Kendrick MA, Mustard R, Ulrich T, Ryan CG & Van Achterbergh E
(2006) Salt and copper in iron oxide-copper-gold systems, Cloncurry district, Australia
Baker T, Bertelli M, Fisher L, Fu B, Hodgson W, Kendrick M, Mark G, Mustard R, Ryan C & Williams P

Mustin Christian (2009) Availability of Nutrient Sources for Bacterial Development in Deep Clay Environments
Esnault L, Libert M, Jullien M & Mustin C
(2006) Pyrite biooxidation surface processes: morphological, chemical and isotopic signatures
Pisapia C, Chaussidon M, Mustin C & Humbert B
(2002) Biogeochemical Behaviour of Americium in the Rhizosphere
Perrier T, Martin-Garin A, Mustin C & Leyval C

Mustin Christian (2013) Bioreduction of Sb-Substitued Goethite: A Mechanism of Sb Mobility and Bioavailabilty?
Zegeye A, Billard P & Mustin C

Mustin Christian (2021) Fe(III) Bioreduction in a Mixed Oxide-Colloidal Clay System
Klopfert J, Mustin C & Zegeye A

Musu A. (2023) Machine Learning Thermo-Chemo-Barometry in Volcanic Systems
Ágreda López M, Petrelli M, Musu A & Caricchi L

Musumeci G. (2019) Detrital Zircons from Variscan Sardinia, Italy: Source Rocks and Early Paleozoic Paleogeography
Cruciani G, Franceschelli M, Caironi V, Langone A & Musumeci G

Musy Stéphanie (2020) Impact of Cosmogenic Ar-39 Production on Groundwater Dating
Musy S, Hinsby K, Sültenfuss J, Linderberg J & Purtschert R
(2020) Ar-37 Emanation Factors Determined by Irradiation Experiments on Soil Samples
Purtschert R, Musy S, Dellepiane G & Braccini S

Musy Stephanie Lisa (2023) An Insight into the Present and Future of Noble Gas Sampling Methods, Natural Variabilities, and Numerical Modeling
Musy SL, Schilling OS & Purtschert R
(2023) Understanding the Regional Occurrence of Select Groundwater Contaminants Based on Novel and Established Tracer Measurements in Age-Dated Groundwater Samples in Alberta, Canada
Mayer B, Thistle S, Plata I, Humez P, Date A, Nightingale M, Kim J-H, Purtschert R, Musy SL, Duran N, Yokochi R, McClain CN & Liggett JE
(2022) Revisiting the Milk River Aquifer with Novel Tracers
Yokochi R, Purtschert RJ, Sturchio NC, Mueller P, Wheatcraft S, Corcho Alvarado JA, Duran N, Leuenberger M, Musy SL, Rollin S & Vockenhuber C
(2022) When Does the 39Ar Groundwater Dating Clock Start?
Musy SL, Hinsby K, Troldborg L, Sültenfuß J, Linderberg J & Purtschert RJ
(2021) Argon-37 Emanation Rates Determined for Irradiated Dry and Wet Rock Samples
Musy SL, Braccini S, Dellepiane G, Casolaro P & Purtschert RJ

Muszyński A. (2017) Igneous Sulfides in Gabbros of the Lower Oceanic Crust: IODP Hole U1473A, Atlantis Bank, Southwest Indian Ridge
Ciazela J, Koepke J, Strauss H, Bender M, Pieterek B, Kuhn T, Dick H & Muszynski A
(2016) Cu-Rich Serpentine at a Crust-Mantle Transition Zone – Remnants of Primary Sulfide Accumulation?
Ciazela J, Koepke J, Dick H, Muszynski A, Botcharnikov R, Kuhn T & Albrecht M
(2011) Cenozoic Volcanic Activity in North Sudetic Basin (Lower Silesia, SW Poland) – Possible Evolution Model Based on Combined Petrological, Geochemical and Isotopic Investigation of Lithospheric Xenoliths and Volcanic Host-Rocks
Nowak M, Muszyński A & Michalak P

Muta S. (2016) An Improved Molecular Sieve Method for CSIA of N-Alkanes
Goto A, Muta S, Kobiyama Y & Hasegawa T

Mutalik V.K. (2021) Geochemical Constraints on Bacteriophage Infectivity
Carlson HK, Piya D, Moore ML, Deutschbauer AM, Arkin AP & Mutalik VK

Mutanen T. (2004) Oldest Rocks of the Fennoscandian Shield: The 3.5 Ga Siurua Trondhjemite Gneiss in the Archaean Pudasjärvi Granulite Belt, Finland
Huhma H, Mutanen T & Whitehouse M

Mutch Euan (2019) Millennial Storage of near-Moho Magma
Mutch E, Maclennan J, Holland T & Buisman I
(2016) Magma Plumbing Systems in the Eastern Volcanic Zone of Iceland
Neave D, Hartley M, Mutch E & Maclennan J

Mutch Euan J.F. (2023) Multiple Magma Pathways from Distinct Reservoirs Fed the 1975-1984 Krafla Fires Eruptions
Rooyakkers S, Carroll K, Gutai A, Winpenny B, Bali E, Guðfinnsson GH, Halldorsson SA, Maclennan J, Jónasson K, Mutch EJF, Neave DA, Sigmundsson F & Grönvold K
(2023) 3D Diffusion of Water in Melt-Inclusion-Bearing Olivine Phenocrysts
Mutch EJF, Newcombe M & Rudge JF
(2022) The Dichotomous Nature of Mg-in-Plagioclase Partitioning: Implications for Diffusion Chronometry
Mutch EJF, Maclennan J & Madden-Nadeau A
(2022) Linking Diffusion Chronometry to Geophysical Indicators of Volcanic Unrest – Insights from the 2021 Fagradalsfjall Eruption
Kahl M, Mutch EJF, Maclennan J, Morgan D, Couperthwaite F, Bali E, Thordarson T, Guðfinnsson GH, Walshaw R, Buisman I, Buhre S, van der Meer QHA, Caracciolo A, Marshall EW, Rasmussen M, Gallagher CR, Moreland W, Höskuldsson Á & Askew RA

Müter D. (2013) Early Stage Ostwald Ripening of Submicrometer Calcite
Schultz LN, Dideriksen K, Müter D, Hakim SS & Stipp SLS

Müter Dirk (2017) Predicting Macroscale Properties of Rocks from Nanoscale Data
Sørensen HO, Bruns S, Dalby KN, Müter D, Uesugi K & Stipp SLS
(2016) Nano-Mechanical Properties of Chalk from Ptychographic Imaging
Müter D, Dalby KN, Sørensen HO, Guizar-Sicairos M, Holler M & Stipp SLS
(2015) Nanotomography: Resolution, Scale, and Physical Properties
Jha D, Osholm Sørensen H, Müter D, Bruns S, Dalby KN & Stipp SLS

Muth Michelle (2022) The Effect of Slab-Derived Sulfate on the Sulfur Content and Oxygen Fugacity of Basaltic Magmas in the Southern Cascade Arc
Muth M & Wallace P
(2020) Tracking Slab-Derived Sulfur and its Effect on Magma Oxidation State in the Southern Cascades
Muth M & Wallace P
(2020) Correcting Fe- and S-XANES Beam Damage and Recognizing Rapid Redox Equilibration of Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions
Lerner A, Muth M, Wallace P, Lanzirotti A, Newville M, Gaetani G, Chowdhury P & Dasgupta R
(2018) The Effect of Slab-Derived Sulfur on the Sulfur Content, Metal Content, and Oxidation State of Primitive Magmas in the Southern Cascades
Muth M, Wallace P & Walowski K

Muth Michelle J (2023) No Detectable Redox Exchange between Sulfur and Iron during Cooling of Basalts
Muth MJ & Cottrell E
(2023) Olivine and Pyroxene-Hosted Fluid Inclusions Record High Arc Nitrogen Fluxes and Multiple Slab Sources
Hudak MR, Barry PH, Bekaert DV, Turner SJ, Walowski K, Nielsen SG, Curtice J, Tyne RL, Cahoon E, Wallace P & Muth MJ

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