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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Murphy Barry (2006) Coupled chemical-fluid flow modelling of the Irish Carboniferous Basin
Ord A, Hobbs B, Hornby P, Cleverley J, Barnicoat A & Murphy B

Murphy Benjamin (2015) Interactions of Atmospheric Organic Particles with Inorganic Pollutants and Cloud Water
Riipinen I, Häkkinen S, Rastak N, Dalirian M, Murphy B, Julin J, Pandis S & Ekman A

Murphy Brandon (2011) Quantifying Biotic Responses to Past Abrupt Climate Change: Thresholds and Sensitivities
Gibbs S, Edgar K, Bown P, O'Dea S, Sluijs A, Murphy B & Zachos J

Murphy Brendan (2020) Critical Role for Water in the Formation of Continental Crust
Collins W, Murphy B, Johnson T & Huang H
(2019) Blowing in the Mantle Wind: Migration of Cordilleran Arcs
Spencer C, Murphy B, Hoiland C, Johnston S, Mitchell R & Collins B
(2017) Harmonic Hierarchy of Mantle Convective Cycles: Time Series Analysis of Hafnium Isotopes of Zircon
Mitchell R, Collins W, Kirscher U, Spencer C, He X-F, Li Z-X & Murphy B
(2017) Geodynamics and Geochemistry of Arc Mobility: The Apparent Advance and Retreat of Cordilleran Arc Systems
Spencer C, Mitchell R, Collins B & Murphy B
(2015) Understanding Global Geodynamics over the Last 3 Billion Years Using Hf Isotope Arrays
Collins WJ & Murphy B
(2013) Reconstructing the Rheic: Geochemical Analysis of Ocean Lithosphere from the Variscides
Band A, Barry T, Saunders A & Murphy B

Murphy Brian (2017) Perturbations in CO2 Flux and Subsequent Chemosynthesis by Chemoautotrophs in Agricultural Soil are Induced by the Addition of Elemental Sulfur Sº
Kelleher B, Flanagan P, Hart K, Simpson A, Oppenheimer S, Murphy B, O'Reilly S, Allen C, Jordan S, Brennan P & Pulleyblank C

Murphy C. (2013) High-Pressure Stability of Synthetic Al<sub>63</sub>Cu<sub>24</sub>Fe<sub>13</sub> Icosahedral Quasicrystal
Stagno V, Bindi L, Murphy C, Fei Y & Steinhardt P

Murphy Daniel (2012) Late Cretaceous Evolution of Southern Hemisphere Seawater Neodymium Isotope Composition
Thomas D & Murphy D
(2009) The Earth's Energy Budget and Aerosol Radiative Forcing
Murphy D, Solomon S, Rosenlof K, Portmann R, Forster P & Wong T

Murphy David (2020) Elevated 208, 207, 206Pb/204Pb by Volatile Degassing from Impact Melts
Kamber B, Schoenberg R, Murphy D, O'Neill H & Reimink J
(2020) Probing the Evolution of the Lower Crust with Trace Element Geochemistry and U-Pb Geochronology of Lower Crustal Xenoliths from Queensland, Australia
Emo R, Deegan B, Murphy D, Allen C & Kamber B
(2018) Earth’s Oldest Stable Crust Formed by Cyclic Gravitational Overturns
Wiemer D, Schrank C, Murphy D, Wenham L & Allen C
(2017) In situ LA-ICP-MS U-Pb Dating of Shear Deformation in the East Pilbara Terrane
Wenham L, Murphy D, Wiemer D, Allen C & Schrank C
(2017) Natal Origins of a Pest: Using Sr Isotopes to Identify if an Exotic Pest Infact [or Unfortunately?] has Local Origins
Holder P, Murphy D, Wiemer D, Moromizato K, Kinaev I, Crisp P & Armstrong K
(2017) The Origin of Maghemite-Rich Soil Nodules – Implications for Fire-Driven Mineralogical and Geochemical Differentiation at the Earth’s Surface
Murphy D, Löhr S, Nothdurft L, Bolhar R, Piazolo S & Siegel C

Murphy David T (2023) Evaluation of Deadtime Correction for Accuracy of Isotope Ratios Determined by Quadrupole ICP-MS
Murphy DT, Kamber BS, Sugiyama N & Freyer F
(2023) Low Blank Single Reaction Chamber Microwave Digestion of Refractory Rocks and High-Matrix Biological Materials
Ghidan OY, Kamber BS, Murphy DT & Matthews J
(2022) Geochemical and Petrochronological Investigation of &gt;3.5 Ga Orthogneisses from the East Pilbara Terrane
Murphy DT, Allen CM, Wiemer D, Wenham L, Schrank C, Caulfield J & Bennett VC
(2021) The Role of Biogenic Processes in Extraction of Ce during Laterite Weathering at Mount Weld REE Deposit, Western Australia
Zhukova IA, Stepanov AS, Jiang S-Y, Korsakov AV, Murphy DT & Bottrill R
(2021) Repeat Injections of Replenishing Primitive Magma Recorded in Gabbros of the Atlantis Bank Oceanic Core Complex
Ubide T, Murphy DT & Kamber BS
(2015) Pillow Basalts from the Mount Ada Basalt, Warrawoona Group, Pilbara Craton: Impications for the Initiation of Grainite-Greenstone Terrains
Murphy DT, Trofimovs J, Hepple RA, Wiemer D, Kemp A & Hickman A
(2013) Differentiating Magma Sources from Conglomerate and Breccia Clasts, IODP Site U1349, Ori Massif, Shatsky Rise Oceanic Plateau
Romanova I & Murphy D
(2013) Halogens in Basalts of the Azores, Canaries and Tristan da Cunha
Jepson L, Burgess R, Fernandes V, Murphy D & Ballentine C
(2011) Sr, Nd, Hf and Pb Isotope Characterisation of Basalts from IODP Site U1346, Shirshov Massif the Youngest Edifice of the Shatsky Rise, Northwest Pacific
Murphy D, Geldmacher J & Romanova I
(2011) Recycled Halogen Signature Preserved in the Tristan Hotspot
Abbott L, Burgess R, Murphy D & Ballentine C
(2011) Generation of HIMU and EM-1 Reservoirs by CO2-Fluxed Lower Mantle Melting: Implications for OIBs, Kimberlites and Carbonatites
Collerson K, Williams Q, Ewart T & Murphy D
(2010) Documenting the Physicochemical and Thermodynamic Changes Associated with all Possible Geochemical Reactions in Rocks Using Gale Vector Space
Stanley C & Murphy D
(2006) Primitive mantle source components with variable initial (U+Th)/He and U/Pb inferred from new data from Tristan da Cunha
Murphy D, Ballentine C, Burgess R & Kamber B
(2002) Solution of the First Terrestrial Pb-Isotope Paradox by Garnetite Accumulation in the Transition Zone
Murphy D, Kamber B & Collerson K

Murphy David T. (2019) Variole Bearing Pillow Lavas of the ~3.5 Ga Mount Ada Basalt, East Pilbara Terrane, Formed Through Liquid Immiscibility of a Water Saturated Magma
Murphy DT, Vickie Bennett V, Wiemer D & Trofimovs J
(2019) Coupled Sm-Nd, Lu-Hf, 142Nd and 182W Study of Mt. Ada Basalt, East Pilbara Terrane, Western Australia
Rizo H, Murphy D, O'Neil J, Kemp A & Vervoort J

Murphy Gabriel (2020) From Repository Condition Behaviour to Advanced Functional Material Design: New Insights into the Reactivity of IO3-
Murphy G, Kegler P, Kowalski P, Wang Y & Wang S
(2017) Incorporation of Radionuclides into Nuclear Waste-Related Materials: Joint Atomistic Modeling and Experimental Approach
Kowalski P, Beridze G, Ji Y, Arinicheva Y, Finkeldei S, Huittinen N, Kennedy B, Murphy G, Neumeier S, Zhang Z & Bosbach D

Murphy Gabriel L. (2023) The Defect Structures of Cr/Mn Doped UO2 Nuclear Fuels – New Insights Utilising Novel Single Crystal Methods with High Resolution Spectroscopy
Murphy GL, Huittinen N, Kaden P, Gericke R, Gilson S, Kvashnina K, Svitlyk V & Kegler P
(2023) Innovative Microfluidic Experiments for Investigating the Co-precipitation of Metals and Radionuclides with Carbonate Phases
Poonoosamy J, Kaspor A, Rudin S, Murphy GL, Bosbach D & Deissmann G

Murphy J. Brendan (2020) A Rapid Change in Earth’s Mantle Geochemistry at 3.2 Billion Years ago Points to an Early Start of Plate Tectonics
Gamal El Dien H, Doucet L-S, Murphy JB & Li Z-X
(2020) Trial by Fire: Testing the Paleolongitude of Pangea of Competing Reference Frames with the African LLSVP
Mitchell R, Wu L, Murphy JB & Li Z-X
(2020) Appinite Suites and their Genetic Relationship with Coeval Voluminous Granitoid Batholiths
Murphy JB
(2018) Did Earth’s First Supercontinent Form the Inner Core?
Mitchell R, Cox G, O'Rourke J, Li Z-X, Spencer C, Kirscher U, Zhang N, Murphy JB, Nordsvan A & Asimow P
(2018) Regional Mantle Replacement during Pangea Amalgamation Documented by Comparing Sm-Nd Isotopic Signatures of Pre-, Syn-, and Post-Collisional Mafic Rocks
Dostal J, Murphy JB & Shellnutt JG
(2012) Microchemistry of Amphiboles Near the Roof of a Mafic Magma Chamber
Murphy JB, Blais S, Tubrett M, McNeil D & Middleton M

Murphy Jack (2021) Geochemical Fingerprints of Early Diagenesis in Pleistocene Shallow-Water Marine Carbonates
Akhtar AA, Ahm A-SC, Murphy J, Maloof A & Higgins J
(2019) A Geochemists Guide to Stratigraphic Variability in Shallow-Water Carbonate Sediments
Higgins J, Blattler C, Ahm A-S & Murphy J
(2019) A Record of Seawater Li Isotopes in Well-Preserved Fossil Corals Since the Mesozoic
Murphy J, Gothmann A, Stolarski J, Bender M & Higgins J

Murphy Jack G (2023) Reconstructing the Secular Evolution of Lithium Isotope Composition of Seawater from Marine Halite
Weldeghebriel MF, Murphy JG, Jurikova H, Lowenstein TK, Rae JWB, Niespolo EM & Higgins JA

Murphy Jack G. (2023) Secular Change, Early Diagenesis, or Both? A Case Study from Cretaceous Ocean Anoxic Event 1a
Nadeau MD, Murphy JG, Hagen C, Wu Z, Akhtar AA, Ahm A-SC, Stolper DA, Maloof AC & Higgins JA

Murphy Jack. G (2020) Evaluating the Suitability of Diagenetic Dolomite as an Archive for Paleo-Seawater Chemistry
Nadeau MD, Murphy JG & Higgins JA

Murphy Jennifer (2013) Near-Field Measurements of Volcanogenic Sulfur: Emissions, Oxidation, and Neutralization
Kroll J, Cross E, Pai S, L'Heureux Z, Hunter J, Croteau P, Jayne J, Waillace L, Murphy J & Heald C
(2013) The Coupling of Particle Acidity and Gas Phase Ammonia in the Biosphere-Atmosphere System
Murphy J & Tevlin A

Murphy John R. (2023) Progressive Carbonatite-Rock Interactions Recorded in Magmatic Cumulates from Santo Antão (Cabo Verde)
Lambart S, Lang OI & Murphy JR

Murphy Julie N. (2010) Expression of Shewanella sp. Str. ANA-3 Metal Reduction Genes in Response to Iron(III) and Arsenate
Reyes C, Murphy JN & Saltikov CW

Murphy Katherine T (2023) Titanium and Chromium Nucleosynthetic Isotope Variation in Samples from the Almahata Sitta Strewnfield
Murphy KT, Morino P, Fehr MA, Alosius RML, Rüfenacht M, Bischoff A & Schönbächler M

Murphy Katy (2023) Decline of Anthropogenic Lead in South Atlantic Ocean Surface Waters from 1990 to 2011: New Constraints from Concentration and Isotope Data
Olivelli A, Murphy K, Bridgestock L, Wilson DJ, Rijkenberg M, Middag R, Weiss D, van de Flierdt T & Rehkämper M
(2016) Cadmium Mass and Stable Isotope Budget of Three Swiss Wheat Cropping Sites
Imseng M, Bigalke M, Wiggenhauser M, Frossard E, Müller M, Keller A, Rehkämper M, Kreissig K, Murphy K & Wilcke W
(2015) Cadmium Isotopic Composition of Cenozoic Seawater from Ferromanganese Crusts
Murphy K, Rehkamper M, van de Flierdt T, Abraham K, Barling J, Halliday A, Hein J, Nielsen S & Reinhard C

Murphy Kelly (2012) Evidence for Mo, Organic Molecule, and Mineral Interactions
Morford J, Carney C, Lisher J, Murphy K, Slogoff-Sevilla P & Wishard A

Murphy L. (2010) Marine-Terrestrial Linkages Associated with Early Cretaceous (Aptian-Albian) Global Change
Ludvigson G, Gonzalez L, Gulbranson E, Rasbury T, Hunt G, Joeckel M, Murphy L & Kirkland J

Murphy Madeleine (2022) The Si Isotope Evolution of the Crust Recorded by Ancient Glacial Diamictites
Murphy M, Savage PS, Gardiner N, Prave T, Gaschnig RM & Rudnick R

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