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Muravyeva N. (2019) Some Insights into Lithology of East African Rift Upper Mantle: Xenoliths from Bunyaruguru Volcanic Field
Muravyeva N & Senin V

Murawski D. (2011) Lithium Self-Diffusion in LiAlSi2O6 Glass and Single Crystals
Welsch A-M, Behrens H, Horn I, Ross S, Vulic PJ, Murawski D & Kremenovic A

Murawski J. (2022) Deciphering the Ages of Saline Water in the Baltic Sea by Anthropogenic Radiotracers
Lin M, She J, Murawski J, Hou X & Qiao J

Murayama Masafumi (2023) Noble Gas Analysis of Fluid/Melt Inclusions in Ultramafic Rocks from West Greenland for Constraining Archean Mantle Evolution
Fukushima N, Sumino H, Morishita T, Guotana JM, Nishio I, Tani K, Waterton P, Szilas K, Sawada H, Murayama M & Yoshida K
(2022) Different Depths of Sedimentary and Fluid Origins in Submarine Mud Volcanoes off Tanegashima Island, Japan
Ijiri A, Setoguchi R, Hamada Y, Mitsutome Y, Toki T, Hagino K, Murayama M & Inagaki F
(2021) High-Resolution Analyzed Sedimentary Records Reveal the Sedimentary Changes in the Continental Slope of the Gulf of Alaska
Mondal MN, Horikawa K, Nejigaki K & Murayama M
(2018) Isotopic Composition and Concentration of Molybdenum and Tungsten in Geological Materials and the Japan Sea Sediments: New Proxies for Paleoceanography
Tsujisaka M, Takano S, Murayama M & Sohrin Y
(2017) Estimation of the Paleoenvironment Based on the Concentration and Isotope Ratio of Molybdenum and Tungsten in the Japan Sea Sediment
Tsujisaka M, Takano S, Hirata T, Murayama M & Sohrin Y
(2016) Paleoceanographic Changes Inferred from Organic Matter Sedimentary Record in the Northeastern Arabian Sea over the Past 110, 000 Years
Murayama M, Yamashita K & Harada N
(2016) Estimation of Organic Content in the Quaternary Hemipelagic Sediment from Yamato Ridge Based on Br Intensity by XRF Core Scanner
Seki A, Tada R, Kurokawa S, Murayama M, Matsuzaki T, Murray RW, Alvarez Zarikian CA & Scientists E3
(2016) Adsorbed Methane in a Miocene Methane-Seep Carbonate from Joetsu, Japan
Miyajima Y, Ijiri A & Murayama M
(2013) Record of Bacterial Sulfate Reduction during 50~210 kyr ago in the Submarine Hypersaline Meedee Lake, off Crete Island, Eastern Mediterranean Sea
Minami H, Yamaguchi KE, Naraoka H, Murayama M, Ikehara M & Tokuyama H
(2008) Glacial-Interglacial Oceanographic Variations over the Past 340, 000 Years at the Mid-Latitude of Southwest Pacific Based on a Multi-Proxy Approach
Ho S-L, Nuita M, Yamamoto M, Minagawa M, Sagawa T, Horikawa K, Murayama M & Kato Y
(2003) Variation of Alkenone Sea Surface Temperature in the Kuroshio Region of the Northwest Pacific during the Last 30 kyrs
Ikehara M, Matsuda A, Hokanishi N, Murayama M, Yasuda H & Kawamura K

Murayama Masaki (2002) Field Evidence for Abiotic Syntheses of Organic Matter in Hydrothermal Conditions
Sugisaki R, Iida Y, Murayama M & Mimura K

Murayama Mitsuhiro (2021) Apatite Nanoresponse to Acidic Dissolution
Perdrial N, Hellmann R, Conde A, Rampe EB, Christoffersen R, Murayama M & Chang J
(2019) Dissolution of Apatite: Micro and Nanoscale Insights
Perdrial N, Conde A, Hellmann R, Rampe E, Christoffersen R & Murayama M
(2018) Phase, Size and Shape Variations of Biogenic Versus Abiogenic Fe-Cu-Sulfide Nanoparticles
Mansor M, Berti D, Murayama M, Hochella M & Xu J
(2018) Structure Transformation of Core-Shell Mn Oxide Nanowires by Removal of Mn(II) from Aqueous Solution
Inoue S, Murayama M & Hochella M
(2013) Structure and Fate of Zn-Bearing Green Rust Nanominerals in Slightly Acidic Mine Drainage Crossing a Steep Redox Boundary
Johnson C, Freyer G, Fabisch M, Murayama M, Küsel K & Hochella, Jr M
(2012) Abiotic U(VI) Reduction by Biogenic Mackinawite
Veeramani H, Qafoku N, Kukkadapu R, Pruden A, Murayama M, Monsegue N & Hochella M
(2011) Discovering Environmentally-Critical Nanomineralogy: Highly Reactive Mn-Oxyhydroxide Nanofiber Nucleation and Growth Catalyzed by Nanohematite
Veeramani H, Dippon U, Murayama M, Henderson R, Kappler A & Hochella MF
(2010) The Role Nanoparticulate Oxides as Transporters of Toxic Trace Metals in Riverbed Sediment
Plathe K, von der Kammer F, Hassellöv M, Moore J, Murayama M, Hofmann T & Hochella M
(2010) Reductive Dissolution of Hematite Nanoparticles with Ascorbic Acid
Echigo T, Aruguete D, Murayama M & Hochella M
(2010) Investigating the Metastability and Nanomineral Properties of Synthetic and Natural Schwertmannite
French RA, Murayama M & Hochella MF
(2010) Nanoparticles in Biosolid Products as Revealed by Electron Microcopy
Kim B, Park C-S, Murayama M & Hochella M

Murayama Y. (2016) Monitoring of Thermal Waters and Fumarolic Gases in the Active Volcanoes in Hokkaido, Japan
Takahashi R, Ogino T, Murayama Y, Ohmori K, Shibata T & Okazaki N

Murch A. (2021) Geochemical Constraints on Bimodal Magmatism in Okinawa Trough, Japan
Murch A, Tani K, Sano T & Yoneda S

Murchie S. (2017) Global Distribution of Carbon-Rich Material on Mercury’s Surface
Klima R, Peplowski P, Denevi B, Murchie S & Ernst C
(2008) Sulfates on Mars: How Recent Discoveries from CRISM, OMEGA and the MERs are Changing Our View of the Planet
Bishop J, Lane M, Dyar D, Parente M, Roach L, Murchie S & Mustard J

Murdie R. (2017) Crustal Structure of the Capricorn Orogen of Western Australia – The Role of a Microcontinent during Paleoproterozoic Subduction and Intra-Cratonic Crust Reworking
Yuan H, Johnson S, Dentith M, Varas P, Murdie R, Gessner K & Korhonen F

Murdoch Larry (2014) The Emergence of Chaotic Dynamics in Complex Microbial Systems: Fully Mixed vs. 1-D Models
Faybishenko B, Murdoch L & Molz F

Murdoch Lawrence (2018) The Mechanism and Kinetics of Citrate Facilitated Dissolution of Uranyl-Phosphate
Ferguson B, Murdoch L, Liu F, Rao A, Trumm M & Powell B

Murè F. (2013) Magma Migration at Mt. Etna in 2012-2013 Detected by Gas Emissions and Plume Temperature
Giammanco S, Salerno G, La Spina A, Spampinato L, Caltabiano T, Bonfanti P, Murè F, Maugeri R & Longo V

Murenbeeld K. (2021) Do Root-Regolith-Rock Interactions Govern Critical Zone-Climate Feedbacks over Decades to Centuries?
Sullivan PL, Billings S, Li L, Nippert J, Wen H, Zhang X, Moreno V, Sadayappan K, Keen R, Hirmas D, Flores A, Murenbeeld K, Barnard H, Singha K & Ajami H

Muresan Paslaru B. (2023) Realistic Evaluation of Tire Wear Particle Emissions and their Driving Factors on Different Road Types
De Oliveira T, Muresan Paslaru B, Ricordel S, Lumière L, Poirier L & Gasperi J

Murgulet D. (2023) Mobilization and Transport of Contaminants to a Water Table Aquifer in Response to Extreme Wet Weather Events
Murgulet D, Vickers C, Eissa M, Murgulet V, Jafarzadeh A & Kapoor V
(2021) Spatial Variation of Submarine Groundwater Discharge (SGD) and Nutrient Fluxes Across a 125-Km Coastal Area Spanning Variable Hydroclimatic Conditions: South Texas Estuaries
Murgulet D & Lopez C
(2021) Constraints on Radon and SGD Temporal Variability in a Semiarid, Well-Mixed Estuary
Wolfe W & Murgulet D
(2019) Submarine Groundwater Discharge and Nutrient Input to a Semiarid and Hypersaline Estuary: Baffin Bay, Texas
Murgulet D & Lopez C
(2017) Groundwater-Derived Alkalinity Fluxes to a Seondary Bay: A Temporal and Spatial Perspective
Murgulet D, Trevino M, Douglas A, Spalt N, Murgulet V & Hu X

Murgulet V. (2023) Mobilization and Transport of Contaminants to a Water Table Aquifer in Response to Extreme Wet Weather Events
Murgulet D, Vickers C, Eissa M, Murgulet V, Jafarzadeh A & Kapoor V
(2017) Groundwater-Derived Alkalinity Fluxes to a Seondary Bay: A Temporal and Spatial Perspective
Murgulet D, Trevino M, Douglas A, Spalt N, Murgulet V & Hu X

Murgulov V. (2006) Use of in situ Hf-isotope analyses of zircon to interpret granitoid magma genesis
Murgulov V, Griffin W & O'Reilly S

Muri G. (2002) Stable Isotope Ratios of Sedimentary Organic Matter as Indicators of Mountain Lake Trophic State Changes
Vreca P & Muri G

Murofushi A. (2022) Formation of Ni-Rich Smectite in the Tagaung Taung Ni Laterite Deposit, Myanmar
Otake T, Murofushi A, Daimon T, Kikuchi R & Sato T
(2019) Formation of Ni-Bearing Minerals during Chemical Weathering of Ultramafic Rocks in Myanmar
Murofushi A, Ito A, Otake T, Sanematsu K, Zay Ya K & Sato T

Muroi R. (2013) Heterogeneous Melt Involved in Formation of a Thick Moho Transition Zone in Northern Oman Ophiolite: Implications for MORB Evolution
Muroi R, Arai S, Negishi H & Tamura A

Murowchick James (2012) The Critical Role of Hydrothermal Activity in Forming Hyperenriched Deposits of Metals in Black Shales
Coveney R & Murowchick J

Murowchick James B. (2019) Influence of Sulfide Mineralization on the Oceanic Sulfate Reservior during the Early Cambrian, South China
Han T, Fan H, Wen H, Mo B, Murowchick JB & Lu Z

Murphy Anna E. (2018) The Role of Nitrate as an Electron Acceptor in Salt Marsh Organic Matter Decomposition
Bulseco-McKim AN, Vineis JH, Murphy AE, Giblin AE, Sanderman J, Spivak A & Bowen JL

Murphy Ashley (2023) Characterization of Silicate Minerals in Alfalfa, Maaz Unit of Jezero Crater Floor, Mars
Yanchilina A, Morris RV, Schmidt M, Corpolongo A, Jakubek R, Van Hoesen D, Murphy A, Sharma S, Smith RJ, Steele A, Hollis J, Uckert K, Bleefeld B, Wu MK, Burton A, Lee CH, Lopez-Reyes G, Pedersen DAK, Bhartia R, Minitti ME & Sobron P

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