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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Mundy Christopher (2018) Observing Nucleation Fluctuations with in situ AFM
Legg B, Mundy C, Baer M & De Yoreo J

Mundy Christopher J (2020) Connecting Energetics to Dynamics in Particle Growth by Oriented Attachment Using Real-Time Observations
Liu L, Nakouzi E, Sushko M, Schenter GK, Mundy CJ, Chun J & De Yoreo J
(2020) Dynamics of Interface-Driven Nucleation and Assembly
De Yoreo J, Legg B, Zhu G, Baer M, Sushko M, Loring J, Huang X, Mundy C, Schenter G, Chun J & Rosso K

Mundy Christopher-John (2016) Observations of Arctic Sea Ice and Ocean Biogeochemistry in the New Thinner Ice Era: The N-Ice2015 Drift Ice Expedition
Granskog M, Assmy P, Duarte P, Fernandez-Mendez M, Fransson A, Kauko H, Mørk Olsen L, Chierici M, Nomura D, Mundy C-J & Steen H
(2016) Role of Sea Ice Biogeochemistry in Air-Ice-Ocean Exchange of Climatically Important Gases (CO2 and DMS) in the Arctic: Preliminary Results of Coupled Sea Ice-Ocean Physical-Biogeochemical Model Simulations
Hayashida H, Mortenson E, Monahan A, Steiner N, Blais M, Gale M, Galindo V, Gosselin M, Gourdal M, Hu X, Levasseur M & Mundy CJ
(2016) The Nanoscale Forces Behind Crystallization by Oriented Aggregation
Rosso K, Zhang X, Sushko M, Shen Z, Kerisit S, Li D, Chun J, Bowden M, Engelhard M, Liu J, Mundy C & De Yoreo J

Munemoto T. (2018) Inhibition Effect of Transformation of Ferrihydrite in Granitic Groundwater from the Mizunami Unederground Research Laboratory
Munemoto T, Watanabe Y, Hayashida K & Iwatsuki T
(2015) Rare Earth Elements in the Paleo- and Present Granitic Groundwater in the Tono Area, Japan
Munemoto T, Ohmori K & Iwatsuki T
(2014) Mobility of U and REE on Colloids in Groundwater and its Quality-Controlled Sampling at the Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory
Munemoto T, Ohmori K & Iwatsuki T
(2012) Formation Condition of Monohydrocalcite from Ca-Mg-Co3 Solutions
Nishiyama R, Munemoto T & Fukushi K
(2011) Change in Lead Sorption during Transformation of Monohydrocalcite to Aragonite
Munemoto T & Murakami T
(2010) Formation and Stability of Monohydrocalcite
Munemoto T & Fukushi K
(2009) Solubility of Monohydrocalcite between 5 to 40℃
Munemoto T & Fukushi K

Múnera J.L. (2015) Stability of Organic Carbon: Mineral Protection Versus Chemical Recalcitrance
Hiemstra T, Múnera JL & Brazao Vieira Alho C

Munes J.C. (2011) Geochemistry of Groundwater from Graciosa Island (Azores): A Contribution to the Hydrothermal System Conceptual Model
Carvalho MR, Carreira P, Marques JM, Capasso G, Grassa F & Munes JC

Mungall Emma (2015) Chemical Stability of Levoglucosan in Laboratory and Ambient Aerosol Studies: An Isotopic Perspective
Gensch I, Sang XF, Khan A, Laumer W, Schlag P, Schmitt SH, Wildt J, Engling G, Chan CY, Zhao R, Mungall E, Abbatt J & Kiendler-Scharr A

Mungall Emma L. (2019) The Use of Micro-Characterisation Techniques to Link the Genesis of the Noril’sk Giant Ni Ore Deposits and the Earth’s Largest Mass Extinction Event
Le Vaillant M, Barnes SJ, Mungall JE & Mungall EL

Mungall James (2023) A New Mode of Mantle Heterogeneity Simulated by Stochastic Melting
Wang Y, Mungall J & Liu J
(2022) Recycling of Ancient and Variably Depleted Mantle Recorded in the Bay of Island Ophiolites
Wang Y, Mungall J & Liu J
(2022) Modelling the Origins of Finger-Like Chonoliths in lip Plumbing Systems
Yao Z, Mungall J & Ernst RE
(2022) New U-Pb in situ SIMS Date in Baddeleyite from Mafic-Ultramafic Magmatism in the Goiás Magmatic Arc, Central Brazil: Identification of a Broad ca. 670-690 Ma Event
Augustin CT, Chamberlain K, Mungall J, Schutesky ME & Ernst RE
(2018) The Role of Contamination in the Formation of Chromitites in the Ring of Fire Intrusive Suite, James Bay Lowlands, Ontario
Keltie E, Brenan J, Mungall J & Weston R
(2018) Controls on Orthopyroxene-Melt Partitioning of Palladium
Zhang X, Brenan J & Mungall J
(2015) Upward Transport of S, Cu and Au in Magmas by Flotation of Sulphide Melt on Vapour Bubbles
Mungall J, Brenan J, Godel B, Barnes S & Gaillard F
(2015) High Resolution CA-ID-TIMS U-Pb Dating of the Rustenburg Layered Suite: Out of Sequence Layering in the Upper Critical Zone?
Mungall J, Kamo S & McQuade S
(2014) Genesis of a Magmatic End-Member IOCG Deposit at El Laco
Mungall J, Long K, Smythe D, Brenan J & Naslund D
(2014) Transfer of S, Cu and Au to Felsic Magmas by Flotation of Sulfide Melt on Vapor Bubbles
Mungall J, Brenan J, Godel B & Barnes S
(2013) Mantle-Crust Fractionation of the Platinum-Group Elements
Mungall J & Brenan J
(2012) PGE Systematics of Refractory Mantle: Role of Pt Alloy
Mungall J, Jenner F, Arculus R & Mavrogenes J
(2009) Genesis of Fe- and Ni-Rich Intraplate Magmas Related to Ni Deposits
Mungall J
(2005) A Magmatic End-Member Fluid at Sudbury, Canada ?
Hanley J & Mungall J
(2005) Ore Metal Transport by Hydrocarbon Vapour in the Footwall of the Sudbury Igneous Complex, Canada
Hanley J, Mungall J, Pettke T, Spooner E & Bray C
(2004) Compositional Evolution of Magmatic Volatiles in Mineralized Alkaline Intrusions in the Ailaoshan-Jinshajiang Belt, Western Yunnan, China
Bi X, Hu R, Hanley J, Mungall J & Peng J
(2003) Mineral Chemistry Studies on Crystallization Conditions of Mineralized Alkaline Intrusions in Ailaoshan-Jinshajiang Alkaline Intrusion Belt, Western Yunnan, China
Bi X, Hu R, Hanley J, Mungall J, Peng J & Wu K
(2002) Oxidation of the Mantle Wedge
Mungall JE
(2002) Pt is Highly Mobile in High T Brines
Hanley J & Mungall J
(2001) Halogens Are Moderately Chalcophile Elements
Mungall JE, Brenan JM & Hanley J

Mungall James E. (2022) Lithogeochemistry, Petrological Modeling and Possible LIP Classification of the ca. 750-740 Ma Mafic Intrusive Rocks of the Central African Copperbelt, Zambia and D.R.C
Bacha RRB, Mungall JE & Ernst RE
(2017) Controls on Komatiite PGE Abundances: Evidence from the ~1.9 Ga Winnipegosis Komatiite
Waterton P, Pearson DG & Mungall JE

Mungall Jim E. (2019) The Use of Micro-Characterisation Techniques to Link the Genesis of the Noril’sk Giant Ni Ore Deposits and the Earth’s Largest Mass Extinction Event
Le Vaillant M, Barnes SJ, Mungall JE & Mungall EL

Munger Z. (2013) Nonlinear Chlorinated Solvent Sorption and its Impact on Remediation in Surficial Sedimentary Aquifers
Allen-King R, Munger Z, Carlone D, Kalinovich I, Salvado JA, Rabideau A, Matott LS & Singh A

Munguía Lara A. (2022) Highly Soluble Arsenic from Contaminated Soil Explains Arsenic Contamination in Groundwater in Central Mexico
Martinez-Villegas N, Hernández Martínez JL & Munguía Lara A

Munhá J.M. (2013) Evidences of Paleoproterozoic Metamorphism in the NW Region of the Quadrilatero Ferrifero Area, Minas Gerais, Brazil: Implications for Gold Mineralizations
Tassinari C, Velaskez M, Munha J, Lobato L, Mateus A & Campos W
(2013) Nd and Sr Isotope Geochemistry of Sediments and Associated Biota from Tagus and Sado Estuaries (Portugal)
Moreira S, Freitas MC, Munhá J, Andrade C & Tassinari C
(2011) Isotope Geochemistry of São Tomé Island (Cameroon Volcanic Line): Implications for Mantle Source Components
Lopes JM, Caldeira R, Cordani U & Munhá JM
(2010) Geochemical Patterns of Spartina maritima from Portuguese Estuaries
Moreira S, Freitas MC, Munhá J, Tassinari C & Andrade C
(2010) Petrological Cooling Rates from Central Ribeira Belt (SE Brazil): New Breakthroughs and Developments
Bento dos Santos T, Munhá J, Fonseca P & Tassinari C
(2010) Geochemical Variability of the Mantle beneath São Tomé Island (Cameroon Volcanic Line)
Caldeira R, Munhá J, Mata J & Madeira J
(2008) C-O-H Isotopic Evidences for Fluid Sources of Granulites in Ribeira Belt, SE Brazil
Bento dos Santos T, Munhá J, Tassinari C & Fonseca P
(2008) Pseudosection and Thermobarometry Constraints on the P-T-T Evolution of Ribeira Belt, SE Brazil
Munhá J, Bento dos Santos T, Tassinari C & Fonseca P
(2008) Whole-Rock Geochemistry and Sr-Nd Isotopic Evidences for Sources and Processes of Granulite Formation in Ribeira Belt, Brazil
Tassinari C, Bento dos Santos T, Munhá J & Fonseca P
(2008) On the Origin of the EM-1 Component in Santiago Island (Cape Verde)
Martins S, Mata J, Munhá J & Mattielli N
(2008) Contrasting Isotopic (Sm-Nd) Signatures in an Equivocal Bimodal Igneous Complex (Ossa-Morena Zone, SW Iberia)
Carrilho Lopes J, Munhá J, Pin C & Mata J
(2008) Thermochronological and Structural Analysis of the Geodynamic Evolution of Ribeira Belt, SE Brazil
Fonseca P, Bento dos Santos T, Munhá J, Tassinari C & Dias Neto C
(2007) Thermochronological Evidence for Long-Term Elevated Geothermal Gradients in Ribeira Belt, SE Brazil
Bento dos Santos T, Munhá J, Tassinari C, Fonseca P & Dias Neto C
(2007) Evidence of Mantle Metasomatism beneath São Tomé Island (Cameroon Volcanic Line)
Caldeira R & Munhá J
(2007) Geochemical Evidence for Extensive Carbonate Assimilation by CAMP Tholeiites from Algarve (S Portugal)
Martins L, Munhá J, Madeira J, Youbi N, Mata J & Kerrich R
(2007) Plume-Lithosphere Interaction at Santiago Island (Cape Verde)
Martins S, Mata J, Munhá J & Mattielli N
(2006) Oxygen-barometry of the upper mantle beneath the Azores sector of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Ribeiro Da Costa I, Jesus A, Munha J & Barriga F
(2004) Geochemical Characteristics of Basaltic Lavas from Lucky Strike Central Volcanic Complex
Ferreira P, Murton B, Kamenetsky V & Munha J
(2002) Small Scale Geochemical Variability in the Basalts from the Lucky Strike Hydrothermal Field
Tavares Ferreira PL, Murton B & Munha J

Munhoven G. (2023) Glacial Carbonate Compensation in the Pacific Ocean Constrained from Paired Oxygen and Carbonate System Reconstructions
Trudgill M, Gray WR, Bouttes N, Munhoven G, Roche D, Colle N, Rae JWB, Michel E, Dapoigny A, Rebaubier H, Richard P & Manssouri F
(2009) Future CCD and CSH Variations: Deep-Sea Impact of Ocean Acidification
Munhoven G
(2007) Impact of Future Greenland Deglaciation on Global Weathering Fluxes and Atmospheric CO2
Munhoven G, Brovkin V, Ganopolski A & Archer D
(2005) Modelling the Global Riverine U Fluxes to the Oceans
Riotte J, Goddéris Y, Chabaux F, Munhoven G, François L & Lorenz S

Munier H. (2017) Balance Calculations on the Fate of Cadmium and Uranium from Phosphate Fertilizers in Arable Soils
Ruppert H, Munier H & Sauer B

Munir A.K.M. (2011) Arsenic Removal with Composite Iron Matrix Filters from Bangladesh
Neumann A, Kaegi R, Voegelin A, Hussam A, Munir AKM & Hug S

Muniruzzaman M. (2023) Non-Isothermal Multiphase and Multicomponent Reactive Transport in Coupled Soil/Atmosphere Systems
Ahmadi N, Muniruzzaman M & Rolle M
(2023) A Stochastic Assessment of the Relevance of Electrostatic Effects during Contaminant Transport in Heterogeneous Groundwater Systems
Muniruzzaman M & Rolle M
(2022) Multicomponent Ionic Transport and Surface Complexation in Porous Media: Multidimensional Experiments and Reactive Transport Modeling
Cogorno J, Stolze L, Muniruzzaman M & Rolle M
(2022) Modeling Multicomponent Ionic Transport in Charged Porous Media: Multi-Continua Approach and Numerical Experiments in Heterogeneous Sandy-Clayey Domains
Muniruzzaman M & Rolle M
(2022) Reactive Transport Modeling Based Interpretation of Humidity Cell Tests: Challenges and Limitations
Pieretti M, Karlsson T, Arvilommi S & Muniruzzaman M
(2021) Arsenic Release during Oxidative Dissolution of Sulfide Minerals Under Dynamic Redox Conditions in Flow-Through Porous Media
Battistel M, Stolze L, Muniruzzaman M & Rolle M
(2019) A Modelling Approach for Multicomponent Ionic Transport in Heterogeneous Clayey-Sandy Domains
Muniruzzaman M & Rolle M
(2019) Pyrite Oxidation in Chemically Heterogeneous Porous Media: Flow-Through Experiments and Reactive Transport Modelling
Battistel M, Muniruzzaman M, Onses F, Lee J & Rolle M
(2016) Multicomponent Ionic Transport and pH Fronts Propagation
Rolle M & Muniruzzaman M

Muniz A.W. (2023) The Impact of Land Use Change on Soil Phosphorus Hotspots at the Microscale in Amazonian Dark Earths
Jarosch KA, Colocho Hurtarte LC, Muniz AW, Müller C, Castillo-Michel H & Schweizer S
(2021) Consequences of Land Use Change on Soil Organic Matter Composition and C-P Relationships in Amazonian Dark Earth and Acrisol
Jarosch KA, Colocho Hurtarte LC, Gavazov K, Muniz AW, Müller C, Angst G, Castillo-Michel H & Schweizer SA

Muniz da silva M. (2015) Effect of Temperature Cycling on Crystal Size Distribution in Rhyolite
Muniz da silva M, Holtz F & Namu O

Munizaga F. (2007) Potential Utility of Cu Isotopes to Recognize Secondary Cu Mineralization and the Degree of Enrichment
Mathur R, Brantley S, Wall A, Kimball B, Barra F, Titley S, Munizaga F & Makseav V
(2001) Re-Os Isotopes of Base Metal Porphyry Deposits
Ruiz J, Mathur R & Munizaga F

Munk L.A. (2019) Lithium and Strontium Isotope Systematics in Arid to Hyper-Arid Watersheds: Implications for Continental Li Brine Formation
Munk LA & Boutt D

Munk M. (2014) Instrumentation Development for Planetary in situ 40Ar/39Ar Geochronology
Morgan L, Davidheiser-Kroll B, Munk M, van Bibber K, Harkness P, Lee M, Wright I, Gupta S & Mark D

Münker C. (2023) Tin Isotope Variations in Chondrites and Earth: Mass-Independent Isotope Fractionation and the 115In-115Sn Decay System
Bragagni A, Wombacher F, Kirchenbaur M, Braukmüller N & Münker C
(2023) Carbonatites and Phonolites Linked by Mantle Derived Calcium in the Kaiserstuhl, Germany
Jentzsch C, Pakulla J, Spürgin S, Gäb FM, Lagos M, Wombacher F, Heuser A, Münker C & Ballhaus C
(2023) Ruthenium Isotope Composition of the K-Pg Impactor and Terrestrial Impact Structures
Fischer-Gödde M, Tusch J, Goderis S, Bragagni A, Mohr-Westheide T, Messling N, Elfers B-M, Schmitz B, Reimold WU, Tissot FLH, Koeberl C, Claeys P, Maier W & Münker C
(2023) Molybdenum Isotope Variations in Terrestrial Samples: Analytical Challenges and Constraints on Late Accretion
Tusch J, Fischer-Gödde M, Wombacher F, Szilas K & Münker C
(2023) Stable W Isotope Insights Towards its Burial Behavior in the Global Ocean
Yang R, Kurzweil F, Gutjahr M & Münker C
(2023) Evidence from 182W for an Ancient Mantle Source in the Flood Basalts of the Deccan Large Igneous Province
Pakulla J, Tusch J, Ravindran A, Hasenstab E, Jansen M, Gadpallu P, Duraiswami R & Münker C
(2023) Combined 142Nd and 182W Systematics of Neoarchean Rocks from the Yilgarn Craton, W-Australia
Hellers M, Hasenstab E, Tusch J, Gerritzen CT, Fischer-Gödde M, Schneider A, Marien C, Smithies H, Wyche S, Van Kranendonk MJ & Münker C
(2023) In situ Lead and Multiple Sulfur Isotope Analyses of Sulfides in Eoarchean Peridotites Provide Evidence for Early Crustal Recycling
Lewis JA, Schwarzenbach EM, Liesegang M, van de Löcht J, Schwarz A, Strauss H, Münker C, Rosing MT, Whitehouse M, Jeon H & Hoffmann JE
(2023) Investigating Lower Crustal Evolution Through High Field Strength Element Analysis and Phase Equilibrium Modelling
Emo R & Münker C
(2023) Atacama Desert Paleo-Humidity of the Last 10 Ma Quantified by Triple Oxygen and Hydrogen Isotopes in Gypsum
Staubwasser M, Voigt C, Herwartz D, Obert C, Münker C & Chong G
(2023) Insights into Early Mantle Processes from Coupled 182W-142Nd Isotope Systematics of Igneous Rocks from the Singhbhum Craton
Ravindran A, Pakulla J, Tusch J, Hasenstab E, Hofmann A, Jodder J, Mazumder R & Münker C
(2023) Dating of Gypsum from Different Depositional Environments Using U-Pb and U-Series Geochronology
Münker C, Bartolomé M, Obert C & Staubwasser M
(2022) Investigating the Late Accretion History and Convective Homogenization of the Terrestrial Mantle – New Perspectives from Coupled Ru Isotope and HSE Abundance Data
Tusch J, Fischer-Gödde M, Hoffmann JE, Gerritzen C, Gans P, Maier W, Van Kranendonk MJ, Smithies H, Becker H & Münker C
(2022) Cerium-Nd Isotope Evidence for an Incompatible Element Depleted Moon
Hasenstab E, Münker C, Tusch J, Thiemens MM, Strub E, Garbe-Schönberg D & Sprung P
(2022) Origin of Silicic Volcanism in the North Patagonian Rear Arc
Traun MK, Søager N, Waterton P, Waight T, Münker C, Andreasen R, Iannelli S, Litvak V & Folguera A
(2022) Tungsten (Isotope) Cycling in Modern Marine Basins and Implications for Paleoredox Reconstructions
Kurzweil F, Dellwig O, Wille M, Schoenberg R, Arz HW & Münker C
(2021) Modelling Constraints Point to the Ancient Formation of the Moon
Thiemens MM, Tusch J, Fonseca ROC, Leitzke FP, Fischer-Gödde M, Debaille V, Sprung P & Münker C
(2021) The Ce and Nd Isotope Inventory of Lunar Basalts – Implications for the Bulk Moon Composition
Hasenstab E, Thiemens MM, Strub E, Sprung P & Münker C
(2021) Redox Control on the Seawater Tungsten Isotope Composition
Kurzweil F, Archer C, Wille M, Schoenberg R, Münker C & Dellwig O
(2021) Combined Stable W and Mo Isotopic Evidence for Increasing Redox-Potentials from the Paleo- to Neoarchean Oceans
Roué L, Kurzweil F, Wille M, Wegwerth A, Dellwig O, Münker C & Schoenberg R
(2021) Ruthenium Isotope Constraints on the Nature of Earth’s Late-Stage Building Blocks
Fischer-Gödde M, Münker C, Becker H, Maier W, Szilas K, Gerritzen C, Van Kranendonk M & Smithies H
(2021) Mineralogical Controls on the Ti Isotope Composition of Subduction Zone Magmas
Kommescher S, Kurzweil F, Fonseca ROC, Rzehak LJA, Sprung P & Münker C
(2021) Recycled Roots of Hadean Protocrust – A Possible OIB Endmember?
Tusch J, Hoffmann JE, Hasenstab E & Münker C
(2021) Eoarchean to Mesoarchean Crustal Evolution of the Northern São Francisco Craton, Brazil: Geochronological and Isotopic Perspectives
Gordilho Barbosa R, Vieira Conceicao R, Leitzke FP, Barbosa J, Tusch J, Münker C & Ferreira ACD
(2021) Carbonatite Metasomatism of the Lithospheric Mantle as a Source for the High CO2 Degassing at Etna Volcano
Bragagni A, Mastroianni F, Avanzinelli R, Conticelli S & Münker C
(2021) Banded Iron Formations – Ancient Proxies for the 182W Composition of the Upper Mantle and Crust
Mundl-Petermeier A, Viehmann S, Tusch J, Bau M & Münker C
(2021) The Effect of Oceanic Crust Alteration on the Global W Budget
Reiferöther R, Münker C & Kurzweil F
(2020) The Stable Tungsten Isotope Composition of Seawater and Mn-Rich Sediments from the Baltic Sea
Kurzweil F, Archer C, Wille M, Schoenberg R, Münker C & Dellwig O
(2020) Volatile Elements in Chondrites
Braukmüller N, Funk C, Münker C & Wombacher F
(2020) Analyses of Extraterrestrial Samples Using Quadrupole ICP-MS
Wombacher F, Braukmüller N, Kaufmann L, Abouchami W, Münker C & Bischoff A
(2020) Ruthenium Isotopic Evidence for a Missing Late Accretion Component in the Mantle Source of Pilbara Craton
Fischer-Gödde M, Münker C, Becker H, Wolfgang M, Van Kranendonk M & Smithies H
(2020) Solving the Early Earth – Moon Tungsten Riddle
Münker C, Tusch J, Thiemens M & Fischer Gödde M
(2020) 182W Isotope Systematics in Crustal and Mantle-Derived Rocks from the Kaapvaal Craton, Southern Africa
Tusch J, Münker C, Hoffmann E & Schneider KP
(2020) 138La-138Ce Isotope Systematics of Archean Igneous Rocks
Hasenstab E, Schnabel C, Tusch J, Marien CS, Hoffmann JE, Kranendonk MV & Münker C
(2020) Re-Os and Highly Siderophile Element Systematics of Archean Komatiites from Kambalda (W-Australia)
Gerritzen C, Fischer-Gödde M, Becker H, Münker C, Smithies H & Gleißner P
(2020) High Precision 182W Systematics in European Intraplate Volcanic Rocks
Jansen M, Tusch J, Münker C, Bragagni A & Avanzinelli R
(2019) The Stable Tungsten Isotope Composition of Some of the Earth’s Oldest Rocks from SW Greenland
Kurzweil F, Münker C, Hoffmann E, Tusch J & Schoenberg R
(2019) Tungsten Stable Isotopes as a Redox-Proxy for the Evolution of the Anoxic Archean Ocean
Roué L, Kurzweil F, Münker C, Wille M, Izon G & Schoenberg R
(2019) The 138La-138Ce Chondritic Reference Parameters
Schnabel C, Hasenstab E, Elfers B-M, Marien CS, Münker C & Strub E
(2019) Distribution of Particle-Reactive Trace Elements and Hf-Nd Isotopes between the Truly Dissolved, Nanoparticulate/Colloidal and Suspended Loads in Rivers
Weimar NE, Schmidt K, Kurahashi E, Münker C & Bau M
(2019) Extreme HFSE Fractionation in Italian Magmas: Metasomatism vs. Different Mantle Domains
Bragagni A, Mastroianni F, Avanzinelli R, Conticelli S & Münker C
(2019) The Subduction Zone Signal in Continental Basalts
Pfänder J, Jung S, Klügel A, Münker C, Romer R, Sperner B & Kroner U
(2019) Early Mantle Heterogeneities in Modern Mantle Plumes – New Insights from 182W Measurements
Jansen M, Tusch J, Münker C, Tordy R & Schmitt V
(2019) Long-Term Preservation of W Isotope Anomalies in Crustal Rocks from the Pilbara Craton, NW Australia
Tusch J, Münker C, Jansen M, Hasenstab E, Marien CS, Kurzweil F & van Kranendonk M
(2019) The Evolution of the Archean Mantle from Combined Isotope Systematics in Pilbara Basalts and Komatiites
Hasenstab E, Tusch J, Schnabel C, Schmitt V, Marien CS, van Kranendonk M & Münker C
(2019) The Ru Isotope Composition of the Earth’s Pre-Late Veneer Mantle
Fischer-Gödde M, Elfers B-M, Münker C, Szilas K, Maier W, Morishita T, Smithies H & Messling N
(2019) A Cosmochemical Perspective on Earth's Volatile Element Budget
Braukmüller N, Wombacher F, Funk C & Münker C
(2019) Tracing the Terrestrial Nb-Ta Paradox at High Analytical Resolution
Münker C
(2019) Isotopic Evidence for the Origin and Fate of the Late Veneer
Steele R, Dale C, Münker C & Schönbächler M
(2019) New Insights into Lunar Basalt Sources from Ti Isotope Variations
Kommescher S, Fonseca R, Kurzweil F, Müller L, Münker C, Thiemens M & Sprung P
(2019) Assessing the Potential of 230Th/U Dating of Gypsum and Other Evaporites
Obert C, Münker C, Staubwasser M & Herwartz D
(2018) The Inventory of High Field Strength Elements in CAIs and its Implications for Short-Lived Chronometers
Münker C, Pfeifer M & Sprung P
(2018) Tungsten Isotope Patterns of Rocks from the Pilbara Craton, Australia
Tusch J, Jansen M, Marien CS, van Kranendonk M & Münker C
(2018) Lu-Hf Dating of Lunar Gabbro NWA 6950 – A Young Manifestation of KREEP
Thiemens M, Sprung P & Münker C
(2018) Ruthenium Isotope Constraints on the Timing of Volatile Element Accretion
Fischer-Gödde M, Elfers B-M, Münker C, Maier W, Szilas K & Morishita T
(2018) The Stable Tungsten Isotope Composition of Modern Igneous Reservoirs
Kurzweil F, Münker C & Schoenberg R
(2017) Barium Isotope Fractionation during Subduction Zone Processes
Siebert C & Münker C
(2017) The Bulk Chemical Composition of Carbonaceous Chondrites Determined by SF-ICP-MS
Braukmüller N, Wombacher F & Münker C
(2017) Early Silicate Differentiation of the Isua Mantle? Insights from Tungsten Isotopes and HSE Abundances
Tusch J, van de Löcht J, Sprung P, Hoffmann JE & Münker C
(2017) Reworking of Enriched 142Nd Signatures in Early Archean Crustal Rocks from the Eastern Kaapvaal Craton (South Africa)
Schneider KP, Hoffmann JE, Boyet M, Münker C & Kröner A
(2017) A Comprehensive Formation Model of the Lower Onverwacht Group, Barberton Greenstone Belt
Hoffmann JE, Schneider KP, Münker C, Sprung P, Patyniak M & Kröner A
(2017) The Lunar Hf/W Budget and the Age of the Moon
Thiemens M, Sprung P & Münker C
(2017) Trace Elemental and Hf-Isotope Data for Felsic-Mafic Mingling Zone of the Isua Supracrustal Belt
Boyd AJ, Rosing MT & Münker C
(2017) High-Precision Tungsten Stable Isotope Measurements Using a 180W-183W Double-Spike
Kurzweil F, Münker C, Tusch J & Schoenberg R
(2017) Lu-Hf Garnet Geochronology of Peak-Metamorphism in the Tromsø Nappe, Northern Norway
Martinet I, Froitzheim N, Miladinova I, Fassmer K, Münker C & Fonseca ROC
(2017) HSE and Stable Fe and V Isotope Systematics of Mafic Lavas from the Solomon Island Arc – A Complex Mantle History
Schuth S, Luguet A, Brügmann G, Ballahus C, Weyer S & Münker C
(2017) Evidence for a Primitive Terrestrial Mo/W of the Bulk-Silicate Moon
Leitzke FP, Fonseca ROC, Sprung P, Mallmann G, Lagos M, Michely LT & Münker C
(2017) 182W Anomalies in Archean Rocks: A Vestige of Variable Late Accretion?
Münker C, Tusch J, van de Löcht J, Thiemens M, Sprung P & Hoffmann E
(2017) The Genesis of High Nb-Ta Signatures at the Northern Tongan Islands of Tafahi and Niuatoputapu
Beier C, Turner S, Haase K, Pearce J, Münker C & Regelous M
(2017) Tonalites from Fiji: A Probe of Archean Continental Crust Growth?
Marien CS, Drewes EK, Hoffmann JE, Gill JB & Münker C
(2017) Evidence for Tungsten Mobility during Alteration of the Oceanic Crust
Reifenröther R, Scheibner B & Münker C
(2017) Hf-Nd Isotope and Platinum Group Element Patterns of >3.8 Ga Mantle Peridotites from SW Greenland
van de Löcht J, Münker C, Hoffmann JE, Li C, Wang Z, Becker H & Rosing MT
(2017) Coupled Nucleosynthetic Zr and Hf Isotope Inventory in Chondrites
Elfers B-M, Sprung P, Messling N, Womacher F, Pfeifer M & Münker C
(2017) Cerium Isotope Measurement of Rock Samples by MC-ICPMS
Schnabel C, Münker C & Strub E
(2017) Tantalum Isotope Anomalies in CAIs: A Vestige of Irradiation in the Early Solar System
Pfeifer M, Münker C, Peters STM & Lloyd NS
(2017) Revisiting the Ti Isotope Inventory of the Moon
Kommescher S, Thiemens M, Sprung P & Münker C
(2016) Hf and Nd Isotopic Composition of (Nano)particles and Ultrafiltrates of Temperate Streams and Rivers
Schmidt K, Bau M, Münker C & Merschel G
(2016) Hf and Nd Isotope Systematics in the Particulate, Nanoparticulate and Truly Dissolved Load of Amazonian Rivers
Merschel G, Bau M, Schmidt K, Münker C & Dantas EL
(2015) Sulfur, Se, and Te Abundances in Chondrites and their Components
Funk C, Wombacher F, Becker H, Bischoff A, Günther D & Münker C
(2015) A Felsic Basement beneath the Barberton Greenstone Belt? – Constraints from Hf-Nd Isotope and Trace Element Data
Schneider KP, Hoffmann JE, Münker C & Kröner A
(2015) An Improved Understanding of Martian Hf-W Geochronology
Münker C, Elfers BM, Schulz T & Garbe Schönberg D
(2015) Pro- and Retrograde Igneous Activity during the Neoarchaean Skjoldungen Orogeny in the SE Greenland
Næraa T, Bagas L, Tusch J, Kokfelt TF & Münker C
(2015) Are Oceanic Plagiogranites from Cyprus Archean TTG Analogues?
Marien CS, Münker C, Hoffmann JE & Garbe-Schönberg D
(2015) The Lunar Magma Ocean Hypothesis Under Siege
Sprung P, Fonseca ROC, Münker C & Thiemens MM
(2015) Evidence of Crustal Recycling in the Troodos Ophiolite (Cyprus): Insights from B-Sr-Nd-Hf-Pb Isotopes
Fonseca R, Kirchenbaur M, Ballhaus C, Münker C, Gerdes A, Heuser A & Zirner A
(2015) Fractionation of Cd Isotopes during Evaporation and Condensation at Atmospheric Pressure
Kremser V, Wombacher F, Ertel-Ingrisch W, Dingwell DB & Münker C
(2015) The Origin of > 3, 8 Ga Peridotites, South of Isua Region, SW Greenland
van de Löcht J, Münker C, Hoffmann JE, Kleinschrodt R, Garbe-Schönberg D & Rosing MT
(2015) Tracing the Thermal State of the Archean Mantle: Insights from Coupled Eu-εNd(t) Patterns of BIFs
Viehmann S, Bau M, Hoffmann JE & Münker C
(2015) Mesoarchaean Andesites in SW Greenland – Evidence for Archaean Subduction Zones?
Szilas K, Tusch J, Hoffmann E & Münker C
(2015) Combined Lu-Hf & Sm-Nd Garnet Constraints on Archean Crustal Growth at the SE-Greenland Margin
Tusch J, Naeraa T, Hoffmann JE & Münker C
(2015) Continental Thickening vs. Flat Subduction – The Cause for Cretaceous Magmatism in the Pamir
Malz N, Pfänder JA, Ratschbacher L, Münker C, Mezger K, Jung S, Garbe-Schönberg D & Hauff F
(2015) Tantalum Isotope Compositions in Terrestrial and Meteoritic Materials
Pfeifer M, Münker C & Lloyd NS
(2015) The Hf and W Isotope Inventory of Sequentially Leached Chondrites
Elfers B-M, Peters S, Sprung P, Wombacher F & Münker C
(2015) Cretaceous Lamprophyres in New Zealand: Melting of Continental Lithospheric Mantle during Continental Break-Up
van der Meer QHA, Waight TE, Scott JM & Münker C
(2015) Cerium Isotope Measurements by MC-ICPMS
Schnabel C, Münker C & Strub E
(2014) Hf–Os Isotopes in Cenozoic Alkaline Basalts from the Bohemian Massif, Czech Republic
Kochergina Y, Magna T, Ackerman L, Erban V, Rapprich V, Münker C & Marien C
(2013) An Extraterrestrial Cause for the Silicate Earth’s Nb Paradox?
Münker C, Fonseca R & Schulz T
(2013) Fractionation of Cd Isotopes during Evaporation and Re-condensation
Kremser V, Wombacher F, Ertel-Ingrisch W, Dingwell DB & Münker C
(2013) The Olympic Dam Giant Ore Deposit – A Fossil Nuclear Reactor?
Kirchenbaur M, Ehrig K, Maas R, Kamenetsky V, Ballhaus C & Münker C
(2013) 184Os-180W Decay: A New Chronometer in Geocosmochemistry
Peters S, Münker C, Becker H & Schulz T
(2013) Component Specific Hf-W Dating of Allende and Vigarano CV3 Chondrites
Becker M, Krahner K, Hezel D, Schulz T & Münker C
(2013) What Causes the Rapid Change of Cenozoic Magma Sources in the Pamir?
Malz N, Ratschbacher L, Pfänder JA & Münker C
(2013) Anorthosite Dikes from Cyprus: Phase Relations in the System CaAl2Si2O8 – CaMgSi2O6 – Mg2SiO4 at 5 Wt.% H2O
Zirner A, Ballhaus C, Münker C & Marien C
(2013) High-Precision Tantalum Isotope Measurements by MC-ICPMS
Pfeifer M, Münker C & Peters STM
(2013) P-T Modelling and Geochronology of the Barberton Granite Greenstone Belt, South Africa: Rates of Tectonic Processes in the Archaean
Cutts K, Stevens G, Hoffmann E, Buick I, Frei D & Münker C
(2013) Combined Lu-Hf and Sm-Nd Garnet-Geochronology of Lower Crustal Rocks from Val Strona, Ivrea Zone, Italy
van de Löcht J, Schüngel M, Kleinschrodt R, Münker C, Kirchenbaur M & Fonseca R
(2013) Hf-Nd Isotope Decoupling in Early Precambrian Seawater
Viehmann S, Hoffmann JE, Münker C & Bau M
(2012) Uniform Distribution of P-Process 174Hf in Extraterrestrial Materials
Peters S & Munker C
(2012) Pb and Hf Isotope Composition of Hornblende-Bearing Lavas (Central European Volcanic Province): A Lithospheric Mantle Source?
Mayer B, Jung S, Romer RL & Munker C
(2012) Building Eoarchean Crust: The Arc Tholeiite TTG Connection
Hoffmann JE, Munker C, Nagel TJ, Naeraa T, Polat A & Rosing MT
(2012) Experimental Investigation of Mass-(in)dependent Cadmium Isotope Fractionation during Evaporation
Wombacher F, Kremser V, Ertel-Ingrisch W, Dingwell DB, Munker C & Heuser A
(2012) Is the Bulk Earth Nb/Ta Chondritic?
Munker C, Stracke A, Bendel V, Palme H & Pack A
(2011) Timing of Early Solar System Homogenization from P-Process 180W Heterogeneities
Schulz T & Münker C
(2011) Indistinguishable Hf/W in the Silicate Earth and the Silicate Moon
Münker C, König S & Schulz T
(2011) Geochemical Evolution of Lavas of the Rabaul Caldera – Fractionation of Fe Isotopes and HFSE Ratios during Fractional Crystallisation
Hohl S, König S, Münker C, Schuth S & Kuduon J
(2011) The Cause of High Nb/Ta in K-Rich Lavas from the Sunda Arc System
Barth AR, Kirchenbaur M, König S, Schuth S, Luguet A, Idrus A & Münker C
(2011) Eoarchean TTG Formation by Melting of Thickened Mafic Arc Crust
Hoffmann JE, Nagel TJ & Münker C
(2011) Recycling of Subducted Sediments Traced by HFSE and W Systematics of K-Rich Mafic Aegean Lavas
Kirchenbaur M & Münker C
(2011) Seawater-Derived REY and HFSE Systematics in Archean BIFs
Viehmann S, Hoffmann JE, Münker C, Alexander BW & Bau M
(2010) The Bulk Silicate Earth’s W Budget Revised: Implications for the Timing of Core Formation
König S, Münker C, Hohl S, Paulick H & Köhler A
(2009) The Origin of TTGs Inferred from High-Precision HFSE Measurements
Hoffmann JE, Münker C, Rosing MT, Næraa T, Garde AA & Garbe-Schönberg D
(2009) The Elemental Budget of W during Mantle Melting and Crust Formation
Münker C, König S, Kirchenbaur M & Paulick H
(2009) Boninites as Monitors of Subarc Enrichment Processes in Subduction Zones
König S, Münker C, Schuth S, Luguet A, Hoffmann J-E & Kuduon J
(2009) Lead in the Core – The Petrologic Perspective
Ballhaus C & Münker C
(2009) Iron Isotope Fractionation in Soil Suspensions at Controlled Redox Conditions
Schuth S, Mansfeldt T, Overesch M, Greef K, Hindersmann I & Münker C
(2009) The HFSE Budget of Post-Collisional High-K Basalts and Shoshonites
Kirchenbaur M, Münker C & Marchev P
(2009) Lu-Hf Dating of Biogenic Phosphates – Prospects and Pitfalls
Herwartz D, Tütken T, Münker C & Sander PM
(2008) Highly Depleted Mantle Sources of ~3.75 Ga Mafic Rocks in the Early Archean from Isua, SW-Greenland
Hoffmann JE, Münker C, Polat A, König S & Mezger K
(2008) The Geochemical Behaviour of Sb, Mo and W in Subduction Zones
Konig S, Munker C, Schuth S & Garbe-Schonberg D
(2008) Fractionation of Zr/Hf and Nb/Ta in Aqueous Systems – The Role of Marine Fe-Mn Oxides
Schmidt K, Bau M, Münker C & Koschinsky A
(2008) Concentration Profiles of Trace Elements in Fossil Dinosaur Bone
Herwartz D, Tütken T, Münker C, Sander M, Jochum K-P & Stoll B
(2008) PGE and Re Systematics of Arc Picrites from the Solomon Islands: The Effects of Mantle Wedge Depletion and Refertilisation
Schuth S, Brügmann G, Münker C & Ballhaus C
(2008) Formation of the Lunar Magma Ocean Constrained from High Field Strength Element Systematics in Lunar Rocks
Munker C
(2007) The Geochemical Behaviour of W, Nb-Ta, and Zr-Hf during Mid Ocean Ridge Melting
Münker C, Paulick H & König S
(2007) Neutron Capture-Induced 150Sm Anomalies in IAB Iron Meteorites and Winonaites
Schulz T, Upadhyay D, Mezger K, Münker C & Palme H
(2007) The Geochemical Behaviour of Pb during Core Formation and Accretion
Lagos M, Ballhaus C, Münker C & Berndt J
(2007) Evidence for Hadean Mantle Depletion in the Sources of ~3.75 Ga Subduction-Related Rocks, Isua, SW Greenland
Hoffmann JE, Münker C, Polat A & Mezger K
(2007) High-Precision Pb Isotope Measurements Discriminate Different Subduction Components along the Solomon Island Arc
Schuth S, Münker C, Scherer EE & König S
(2007) The Origin of Tertiary Intraplate Volcanism in the Siebengebirge Volcanic Field, Germany
Moll M, Münker C & Paulick H
(2007) New Insights into the Geochemical Behaviour of W by High Precision Isotope Dilution Measurements
König S, Münker C & Schuth S
(2007) The Lu-Hf Systematics of Meteorites: Consistent or Not?
Scherer E, Münker C & Mezger K
(2007) Tracing Earth's First Crust with Hf Isotopes in Zircons from the Narryer Gneiss Complex, Australia
Nebel-Jacobsen Y, Münker C, Mezger K, Nebel O, Gerdes A & Nelson D
(2007) The First Lu-Hf Garnet Ages of North Penninic Alpine Eclogites
Herwartz D, Münker C, Scherer E, Nagel T, Pleuger J & Froitzheim N
(2007) High-Field Strength Elements (Nb, Ta, Zr, Hf) in Continental Basalts from the CEVP – Implications for the HFSE Budget of the Lithospheric Mantle and the Global Nb Budget
Pfänder J, Jung S, Münker C & Mezger K
(2007) Plate-Tectonic Controls on Intraplate Volcanism in New Zealand
Sprung P, Schuth S & Münker C
(2007) Sub-Segment Scale Mantle Heterogeneity beneath the Mid-Atlantic Ridge Near Ascension Island from Combined Hf-Nd-Sr Isotope Evidence
Paulick H, Münker C & Haase K
(2006) High Field Strength Element Systematics in Iron Meteorites
Munker C, Schulz T & Mezger K
(2006) High precision Pb and Sr-Nd-Hf isotope constraints on mantle source variations along the Solomon arc
Schuth S, Münker C, König S, Basi S, Qopoto C & Ballhaus C
(2006) Petrogenesis of high-Mg andesites, Simbo Volcano, Solomon Islands: evidence for slab melt contributions
König S, Schuth S, Münker C & Qopoto C
(2005) Magmatic Zoisite from High-Pressure Pegmatites, Münchberg Massif, Germany: A Potential P, T, t, x Indicator
Liebscher A, Franz G, Frei D & Münker C
(2004) Iron Isotope Variations in the Earth’s Mantle and the Terrestrial Planets
Weyer S, Woodland A, Münker C, Arnold G, Chakrabarti R & Anbar A
(2004) The 182W Record of Earth’s Accretion and Core Formation
Mezger K, Kleine T, Palme H & Münker C
(2004) 182Hf-182W Dating of the Thermal Metamorphism of Eucrites
Kleine T, Mezger K, Palme H & Münker C
(2004) The 176Lu Decay Constant Revisited
Scherer E, Mezger K & Münker C
(2004) The Influence of Slab Melting Processes on the Global Nb-Ta Budget
Münker C, Polat A & Yogodzinski G
(2004) HF-Nd-Sr-Pb Isotope Evidence for Relict Indian Mantle beneath Pacific Crust at the Solomon Island Arc
Schuth S, Rohrbach A, Münker C & Ballhaus C
(2002) Lu-Hf Ages of High Pressure Metamorphism in the Variscan Fold Belt of Southern Germany
Scherer E, Mezger K & Münker C
(2002) Stable Isotope Compositions of Cadmium in Stony Meteorites
Wombacher F, Rehkämper M, Mezger K, Münker C & Bischoff A
(2002) Lu-Hf Constraints on Early Lunar Differentiation
Mezger K, Münker C & Scherer EE
(2002) Revised Hf-W Ages for Core Formation in Planetary Bodies
Kleine T, Münker C, Mezger K, Palme H & Bischoff A
(2002) The Influence of Core Formation on Nb-Ta Budgets of Terrestrial Planets
Munker C, Jörg P, Anette B, Stefan W & Klaus M
(2002) High-Precision Nb/Ta and Zr/Hf Ratios in Global MORB
Büchl A, Münker C, Mezger K & Hofmann AW
(2002) In Search of a Superchondritic Nb/Ta Reservoir: High-Precision Nb/Ta and Zr/Hf Ratios in Ocean Island and Intraplate Basalts
Pf‰nder J, M¸nker C, Mezger K & Hofmann AW
(2000) 92Nb-92Zr in the Early Solar System
Münker C, Weyer S, Mezger K, Rehkämper M, Wombacher F & Bischoff A
(2000) High Precision Nb/Ta, Zr/Hf and Lu/Hf Measurements by MC-ICPMS Using a Mixed Zr-Hf-Ta-Lu Tracer
Münker C, Weyer S, Scherer E & Mezger K
(2000) Cadmium Stable Isotope Measurements by MC-ICPMS
Wombacher F, Rehkämper M, Mezger K & Münker C
(2000) The Decay Constant of 176Lu Determined by Calibration Against the U-Pb System in the Phalaborwa Carbonatite
Scherer E, Münker C & Mezger K

Munkhtsengel B. (2022) Ore and Alteration Mineralization of Erdenetiin Ovoo Cu-Mo Porphyry Deposit, Mongolia
Damdinsuren M, Altankhuyag D, Munkhtsengel B & Tsend-Ayush T
(2017) Pre-Mining Environmental Assessment of the Shuteen Area, South Mongolia
Batkhishig B, Munkhtsengel B, Manzshir B, Soyolmaa B & Otgonbayar D
(2016) New U-Pb Zircon Age Data for the Khushuut Uul Granite Pluton and Host Rock, Central Mongolia
Munkhtsengel B, Odgerel D, Gerel O, Miao L & Munkhzul B

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