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Muller Werner (2013) Ge/Si Variations in the Deep Sea Deduced from Microanalyses of Giant Spicules of the Sponge Monorhaphis chuni
Jochum K, Andreae M, Schuessler J, Wang X, Stoll B, Weis U & Müller W
(2012) Combined Silicon, Oxygen Isotope and Trace Element Microanalysis of Giant Spicules of the Deep-Sea Sponge Monorhaphis chuni for Paleoclimate Research
Jochum K, Wang X, Schuessler J, Sinha B, Stoll B, Weis U, Andreae M & Muller W

Müller Wolfgang (2023) Reconstructing the Magnesium Isotopic Composition of Paleogene Seawater Using Larger Benthic Foraminifera
Nambiar R, Coenen D, Henehan MJ, Khanolkar S, Stassen P, Renema W, Leroy A, Moreau F, Cotton L, Müller W & Evans D
(2023) Eocene pCO2 Estimates Based on δ11B of Larger Benthic Foraminifera Measured by LA-MC-ICPMS
Coenen D, Evans D, Nambiar R, Hauzer H, Jurikova H, Dumont M, Bartolini A, Merle D, Moreau F, Leroy A, Erez J, Cotton L, Rae JWB & Müller W
(2021) A Palaeogene Record of the Ionic Composition of Seawater and its Relationship to Atmospheric CO2
Evans D, Rosenthal Y, Erez J, Hauzer H, Cotton L, Zhou X, Stassen P, Pearson P, Renema W, Saraswati PK, Todd J, Müller W & Affek HP
(2021) Evaluating the Utility of K/Ca in Marine Carbonates as a Recorder of Seawater Chemistry
Nambiar R, Hauzer H, Erez J, Kniest JF, Raddatz J, Renema W, Gray WR, Henehan MJ, Cotton L, Müller W & Evans D
(2021) Boron Isotope Calibration of Large Benthic Foraminifera Species Using LA-MC-ICP-MS
Coenen DT, Evans D, Hauzer H, Erez J, Cotton L, Renema W & Müller W
(2019) Time Resolution of Laser Ablation MC ICP-MS Sr Isotope Composition Measurements in Dental Enamel: Implications for the Reconstructions of Mammals Paleo-Ecology
Anczkiewicz R, Kowalik N, Müller W, Wilczyński J, Wojtal P, Spötl C, Bondioli L & Lengyel G
(2019) Experimental Evidence for the Environmental Sensitivity and Mechanistic Basis of Mg Incorporation in Planktonic Foraminifera
Evans D, Gray W, Müller W & Erez J
(2018) Seasonal Wooly Mammoth Migration Recorded by Sr Isotope Composition of Molar Tooth Enamel
Kowalik N, Anczkiewicz R, Müller W, Wojtal P, Wilczyński J, Bondioli L & Spötl C
(2018) In situ Rb/Sr Dating by LA-ICP-MS/MS Using SF6 as Reaction Cell Gas with Internal Normalization
Muller W
(2016) Why Less is More – High-Time Resolution from Laser-Ablation Mass Spectrometry in Palaeo¬environ¬mental Research and Beyond
Müller W, Della Lunga D, Evans D & Warter V
(2015) Microsampled Ca Isotope Profiles in Modern Human Tooth Enamel – Assessment of Physiological Controls?
Li Q, Thirlwall M, Rossi P, Bondioli L & Muller W
(2015) Natural High-Temperature Metamorphic Calcite as Compositionally Homogenous Microanalytical Standard?
Muller W, Valley JW, Warter V, Kozdon R, Evans D & Orland IJ
(2015) Can Trace element/Ca Data be Used to Infer Eocene Planktonic Foraminiferal Palaeoecology?
Bhatia R, Wade B, Müller W, Evans D & Thornalley D
(2015) Coupled Clumped Isotope and Mg/Ca Measurements in Foraminifera: Implications for Palaeothermometry and Seawater Chemistry
Evans D, Erez J, Müller W & Affek H
(2014) Micromilled Ca Isotope (δ44/40Ca) Profiles in Human Tooth Enamel – Assessment of Physiological Controls?
Li Q, Thirlwall M & Muller W
(2013) High-Precision Collision-Cell MC-ICPMS Analysis of Ca Isotopic Ratios (Including 40Ca)
Li Q, Thirlwall M & Muller W
(2013) Location of Cation Impurities in NGRIP Deep Ice Revealed by Cryo-Cell UV-Laser-Ablation ICPMS
Della Lunga D, Müller W, Rasmussen SO & Svensson A
(2013) Reconciling Seawater Mg/Ca Reconstruction with Foraminifera Geochemistry
Evans D, Müller W, Erez J, Oron S & Renema W
(2013) Colloidal Metals in Stalagmites: Potential for Palaeohydrology
Hartland A, Fairchild IJ, Muller W & Dominguez-Villar D
(2012) Accuracy of in situ Sr Isotope Analysis of Biogenic Phosphates by LA-MC-ICPMS-A Problem Reassessed
Muller W & Anczkiewicz R
(2011) An Eocene Analogue for the Future Oceanic Response to Increased CO2 – Existence of a Tropical Thermostat?
Evans D, Müller W, Todd J & Renema W
(2010) A High Resolution, Precisely Dated Speleothem Record of the Younger Dryas and Holocene from La Garma Cave, Northern Spain
Baldini L, McDermott F, Arias Cabal P, Baldini J, Mattey D, Hoffman D & Müller W
(2010) High-Resolution Chemical Analysis of Ice Cores by Cryo-Cell-LA-ICPMS: Implications for Rapid Climate Change Investigations
Müller W, Rasmussen S, Svensson A & Kriews M
(2009) Direct Analysis of Ice Cores by UV-Laser Ablation ICPMS
Muller W, Shelley M & Rasmussen S
(2009) U/Pb-Dating of Calcite Slickenfibres
Rittner M & Müller W
(2009) Achievable Time Resolution of Compositional/Isotopic LA-ICPMS Profiles in Human Tooth Enamel
Bondioli L, Rossi P & Muller W
(2008) In situ LA-ICPMS Analysis of a Giant Spicule of a Deep Sea Sponge
Jochum KP, Müller WEG, Stoll B & Wang X
(2008) Metasomatic Processes Recorded in Fibrous Diamonds
Tomlinson E, Muller W, Hinton R, Klein BenDavid O, Pearson G & Harris J
(2007) Release of 14C from a Closed Final Repository for Low-Level Radioactive Waste to the Biosphere
Bracke G & Müller W
(2007) Deformation Experiments on Natural Omphacite: A TEM Study
Müller WF, Walte N, Miyajima N, Frost DJ & Klemd R
(2006) High-resolution records of past and modern Pb exposure: Laser-ablation ICPMS profiles from tooth enamel
Müller W, Alt KW, Bondioli L & Gulson B
(2005) Heterogeneous Hadean Hafnium: Evidence of Continental Crust by 4.5<!s><$>Ga?
Harrison TM, Blichert-Toft J, Müller W, McCulloch M, Albarède F, Mojzsis S & Holden P
(2003) In situ Isotopic and Trace Elemental Analysis of Teeth by LA-(MC)ICPMS
Müller W & Eggins S
(2000) MC-ICPMS – The Good, the Small and the Massive
Halliday A, Rehkämper M, Schönbächler M, Oberli F, Freedman P, Frank M, Müller W, Teutsch N, Baur H & Wiechert U

Müller Dum D. (2017) Once Upon a Time, Scientific Fairy Tales Promoting the Discovery, Protection and Use of the Ocean
Reyes Macaya DA, Martínez Méndez G, Elyashiv H, Jackson R, Tamborrino L, Tangunan D, Ruiz-Soto S, Hollstein M, Boehnert S, Schmidt C, Neto Dos Santos C, Wang H, Müller Dum D, Hernandez I, Hohmann S, Creco M, Rossel P, Duran Toro V, Park E & Liu Y

Müller-Ebert D. (2008) Chemical and Mineralogical Composition of Aerosol Particles at Cape Verde
Ebert M, Kandler K, Deutscher C, Lieke K, Müller-Ebert D, Schütz L & Weinbruch S

Müller-Sigmund H. (2015) Lightning-Induced Shock Lamellae in Quartz
Gieré R, Wimmenauer W, Müller-Sigmund H, Wirth R, Lumpkin G & Smith K

Mullet M. (2009) Spectroscopic Investigations of Uranyl Reduction by Fe-Bearing Clays
Chakraborty S, Boivin FF, Gehin A, Banerjee D, Scheinost AC, Greneche JM, Mullet M, Bardelli F & Charlet L

Mulligan A. (2010) Nutrient Biogeochemistry in Permeable Sediments Impacted by Submarine Groundwater Discharge
Charette M, Breier C, Dulaiova H, Gonneea M, Henderson P, Kroeger K, Mulligan A, Rao A & Slomp C

Mulligan Catherine (2012) Evaluation of Contaminated Sediment Remediation Techniques
Mulligan C

Mulligan Catherine N. (2016) An Eco-Friendly Method for Heavy Metal Removal from Mine Tailings
Arab F & Mulligan CN

Mulligan Christopher (2022) Uncovering the Microbial Producers of Branched Glycerol Dialkyl Glycerol Tetraethers
Halamka TA, Raberg J, McFarlin J, Younkin A, Mulligan C, Dildar N, Liu X-L & Kopf S

Mulligan D. (2015) Formation of Arsenic Secondary Minerals and Geochemistry Dynamics in Different Mineralogy Deposits
Garcia Fragoso RG, Edraki M, Baumgartl T & Mulligan D

Mullin S. (2019) Correlating the Biogeochemistry and Microbial Ecology of a Cold Methane Seep in the Costa Rica Pacific Margin
Mullin S, Dawson K, Chadwick G, Yu H, Metcalfe K, Goffredi S, Ashford O, Levin L, Rouse G, Cordes E, Roman C & Orphan V

Mullins H. (2002) 10, 000 Year Nitrogen Isotope Record from Lake Ontario, Understanding Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics from a Paleo-Perspective
Anderson W, McFadden M, Mullins H & Patterson W

Mullins M. (2017) Tracing Submarine Groundwater Discharge to Coastal Waters on the Irish Shelf and the North East Atlantic with the Ra Quartet
Nicholas S, Grassie A, Wieczorek A, Mullins M, Daly E & Croot P

Mullins O. (2013) Downhole Fluid Analysis Coupled with Asphaltene Nanoscience for Reservoir Evaluation
Mullins O

Mullis J. (2021) Geochemistry of CH4 Isotopologues (13CH3D and 12CH2D2) within Fluid Inclusions in Alpine Tectonic Quartz Fissures
Mangenot XA, Tarantola A, Girard J-P, Le VH, Mullis J & Eiler J
(2020) Generation of Thermogenic Methane in the Central Alps (Switzerland) during Mid Miocene Metamorphism – New Insights from Paired Clumped Isotopologues (13CH3D and 12CH2D2)
Mangenot X, Tarantola A, Girard J-P, Le VH, Mullis J & Eiler J
(2007) Trace Element Distributions in Hydrothermal Quartz: Fluid or Structural Control?
Jourdan A-L, Vennemann T, Mullis J, Ramseyer K & Spiers C
(2006) Sector Zoning of Trace Elements and Oxygen Isotopes in Natural Quartz Crystals.
Jourdan A-L, Vennemann T, Mullis J & Ramseyer K
(2005) Trace Element and Oxygen Isotope Zonations in Growth Sectors of Natural Quartz Crystals
Jourdan AL, Vennemann T & Mullis J
(2002) Metamorphic Pb-Ag Mineralization at Albrunpass (Central Alps)
Klemm L, Graeser S, Mullis J, Pettke T & Heinrich C

Mullot J-U. (2012) Analysis and Modelling of Arsenic Dynamics in Coastal Sediments
Dang DH, Tessier E, Lenoble V, Durrieu G, Le Poupon C, Mullot J-U, Mounier S & Garnier C

Mulroy Dominic (2020) SXM Analysis of Nanoscale Electron Transfer Processes at the Cell-Mineral Interface in Co-bearing Fe/Mn Minerals
Buchanan D, Lloyd JR, Kaulich B, Newsome L, Mulroy D, Van der Lann G, N'Diaye A & Coker V

Mulroy Dominic Suliman (2019) Investigating the Mechanism of Microbial Reduction of a Cobalt-Doped Asbolane System Using Scanning X-Ray Microscopy (SXM)
Buchanan DM, Lloyd JR, Kaulich B, Newsome L, Mulroy DS, van der Laan G, N'Diayne A & Coker V

Mulroy S. (2018) Mineralogy and Potential Applications of Critical and E-Tech Metals in the Nkamouna Laterite, S.E. Cameroon
Mulroy S, Coker V, Lloyd J & Schofield P
(2017) Extraction of Co and Formation of High-Value By-Products from Laterite Ore
Mulroy S, Pattrick R, Coker V & Lloyd J

Mulsow S. (2009) Requiem for a RAMSAR Site, a Bird Sanctuary in Southern Chile. Evidences from: Isotopes, Radiotracers, Biogeochemistry and Benthic Ecology
Mulsow S

Mulugeta E. (2009) Geogenic Contamination of Groundwater with Fluoride in the Rift Valley of Ethiopia and Its Mitigations
Feleke Z, Mulugeta E, Alemu A & Chandravanshi BS

Mulvaney R. (2013) Chemical Compositions of Soluble Aerosols Around the Last Termination in the NEEM (Greenland) Ice Core
Oyabu I, Iizuka Y, Karlin T, Fukui M, Hondoh T, Leuenberge D, Fischer H, Schüpbach S, Gfeller G, Mulvaney R & Hansson M
(2013) A Record of Carbonyl Sulfide from Antarctic Ice over the Last 1000 Years
Allin S, Sturges W, Laube J, Etheridge D, Rubino M, Trudinger C, Curran M, Smith A & Mulvaney R
(2008) Developing an Ice Core Reconstruction of Regional Sea Ice Changes Around Antarctica
Abram N, McConnell J, Thomas ER, Curran M & Mulvaney R

Mulyukova E. (2019) Core Freezing, Chemical Segregation and Mushy Magnetohydrodynamics
Bercovici D & Mulyukova E
(2019) Chemical Homogenization in the Upper Mantle by Grain Mixing
Mulyukova E & Bercovici D
(2012) Dynamic Models of Mantle Plume Origin – Implications for Chemical Asymmetry
Steinberger B, Gassmoller R & Mulyukova E

Mumford A. (2023) Microbial Communities and Natural and Enhanced Biodegradation of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in Arid Region Soils Contaminated with Aqueous Film-Forming Foams
Lorah MM, Linhoff B, Akob DM, Harris C, Mumford A, Foeppel J, He K & Blaney L
(2019) Geochemical and Biological Effects of Oil and Gas Wastewater Releases
Cozzarelli I, Akob D, Benthem A, Haase K, Mumford A, Orem W, Skalak K, Engle M, Kent D, Farag A, Harper D, Thamke J, Briggs M & Lane J
(2012) Arsenic Mobility Is Mediated by Bacterial Reduction in New Jersey Shallow Groundwater
Mumford A, Barringer J, Reilly P & Young L
(2010) Potential Role for Bacteria in Arsenic Release to Groundwater
Mumford A, Barringer J, Reilly P & Young L

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