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Müller Jan (2017) A New FIR Microscope at IRIS
Schade U, Efthimiopoulos I, Müller J, Ritter E & Koch-Müller M
(2017) Effect of Temperature on the Pressure-Induced Spin Transition in Siderite and Ferromagnesite Derived from Raman Spectroscopy
Müller J, Efthimiopoulos I, Jahn S & Koch-Müller M
(2016) Electronic Spin Transition in Siderite at High Pressure Studied by Raman Spectroscopy: Evidence for a Sharp Spin Transition
Müller J, Speziale S, Jahn S & Koch-Müller M

Muller John (2010) Study of Selenium Nanoparticles Dissolution in Environmental and Human Fluids
Muller J, Février L, Charlet L & Martin-Garin A
(2008) Study of Processes Involving Selenite Immobilization in a Soil-Plant-Microorganisms System
Muller J, Abdelouas A, Grambow B, Thiry Y & Van Hees M
(2006) Weathering intensity related to climate change over the last 50 ka: evidence from Lynch’s Crater, NE-QLD, Australia
Muller J & Wust R

Müller Juliane (2023) Chromium in Marine Sediments from the Antarctic
Bruggmann S, Bollen M, Müller J & Jaccard SL
(2023) Oceanographic Variability in the Weddell Sea Across the Last Deglacial: Insights from Isotope Geochemistry and Sedimentology
Bollen M, Blaser P, Gutjahr M, Müller J & Jaccard SL

Müller Katharina (2023) Biogenic Minerals Formation by an FeIII-Reducing Desulfitobacterium sp. Isolate
Cardaio I, Kluge S, Cherkouk A, Müller K, Stumpf T & Mayordomo N
Rodríguez DM, Mayordomo N, Brendler V, Scheinost AC, Schild D & Müller K
(2021) Spatially Resolved Sorption of Cm(III) on Crystalline Rock: Influence of Surface Roughness and Mineralogy
Demnitz M, Molodtsov K, Schymura S, Schierz A, Müller K & Schmidt M
(2021) Technetium Retention by Green Rust Chloride
Mayordomo N, Rodríguez DM, Schild D, Rossberg A, Scheinost AC, Brendler V & Müller K
(2019) VESPA II Project: Behavior of Long-Lived Fission and Activation Products in the Near-Field of a Repository for Nuclear Waste and Possibilities of their Retention
Altmaier M, Bischofer B, Bosbach D, Brendler V, Daniels N, Geckeis H, Hagemann S & Müller K
(2019) 99Tc Retention on Fe(II)-Al(III)-Cl Layered Double Hydroxides
Mayordomo N, Rodríguez DM, Scheinost AC, Roßberg A, Bredler V & Müller K
(2018) Environmental Fate of Fission Products: A Comprenhensive Study
Mayordomo N, Rodríguez DM & Müller K
(2017) Spectroscopic Identification of Np(V) Sorption Complexes on Birnessite
Müller K, Simon B, Bok F & Rossberg A
(2017) Spectroscopic and Microscopic Approach of U(VI) Sorption on Acidovorax Facilis for Remediation Purpose
Krawczyk-Bärsch E, Gerber U, Steudtner R, Müller K, Moll H, Rossberg A & Merroun M
(2015) A Comparative Study of the Sorption of U(VI) on SiO2 and TiO2 in the Presence of Phosphate
Comarmond M-CJ, Foerstendorf H, Müller K, Heim K, Harrison J & Payne TE
(2015) Neptunium Redox Reactions at the Iron Mineral − Water Interface
Steudtner R, Hübner R, Müller K, Weiss S & Scheinost AC
(2015) Spectroscopic Identification of Np(V) Sorption Complexes at the Mineral Oxide-Water Interface
Müller K, Steudtner R, Huittinen N, Bok F & Rossberg A
(2015) Biosorption of U(VI) at Highly Saline Conditions
Cherkouk A, Bader M, Drobot B, Müller K & Stumpf T
(2013) Sorption of Uranium and Neptunium onto Diorite from Äspö HRL
Schmeide K, Gürtler S, Müller K, Steudtner R, Joseph C, Bok F & Brendler V
(2013) Vibrational Spectroscopic Study of Np(V) Sorption on Mineral Oxides
Müller K, Berger J, Cordiez M, Gröschel A & Foerstendorf H
(2011) Comparative Study of the U(VI) Complexation onto γ-Al2O3 by ATR FT-IR and EXAFS Spectroscopy
Müller K, Foerstendorf H, Rossberg A, Stolze K & Gückel K
(2009) Spectroscopic Comparison of Aqueous Np(VI) and U(VI) Species
Müller K, Foerstendorf H, Tsushima S, Brendler V & Bernhard G
(2007) Infrared Spectroscopic Identification of Aqueous Uranium(VI) Species
Müller K, Foerstendorf H & Bernhard G

Muller Katherine (2023) Respiration Partitioning Across the Yakima River Basin
Kaufman M, Delgado D, Barnes M, Boehnke B, Chen X, Cornwell K, Forbes B, Fulton S, Garayburu-Caruso V, Goldman A, Gonzalez B, Grieger S, Hammond G, Jiang P, Laan M, Li B, Li Z, McKever S, Mudunuru M, Muller K, Myers-Pigg AN, Otenburg O, Pelly A, Peta K, Regier P, Renteria L, Roebuck A, Scheibe T, Son K, Torgeson J, Hall R, Zheng J & Stegen J
(2023) Reactive Transport Modeling for Watershed Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling
Chen X, Li B, Li Z, Jiang P, Muller K, Hammond G, Zheng J & Song H-S
(2020) Ecosystem Controls on Methylmercury Production by Periphyton Biofilms in a Contaminated Stream: Implications for Predictive Modeling
Brooks S, Schwartz G, Olsen T & Muller K
(2020) Using Transient Availability Kinetics to Scale Methylmercury Production from Microcosms to Watersheds
Schwartz G, Painter S, Muller K & Brooks S

Müller Konrad (2017) Temporal Variation of the Chemical Composition of Asian Dust at Tajikistan
Fomba KW, Müller K, Hoffer J, Althausen D, Abdullaev S, Makhmudov A & Herrmann H
(2013) Aerosol Trace Metal Fractional Solubility and Chemical Composition of Marine Aerosols at the CVAO
Fomba KW, Müller K & Herrmann H
(2011) Chemical Analysis of Saharan Dust in Marine Aerosols
Fomba KW, Müller K, Gnauk T & Herrmann H
(2010) Detection of Aliphatic Amines in the Marine Environment
Müller C, Iinuma Y, Müller K & Herrmann H

Müller L. (2019) New Insights into Lunar Basalt Sources from Ti Isotope Variations
Kommescher S, Fonseca R, Kurzweil F, Müller L, Münker C, Thiemens M & Sprung P

Müller Marcel (2023) Electrodynamic Balance–mass Spectrometry Reveals Impact of Oxidant Concentration on Product Composition in the Ozonolysis of Oleic Acid
Krieger UK, Müller M, Mishra A, Peter T & Berkemeier T

Müller Maren (2015) Highly Resolved Mn/Fe Microanalyses in Desert Varnish for Paleoclimate Reconstruction
Jochum K, Macholdt D, Otter L, Pöhlker C, Weber B, Stoll B, Weis U, Al-Amri A, Müller M, Kappl M & Andreae M
(2015) Microanalytical Investigations of Rock Varnish from Different Regions
Macholdt DS, Jochum KP, Stoll B, Weis U, Otter LM, Pöhlker C, Weber B, Müller M, Kappl M, DiGregorio BE, Al-Amri A & Andreae MO

Muller Marius (2011) Calcium and Magnesium Isotopes in Biogenic Calcite
Kısakürek B, Eisenhauer A, Müller M, Taubner I, Fietzke J, Böhm F, Buhl D & Erez J
(2009) Magnesium Isotope Fractionation in Inorganic and Biogenic Calcite
Kisakurek B, Niedermayr A, Muller M, Taubner I, Eisenhauer A, Dietzel M, Buhl D, Fietzke J & Erez J

Müller Marius N. (2021) Magnesium and Uranium Isotope Composition of the Sturtian Jacoca Formation Cap Dolomite, Brazil
Clavijo Arcos RE, Clarkson MO, Vance D, Sial AN, Müller MN & Shalev N

Muller Marshall (2002) Tl and Au in Low T Hydrothermal Fluids: An Experimental Study
Muller M & Mountain B

Müller Matthias (2023) Mineral Quantification in Mixtures of Synthetic Goethite, Hematite and Ferrihydrite by Table-Top NEXAFS at the O K-Edge
Wild P, Holburg J, Müller M, Totsche KU, Mann K, Thieme J & Eusterhues K
(2021) Laboratory-Scale NEXAFS Spectroscopy: The Challenge of Sample Preparation and First Spectra of Fe Oxides and Natural Organic Matter
Wild P, Holburg J, Müller M, Totsche KU, Mann K, Thieme J & Eusterhues K

Müller Michael (2021) Vaporisation of Group 13 Elements from Basaltic Melts by Knudsen Effusion Mass Spectrometry
Bischof L, Sossi PA, Sergeev D, Müller M & Schmidt MW
(2020) Towards a New Class of Medical Biomarkers – Stable Calcium Isotopes, Osteoporosis and Beyond
Eisenhauer A, Müller M, Heuser A, Kolevica A, Laue C, Shroff R & Jürgen S
(2016) Cadmium Mass and Stable Isotope Budget of Three Swiss Wheat Cropping Sites
Imseng M, Bigalke M, Wiggenhauser M, Frossard E, Müller M, Keller A, Rehkämper M, Kreissig K, Murphy K & Wilcke W

Muller Moritz (2016) Zinc Complexing Ligands along the Malacca Straits and from Rivers in Tropical South East Asia: Understanding the Connection to Regional and Global Distributions of Ligands and Bioavailable Zinc
Carrasco G, Mujahid A, Muller M, Tanzil J, Lee J, Lauro F & Boyle E

Müller P J (2000) Alkenone-Derived High-Resolution Sea Surface Temperature Reconstruction in the Eastern South Pacific off Mid-Latitude Chile over the Past 33 kyr
Kim J, Schneider RR, Hebbeln D, Müller PJ & Wefer G

Müller Peter (2019) Destruction of Dissolved Organic Contaminants by a Combination of Fe(0), UV Radiation and a Boron-Doped Diamond Electrode
Sedlazeck KP, Vollprecht D, Müller P, Mischitz R, Neuhold S & Pomberger R
(2017) Removal and Recovery of Metals from Mining and Metallurgy Waste Waters
Sedlazeck KP, Höllen D, Müller P, Mischitz R & Pomberger R
(2017) Underground Production of 81Kr Detected in Subsurface Fluids
Purtschert R, Onstott T, Lu Z-T, Jiang W, Müller P, Zappala J, Yokochi R, Van-Heerden E, Lau M, Kieft T, Brennwald M & Cason E
(2013) 81Kr Concentrations in Deep Fracture Waters of the Witwatersrand Basin, South Africa
Purtschert R, Onstott T, Jiang W, Lu Z-T, Müller P, van Heerden E, Erasmus M, Borgonie G, Linage B, Kuloyo O, Kipfer R, Brennwald M, Visser B, Maphanga S & Joubert L

Müller R. Dietmar (2023) LithoPlates: A New Cloud-Based Tool for Deep-Time Reconstruction of Geochemistry Data
Kohlmann F, Noble W, Qin X, Beucher R, Theile M & Müller RD
(2023) AusGeochem: An Open-Access Platform for Geospatial Interrogation of Thermochronology Big Data Through Deep Time
Boone S, Kohlmann F, Noble W, Theile M, Beucher R, Kohn B, Glorie S, Danisik M, Zhou R, McMillan M, Nixon A, Zahirovic S, Müller RD & McInnes BIA
(2022) Evidence for Highly Unradiogenic 187Os/188Os in the Source of Intraplate Volcanism
Hoernle K, Schaefer B, Portnyagin MV, Turner S, Nelson WR & Müller RD

Müller Rudolf (2014) Hydrocarbon Biodegradation and Bacterial Succession in Surface and Seafloor Pressure Incubations
Lincoln SA, Valladares Juárez AG, Schedler M, Kadimesetty HS, Müller R, Macalady JL & Freeman KH

Müller Samuel (2022) Zircon and Garnet Compositional Constraints on the Nature of Extension-Related Peraluminous Silicic Magmas in the Northern Pannonian Basin
Harangi S, Lukács R, Guillong M, Bachmann O, Portnyagin MV, Müller S & Kovács Z
(2022) Magmatic Evolution Patterns of the Miocene Silicic Explosive Volcanism in the Pannonian Basin, Eastern-Central Europe
Lukács R, Szepesi J, Guillong M, Józsa S, Bachmann O, Portnyagin MV, Schiller D, Kovács Z, Müller S & Harangi S
(2013) Nano-Particulate Pressed Powder Tablets for LA-ICP-MS
Müller S & Garbe-Schönberg D

Müller Sascha (2015) Metamorphic Evolution of Relict Eclogite-Facies Rocks in the Nagssugtoqidian Orogen, South East Greenland
Müller S, Dziggel A & Kolb J

Müller Thomas (2013) Alteration of Amorphous Fe-Silicate in Meteorites
Le Guillou C, Dohmen R, Müller T, Vollmer C, Rogalla D & Becker H-W

Müller Thomas (2008) A Conceptual Model of Kinetically Controlled Isotope Fractionation during Diffusion-Controlled Magmatic Mineral Growth
Muller T & Watson B
(2007) Crystal Size Distribution (CSD) of Periclase in Marbles from the Southern Adamello Massif, Italy
Müller T, Baumgartner L, Foster T & Bowman J

Müller Ulrich (2013) The Y-3 Tephra: New Insights
Albert P, Hardiman M, Keller J, Tomlinson E, Müller U, Smith V & Menzies M

Muller Ulrich F. (2021) In Emulsio Selection of a Ribozyme that Generates Free GTP from Guanosine and Trimetaphosphate
Muller UF, Akoopie A, Arriola JT & Magde DM

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