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Maier D. (2014) Sources and Transformations of Organic Biomarkers in a Varved Lake with a New Approach Using Sub-Milligram Sample Size
Tolu J, Boily J-F, Gerber L, Maier D, Bigler C & Bindler R

Maier M. (2013) Arsenic Contamination in an Anoxic Aquifer in Southwest Germany: Assessment and Process Studies
Isenbeck-Schroeter M, Maier M, Al Najem S & Salm N

Maier Raina (2018) Structural and Functional Response of Incipient Basaltic Microbial Community to Shifts in Soil Moisture Regime
Sengupta A, Barberan A, Stegen J, Volkmann T, Dontsova K, Neilson J, Chorover J, Maier R, Troch P & Meredith L
(2017) Uptake and Fractionation of Thallium by Brassica Juncea in Geogenic Tl-Amended Substrate
Rader S, Mazdab F & Maier R

Maier Raina M. (2013) Plant Establishment in Sulfide Ore-Derived Mine Tailings Stabilizes Arsenic in situ Despite Promoting Arsenopyrite Oxidation
Hammond C, Root R, Maier R & Chorover J
(2013) Basalt, Granite, Rhyolite, and Schist Weathering as Affected by Plants and Microorganisms
Dontsova K, Zaharescu D, Burghelea C, Chorover J, Maier R & Huxman T
(2012) Weathering of Granular Basalt on a Volcanic Crater Slope: An Electron Microprobe and synchrotron-Xrd Approach
Zaharescu DG, Dontsova K, Perdrial N, Burghelea C, Chorover J, Perdrial J, Maier R & Huxman T
(2011) Bench Scale Experiments Modeling the Effects of a Phytostabilization Strategy for Arsenic and Lead Containing Mine Tailings in the Semi-Arid Southwestern United States
Hammond C, Root R, White S, Maier R & Chorover J
(2009) Combined FISH, μ-XRF, and SEM Analysis to Examine Microbe-Metal Interactions on Root Surfaces
Maier RM, Chorover J, Iverson SL & Hayes SM
(2009) Prosopis juliflora and Mycorrhizal Fungi to Revegetate Acidic, Metalliferous Desert Mine Tailings
Solis-Dominguez FA & Maier RM
(2009) Hyperarid Extremophiles: A Comparison of Bacterial Communities from Distinct Locations in the Core of the Atacama Desert
Neilson J, Quade J, Betancourt J & Maier R
(2009) Bacterial and Archaeal Diversity in Kartchner Caverns, a Carbonate Cave in Southwest of the USA
Legatzki A, Ortiz M, Neilson JW, Pryor BM, Pierson LS & Maier RM
(2009) Intra- and Inter- Speleothem Variability of Bacterial Communities in Kartchner Caverns
Ortiz M, Legatzki A, Neilson JW, Pryor BM, Pierson LS & Maier RM
(2006) Pyrite trace element halos to northern Australian sediment-hosted Zn-Pb-Ag deposits
Mcgoldrick P & Maier R
(2004) Hydrogeochemical Modeling of Tracer-Tests at Cape Cod, USA
Maier M & Isenbeck-Schröter M
(2004) Reduction of As(V) in the Aquifer – A Tracer Test at the Cape Cod Site
Isenbeck-Schroeter M, Höhn R, Davis J, Kent D, Scholz C, Maier M & Jakobsen R
(2002) Biosurfactant-Mediated Metal Behavior in Soil
Maier R & Pemberton J

Maier Rodney (2009) The Bluebush Zinc Prospect, NW Queensland: Multiple Base Metal Mineralising Events and a Record of Fluctuating Redox Conditions in Late Palaeoproterozoic Seas
Maier R & McGoldrick P

Maier Uli (2012) Removal of Volatile Groundwater Contaminants in Vertical Soil Filter Systems: Quantitative Process Analysis
Thullner M, De Biase C, Maier U & Oswald S
(2004) Natural Attenuation of Organic Compounds in the Unsaturated Zone
Grathwohl P & Maier U

Maier Ulrich (2020) Advancing Understanding, Modeling, and Scaling of Hyporheic Zone Terrestrial Aquatic Interfaces and their Impacts on Watershed Function
Newcomer M, Bouskill N, Dwivedi D, Steefel C, Maier U, Arora B, Nico P, Faybishenko B, Dafflon B, Wainwright H, Carroll R, Fox P, Williams K & Hubbard S

Maier Wolfgang (2023) Ruthenium Isotope Composition of the K-Pg Impactor and Terrestrial Impact Structures
Fischer-Gödde M, Tusch J, Goderis S, Bragagni A, Mohr-Westheide T, Messling N, Elfers B-M, Schmitz B, Reimold WU, Tissot FLH, Koeberl C, Claeys P, Maier W & Münker C
(2022) Investigating the Late Accretion History and Convective Homogenization of the Terrestrial Mantle – New Perspectives from Coupled Ru Isotope and HSE Abundance Data
Tusch J, Fischer-Gödde M, Hoffmann JE, Gerritzen C, Gans P, Maier W, Van Kranendonk MJ, Smithies H, Becker H & Münker C
(2021) Ruthenium Isotope Constraints on the Nature of Earth’s Late-Stage Building Blocks
Fischer-Gödde M, Münker C, Becker H, Maier W, Szilas K, Gerritzen C, Van Kranendonk M & Smithies H
(2020) Dating Mafic-Ultramafic Intrusions by Monazite in Hornfels: The Kabanga Instrusions in the Eastern African Nickel Belt
Zi J-W, Rasmussen B, Muhling J, Maier W & Fletcher IR
(2019) The Ru Isotope Composition of the Earth’s Pre-Late Veneer Mantle
Fischer-Gödde M, Elfers B-M, Münker C, Szilas K, Maier W, Morishita T, Smithies H & Messling N
(2018) Ruthenium Isotope Constraints on the Timing of Volatile Element Accretion
Fischer-Gödde M, Elfers B-M, Münker C, Maier W, Szilas K & Morishita T
(2017) Sluggish Equilibration of the Archean Mantle with Meteoritic Late Veneer
Maier W
(2017) Collaboration between Academia and the Junior Exploration Sector during Ni-Cu-Pge Exploration in Labrador
Bliss I, Vaillancourt C & Maier W

Maier Wolfgang Derek (2013) Metakomatiites, Dynamical Modeling and the Late Veneer
Frank E, Maier W, Canup R & Mojzsis S
(2011) Secular Depletions in Highly Siderophile Elements Recorded in >3.6 Ga Komatiites
Frank E, Maier W & Mojzsis S
(2011) Gold Contents of the Cratonic Sub-Continental Lithospheric Mantle: Implications for Orogenic Gold Deposits
Maier W, Kontinen A & McDonald I
(2011) Chalcophile Elements in Magmas and Magmatic Sulfide Deposits: can We see the Mantle Signals?
Barnes S, Maier W & Fiorentini M
(2011) Is the Platinum in the Bushveld Complex Derived from the Lithospheric Mantle ?
Barnes S-J, Maier W & Curl E
(2011) Hydrothermal Co-ni Mineralization, Associated with Serpentinized Peridotites: Bou Azzer, Morocco
Ennaciri A, Maacha L, Barbanson L & Maier WD
(2010) PGE in the Jormua Ophiolite, Finland: Implications for the PGE Budget of the Sub-Continental Lithospheric Mantle
Maier W, Peltonen P, Kontinen A & Barnes S-J
(2009) Global Variability in the Platinum-Group Element Contents of Komatiites
Fiorentini M, Barnes S, Maier W & Heggie G
(2008) Siderophile and Chalcophile Elements in Sulphides from the Morokweng LL Meteorite and Implications for Platinum-Group Element Deposits
Barnes S-J, Prichard H, Cox RA, Fisher P, Maier W, McDonald I & Andreloi M
(2007) Platinum-Group Elements in Mantle Xenoliths from the Kaapvaal Craton
Maier W, McDonald I, Peltonen P, Barnes S-J, Gurney J & Hatton C
(2000) Platinum-Group Element and Chalcophile Element Distribution in the Merensky Reef, Western Bushveld Complex
Barnes S & Maier WD

Maignan F. (2016) Long-Term Inorganic Phosphorus Dynamic: Weathering, Sorption and Occlusion Modelling on the 4100 kyrs Chronosequence in Hawaii
Violette A, Goddéris Y, Guimberteau M, Goll D, Jornett A, Maignan F, Peng S & Ciais P

Maignien Lois (2023) Nickel Cycling in the Ocean: Insights from Isotopes and Metagenomics
Lemaitre N, Faure E, Ellwood MJ, Hassler C, Maignien L & Vance D
(2021) Drivers of Community Succession Across Geochemical Zones in Hadal Sediments
Schauberger C, Seki D, Hausmann B, Trouche B, Arnaud-Haond S, Maignien L, Wenzhöfer F, Glud RN & Thamdrup B
(2018) Unraveling Diversity of Extremophiles along Salinity Gradient at the Sea-Water Interfaces of Several Mediterranean Deep Hypersaline Anoxic Lakes in Eastern Mediterranean Sea
Berlendis S, Maignien L, Yakimov MM, La Cono V & La Spada G
(2009) Environmental Constrains on Microbial Methane Oxidation Activity and Community Structure in Gulf of Cadiz Mud Volcanoes
Maignien L & Boon N
(2009) The Imprint of Methane Seepage on Geochemical Processes in Cold-Water Coral Mounds on Pen Duick Escarpment, Gulf of Cadiz
Wehrmann LM, Templer SP, Maignien L, Bernasconi S, Brunner B & Ferdelman T

Maignien Loïs (2020) Microbial Communities Inhabiting Gas Storage Sites: Analysis of Diversity and Function at Depth
Grosche A, Abdelhak S, Ludwig M, Maignien L & Jebbar M

Mailes J. (2017) Coupled Measurement of Ca and Sr Isotopes in Evaporites from the Sorbas Basin, SE Spain
Evans N, Mailes J, Bauska T, Gázquez F, Chapman H, Bradbury H, Turchyn S & Hodell D

Mailhot G. (2023) Multiphase Atmospheric Fate of Muconaldehyde
Brun N, Gonzalez-Sanchez JM, Ravier S, Temime Roussel B, Harb S, Cirtog M, Picquet-Varrault B, Brigante M, Mailhot G, Clément J-L & Monod A
(2023) Kinetic Analysis of the photo-Fenton/Fenton-Like Reaction by Ferrozine
Cheng P, Brigante M, Sarakha M & Mailhot G

Maillard E. (2014) Evaluation of Chloroacetanilide Herbicides in Wetland Sytems Using Enantiomer- and Compound-Specific Isotope Analysis
Elsayed O, Maillard E, Vuilleumier S, Nijenhuis I, Richnow H & Imfeld G
(2011) Characterisation of the Transfer and Biodegradation of Chloroacetamide Herbicides in Lab-Scale Wetlands
Elsayed OF, Maillard E, Vuilleumier S & Imfeld G

Maillard J. (2019) Microbial Activity, Mass Transfer, and Geochemical Processes during Degradation of Chlorinated Ethenes: Experiments and Model-Based Interpretation
Murray A, Maillard J, Jin B, Mette M. B, Christof H & Massimo R
(2016) A Plume Scale Model of Chlorinated Ethene Degradation
Murray A, Broholm M, Badin A, Hunkeler D, Holliger C, Maillard J & Binning P
(2012) Fe(III) Reduction by the Gram-Positive Bacterium Desulfotomaculum reducens
Dalla Vecchia E, Shao P, Suvorova Buffat E, Maillard J & Bernier-Latmani R

Maillet G. (2021) Early Diagenetic Processes in an Eutrophic Estuarine System: Indices of Sediment Contribution to Summer Hypoxia of the Loire?
Hulot V, Metzger E, Schmidt S, Mouret A, Deflandre B, Rigaud S, Derriennic H, Bénéteau E, Sanchez S & Maillet G
(2015) Influence of Hydrology on Manganese and Iron Deposition and Recycling in an Intertidal Mudflat of Loire Estuary
Metzger E, Thibault de Chanvalon A, Mouret A, Geslin E, Bénéteau E, Nardelli MP, Maillet G, Méléder V, Brach-Papa C, Knoery J & Launeau P

Maillot Fabien (2015) Arsenic Removal Processes in Mine Drainage Impacted Systems
Morin G, Adra A, Ona-Nguema G, Wang Y, Maillot F, Miot J, Casiot C, Bruneel O, Egal M & Elbaz-Poulichet F

Maillot Fabien (2013) Structure and Reactivity of Nanocrystalline Iron Oxides in the Environment
Morin G, Maillot F, Adra A, Blanchard M, Ona-Nguema G, Wang Y, Menguy N & Brown Jr. GE
(2013) Effects of Aqueous Phosphate on U(VI) Sorption
Maillot F, Mehta V, Catalano J, Giammar D & Wang Z
(2012) U(VI) Sorption on Montmorillonite in the Presence of Phosphate
Maillot F, Catalano J & Giammar D
(2011) Local Structure of Poorly Ordered Nanosized Iron Oxides. Implications for Contaminants Scavenging
Maillot F, Morin G, Corinne C, Wang Y, Bonnin D, Chaneac C & Calas G
(2011) Zinc Sulfide in Suspended Matter from an Oxic River (Seine, France)
Priadi C, Morin G, Ayrault S, Maillot F, Juillot F, Testemale D, Proux O, Llorens I & Brown G
(2011) How Biogenic Nano-Iron Oxides can Control the Fate of Pollutants
Morin G, Ona-Nguema G, Juillot F, Maillot F, Wang Y, Egal M, Bruneel O, Casiot C, Elbaz-Poulichet F, Calas G & Brown GE

Mailloux B (2015) Young High-Arsenic Groundwater Confirmed to 250 M Depth Across the India-Bangladesh Border
van Geen A, Khan MR, Nath B, Huhmann B, Choudhury I, Chakraborty M, Harvey C, Michael H, Bostick B, Mailloux B, Schlosser P, Mukherjee A & Ahmed KM
(2014) Deciphering Microbial Carbon Sources and Metabolic Signatures in the Deep Terrestrial Subsurface
Slater G, Simkus D, Magnabosco C, Lau M, Mailloux B, Wilkie K, Kieft T, Borgonie G, Kuloyo O, van Heerden E, Sherwood Lollar B & Onstott TC
(2014) A Weathering Index to Delineate the Boundary between Low and High Arsenic Aquifer Sediments
Mozumder R, Bostick B, Mihajlov I, Choudhury I, Ahmed K, Mailloux B & van Geen A
(2014) Examination of Carbon Sources Stimulating Microbially Mediated Arsenic Release in Bangladesh Aquifers
Whaley-Martin K, Mailloux B, Silvern R, Kim C, Bostick B, van Geen A, Ahmed K, Choudhury M & Slater G
(2013) Active Carbon Cycling in Deep Subsurface Fracture Environments: Insights from RNA, Lipid and Isotopic Analyses
Lau M, Lindsay M, Kieft T, Pullin M, Hendrickson S, Simkus D, Slater G, Sherwood Lollar B, Li L, Lacrampe-Couloume G, van Heerden E, Erasmus M, Borgonie G, Linage B, Kuloyo K, Mailloux B, Heuer V, Hinrichs K-U, Maphanga S & Onstott T
(2013) Formation of Magnetite within Aquifer Sediments and Its Effects on Arsenic Mobility
Sun J, Chillrud S, Mailloux B & Bostick B
(2012) Timing and Carbon Sources for Microbial Processes in the Deep Terrestrial Carbon Cycle
Slater G, Mailloux B, Silvern R, Li L, Sherwood Lollar B & Onstott TC
(2012) Distribution of Ferrihydrite in Sediments and its Role in Regulating Groundwater Arsenic Exposure Potential
Bostick B, Sun J, Mihajlov I, Chillrud S & Mailloux B
(2012) Radiocarbon Analysis of Microbial DNA and PLFA from Arsenic Impacted Aquifers in Bangladesh
Mailloux B, Trembath-Reichert E, Cheung J, Watson M, Dochenetz A, Stute M, Freyer G, Ferguson A, Ahmed KM, Alam M,J, Buchholz B, Slater G, Ziolowski L, Thomas J, Layton A, Zheng Y & van Geen A
(2000) The Effect of Physical and Chemical Sediment Heterogeneity on Aerobic and Anaerobic Bacterial Transport
Hall J, Mailloux B, Onstott T, Fuller M, Strenger S, Rothmel R & Deflaun M

Mailloux B. (2017) A Comparison of Arsenic Retardation in Reduced Holocene Sediment and Oxidized Pleistocene Sediment
Mozumder MRH, Bostick BC, Islam MA, Choudhury I, Ahmed KM, Ellis T, Mailloux B & Van Geen A

Mailloux Brian (2019) Groundwater and Aquifer Sand Concentrations of Arsenic along the Ravi River in Punjab, Pakistan
Mushtaq N, Farooqi A, Khattak J, Hussain I, Mailloux B, Ellis T & van Geen A
(2018) Fluoride Distribution in Aquifers of the Indus Basin, Punjab, Pakistan
Ali Khattak J, Farooqi A, Hussain I, Mailloux B, Ellis T & van Geen A
(2016) Sewage Waste Implicated as a Predominant Microbial Carbon Source Mediating Arsenic Release in Bangladesh Aquifers Through PLFA Δ14C, Sterol Fecal Biomarkers and Cl/Br Ratios
Whaley-Martin K, Mailloux B, van Geen A, Bostick B, Ahmed KM, Choudhury I & Slater G

Mailloux J. (2010) Using a Bayesian Statistical Model to Determine the Amount of Coalbed Natural Gas Co-produced Water in the Powder River, WY and MT
Mailloux J, Ogle K & Frost C

Maimaiti M. (2013) The Effect of Alkali-Feldspar Composition on Mineral-Melt Partitioning of Trace Elements
Maimaiti M, Arzilli F & Carroll M

Main P. (2020) Building a Better Geochemical Picture of the Australian Landscape
Main P, Champion D, Wilford J & Bastrakov E

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