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Müller Carsten (2019) Dynamics of the Rusty Carbon Sink along a Permafrost Thaw Gradient
Patzner MS, Müller C, Nikeleit V, Baur M, Bryne J, Borch T, Kappler A & Bryce C
(2018) Sustainable Base Cation Supply and Carbon Allocation in Boreal Forests – The Role of Ectomycorrhizal Fungi
Finlay R, Fahad Z, Bolou-Bi E, Ekblad A, Müller C, Höschen C, Kögel-Knabner I & Mahmood S

Müller Carsten W. (2012) Characterization of EPS Fractions Before and after Adsorption to Goethite
Liu X, Eusterhues K, Thieme J, Hoschen C, Muller C, Kogel-Knabner I & Totsche KU
(2011) Architecture of Submicron Organo-Mineral Domains in Soil Aggregates – Evaluation by NanoSIMS
Müller CW, Hoeschen C & Kögel-Knabner I
(2011) Employment of the Nanoscaled-Sims in Soil Science
Höschen C, Heister K, Müller CW & Kögel-Knabner I
(2011) Investigation of Organo-Mineral Interactions in Artificial Soil Incubations by NanoSIMS
Heister K, Höschen C, Pronk GJ, Poll C, Kandeler E, Müller CW & Kögel-Knabner I

Müller Christian (2009) Prediction of Sub-Seafloor Gas Hydrate Inventories by Empirical Relationships
Marquardt M, Hensen C, Henke T, Müller C & Wallmann K

Müller Christin (2019) Integrated Isotope Techniques to Investigate Nitrate Dynamics along a Land-Use Gradient in a Mesoscale River Catchment
Bujak I, Müller C, Merz R & Knöller K

Müller Christoph (2023) The Impact of Land Use Change on Soil Phosphorus Hotspots at the Microscale in Amazonian Dark Earths
Jarosch KA, Colocho Hurtarte LC, Muniz AW, Müller C, Castillo-Michel H & Schweizer S
(2021) Consequences of Land Use Change on Soil Organic Matter Composition and C-P Relationships in Amazonian Dark Earth and Acrisol
Jarosch KA, Colocho Hurtarte LC, Gavazov K, Muniz AW, Müller C, Angst G, Castillo-Michel H & Schweizer SA
(2015) Transformation of Ag Nanoparticles in Managed Waste Facilities
Meier C, Müller C, Voegelin A & Kaegi R

Müller Conny (2010) Detection of Aliphatic Amines in the Marine Environment
Müller C, Iinuma Y, Müller K & Herrmann H

Müller Daniel (2016) A Sequential Extraction Scheme to Determine Element Mobility in Pyrite-Bearing Siliciclastic Rocks
Müller D, Friedland G & Regenspurg S

Müller Danny (2020) Pressure Dependence of the Carbonation Kinetics of CaO Under H2O Saturation
Miletich R, Gravogl G, Birkelbach F, Müller D, Lengauer C & Weinberger P

Muller David (2011) Functional Group Chemistry at the Mineral-Organic Interface in Soils
Lehmann J, Solomon D, Muller D, Chia C, Xin H, Joseph S & Munroe P
(2006) Australian absolute plate motions, reorganisations and LIPS in a mantle framework since the Jurassic
Müller D & Torsvik T

Muller Detlef (2014) Observed and Simulated Black Carbon and Absorption Profiles during the TCAP Campaign
Fast J, Berg L, Chand D, Liu Y, Sedlacek A, Ferrare R, Hostetler C & Muller D

Müller Dietmar (2020) Pacific-Wide Rejuvenated Volcanism Related to Subduction Initiation and Hawaiian-Emperor-Bend Formation
Hoernle K, Jicha B, John O, Yogodzinski G, Müller D, Hauff F, Werner R, Portnyagin M & Bezard R
(2020) Post-Plateau Volcanic Evolution of Shatsky Rise (NW Pacific) – Papanin Ridge and Ojin Rise Seamount Province
Dürkefälden A, Geldmacher J, Hauff F, Garbe-Schönberg D, Portnyagin M, Lück T, Werner R, Müller D & Hoernle K
(2011) The Christmas Island Seamount Province, Indian Ocean: Origin of Intraplate Volcanism by Shallow Recycling of Continental Lithosphere?
Hoernle K, Hauff F, Werner R, van den Bogaard P, Conrad S, Gibbons A & Müller D

Müller Dirk (2020) Rheological Change and Degassing during a Trachytic Vulcanian Eruption at Kilian Volcano, Chaîne des Puys, France
Colombier M, Burgisser A, Cáceres F, Druitt T, Gurioli L, Hess K-U, Müller D, Shea T & Dingwell D
(2015) HFS Element Minerals in Volcanic Sanidinite Formed from a Gaseous Phase
Aßbichler D, Heuss-Aßbichler S, Fehr KT & Müller D
(2015) Solvothermal Transport of Zr in Volcanic Systems and its Relevance for Technical Applications
Heuss-Aßbichler S, Aßbichler D, Fehr KT & Müller D

Muller Elodie (2023) The Mineralogical and Chemical Composition of Microbialites as Environmental Proxies: Lessons Learned from the Integrative Analysis of Modern Microbialites from Ten Mexican Lakes
Zeyen N, Benzerara K, Beyssac O, Daval D, Muller E, Thomazo C, Tavera R, López-García P, Moreira D & Duprat E
(2023) Changes in Hydrogen Conversion Kinetics and Microbial Response to Variations in Temperature and Mineralogy
Muller E, Julia G, Sissmann O, Tafit A & Poirier S
(2022) Active but Hidden Role of DOC in the C Cycle of Precambrian Analogs Stratified Lakes: An Isotopic Study
Havas R, Thomazo C, López-García P, Jézéquel D, Iniesto M, Moreira D, Tavera R, Caumartin J, Muller E & Benzerara K
(2021) Carbon Cycle Dynamics in Microbialite-Hosting Alkaline Crater Lakes as Precambrian Analogs
Havas R, Thomazo C, López-García P, Jézéquel D, Iniesto M, Moreira D, Vennin E, Tavera R, Muller E & Benzerara K
(2021) Sulfur Signature of Hydrothermal Systems in Central Nepal
Thapa S, Girault F, Labidi J, Muller E, Deldicque D, Losno R & Perrier F
(2021) Physico-Chemical and Biological Controls on Microbialite Formation: Experimental Biomineralization in Open System
Muller E, Benzerara K, Havas R, Iniesto M, Jézéquel D, López-García P, Moreira D, Tavera R, Thomazo C, Vennin E & Zeyen N
(2020) Las Derrumbadas Volcano: Gas Geochemistry of Promising Geothermal Resources in Puebla, Mexico
Tual T, Gudbrandsson S, Muller E, Guilbaud M-N, Cordier C, Moreira M & Escaré L
(2017) Analysis of Organic Carbon Isotope Composition: Contamination Issues and New Decarbonation Process
Muller E, Stueeken E, Ader M, Thomazo C, Hallmann C, Buick R, Chaduteau C, Cartigny P, Baton F & Philippot P
(2017) Globally Asynchronous Sulfur Isotope Signals Require Re-definition of the Great Oxidation Event
Philippot P, Ávila J, Killingsworth B, Baton F, Caquineau T, Muller E, Pecoits E, Cartigny P, Tessalina S, Lalonde S, Ireland T, Thomazo C, Van Kranendonk M & Busigny V
(2016) Multiple Sulfur Isotope Signatures in Archean Sulfates: Implications for Early Earth Atmospheric Evolution
Muller E, Philippot P, Rollion-Bard C & Cartigny P
(2015) Paired Carbon Isotope from Three Key Intervals of the Turee Creek Group, Pilbara Craton, Australia
Ader M, Thomazo C, Baton F, Muller E, Chaduteau C, Cartigny P, Vennin E, Buoncristiani J-F, Van Kranendonk M & Philippot P
(2015) Multiple Sulfur Isotopes from the 2.45-2.2 Ga Old Turee Creek Group and the Rise of Atmospheric Oxygen
Philippot P, Avila J, Baton F, Cartigny P, Ireland T, Muller E, Rollion-Bard C & Van Kranendonk M
(2015) Fe and S Isotope Constraints on Redox Conditions Associated with Barite Deposits from the 3.2 Ga Mapepe Formation (South Africa)
Busigny V, Marin-Carbonne J, Muller E, Cartigny P, Assayag N, Rollion-Bard C & Philippot P
(2015) Deconvolution of the Sulfur Cycle in Archean Sulfate Deposits Using Quadruple Sulfur Isotope (32S, 33S, 34S, 36S) Analyses
Muller E, Philippot P, Rollion-Bard C & Cartigny P
(2014) In situ Fe and S Isotope Composition of Pyrites from the 3.24 Ga Old Mendon Formation, South Africa
Marin-Carbonne J, Muller E, Miot J, Busigny V, Rollion-Bard C & Philippot P
(2013) Fe, S Isotope Systematics of the 3.24 Ga Old Mendon-Mapepe Formations, Kaapvaal Craton, South Africa
Marin-Carbonne J, Muller E, Busigny V, Rollion-Bard C & Philippot P
(2013) Multiple Sulphur Isotope Analyses of Sulphate Deposits from the Sargur Group, Dharwar Craton, India
Muller E, Philippot P, Rollion-Bard C & Sarma DS
(2013) Isotopic and Mineralogical Evidence for Atmospheric Oxygenation in 2.76 Ga Old Paleosols
Philippot P, Teitler Y, Gérard M, Cartigny P, Muller E, Assayag N, Le Hir G & Fluteau F

Müller Emanuel (2019) Reactivity between Dimethylsulfide and Hypobromous Acid and its Relevance for the Environment
Müller E, Bouchet S, von Gunten U & Winkel L

Müller German (2002) Natural Enrichment of Organic Halogens during Peat Formation
Keppler F, Biester H, Putschew A, Schöler H-F & Müller G

Müller Gerrit (2022) River Particles in Biogeochemical Cycles
Müller G, Börker J, Sluijs A & Middelburg J
(2020) Closing the Modern Ocean Alkalinity Budget by Riverine Particulate Inorganic Carbon
Müller G, Middelburg J & Sluijs A

Müller Harald (2013) Which Ligand is the most Import for Gold Transport in Hydrothermal Fluids? An in situ XAS Study in Mixed-Ligand Solutions
Liu W, Etschmann B, Testemale D, Mei Y, Hazemann J-L, Rempel K, Müller H & Brugger J
(2009) Copper Speciation and Partitioning between Vapor and Liquid Phases in Sulphuric Solution: An XAS Study
Etschmann B, Liu W, Brugger J, Testemale D, Hazemann J-L, Müller H & Proux O

Müller Hubert (2015) Linking the Sulfur and Carbon Cycle by Ultrahigh-Resolution Characterization of Dissolved Organic Matter
Dvorski S, Uhl J, Müller H, Größbacher M, Hertkorn N, Griebler C & Schmitt-Kopplin P

Müller Ingke (2009) REE Geochemistry and Tetrad Effects in F-Rich Magmatic-Hydrothermal Systems with Sn-Nb-Cryolite Deposits
Nardi L, Formoso M, Müller I & Fontana E

Müller Ingo (2022) Arsenic in Agricultural Soils-Water Systems: Transfer Mechanisms, Remediation Options and Recommendations for Risk Management
Battaglia-Brunet F, Müller I, Jones C, Elert M, Le Guédard M, Hellal J, Thouin H, Jordan I, Keiski RL, Pinka J, Turkki A, Turpeinen E, Valkama H, Hatakka T, Tarvainen T, Kaija J & Loukola-Ruskeeniemi K
(2019) Risk Management of As in the Agricultural Soils of Europe
Loukola-Ruskeeniemi K, Turkki A, Battaglia-Brunet F, Pinka J, Jordan I, Le Guedard M, Jones C, Elert M, Müller I, Tarvainen T, Hatakka T & Kaija J

Müller Inigo A (2023) Can We Date Marine Carbonates at High(er) Precision with U-Pb ID-TIMS Method?
Ovtcharova M, Müller IA, Samankassou E, Guillong M, Messori F, Peyrotty G, Linnemann U, Hofmann M, Zieger J, Vennemann T, Kouzmanov K, Merino-Tomé O & Nuriel P
(2023) A New Reference Material Candidate RA138 for U-Pb Carbonate Dating by LA-ICP-MS
Guillong M, Samankassou E, Müller IA, Looser N, Tavazzani L, Szymanowski D, Tomé OM, Nuriel P & Ovtcharova M
(2022) Can U-Pb Dating on Carbonates add to Improved Time Constraints on the Ediacaran Metazoan Ecosystem in the Nama Group, Namibia?
Müller IA, Messori F, Guillong M, Peyrotty G, Samankassou E, Linnemann U, Hofmann M, Zieger J, Vennemann T, Kouzmanov K & Ovtcharova M

Müller Inigo Andreas (2021) A Neogene Deep-Sea Temperature Record from Clumped Isotopes of Benthic Foraminifera from Walvis Ridge
Kocken IJ, Lyu J, Vorsselmans R, Spiering BR, Stouthamer W, Bode NJ, van Duin L, van de Pol NM, van der Meer A, Müller IA, Lourens LJ & Ziegler M
(2021) Absolute Seasonality Reconstructions from Clumped Isotope Analyses in Carbonate Archives
de Winter NJ, Müller IA, Kocken IJ, Agterhuis T & Ziegler M
(2019) Is There a Universal Clumped Isotope Temperature Calibration for all Carbonate Minerals?
Bernasconi S, van Dijk J, Müller I & Fernandez A
(2018) A North Atlantic Sea Surface Temperature Reconstruction for the Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum
van der Ploeg R, Cramwinckel MJ, Kocken IJ, van der Meer AE, Müller IA, Ziegler M, Leutert TJ, Meckler AN, Sexton PF, Bohaty SM, Wilson PA, Peterse F, Schouten S, Reichart G-J, Middelburg JJ & Sluijs A
(2018) Comparing Plio-Pleistocene Foraminiferal Clumped Isotope Temperature Reconstructions with TEX86, Mg/Ca and UK37 Proxy Data
Ziegler M, Müller I, van der Meer A & Kocken I
(2017) New Insights on the Formation of Triassic Dolomite Platforms Derived from Clumped Isotope Analyses
Müller IA, Brack P & Bernasconi SM
(2017) A Reduced Continental Temperature Gradient in North America during the Early Eocene
van Dijk J, Fernandez A, Müller I, White T & Bernasconi S
(2017) A High-Temperature Digestion Apparatus for High-Resolution Clumped Isotope Analyses of Siderite, Magnesite and Carbonate-Bearing Hydroxyapatite
Fernandez A, van Dijk J, Bishop S, Müller I, Bontognali T & Bernasconi S
(2017) Recent Advances in Carbonate Clumped Isotope Thermometry: Towards High-Resolution Paleoclimate Reconstructions from Marine Sediments
Bernasconi S, Fernandez A, Müller I, van Dijk J, Rodriguez-Sanz L, Rohling E, Radke J & Schwieters J
(2016) Carbonate Clumped Isotope Reordering along the Thermal Gradient of the Monzoni Intrusion Aureole in the Dolomites
Müller IA, Storck J-C, Brack P & Bernasconi SM
(2016) 253 Plus – New 10 kV Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer: Robust Precision and Accuracy for Low Abundance Isotope Research
Radke J, Fernandez Bremer A, Behrens A, Bernasconi S, Hilkert A, Müller I & Schwieters J
(2015) The Clumped Isotope Fractionation for Carbonates Reacted with Phosphoric Acid at 70℃ in a KIEL IV – MAT 253 System
Müller IA, Violay MES, Bonifacie M, Katz A, Fernandez A, van Dijk J, Madonna C & Bernasconi SM

Muller Isabelle (2019) Raman Spectroscopic Studies of Hydrothermally Altered Borosilicate Nuclear Waste Glasses
McKeown D, Muller I & Pegg I
(2013) Studies of Nuclear Waste Form Glasses with Synchrotron Radiation
Shuh D, Lukens W, Icenhower J, Darab J, Tyliszczak T, Bluhm H, McKeown D, Buechele A, Muller I & Pegg I

Muller Isabelle S. (2017) Role of Potassium in Degradation of Nineteenth Century Glass Flutes
Muller IS, Buechele AC, Barberis A, Perez-Gokhale R, Pegg IL, Brostoff LB, Kivi N, Ward-Bamford CL & France F

Muller James (2018) Time-Series for Mid-Ocean Ridge Magmas from Sediment Hosted Volcanic Glasses
Ferguson D, Langmuir C, Li Y, Costa K, Huybers P, McManus J, Carbotte S & Muller J

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