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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Mukhopadhyay Sujoy (2018) Correlations between MORB Helium Isotope Ratios and Mantle Seismic Wave Speeds
Williams C, Mukhopadhyay S, Rudolph M & Romanowicz B
(2018) A Multi-Proxy Approach to Understanding Hydroclimate in the American Southwest
Wortham B, Montanez I, Swart P, Mukhopadhyay S & Tabor C
(2018) Nebular and Chondritic Volatiles in the Earth’s Mantle
Mukhopadhyay S & Williams C
(2018) Helium Diffusion in Periclase
Cherniak DJ, Krawczynski M, Van Orman JA, Mukhopadhyay S & Pigott J

Mukhopadhyay Sujoy (2017) Terrestrial Upper Mantle I-Pu-Xe and the Age of the Moon
Parai R & Mukhopadhyay S

Mukhopadhyay Sujoy (2016) Subterranean Production of Neutrons, 39Ar and 21Ne: Rates and Uncertainties
McDonough W, Šrámek O, Stevens L, Mukhopadhyay S & Peterson J
(2016) 70 ka of Dust Deposition and Elemental Composition in the Subtropical Mid-Atlantic
Middleton J, Mukhopadhyay S, Langmuir C & McManus J
(2016) Volatile Recycling in the sub-Arctic Upper Mantle
Peto M, Mukhopadhyay S & Langmuir C
(2016) Mantle Iron Content and H-Rich Cores: Regulation by Hydrogen in the Proto-Atmosphere
Hernlund J, Mukhopadhyay S, Genda H, Hirose K & Brasser R

Mukhopadhyay Sujoy (2020) The Heavy Noble Gas (Kr, Xe) Composition of the Galapagos Hotspot: Insights into the Origin and Evolution of Mantle Volatiles
Péron S, Mukhopadhyay S & Kurz M
(2020) The Record of Early-Formed Heterogeneities Preserved in the Modern day Mantle
Mukhopadhyay S, Williams C, Parai R, Tucker J, Rudolph M & Romanowicz B

Mukhopadhyay Sujoy (2021) The Heavy Noble Gas Composition of the Martian Mantle: Implications for Accretion of Volatiles on Earth and Mars
Peron S & Mukhopadhyay S

Mukhopadhyay Sujoy (2022) Tracking Temporal Trends In Volatile Sources To The Earth from The Isotopic Fingerprints of Krypton and Xenon
Huh M, Peron S & Mukhopadhyay S
(2022) Early Volatile Degassing and the Pre-Subduction Noble Gas Elemental Pattern of the Mantle
Mukhopadhyay S, Huh M & Péron S
(2022) Inter-Laboratory Redetermination of the Atmospheric 22Ne/20Ne
Gyore D, Sumino H, Yang I, Palcsu L, Laszlo E, Mukhopadhyay S & Stuart F

Mukhopadhyay Sujoy (2023) Terrestrial Kryptology: Deciphering the Tale of Earth's Volatiles
Mukhopadhyay S & Huh M

Mukhopadhyay Sujoy (2014) Chemical Heterogeneities Survive Giant Impacts and Mantle Convection
Mukhopadhyay S, Stewart S, Tucker J, Parai R & Lock S
(2014) Volatile Abundances in MORBs: Seeing Through the Veil of Degassing
Tucker J, Mukhopadhyay S & Gonnermann H
(2013) Sm/Nd Ratio of the Earth
Huang S, Jacobsen S & Mukhopadhyay S
(2013) Of Ancient Reservoirs and Recycled Noble Gases
Mukhopadhyay S, Parai R, Tucker J & Peto M
(2013) Probing the Hadean World with Noble Gases
Mukhopadhyay S
(2012) Early Planetary Differentiation and Volatile Accretion Recorded in Deep Mantle Xenon Isotopes
Mukhopadhyay S, Peto M, Parai R & Tucker J
(2012) How Large is the Subducted Water Flux? New Constraints on Mantle Regassing Rates
Parai R & Mukhopadhyay S
(2011) I-Pu-Xe in OIBs and the Early Separation of the Plume Source from the MORB Source Mantle
Mukhopadhyay S
(2011) Spatial Distribution of Erosion Rates in Small Tahitian Catchment (10km2), from Cosmogenic 3He in Olivine
Gayer E, Ye F & Mukhopadhyay S
(2011) Heavy Noble Gases from the Northern Lau Basin: The Xenon Perspective on Mantle Heterogeneity
Pető M, Mukhopadhyay S & Kelley K
(2010) Solar Like Neon in Icelandic Basalt
Mukhopadhyay S
(2010) Heavy Noble Gases from the Southwest Indian Ridge: Insights into Upper Mantle Heterogeneity
Parai R, Mukhopadhyay S & Standish J
(2009) Geochemical and Geophysical Constraints on the Nature of Mantle Convection
Mukhopadhyay S, Gonnermann H, O'Connell R, Dziewonski A & Van der Hilst R
(2009) A High-Resolution Record of 18th-20th Century Dust Emission Rates from the Sahara-Sahel Region of Africa
Bhattacharya A & Mukhopadhyay S
(2008) Preserving High 3He/4He Ratios in a Convective Mantle
Mukhopadhyay S, Gonnermann H & Parai R
(2008) Dust Emission from the Sahara-Sahel Region over the Past 150 Years
Mukhopadhyay S & Bhattacharya A
(2007) Ar, Kr, and Xe Composition of the Earth's Mantle: Implications for the Formation of the Atmosphere
Mukhopadhyay S
(2007) Nothing Paradoxical About Helium Concentrations in OIBs
Gonnermann H & Mukhopadhyay S
(2006) Cosmogenic 3He in Apatite, Titanite, and Zircon
Farley K, Libarkin J, Mukhopadhyay S & Amidon W
(2005) Helium Isotopic Measurements from Raivavae and Rapa, Cook-Austral Islands: New Insights into the Nature of the HIMU Component
Mukhopadhyay S & Lassiter J
(2005) Constraining Landform Erosion and Ages from Surface Exposure Age Distributions on Old Patagonian Moraines
Ackert R & Mukhopadhyay S
(2002) Sulfur Isotope Imaging of Interplanetary Dust Particles
Mukhopadhyay S, Nittler L & Brownlee D
(2000) Fractionation of Noble Gases during Mantle Melting: Amsterdam-St. Paul's Plateau, South East Indian Ridge
Burnard P, Farley K, Graham D & Mukhopadhyay S
(2000) Evidence of Silicate Liquid Immiscibility in the Early Proterozoic Andesitic Rock, Dongargarh Supergroup, Central India and Possible Tectonic Implication
Sensarma S, Palme H, Deloule E & Mukhopadhyay D

Mukhopadhyay Sujoy (2015) Helium Isotopes in Oceanic Basalts and Seismically Observed Lower Mantle Structures
Williams C, Tucker J, Green T & Mukhopadhyay S
(2015) Memories of Earth Formation in the Modern Mantle: W Isotopic Composition of Flood Basalt Lavas
Rizo H, Walker R, Carlson R, Mukhopadhyay S, Francis D & Jackson M
(2015) Last Glacial Maximum and Hydrothermal Sediment Fluxes on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Middleton J, Mukhopadhyay S, McManus J & Langmuir C
(2015) Reconstructing Mantle Carbon and 3He Contents from Degassed MORBs
Tucker J, Mukhopadhyay S & Gonnermann H
(2015) The Noble Gas Anatomy of a Depleted MORB Popping Glass
Mukhopadhyay S, Parai R, Tucker J, Middleton J & Langmuir C

Mukhopadhyay Sumit (2012) Integrating Geochemical, Reactive Transport, and Facies-Based Modeling Approaches at the Contaminated Savannah River F-Area
Spycher N, Bea S, Wainwright H, Mukhopadhyay S, Christensen J, Dong W, Hubbard S, Davis J & Denham M
(2011) On Modeling H+ and U Transport Behavior in an Acidic Plume
Spycher N, Mukhopadhyay S, Sassen D, Murakami H, Hubbard S, Davis J & Denham M

Mukhumova M. (2022) GEOROC and EarthChem: Synchronizing Services on the Road to Global Geochemical Data Exchange
Klöcking M, Profeta L, Brase J, Cao S, Figueroa JD, Horstmann W, Ji P, Johansson A, Kallas L, Kurzawe D, Möller S, Mukhumova M, Nieschulze J, Sarbas B, Sturm A, Sweets HA, Willbold M, Wörner G & Lehnert KA

Mukome F.N.D. (2014) Beyond the Cellulose: Measuring Shifts in Water Regime Using Oxygen Isotopes of Plant Lipids
Silva L, Pedroso G, Doane T, Mukome F & Horwath W
(2014) Quantifying Water Balance Carbon Storage Relationships Using Oxygen Isotope Ratios of Plant Lipids
Maxwell T, Silva L, Pedroso G, Mukome F & Horwath W
(2014) Examining the Impacts of Pyrogenic Carbon on Organic Matter Storage in Forest Soils
Buelow MC, Mukome FND, Boyce A, Sayre M, Robertson G, Jenkins BM, Horwath WR & Parikh SJ

Mukopadhyay D. (2012) Accuracy of Lu-Hf and Sm-Nd Garnet Dating
Anczkiewicz R, Chakraborty S, Dasgupta S & Mukopadhyay D

Mukosi N.C. (2017) Africa Initiative for Planetary and Space Sciences
Baratoux D, Chennaoui-Aoudjehane H, Gibson R, Lamali A, Reimold WU, Selorm Sapah M, Chabou C, Habarulema JB, Jessell MW, Mogessie A, Benkhaldoun Z, Nkhonjera E, Mukosi NC, Kaire M, Rochette P, Sickafoose A, Martínez-Frías J, Hofmann A, Folco L & Rossi AP

Mukotaka A. (2013) Nitrogen and Oxygen Isotopic Composition of Atmospheric Nitrate Near the Highways
Mukotaka A, Toyoda S & Yoshida N

Mukumoto H. (2016) An Attempt on 14C Dating and Reconstruction of Diet for Cremated Remains of Jokei, a Buddhist Monk
Mukumoto H, Minami M & Nakamura T
(2016) Integrating the Topic of Radioactivity on Nagoya University Campus into the First Year Seminar
Mukumoto H, Tomiyama S, Katoh T, Sakata K & Tanaka T

Mulakaluri N. (2011) Control of Charge and Orbital Order at the Fe3O4(001)-Surface via Adsorbates: Insights from Density Functional Theory Calculations
Pentcheva R, Mulakaluri N & Scheffler M
(2009) Theoretical Evidence of a Mixed Adsorption Mode of Water on Fe3O4(001)
Mulakaluri N, Pentcheva R, Moritz W, Wieland M & Scheffler M

Mulbachova G. (2005) Complexation of Pb and Zn by Humic Substances in Contamined Soils
Mulbachova G, Contin M & De Nobili M

Mulcahy S. (2023) Forming a Talc-Rich Slow Slipping Subduction Interface: P-T-T-X History of Metasomatic Rocks
Hoover WF, Condit CB, Teng F-Z, Moser A, Mulcahy S, Easthouse G, Pike C, Lindquist PC, Guevara VE & Berg A
(2014) Correlating Bentonites Spanning the Cretaceous-Paleogene Boundary in the Hell Creek Region of Northeastern Montana Using Electron Microprobe Analysis of Tephras
Banaszak J, Mulcahy S, Renne P & Sprain C
(2014) U-Th-Pb Systematics of Bishop Tuff Zircon
Ickert R, Mundil R, Magee C & Mulcahy S
(2014) Al-Tobermorite and Phillipsite in Roman Seawater Concrete with Zeolitized Pumiceous Pozzolan
Jackson M, Mulcahy S, Kunz M, Chen H, Li Q, Wenk H-R & Monteiro P
(2012) Using Melt Inclusions to Constrain Magma Evolution and Pre-Eruptive Plumbing System Architecture of Mutnovsky Volcano, Russia
Simon A, Robertson K, Pettke T, Smith E, Kiryukhin A, Selyangin O, Mulcahy S & Walker D

Mulcan Lopez A. (2019) Lead Isotopes and Heavy Metal Concentrations in Galveston Bay, TX
Mulcan Lopez A, Brandon A, Fitzsimmons J & Ramos F

Mulch A. (2021) Late Carboniferous Paleoelevation of the Variscan Belt: A Stable Isotope Paleoaltimetry Study in the French Massif Central
Dusséaux C, Gébelin A, Ruffet G & Mulch A
(2020) High Salinity Changes in Response to Tectonic Restriction in the Upper Miocene of Mediterranean
Butiseaca G-A, Kontakiotis G, Besiou E, Agiadi K, Antonarakou A, Mulch A & Popa-Vasiliev I
(2019) High-Precision Analysis of ∆48 and ∆47: Resolving Temperature from the Kinetic Information Recorded in Carbonates
Fiebig J, Bajnai D, Löffler N, Methner K, Krsnik E, Mulch A, Prud'homme C & Guo W
(2019) Characterization of Meteoric Water Infiltration in Variscan Shear Zones
Dusséaux C, Gébelin A, Boulvais P, Gardien V, Dubois M, Ruffet G, Poujol M, Branquet Y, Mottram C, Grimes S & Mulch A
(2017) Applying the Clumped Isotope Paleothermometer to Teeth from T. rex and C. Megalodon
Löffler N, Böttcher ME, Fiebig J, Tütken T & Mulch A
(2017) Deep Penetration of Meteoric Water in Variscan Ductile Shear Zones
Dusséaux C, Gébelin A, Boulvais P, Dubois M, Gardien V, Grimes S & Mulch A
(2017) Mid-Miocene Infiltration of Meteoric Water in the South Tibetan Detachment (Mt Everest, Himalaya)
Gébelin A, Jessup M, Teyssier C, Cosca MA, Law RD, Brunel M & Mulch A
(2016) Tracing Meteoric Fluids in Fault and Detachment Systems
Mulch A, Teyssier C, Chamberlain CP, Zwingmann H & Mancktelow N
(2016) Tracking Anatolian Lithosphere Evolution with 'Tectonochemistry'
Whitney D, Meijers M, Lefebvre C, Cosca M, Thomson S & Mulch A
(2013) It’s Getting Hot on Earth – The Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum in a Terrestrial Sedimentary Record
Methner K, Wacker U, Fiebig J, Mulch A & Chamberlain CP
(2012) Late Miocene Central Anatolian Surface Uplift and Orographic Rainout from Stable Hydrogen and Oxygen Isotope Records
Mikes T, Mulch A, Schemmel F, Cosentino D, Rojay B & Aydar E
(2011) 87Sr/86Sr Isotope Ratios in Single Benthic Foraminifera by LA-MC-ICPMS
Mikes T, Gerdes A, Hudáčková N & Mulch A
(2011) Analysis of δD and δ18O in Clay Minerals for Reconstructing Paleoenvironmental Parameters
Bauer K, Vennemann T & Mulch A
(2009) A Late Miocene Stable Isotope Paleosoil Record of Andean Foreland Precipitation
Mulch A, Uba C, Strecker M, Schönberg R & Chamberlain CP
(2008) Secondary Weathering Phases and Apatite (U-Th)/He Ages
Reiners P, Thomson S, Tipple B, Peyton L, Rahl J & Mulch A
(2007) Cenozoic Topographic Evolution of the Western North America Cordillera
Chamberlain CP, Mulch A, Kent-Corson M, Davis S, Carroll A & Graham S
(2007) Hydrogen Isotope Variations in Hydrated Volcanic Glass as Tracers of Late Cenozoic Precipitation Patterns in the Western United States
Mulch A, Sarna-Wojcicki AM, Perkins ME & Chamberlain P
(2007) Climate Change in the Southern Central Andes at 8 Ma
Strecker M, Mulch A, Uba C, Schmitt A & Chamberlain P
(2007) Stable Isotopic Evidence of Evolving Laramide Landscape in the Central North American Cordillera
Davis S, Mulch A & Chamberlain P
(2007) Cenozoic Topographic and Climatic Change in the Western U.S. From a Paleosol Carbonate Record in Montana and Idaho
Kent-Corson M, Mulch A & Chamberlain P
(2006) Coupled hydrogen isotope paleoaltimetry and (U/Th)/He thermochronology of river deposits
Mulch A, Graham S, Reiners P & Chamberlain CP
(2006) Recovering the timing of mylonitization from coupled 40Ar/39Ar and hydrogen isotope data
Cosca M, Mulch A, Teyssier C, Wells M & Chamberlain P
(2006) Thermochronologic Approaches to Paleotopography
Reiners P, McPhillips D, Brandon M, Mulch A & Chamberlain CP
(2005) UV-Laser Ablation <+>40<$>Ar/<+>39<$>Ar Geochronology of Tectonic Processes
Cosca M, Mulch A & Putlitz B
(2002) Smaller Means More: UV Laser Ablation 40Ar/39Ar Methods Require Detailed Sample Characterization
Cosca M, Giorgis D, Kramar N, Mulch A & Putlitz B
(2002) In situ 40Ar/39Ar UV Laser Dating of Mylonitic Mica Fish: Cooling or Crystallisation Ages?
Mulch A, Cosca MA & Fiebig J
(2000) The Influence of Metamorphic History on Intragrain Argon Isotope Variations in Metamorphic White Mica Mapped by in situ UV Laser Ablation 40Ar/39Ar Geochronology
Cosca M, Giorgis D, Janak M, Kramar N & Mulch A

Mulder Jack (2022) Improved Accuracy and Precision of in situ Sr Isotope Measurements by LA-MC-ICP-MS: New Insights into Magma Histories
Mulder J, Hagen-Peter G, Ubide T, Tapu A-T, Feng Y & Vasconcelos PM

Mulder Jacob (2023) New Developments in Laser Ablation Lu-Hf Geochronology
Glorie S, Simpson A, Gilbert S, Hand M, Mulder J & Müller A

Mulder Jacob A (2023) Tracing Granite-Hosted Mineralization via Zircon Metal Anomalies
Gardiner NJ, Hawkesworth C, Robb LJ, Mulder JA & Cawood PA
(2023) Laser Ablation Lu-Hf Geochronology of Mafic Igneous Apatite and Detrital Apatite
Kharkongor MBK, Glorie S, Mulder JA, Kirkland CL, Chew DM & Kohn B
(2023) Using Detrital Garnet Lu-Hf Geochronology to Study Subglacial Antarctica from Australian Shorelines
Verhaert S, Glorie S, Hand M, Milnes AR, Mulder JA & Halpin JA

Mulder Jan (2011) Novel Denitrifier Method for Measuring 15N and 18O of Nitrate
Silvennoinen H, Zhu J, Mørkved PT, Bakken L, Mulder J & Dörsch P
(2011) Mechanisms of Nitrogen Dissipation in an N-Saturated Subtropical Forest in Southwest China
Zhu J, Dörsch P, Silvennoinen H & Mulder J

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