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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Mukherjee I. (2023) Trace Element Archives in Deep Time: Availability vs Bioavailability
Mukherjee I
(2022) Marine Pyrite Trace Element Database and its Multiple Applications
Mukherjee I, Large RR & Corkrey R
(2022) Trace Metal – Pyrite Interactions during Early-Diagenesis: Calibrating The Paleoproxy
Figueroa MC, Gregory DD, Chappaz A, Mukherjee I, Swing MR, Kukkadapu R & Lyons TW
(2021) Precambrian Ocean-Atmosphere Evolution Based on the Archive of Sedimentary Pyrite
Large RR & Mukherjee I
(2020) #The Brilliant Billion that Gave the Planet Animal Evolution
Mukherjee I, Corkrey R & Large R
(2020) The GOE and Oxygen Trends in the Proterozoic Atmosphere
Large R, Mukherjee I, Blamey N, Hazen R & Corkrey R
(2019) Characterising Trace Element Distribution in Pyritised Microfossils: A Tool to Test Biogenicity
Mukherjee I, Corkrey R, Goemann K, Large R & Danyushevksy L
(2018) Earth System Evolution in the Proterozoic – The Story from Marine Pyrite
Large R & Mukherjee I
(2018) How Robust is Sedimentary Pyrite Trace Element Geochemistry as a Geochemical Proxy?
Mukherjee I, Large R, Corkrey R, Willink R & Stepanov A
(2017) The Boring Billion, a Slingshot for Complex Life on Earth
Mukherjee I, Large R & Danyushevsky L
(2017) REE Evidence for Elevated pCO2 throughout the Boring Billion
Large R, Mukherjee I, Zhukova I & Stepanov S
(2016) Potential Controls on Evolution of Complex Eukaryotic Organisms by Bio-Essential Trace Element Availability in Proterozoic Oceans: Evidence from the McArthur Basin, Northern Australia
Mukherjee I & Large R

Mukherjee M.K. (2022) Low Level of Phosphorous Concentration at the Late Paleoproterozoic Shallow Seawater: Evidence from the BIF Rocks of the Chilpi Group, Bastar Craton, Central India
Mishra PK, Mohanty SP & Mukherjee MK

Mukherjee P (2004) Stream Sediment Geochemical Survey Across MCT Zone in Garhwal Himalaya: Prospects for Uranium and Thorium Mineralization
Mukherjee P, Khanna P, Saini N, Purohit K & Rathi M
(2004) Geochemistry of Arsenic in Deltaic Sediment
Chatterjee D, Chakraborty S, Nath B, Jana J, Mukherjee P & Sarkar M

Mukherjee Pami (2019) The Air-Sea Chemical Exchange in the Arctic Ocean: Lessons Learned from the 2015 GN01 US GEOTRACES Cruise
Gao Y, Marcay C, Yu S, Fan S, Mukherjee P, Buck C & Landing W

Mukherjee Pulok K. (2018) U-Pb Geochronology at High Spatial Resolution Using LA-Sf-ICP-MS: Addressing Variable Downhole Fractionation in Zircon
Mukherjee PK, Souders AK & Sylvester PJ

Mukherjee Ria (2019) Trace Element and PGE in Sulfide Minerals from Breccia Zone of the Archean Nuasahi Massif (India)
Mukherjee R, Mondal SK, Prichard HM, McDonald I & Fisher PC

Mukherjee Ria (2015) PGE and PGM in the Breccias and Magnetites in the Nuasahi Massif, Singhbhum Craton, India
Prichard H, Mondal S, Mukherjee R, Fisher P & McDonald I
(2015) PGE Geochemistry of Precambrian Mafic Dykes from the Singhbhum Craton (India)
Mondal SK, Pramanik I, Mukherjee R, Bank SP & Satyanarayanan M

Mukherjee Ria (2023) Compositional Modification of Accessory Chromites from the Serpentinized-Dunite of the Archean Madawara Ultramafic-Mafic Complex, Bundelkhand Craton (Central India): Imprints of Metamorphism and Hydrothermal Alterations
Kumar Pandey A & Mukherjee R
(2023) Geochemical Study of Disseminated Nickel Sulfides from the Late Archean Shankaraghatta Ultramafic-Mafic Complex, Western Dharwar Craton (Southern India)
Mukherjee R, Fiorentini M & Martin LAJ

Mukherjee Ria (2013) Trace-Element Fingerprints of Chromites and Sulfides from the Archean Nuggihalli Greenstone Belt, Western Dharwar Craton, India
Mukherjee R, Mondal SK, González-Jiménez JM, Griffin WL, Pearson NJ & O’Reilly SY

Mukherjee S. (2018) Hydro-chemical and Stable Isotope (δ18O and δD) to Study Groundwater Contamination in the Overexploited Aquifers of Indo-Gangetic Plain, a Part of NCR, Delhi
Kumari R, Datta PS, Rao MS & Mukherjee S

Mukherjee Santanu (2022) Aminopropylorganosilane: A Green, Smart and Facile Solution for Arsenic Pollution
Mukherjee S

Mukherjee Saumitra
(2017) Stable Isotopes and Hydrochemistry to Infer Groundwater Quality in Overexploited Aquifers of NCR, India
Kumari R, Datta PS & Mukherjee S
(2016) Geochemical Modelling in Integration with Hydrochemistry to Infer Groundwater Vulnerability in Faridabad District, a Industrial Hub of NCR Delhi
Kumari R, Datta PS & Mukherjee S
(2011) Grain Size Analysis of Sediments of Thar Dessert, India to Infer Sedimentary Environment
Singh CK, Kumari R & Mukherjee S
(2011) Integrated GIS Approach for Characterisation of Hydrogeochemical Processes Governing the Groundwater Quality in Sabarmati Basin, Gujarat, India
Kumari R, Singh CK & Mukherjee S
(2011) Sustainable Water Resource Management in Eastern Punjab Using Remote Sensing and GIS to Demarcate Water Potential Zones
Singh RP, Singh CK & Mukherjee S
(2010) Geochemical Assessment of Groundwater Quality Integrating Multivariate Statistical Analysis with GIS in Shiwaliks of Punjab, India
Singh CK, Shashtri S & Mukherjee S

Mukherjee Shreya (2023) Was India Part of Columbia? Reassessment from Paleomagnetic and New Chronological Data
Mukherjee S & Vadlamani R
(2018) Oxygen, Sr and Nd Isotopic Evidence from Kyanite-Eclogite Xenoliths (KL-2 Pipe, Wajrakarur ) for pre 1.1 Ga Mantle Metasomatism in Eastern Dharwar SCLM
Vadlamani R, Bera M, Samanta A, Mukherjee S, Adhikari A & Sarkar A

Mukherjee Smita (2017) Characterization of High Exopolysaccharide Produced by a Halophilic Thermotolerant Bacteria Halomonas Nitroreducens Strain WB1
Ghosh D, Mukherjee S, Kishore A & Chikanna A

Mukherjee Sneha (2023) A Comparative Study Among the Lesser Himalayan Klippes, Kumaun Himalaya: A Tectonometamorphic Perspective
Mukherjee S & Sorcar N
(2022) Metamorphic Evolution of Baijnath Klippe, Kumaun Lesser Himalaya North West India
Mukherjee S, Ghosh G, Sorcar N & Bose S
(2022) Late Neoproterozoic to Cambrian Metamorphic Events in the Princess Elizabeth Land, East Antarctica and its Implications to the Assembly of East Gondwana
Sorcar N, Bose S & Mukherjee S

Mukherjee Som Nath (2015) Geochemical and Human Health Risk Assessment for Metal Pollution in Water Environment Around Kolkata Landfill Site
Parth V & Mukherjee SN

Mukherjee Somnath (2017) Health Risk Assessment of Some Dominant PAHs Species Detected in Soil Near Kolkata MSW Landfill Site
Parth V & Mukherjee S

Mukherjee Subham (2023) The Role of Crystal Fractionation in the Formation K-Granites: A Modelling Perspective
Mukherjee S & Chowdhury P
(2023) Role of Crystal Entrainment in Producing Chemical Variation in S-Type Granite: A Case Study from Central Indian Tectonic Zone
Chakrabarty A & Mukherjee S
(2017) Micro-Textural Studies of Granulite-Facies Rocks from the Eastern Madurai Domain, Southern India: Evidence for Decompression at High Temperatures
Sarkar T, Mukherjee S & Dey A
(2017) Petrogenesis of A-Type Granitoids in the Chotanagpur Granite-Gneiss Complex (CGGC): Evidence for Mesoproterozoic Crustal Extension in the Indian Shield
Mukherjee S, Ibanez-Mejia M, Dey A, Sanyal S & Sengupta P

Mukhin P. (2016) Moissanite (SiC) with Metals and Silicides Inclusions (Israel) – Search for Primary Source
Dobrzhinetskaya L, Mukhin P, Eppelbaum L, Wirth R, Wang Q & Zhao W
(2015) First Find of 4H SiC Polytype in situ in Volcanic Rocks of Northern Israel
Mukhin P, Eppelbaum L, Wirth R, Schreiber A & Dobrzhinetskaya L

Mukhina E.
(2017) Deep Hydrocarbon Cycle
Kutcherov V, Kolesnikov A, Kudryavtsev D, Mukhina E & Serovaiskii A
(2017) Formation of Complex Hydrocarbon Systems from Methane at Upper Mantle Thermobaric Conditions
Serovaiskii A, Kolesnikov A, Mukhina E & Kutcherov V
(2016) Transformations of Hydrocarbons during Hot Subduction
Mukhina E, Dubrovinsky L, Serovajskii A, McCammon C, Kolesnikov A, Kupenko I & Kutcherov V

Mukhopadhyay Dhruba (2017) Evidence of Diffusion Driven Coronae Formation during Pan-African Orogeny in Dolerite Dykes from Southern Granulite Terrain (SGT)
Banerjee M, Banerjee A, Solanki BK, Dutta U, Bhui U, Anand R, Sengupta P, Mukhopadhyay D & Atlas ZD

Mukhopadhyay Dilip (2013) Duration of Prograde Metamorphism in the Inverted Barrovian Sequence, Sikim Himalaya, India
Anczkiewicz R, Chakraborty S, Dasgupta S & Mukhopadhyay D

Mukhopadhyay J. (2023) Pre-GOE Platformal BIF from the Wester Iron Ore Group, Singhbhum Craton, India: Constraining the Age from Neoarchean Detrital Zircons
Mukhopadhyay J, Ngobeli R & Ghosh G
(2017) The Juvenile Lu-Hf Crustal Signature from the Detrital Zircons from Mesoarchean Keonjhar Quartzite: Implications for the Early Archean Continental Crust and Geodynamics
De S, Mukhopadhyay J & Rosiere CA
(2013) A Mesoarchean Paleosol from Eastern India—the Second Oldest Paleosol on Earth
Mukhopadhyay J, Crowley QC, Ghosh G, Ghosh S, Chakrabarti K, Mishra B & Bose S

Mukhopadhyay Sourav (2019) Mineralogical, Geochemical and Genesis of Complex Ferricrete-Silcrete Association in Lateritic Profile from NW Bengal Basin; Eastern India
Singh J, Mukhopadhyay S, Sangode S, Dhobale A & Rajaguru SN

Mukhopadhyay Sujoy (2019) Noble Gas Signature on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (24-30°N): A Unique Window into Volatile Cycling and a Heterogenous Mantle
Huh M, Tucker J, Mukhopadhyay S & Langmuir C

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