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Mahlen N.J. (2007) Successes and Failures of Garnet Lu-Hf and Sm-Nd Geochronology: Examples in Eclogites from the Western Alps
Mahlen N, Johnson C, Baumgartner L, Skora S, Lapen T & Beard B
(2007) Garnet Growth in the Zermatt-Saas Fee Eclogites
Skora S, Baumgartner L, Mahlen N & Johnson C
(2005) Lu-Hf Geochronology of Eclogites from Pfulwe, Zermatt-Saas Ophiolite, Western Alps, Switzerland
Mahlen N, Skora S, Johnson C, Baumgartner L, Lapen T, Beard B & Pilet S
(2005) Garnet Zoning Pattern, Growth Mechanisms and the Development of Lu-Depleted Halos in Eclogites
Skora S, Mahlen N, Baumgartner L, Johnson C & Pilet S
(2002) Lu-Hf Geochronology of UHP Metamorphism in the Zermatt-Saas Ophiolite, Lago di Cignana, Italy
Lapen TJ, Mahlen NJ, Johnson CM, Beard BL & Baumgartner LP

Mahlin D. (2018) Structure and Dynamics of Lactose/Montmorillonite Nanocomposites
Holmboe M, Hellrup J & Mahlin D

Mahlke J. (2011) Along-Arc Geochemical Variations in the Southern Volcanic Zone, Chile
Jacques G, Hoernle K, Wehrmann H, Garbe-Schönberg D, van den Bogaard P, Hauff F, Mahlke J, Schumann K & Lara LE
(2011) On the Fluid-Mobility of Molybdenum, Tungsten, and Antimony in Subduction Systems
Wehrmann H, Halama R, Garbe-Schönberg D, Hoernle K, Jacques G, Heydolph K, Mahlke J & Schumann K

Mahlknecht J. (2019) Rising Arsenic Concentrations in an Intensively Pumped Agricultural Basin in Central Mexico
Knappett P, Li Y, Majumder S, Huang Y, Loza I, Hernandez H, Aviles Jasso M, Mahlknecht J, Datta S & Nordstrom DK
(2018) Intensive Pumping Impacts Arsenic Concentrations in Drinking Water Aquifers in an Inter-Montane Basin
Knappett P, Li Y, Datta S, Loza I, Majumder S, Hernandez H, Shepherd F, Aviles M, Pina V, Huang Y, Lynch B & Mahlknecht J

Mahlstedt N. (2022) Geologic H2 from Overmature Organic Sources: Numerical Modelling Application in the Cooper Basin, Australia
Boreham CJ, Murray A, Mahlstedt N & Horsfield B
(2009) High Temperature Methane as an Unconventional Gas Source
Mahlstedt N & Horsfield B

Mahmood M. (2022) Impact of Pore Connectivity Classification on Mineral Accessibility in Sandstone Samples
Salek MF, Qin F, Asadi P, Iloejesi C, Brunhoeber O, Mahmood M, Kiernan M & Beckingham LE

Mahmood Shahid (2018) Sustainable Base Cation Supply and Carbon Allocation in Boreal Forests – The Role of Ectomycorrhizal Fungi
Finlay R, Fahad Z, Bolou-Bi E, Ekblad A, Müller C, Höschen C, Kögel-Knabner I & Mahmood S
(2015) Carbon Cost of the Biological Weathering of Minerals in Boreal Forest Soils
Mahmood S, Fahad Z, Marupakula S, Ekblad A & Finlay R
(2015) Sustainable Supply of Base Cations in Boreal Forests – The Role of Ectomycorrhizal Fungi
Finlay R, Fahad Z, Ekblad A, Bolou-Bi E, Köhler S & Mahmood S
(2014) Pathways of Mg Acquisition by Ectomycorrhizal Mycelia in Forest Soils: Weathering Versus Decomposition
Alazzawi ZF, Finlay RD, Mahmood S, Kohler S & Bolou-bi E
(2013) Ectomycorrhiza-Bacterial Interactions in Weathering
Marupakula S, Mahmood S & Finlay R
(2013) Carbon Allocation to Ectomycorrhizal Fungi and Bacteria Colonising Granite
Fahad Z, Finlay R, Mahmood S & Rosling A
(2013) Microbial Communities Colonising Bedrock Outcrops in a Swedish Forest
Mahmood S, Ekblad A, Bylund D & Finlay R
(2013) Effect of N on Microbially Mediated Weathering of Primary Minerals
Mahmood S, Martins C, Olofsson M, Bylund D & Finlay R

Mahmood Sultan (2023) Anaerobic Biodegradation of Citric Acid in the Presence of Cement Pellets: Impact on Cement Integrity
Byrd N, Morris K, Singh A, Small J, Taylor F, Boothman C, Engelberg D, Lowe T, Mahmood S & Lloyd JR

Mahmoodi A. (2023) Desulfated Seawater Flooding for the Purpose of Enhanced Oil Recovery, Microbial Reservoir Souring Mitigation, and Produced Water Reinjection
Nick HM, Mahmoodi A, Hosseinzadeh B & Moosanezhad Kermani H
(2023) Re-evaluating Nitrate Treatment as a Mitigation Strategy for Microbial Reservoir Souring
Mahmoodi A & Nick HM

Mahmoodi O. (2016) Integrated 2D and 3D Geochemical Modelling of the Sari Gunay Epithermal Gold Deposit Applied in Complementary Drilling
Asadi Haroni H & Mahmoodi O

Mahmoodlu M.G.

Mahmoud B. (2012) Indications of Geochemical and Isotopic Compositions in the Origin of UAE Carbonatites
Alaabed S & Mahmoud B

Mahmoudi N. (2023) Combining Trace Metal Geochemistry and Experimental Microbiology to Explore the Role of Dissimilatory Fe(III) Reducing Bacteria in Precursor Banded Iron Formations
Rico K, Schad M, Picard A, Kappler A, Konhauser KO & Mahmoudi N
(2018) Uncovering Microbial Species-Specific Effects on Organic Matter Transformation Through Novel Isotopic Approaches
Mahmoudi N, Enke T, Beaupre S, Teske A, Cordero O & Pearson A
(2018) Effect of Oscillating Oxidative Environments on Microbial Degradation of Soil Organic Matter
Bao R, Mahmoudi N, Yao L, Balcom P, Sunderland E & Pearson A
(2012) Assessing Limitations for PAH Biodegradation in Long-Term Contaminated Soils Using Bioavailability Assays
Mahmoudi N, Slater G & Juhasz A

Mahmoudi Dalir A.

Mahmoudov Z. (2016) A 30ka Hydroclimatic Record from the Pamir
Aichner B, Mischke S, Pausata F, Zhang Q, Heinecke L, Feakins S, Sachse D, Mahmoudov Z & Rajabov I

Mahmoudzadeh B. (2015) Rock Fracture Closure Mediated by Pressure Solution
Mahmoudzadeh B, Liu L, Moreno L & Neretnieks I

Mahmud A. (2009) Climate Impacts on Annual-Average Airborne Particle Source Contributions in California
Mahmud A, Zhao Z, Hixson M, Hu J, Chen S-H & Kleeman M

Mahmud F. (2021) Total Alkalinity Production in a Mangrove Ecosystem Reveals an Overlooked Blue Carbon Component
Saderne V, Fusi M, Thomson T, Dunne A, Mahmud F, Roth F, Carvalho S & Duarte CM

Mahmudy Gharaei M.H. (2016) Investigation of Effective Parameters on Adsorption of Pb2+ by Natural Goethite from Hurmoz Island, Persian Gulf
Mazaheri SA, Hosseini M, Mahmudy Gharaei MH & Ahmadipour MH

Mahmudy Gharaie M. (2005) Methane-Derived Carbonates of the Nankai Trough in Southeast Japan: Are They Related Methane Hydrates?
Mahmudy Gharaie MH, Chen Y & Matsumoto R
(2003) Geochemical Evidence for Environmental Changes at Frasnian-Famennian Boundary Leading to the Mass Extinction
Mahmudy Gharaie M, Matsumoto R, Kakuwa Y, Milroy P, Toh Y & Oshima M
(2003) Ir Anomalies in Marine Sediments: Case Study for the Late Devonian Mass Extinction Event
Hatsukawa Y, Mahmudy Gharaie M, Matsumoto R, Toh Y, Oshima M & Kimura A

Mahon B. (2015) Characterisation of Organic Aerosols with New Soft Ionisation Ultra-High Resolution Mass Spectrometry Techniques
Kalberer M, Kourtchev I, Gallimore P, Giorio C, Mahon B & Fee A

Mahon D. (2023) A Newly Recognized 2.4 Ga Mafic Sill-Hosted Ni-Sulfide Deposit, Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia
Siegel C, Schoneveld L, Spaggiari C, Le Vaillant M, Barnes S, Godel B & Mahon D

Mahon R.C. (2021) The True Cost of Field Education is a Barrier to Diversifying Geosciences
Abeyta A, Fernandes AM, Mahon RC & Swanson T

Mahoney C (2005) Applications of SIMS Microanalysis at NIST
Fahey A, Mahoney C & Gillen G

Mahoney Carol (2017) Weathering of Shales in Outcrops: The Importance of Carbonate for Preserving Inorganic Geochemical Proxies
Mahoney C, März C, Buckman J & Wagner T

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