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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Moors A. (2010) Mercury Stable Isotopes Fractionation in Cryogenically Archived Specimens from The Arctic Marine Environment
Point D, Sonke J, Day R, Moors A, Pugh R & Becker P
(2008) Mercury Isotopes Fractionation in the Alaskan Marine Environment along an Arctic/subArctic Transect
Point D, Day R, Sonke J, Vanderpol S, Donard O, Simac K, Moors A, Pugh R & Becker P

Moors H (2004) The Role of Geochemistry in the Research on Geological Disposal of High-Level Radioactive Waste in a Deep Boom Clay in Belgium
Van Iseghem P, Maes N, Van Geet M, Wang L, de Craen M, Moors H & de Cannière P

Moors Hugo (2017) Microbial Degradation of Organics and Nitrate Leaching from Bituminised Radioactive Waste
Mijnendonckx K, Moors H, Wouters K & Leys N

Moorsom B. (2013) Combined Halogen (Cl, Br, I) and Noble Gas Mantle Geochemistry
Ballentine C, Burgess R, Sumino H, Hilton D, Graham D, Van Keken P, Chavrit D, Ruzie L, Clay P, Joachim B, Moorsom B, Jepsom L & Broadley M

Moortgat G.K. (2009) The Ozonolysis of β-Caryophyllene
Moortgat GK, Kanawati B, Herrmann F & Winterhalter R

Moortgat J. (2019) Identifying Hydraulic Fracturing "Sweet Spots" Using Crustal Noble Gases
Lary B, Eymold W, Whyte C, Harrington J, Moortgat J & Darrah T
(2018) Numerical Modeling of Methane Migration from Leaky Natural Gas Wells and in Geological Carbon Dioxide Storage
Moortgat J, Schwartz F, Darrah T & Cole D
(2018) Effects of Composition on Desorbed Gas Using Canister Desorption Test: A Case Study from the Upper Paleozoic Shales in the Ordos Basin, NW China
Xiong F & Moortgat J

Moorthy K.K. (2011) Air Quality over India: Weekly Periodicities and Long Term Trends
Satheesh SK, Moorthy KK, Babu SS, Srivastava N & Vinoj V

Moos Simone (2019) Anomalously High Chromium Isotope Ratios in Shelf Bottom Waters of the Bering and Chukchi Seas
Moos S, Boyle E & Huang T
(2019) Cr Reduction in the Eastern Tropical North Pacific Oxygen Deficient Zone Revealed by Cr Isotope Signatures
Huang T, Boyle E & Moos S

Moos Simone B (2018) Investigating Cr Cycling on the Chukchi Shelf and in the Central Arctic Ocean Using Cr Stable Isotopes
Moos SB & Boyle EA
(2017) Reduction of Cr in ODZ Waters in the ETNP Leaves Residual Heavy Cr Isotope Signature
Moos SB & Boyle EA

Moosanezhad Kermani H. (2023) Assessment of a Chemical Solution for Mitigating PWRI-Induced Injectivity Decline in Chalk
Moosanezhad Kermani H, Bonto M & Nick HM
(2023) Desulfated Seawater Flooding for the Purpose of Enhanced Oil Recovery, Microbial Reservoir Souring Mitigation, and Produced Water Reinjection
Nick HM, Mahmoodi A, Hosseinzadeh B & Moosanezhad Kermani H

Moosavi Z. (2011) Geochemical and Mineralogical Studies on the Fe-Mn Deposits of Dehbid Area, Fars Province, South Iran
Ebrahimi S & Moosavi Z

Moosdorf Nils (2014) A Geostatistical Framework to Predict Strontium Isotopes Variations in Bedrock and Rivers
Bataille C, Brennan S, Hartmann J, Wooler M, Bowen G & Moosdorf N
(2013) Insights into Glacial Weathering from a New Hydrochemical Database from 95 Glaciated Catchments
Moosdorf N, Hartmann J & West JA
(2012) Steps Towards a Global Chemical Weathering Model Framework: The Role of Erosion and Supply Limitation
Hartmann J, Moosdorf N, Lauerwald R, West J, Cohen S & Kettner A
(2011) The Lower Regolith Boundary Revisited in Unmatched Detail with a New Global Lithological Map
Moosdorf N, Hartmann J & Lauerwald R
(2011) New Approaches to Analyze the Preferential Loss of Elements from the Continental Crust
Hartmann J & Moosdorf N
(2011) Influence of Soil Shielding on Local to Global Chemical Weathering Rates
Hartmann J, Moosdorf N & Lauerwald R

Moosdorf Nils (2017) Global Carbon Cycle Feedbacks of Glacial Weathering
Moosdorf N, Torres MA, Hartmann J, Adkins JF & West AJ
(2017) Dissolved Inorganic Nutrient Input to Awur Bay via Submarine Groundwater Discharge
Adyasari D, Oehler T, Afiati N & Moosdorf N
(2017) Groundwater Nutrient Fluxes in a Tropical Karstic Coastal Area (Southern Java, Indonesia)
Oehler T, Eiche E, Putra D, Adyasari D, Mallast U & Moosdorf N

Moosdorf Nils (2016) River Hydrochemical Information for Multi-Scale-Analysis
Hartmann J, Lauerwald R & Moosdorf N
(2016) Glacial Weathering, Sulfide Oxidation, and the Geologic Evolution of CO2
West AJ, Torres M, Moosdorf N & Hartmann J

Moosdorf Nils (2015) Direct Inputs of Nutrients via Groundwater to Near-Shore Zones of Large Water Bodies: Regional Scale Approaches and Impact
Dürr H, Moosdorf N & Van Cappellen P

Mooshammer M. (2011) Organic Nitrogen Cycling during Organic Matter Decomposition
Mooshammer M, Wanek W, Frank AH, Hofhansl F, Keiblinger KM, Zechmeister-Boltenstern S & Richter A

Moosmüller H. (2018) Water-Soluble Aerosol Organic Matter from Wildland Fire Emissions as Observed Using Ultrahigh Resolution Orbitrap Elite Mass Spectrometry
Mazzoleni L, Kirillova E, Schum S, Khaksari M, Sengupta D, Bhattarai C, Samburova V, Watts A, Moosmuller H & Khylstov A
(2014) The Superaggregate Form of Soot from Wildfires and its Impact on Direct Forcing
Chakrabarty R, Beres N, Moosmuller H, China S, Mazzoleni C, Dubey M, Liu L & Mishchenko M
(2013) Dust Direct Radiative Forcing and the Complex Refractive Index of Hematite
Moosmüller H & Engelbrecht J

Moossen H. (2007) Molecular S13C Values of Leaf Wax Components from Plants Growing in Different Tropical Habitats
Vogts A, Moossen H, Rommerskirchen F & Rullkötter J

Mopper K. (2012) Characterization of Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM) from Diverse Oceanic Environments by Reverse Osmosis and Electrodialysis
Mopper K, Helms J, Chen H, Green N, Stubbins A, Perdue M, Hatcher P & Mao J

Moquet J-S. (2023) Coupling of Dissolved Silicon and Carbon in Temperate Wetlands
Court M, Moquet J-S, Simonneau A, Freslon N, Bouchez J, Derry LA, Ratié G, Mazeron J & Humbrecht A
(2023) The Si and Li Isotope Signatures of Chemical Weathering in Tectonically Quiescent, Tropical Areas
Guinoiseau D, Bouchez J, Moquet J-S, Calmels D, Martinez J-M, Aniceto K, Filizola N & Lartiges B
(2021) Peatlands as Patchworks of Water-Rock and Water-Peat Interactions: The Case Study of the Frasne Peatland, Jura Mountains, France
Lhosmot A, Steinmann M, Moquet J-S, Gandois L, Binet P, Stefani V, Boetch A, Toussaint M-L & Bertrand G
(2019) Impact of Bacterial Biofilm on Alteration Kinetics
Dejean C, Bouchez J, Moquet J-S, Moreira-Turcq P & Gélabert A
(2017) Sr and Nd Isotopes in Amazon Suspended Matter as Tracers of the Role of Floodplains in Sedimentary Transfer
Moquet J-S, Rousseau T, Roddaz M, Bouchez J, Santini W, Armijos E & Fraizy P

Mor-Federman T. (2011) Climatic Conditions during the Holocene Based on Levantine Continental Shelf Sediment Cores
Mor-Federman T, Bookman R, Almogi-Labin A & Herut B

Mora A. (2015) Sediment Mixing in a Tropical Foreland: Multisample Comparison of Detrital U-Pb Distributions
Parra M, Vermeesch P, Mora A & Amorocho R

Mora Claudia (2015) Patterns of Moisture Source and Climate Variability in the Southeastern United States: A Four-Century Seasonally Resolved Tree-Ring Oxygen-Isotope Record
Labotka D, Grissino-Mayer H, Mora C & Johnson E

Mora Claudia (2012) Micron-Scale Intrashell S18O Variation in Cultured Planktic Foraminifers
Vetter L, Kozdon R, Mora C, Eggins S, Valley J, Hoenisch B & Spero H

Mora G. (2001) Changing Biohydrology along a Precipitation Gradient: Insights from Stable Isotope Measurements
Mora G & Jahren AH

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