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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Montel Jean-Marc (2012) Disturbance of the U/Pb and Th/Pb Chronometers during Low-T Alteration of Monazite
Seydoux-Guillaume A-M, Montel J-M, Bingen B, Bosse V, de Parseval P, Paquette J-L, Janots E & Wirth R
(2006) Radiation damages in calcite and diopside crystals surrounding thorianite.
Seydoux-Guillaume A-M, Montel J-M, Wirth R & Moine B

Monteleone Brian (2017) The Fluorine and Chlorine Budget of the Earth’s Peridotite Mantle
Urann B, Le Roux V, Hammond K, Marschall H, Lee C-T & Monteleone B
(2017) Matrix Effects in B Isotope Analysis of Silicate Minerals by SIMS
De Hoog J, Monteleone B, Savov I, Marschall H, Zack T & Eimf F

Monteleone Brian (2016) Trace Element Partitioning between ‘black Smoker’ Fluids and Minerals
Evans G, Tivey M, Seewald J, Rouxel O & Monteleone B

Monteleone Brian (2023) Evidence of South American Lithosphere Mantle beneath the Chile Mid-Ocean Ridge
Mallick S, Kuhl SE, Saal AE, Klein E, Bach W, Monteleone B & Boesenberg JS
(2023) Experimental Investigation of Hydrogen Isotope Fractionation during Hydration of Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions: Implications for D/H in Baffin Island Picrites
Zhang Y, Gaetani G, Pamukcu A & Monteleone B

Monteleone Brian (2021) Volatiles in the Chile Ridge Basalts and the Role of Adjacent Andean Subduction Zone
Mallick S, Kuhl S, Saal A, Klein E, Bach W & Monteleone B

Monteleone Brian (2020) Melt Inclusions Suggest Top-Down Control on Eruptive Style at Masaya Volcano
Hlinka L, Longpré M-A, Pérez W, Kutterolf S & Monteleone B

Monteleone Brian (2022) Accounting for Multi-Phase Carbon in Melt Inclusion Bubbles
DeVitre C, Dayton K, Gazel E, Barth A, Plank TA, Pamukcu A, Gaetani G & Monteleone B

Monteleone Brian (2008) Laser Microprobe Depth Profiling of 4He Diffusion in Durango Apatite
van Soest M, Boyce J, Monteleone B & Hodges K
(2006) Continental Crust Subduction and Exhumation: insights from eastern Papua New Guinea
Baldwin SL, Webb LE, Monteleone B, Little TA, Fitzgerald PG, Peters K & Chappell JL
(2005) Constraints on Eclogite Facies Metamorphism in Southeastern Papua New Guinea from in situ Ion Microprobe U-Pb and REE Analyses
Monteleone B, Baldwin S, Webb L & Fitzgerald P

Monteleone Brian (2015) F and Cl in Peridotite Minerals: Analytical Development, Partitioning, and Applications to Fluid Cycling in the Earth's Mantle
Le Roux V, Monteleone B, Hammond K & Shimizu N
(2014) Volatile Records in Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions: What Can We Actually Learn from Them?
Bucholz C, Gaetani G, Behn M, Shimizu N, Newville M & Monteleone B
(2014) Timing and Duration of Continental Collision during Gondwana Assembly – A Case Study from Antarctica
Marschall H, Pauly J, Meyer H-P, Chatterjee N & Monteleone B
(2013) B Content and δ11B from Cultured Diatoms (Thalassiosira weissflogii & T. pseudonana): Relationship to pH<sub>seawater</sub> And Diatom C Acquisition
Mejía LM, Fietzke J, Isensee K, Méndez-Vicente A, Pisonero J, Shimizu N, González C, Monteleone B & Stoll H
(2013) Reading the Melt Inclusion Record of Pre-Eruptive Magmatic Volatiles
Gaetani G, Bucholz C, Rose-Koga E, Shimizu N, Koga K & Monteleone B

Monteleone S. (2013) Tectonic and Geothermal Significance of Thermal Springs of Sicily Island (Southern Italy)
Minissale A, Giammanco S, Montanari D, Monteleone S & Doveri M

Montemagno A. (2021) Selective Release and Sequestration of Nutrients and Rare Earth Elements Operated by Litter during the Degradation
Montemagno A, Hissler C, Bense V & Ziebel J
(2019) Role of Vegetation on Rare Earth Elements Mobilization in the Regolith Below Forest Ecosystems
Montemagno A, Hissler C, Martin LA, Bense V, Pfister L & Uiljenhoet R

Montemagno F. (2023) Linking Microbial Metabolic Diversity with Geochemical Characteristics of Campania Region Hot Springs
Bastianoni AB, Selci M, Oliva F, Bastoni D, Barosa B, Cascone M, Correggia M, Di Iorio L, Corso D, Licata M, Migliaccio F, Montemagno F, Nappi N, Ricciardelli A, Tonietti L, Rotundi A, Caliro S, Cordone A, Pollio A & Giovannelli D
(2023) Ironborn: Fe Distribution in Geothermal Fluids and its Influence on the Biosphere
Barosa B, Tonietti L, Bastianoni A, Selci M, Cascone M, Oliva F, Bastoni D, Montemagno F, Ricciardelli A, Corso D, Correggia M, Di Iorio L, Barry PH, Bekaert DV, Halldorsson SA, Stefánsson A, Lloyd KG, Jessen G, Chiodi AL, de Moor M, Ramírez-Umaña C, Yucel M, Schrenk M, Rotundi A, Cordone A & Giovannelli D
(2023) Environmental Availability of Copper in Deeply Sourced Seeps and its Influence on Copper Binding Protein Distribution
Montemagno F, Selci M, Barosa B, Cascone M, Oliva F, Bastoni D, Di iorio L, Correggia M, Bastianoni A, Corso D, Barry PH, Lloyd KG, Jessen G, Chiodi AL, de Moor M, Ramírez-Umaña C, Schrenk M, Cordone A & Giovannelli D

Montenegro L. (2023) Reactive Transport Models at the Iron/Bentonite Interface at Laboratory and in situ Scales and Long-Term Predictions
Samper J, Mon A, Montenegro L, Samper A-C, Torres E, Turrero MJ, Cuevas J, De Windt L & García E

Montenegro T. (2023) Mantle-Crust Interactions and Genesis of the High K-Mg Lamprophyric Stocks, Dykes, and Enclaves in I Type Las Chacras Batholith, Sierras Pampeanas (Argentina)
Martinez Dopico CI, Ribacki E, Lopez de Luchi MG, Montenegro T, Trumbull RB, Romer R, Altenberger U & Parat F

Montereali M. (2019) Assessment of Heavy Metals Contamination in Sediment from the Khnifiss Lagoon (SW-Morocco)
Tnoumi A, Armiento G, Angelone M, Caprioli R, Crovato C, De Cassan M, Montereali M, Nardi E, Schirone A, Spaziani F, Fadili A & Zourarah B

Montero M.E. (2010) Radioactive Hidrogeochemical Processes in North West Basin of Chihuahua, Mexico
Burillo JC, Reyes Cortes M, Reyes Cortes I, Espino MS, Rentería M & Montero ME

Montero P (2005) Use and Abuse of the Term Shoshonitic: Shoshonites Versus Vaugnerites, and Minettes
Bea F, Montero P, Molina JF, Ortega M, Scarrow J & Talavera C
(2005) Pb/Pb Zircon Age of Carrascal Massif, Central Portugal
Solá AR, Montero P, Ribeiro ML, Neiva AMR, Zinger T & Bea F

Montero Pilar (2020) Forensic Geochronology of an Explosive-Effusive Transition: Ascension Island
Scarrow JH, Schmitt AK, Danisik M, Montero P, Preece KJ, Davies BV, Brown RJ, Mark D & Barclay J
(2020) Lifetime of Zircons in Mafic Melts: The Role of Melt Transfer and Storage Modes in the Mantle and Crust
Cambeses A, Chakraborty S, Dohmen R, Sessing J, Montero P & Bea F
(2020) Experimental Evidence for Oxygen Isotopes Diffusion in Zircon
Montero P, Bea F, Molina JF, Morales I & Cambeses A
(2020) Zircon Stability Grids in Partial Melts from Different Protoliths
Bea F, Montero P, Molina JF, Morales I & Cambeses A
(2020) Mechanisms for Stabilisation of Baddeleyite in Thermally Shocked Zircon: Evidence from Zircon Annealing Experiments
Morales I, Molina JF, Montero P, Bea F & Cambeses A
(2017) Deciphering the Geodynamic Significance of Mantle and Crustal Sources Tapped during Orogenesis. SHRIMP U-Pb Ages and Oxygen Isotopes in Zircon from the Brovales Pluton, Ossa-Morena Zone, SW Iberia
Cambeses A, Scarrow JH, Montero P, Hyppolito T, Molina JF & Bea F
(2007) The Ordovician Galiñeiro Peralkaline Gneiss Complex, Vigo, NW Spain
Floor P, Corretgé G & Montero P

Montero W. (2009) He-CO2 Characteristics of Submarine and Subaerial Fluids of the Costa Rica Forearc
Hilton D, Furi E, Fischer T, Ramirez C, Tryon M, Barry P, Brown K, Alvarado G, Montero W & Denyer P

Montero-Serrano J-C. (2023) REE Distribution and Nd Isotope Composition of Sediment Leachates as Tracers of Holocene Lithogenic Inputs in the Estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence (Eastern Canada)
Montero-Serrano J-C, Casse M, St-Onge G & Poirier A
(2020) Geochemical Provenance of Postglacial Sediments from the Canadian Beaufort and Chukchi-Alaskan Margins (Western Arctic Ocean)
Montero-Serrano J-C, Deschamps C-E & St-Onge G

Montes Camilo (2015) Pliocene Paleodrainage in Northwestern South America Constrained by Multi-Method Sedimentary Provenance in the Alta Guajira Peninsula, Colombia
Perez Consuegra N, Parra M, Montes C & Jaramillo CA

Montes Camilo (2011) Style and Chronology of Growth by Oblique Accretion and Oroclinal Bending: The Panama Isthmus
Montes C, Cardona A, Bayona GA, Rory M, Moron SE, Silva CA, Restrepo-Moreno S & Ramirez DA
(2011) Tectonic Controls for High Magmatic Fluxes within Continental Arcs: The Jurassic and Paleogene Magmatic Record of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Northern Colombia
Cardona A, Valencia V, Bayona G, Montes C, Ducea M, Duque JF & Vervoort J
(2011) The Interaction between Central and South America from Sr-Isotope Chemostratigrpahy of Cenozoic Coral Reef Sucessions
Silva Tamayo JC, Montes C, Cardona A, Jaramillo C, Bayona G, Ramirez V, Nino H, Ducea M, Sial A & Zapata V

Montes Camilo (2019) An Improved Regional Branched GDGT-Based Soil Temperature Calibration for the Tropical Andes of Colombia: Towards a Global Calibration for the Tropics
Perez-Angel L, Sepulveda J, Rajagopalan B, Montes C, Molnar P, Snell K, Dildar N & Gonzalez-Arango C

Montes Célia R. (2023) Soil Features Contribution as Biogeochemical Functioning Factor of Alkalinity in Lakes of Nhecolândia, Pantanal, Brazil
Silva ARC, Lucas Y, Merdy P, Rezende-Filho AT, Ramos MD, Ishida DA, Barbiero L, Melfi AJ & Montes CR

Montes L. (2022) Contribution of Zn Isotope Ratios in the Understanding of Neandertals Subsistence Strategy: A Case Study from Gabasa, Spain
Jaouen K, Villalba Mouco V, Smith GM, Trost M, Leichliter J, Luedecke T, Mejean P, Mandrou S, Chmeleff J, Guiserix D, Bourgon N, Blasco Sancho MF, Mendes Cardoso J, Duquenoy C, Moubtahij Z, Salazar Garcia DC, Richards M, Tütken T, Hublin J-J, Utrilla P & Montes L

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