Magna Tomáš
Iron and Molybdenum Isotopic Systematics of Continental Red Beds
Ackerman L, Babek O, Simicek D, Magna T & Weinerova H
Uranium Elemental and Isotope Systematics of a Closed-System HP Metamorphic Cycle: A Case Study of Metabasic Mariánské Lázně Complex, Bohemian Massif
Andersen MB, Magna T, Kachlík V, Rapprich V & Stedra V
From Cadomian Accretion Through Subduction to Variscan Exhumation of the Mariánské Lázně Metaophiolite Complex (Bohemian Massif): Potassium Isotope Perspective
Magna T, Wang K, Kachlík V, Stedra V, Rapprich V, Koefoed P, Neuman M & Ackerman L
Magnabosco C.
Incubation Experiments Reveal that Microbial Activity Likely Drives Oxidation of Petrogenic Organic Carbon in Sedimentary Rocks
Georgiadis E, Bakker L, Eglinton TI, Hemingway JD, Magnabosco C & Hilton R
Microbial Communities in the Weathering Zone—implications for Oxidative Weathering
Georgiadis E, Roylands T, McClymont E, Christgen B, Gray N, Le Bouteiller C, Soulet G, Eglinton TI, Magnabosco C, Hemingway JD & Hilton R
Redox Revolutions can be Detected and Dated Through the Genetic Record
Magnabosco C
Co-evolution of Early Environments and Microbial Life
Lyons T, Tino C, Anderson R, Fournier G, Kappler A, Leavitt W, Magnabosco C, Stüeken E & Zerkle A
Testing Biogeochemical Hypotheses of Microbial Evolution Using Time-Calibrated Gene Transfer Phylogenies
Fournier G, Wolfe J, Momper L, Moore K & Magnabosco C
Expanding Phylogenetic Trees and Constraining the Divergence of Cyanobacteria
Moore K, Magnabosco C, Momper L, Fournier G & Bosak T
The Biomass and Biodiversity of the Continental Subsurface Biosphere
Onstott T, Magnabosco C, Lau M, Kieft T, vanHeerden E, Dong H, Lin L, Pedersen K, Ghiorse W & Sherwood Lollar B
Deciphering Microbial Carbon Sources and Metabolic Signatures in the Deep Terrestrial Subsurface
Slater G, Simkus D, Magnabosco C, Lau M, Mailloux B, Wilkie K, Kieft T, Borgonie G, Kuloyo O, van Heerden E, Sherwood Lollar B & Onstott TC
Magnall J.
In situ Pyrite Chemistry from the Mid-Proterozoic Barney Creek Formation and Teena Zn Deposit
Magnall J, Oelze M, Hayward N & Gleeson SA
Early Diagenetic Controls on the Size of Palaeozoic Sediment Hosted Massive Sulphide Zn Deposits
Gleeson S, Magnall J & Reynolds M
Sources of S in the Paleoproterozoic Urquhart Shale Hosted George Fisher Zn-Pb-Ag Deposit, Mt Isa, Australia
Rieger P, Magnall JM, Gleeson SA, Rocholl A & Lilly R
Differentiating between Euxinic and Diagenetic Pyrite in the Barney Creek Formation – Implications for Ore Formation in the Teena Sub-Basin, Australia
Magnall J, Gleeson S, Rocholl A & Hayward N
Diagenetic H2S Production Provides a Metal Trap in Carbonaceous Mudstones – In situ Microanalysis of δ34S Values in Pyrite and Barite
Magnall J, Gleeson S, Stern R & Paradis S
Magnani L.
Insights into Nitrogen Dynamics during Partial Melting: Case Studies from the Anatectic Complex of Toledo, Tormes Dome, and Adamello Pluton Migmatites
Bustos Moreno JF, Bebout GE, Romer R & Magnani L
The Origin of Anatectic Lithium-Cesium-Tantalum Pegmatites
Magnani L, Farina F, Pezzotta F, Dini A & Mayne MJ
Anatectic Lithium-Cesium-Tantalum Pegmatites Formation during Low Pressure Metamorphism of Metapelites
Magnani L, Farina F, Pezzotta F, Dini A, Mayne MJ & Bartoli O
Magnani M.
Geochemical Variation of Fresh Quenched Glass in Axial MORB along 15-18°S, Central Indian Ridge
Orihashi Y, Magnani M, Machida S, Neo N, Yasuda A & Tamaki K
Magni V.
Mafic Crust Recycling in Subduction Systems. Constraints from Numerical Models
Bouilhol P, Magni V, Riel N & van Hunen J
Deep Water Recylcing from Early Earth to Present-Day
Magni V, Bouilhol P & van Hunen J
Feeding Arcs: Numerical Constraints on Mantle Melt Compositions
Bouilhol P, Magni V & van Hunen J
Magnier Caroline
Hydrogen Migration Through Porous Media: An Experimental Comparative Study in Cap and Reservoir Rocks
Cherubini A, Sissmann O, Garcia B, Vacquand C, Noirez S, Vermesse H, Bouboune I, Cerepi A, Magnier C, Rouchon V & Beaumont V
Magnier Caroline
The CO2-Vadose Project: Numerical Simulations Coupled with Geochemical and Geophysical Monitoring of CO2 in the Vadose Zone
Cohen G, Garcia B, Loisy C, Delaplace P, Larroque F, Laveuf C, Magnier C, Rouchon V, Le Roux O, Franceschi M & Cerepi A
Surface and Subsurface Geochemical Monitoring of an EOR-CO2 Field: Buracica, Brazil
Magnier C, Rouchon V, Bandeira C, Goncalves R, Miller D & Dino R
The Relationship between a Mineral Network and Migration of CO2 and Noble Gases for Leakage Models
Magnier C, Dino R, Alain P & Laurent T
The Differential Migration of Noble Gases as Leakage Proxy in CO2 Geological Storage
Giannesini S, Prinzhofer A, Moreira M, Magnier C & Schneider F
Is Abiotic Methane Generation Important in Petroleum Systems?
Prinzhofer A, Vacquand C, Magnier C & Deville E
Influence of the Bound Water on Molecular Migration of CO2 and Noble Gases in Clay Media
Giannesini S, Prinzhofer A, Moreira M & Magnier C
Tracking CO2 Leakage with Noble Gases
Giannesini S, Prinzhofer A, Moreira M & Magnier C
Reactive Transport Experiments and Modelling of CO<->2<$> Sequestration in Deep Aquifers
Guichet X, Schott J, Oelkers EH, Vincent B, Magnier C & Brosse E
Magnin Valerie
Abiotic Synthesis of Methane in Ultramafic Rocks: Just let Them Dry!
Dutoit H, Truche L, Donzé FV, Magnin V & Martin R
Hydrogen (H2) Uptake and Physisorption in Clay-Rich Formations
Tchalala R, Magnin V, Findling N, Grekov D & Truche L
New Geochronological and Thermobarometric Data for Revisiting Alpine Pb-Ag Ore Deposit Genesis (Macôt-La Plagne and Peisey-Nancroix)
Bertauts M, Janots E, Rossi M, Duhamel-Achin I, Lach P, Gourcerol B & Magnin V
Foliar Transfer of TiO2 and Ag Nanoparticles in Lettuce
Larue C, Cecillon L, Castillo-Michel H, Barthes V, Magnin V, Findling N, Bureau S & Sarret G
Glass Composition Impact on Water Reactivity at the Glass Surface
Rebiscoul D, Bruguier F, Magnin V & Gin S
Magnin Valérie
Experimental Pb Incorporation during Hydrothermal Monazite Replacement in Alkali Conditions
Grand'Homme A, Janots E, Seydoux-Guillaume A-M, Guillaume D, Magnin V, Hövelmann J, Höschen C & Bosse V
Swelling Induced by Alpha Decay in Monazite and Zirconolite Ceramics: A XRD and TEM Comparative Study
Deschanels X, Seydoux-Guillaume A-M, Magnin V, Mesbah A, Tribet M & Peuget S
Magnone D.
Understanding Surface Water Incursion in a Shallow, Arsenic-Affected Aquifer in Cambodia: An Application of Geochemical Tracers
Richards LA, Magnone D, Sovann C, Sültenfuß J, Boyce AJ, Bryant C, van Dongen BE, Ballentine CJ & Polya DA
High Resolution Profile of Surface Water Incursion into an Arsenic-Bearing Aquifer in Cambodia
Richards L, van Dongen B, Magnone D, Sovann C, Ballentine C & Polya D
Magnus I.
Mechanisms of Deposition of Modern Banded Iron Analogues on Milos Island, Greece
Ernest CF, Stephanos K & Magnus I
Magnuson T.
Evaluation of Prokaryotes and Community Dynamics in Alvord Desert Hot Springs
Lee MH & Magnuson T
Redox-Linked Conformation Change Observed for Adsorbed Metal-Reducing Bacterial Cytochromes
Sycheva L, Eggleston C, Colberg P, Magnuson T & Shi L
Functional Characterization of C-Type Cytochromes from Iron-Respiring Bacteria
Magnuson T, Swenson M, Colberg P & Eggleston C
Directed Proteomics Applied to the Detection and Characterization of Arsenic-Transforming Enzymes in Complex Communities from the Alvord Basin Hydrothermal System
Ledbetter R, Deobald L, Paszczynski A & Magnuson T
Redox and Solution Behavior of C-Type Cytochromes from Iron Mineral-Respiring Bacteria
Magnuson T & Swenson M
Microbial 'Life Signatures': Novel biogenic mineral production and enzyme detection in microorganisms
Ledbetter R, James M, Neal A & Magnuson T
Photostable β-As4S4 Produced at Low Temperature in Culture by a Novel Bacterial Isolate from the Alvord Hydrothermal Basin, Oregon
Neal A, Magnuson T, Connon S & Ledbetter R
Microbial Transformation of AQDS, Fe(III), Cr(VI), and U(VI) by a Novel Clostridiales, Strain UFO1
Ray A, Connon S, Neal A, Sivaswamy VS, Peyton B, Cummings D, Fujita Y & Magnuson T
Comparative Biochemistry of Acidiophilic and Neutrophilic Metal-Reducing Bacteria
Cummings D, Swenson M, Tyler T & Magnuson T
Magnusson N.
Mechanisms of Subglacial Groundwater Recharge as Derived from Noble Gas, 14C, and Stable Isotopic Data
Grundl T, Magnusson N, Brennwald M & Kipfer R
Magny M.
Holocene Climate Variability from Rio Martino Cave (Western Alps, Northern Italy)
Regattieri E, Zanchetta G, Isola I, Drysdale RN, Zanella E, Lanza R, Hellstrom J, Dallai L, Perrette Y, Couchoud I, Magny M, Vanniere B & Lanci L
Magot Michel
Microbial Corrosion of Steel in Toarcian Argillite: Influence of Metabolisms and Biofilms
Urios L, Perez A, Wittebroodt C, Mercier F, Flachet M, Marsal F, Neff D, Magot M & Dillmann P
Magot Michel
Microbial Characterization at Iron-Clay Interfaces after 10 Years of Interaction in situ in an Argillaceous Formation (Tournemire, France)
Urios L, Marsal F, Pellegrini D & Magot M
Magoulas A.
Metagenomic Evidence for Microbial Fe(II) Oxidation in Iron Mats at the Kallisti Limnes CO2-rich Seafloor Hydrothermal Pools, Santorini
Christakis C, Polymenakou P, Kilias S, Nomikou P, Nielsen T, Kyrpides N, Kristoffersen JB, Kotoulas G & Magoulas A
Magrini K.
Rapid Identification and Quantification of Soil Organic Carbon Forms Using Pyrolysis Molecular Beam Mass Spectrometry
Magrini K, Davis M, Follett R, Hoover C & Evans R
Magro G
Hydrogeochemistry of the Bakony-Balaton-Highland Volcanic Field (Western Hungary)
Bodó P, Vaselli O, Szabó C, Tassi F, Casiglia A & Magro G
The Origin, Transport, Crustal Storage and Expulsion of CO2 Associated with Italian Thermal Springs and Travertines
Minissale A, Kerrick DM, Magro G, Rihs S & Sturchio NC
Fluid Geochemistry vs. Neotectonics: Constraints from the Rapolano Terme Area (Siena-Radicofani Basin, Central-Northern Apennine, Italy)
Minissale A, Vaselli O, Tassi F, Grechi G, Magro G & Montegrossi G
The Southern Strimon Lineament (Bulgaria/Greece): A Fluid Geochemistry Study
Vaselli O, Rossi F, Tassi F, Magro G, Petrov P, Kolios N, Minissale A & Marchev P
Magro Gabriella
Helium Isotopes in 79 a.D. Mt.Somma-Vesuvius Paleofluids
Magro G & Gherardi F
Magro M.
Assessment of Chromite Ore Processing Residue Environmental Impact and Remediation Strategy
Molinari S, Salviulo G, Carbone C, Vianello F, Magro M & Canepa M
Maguffin Scott
Effects of Intermittent Draining of Rice Fields on Biogeochemical Redox Processes and Arsenic Mobility
Maguffin S, Rohila J, McClung A & Reid M
Maguffin Scott Charles
A Laboratory Study of Biogeochemical Processes in an Arsenic-Contaminated Aquifer
Maguffin S & Jin Q
Arsenic Methylation in the Bedrock Aquifer of the Willamette Basin, Oregon, USA
Maguffin SC & Jin Q
Maguire M.
Canadian Oil Sands; A Window on the Deep Petroleum Biosphere
Head I, Gray N, Sherry A, Maguire M, Grant R, Hubert C, Aitken C, Jones M, Oldenburg T, Bennett B & Larter S