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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Monks P.S. (2013) Light Absorbing Products from Aqueous Processing of α-Dicarbonyls: Matrix Effects and Atmospheric Implications
Finessi E, Hamilton JF, Baeza-Romero MT, Rickard AR, Healy RM, Peppe S, Adams TJ, Daniels MJS, Ball SM, Goodall ICA, Monks PS, Borras E & Munoz A
(2011) Insights into Biogenic Secondary Organic Aerosols Produced from Five Structurally Different Precursors
Alfarra MR, Good N, Hamilton J, Wyche K, Monks P, Lewis A & McFiggans G

Monma K. (2020) The Formation Process of Jabal Tawlah REE Deposit, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Takagi M, Echigo T, Watanabe Y, Monma K & Miyawaki R

Monna F. (2019) Saharan Dust Inputs to Western North Atlantic Ocean with Three Years Time Series
Xu Y, Dessert C, Losno R, Monna F, Robert V, Chane-Teng J & Boyer M
(2017) Compositional Analysis of Saharan Dust Input to Guadeloupe (FWI)
Xu Y, Losno R, Dessert C, Monna F, Robert V & Chane-Teng J
(2014) Spatial and Temporal Variations of Dust Elemental Composition in Patagonia
Qu Z, Losno R, Monna F, Vaillant M, Quisefit JP, Journet E, Quesne A, Heimburger A, Salvador J, Bulnes D, Ristori P & Quel E
(2009) Revised δ18O Phosphate-Water Fractionation Equation from Fish Raised in Controlled Environment
Pucéat E, Joachimski M, Bonin A, Motreuil S, Monna F, Bouilloux A, Quesne D, Morinière P & Mourin J

Monnanni A. (2023) Preliminary Assessment of Microplastic Abundance and Spatial Distribution along the Surface Water Pathway of the Arno River (Central Italy)
Monnanni A, Rimondi V, Morelli G, Nannoni A, Cabigliera SB, Martellini T, Laurati M, Ciani F, Cincinelli A, Lattanzi P & Costagliola P

Monnereau Marc (2023) Characteristics and Evolution of the Acapulcoite-Lodranite Parent Body
Quitté G, Néri A, Monnereau M, Guignard J & Toplis MJ

Monnereau Marc (2014) Textural Properties of Opaque Phases in H-Chondrites as a Measure of Thermal Metamorphism
Guignard J, Toplis M, Monnereau M & Bystricky M
(2007) Textural Evolution of Metal and Sulphide in H-Chondrites: Constraining Parent-Body Structure
Toplis M, Guignard J, Baratoux D & Monnereau M
(2006) Post-Perovskite Phase Change and Lower-mantle Dyanmics
Yuen D, Kameyama M, Monnereau M & Matyska C

Monnereau Marc (2021) Global Approach Toward a Better Understanding of Acapulcoites and Lodranites: Petrological, Chemical, Isotopic Constraints and Modeling of the Formation Processes
Quitté G, Néri A, Guignard J, Toplis M & Monnereau M

Monnereau Marc (2019) Convection-Assisted Metal Segregation in Early Accreted Planetesimals
Néri A, Monnereau M, Guignard J, Toplis M & Quitté G

Monnereau Marc (2015) Early Incipient Melting on Chondritic Parent Bodies
Quitté G, Breton T, Monnereau M & Toplis M

Monnereau Marc (2013) Petrological Constraints on Formation of the Martian Crust
Baratoux D, Monnereau M, Toplis MJ, Kurita K, Samuel H, Garcia R & Wieczorek M

Monnier Loïs (2022) Exploring for Natural Hydrogen in Peralkaline Nepheline-Syenite Plutons: The Kola Peninsula, NW Russia
Dusséaux C, Pukha V, Mokrushina O, Kalashnikov A, Dominique J, Monnier L, Salvi S, Donzé FV, Truche L, Nivin V & Mikhailova J

Monnier Louis (2013) CSD, Crystal Shape and Connectivity in Synthetic Basalt from 3D Reconstruction by X-Ray CT Image
Ottavi-Pupier E, Dardé B, Monnier L, Nakamura M, Okumura S, Tsuchiyama A, Uesugi M & Uesugi K

Monnin C. (2021) The Concentration of Organic Compounds in high-Ph Waters of Serpentinizing Environments Determined by 1H NMR: Continental Sites (Oman, Liguria, New Caledonia, Portugal) and a Marine Environment (Marianna Mud Volcanoes: IODP Exp 366, ODP Legs 125 and 195)
Monnin C, Sissmann O, Berger G, Quéméneur M, Price R, Pelletier B, Marquès J & Wheat CG
(2020) New Insights on Trace Metals Behavior in the Industrial Impacted Submarine Cassidaigne Canyon
Jacquet S, Chevalier C, Herlory O, Mille D & Monnin C
(2018) Methane Cycling in the Serpentinizing Shallow-Sea Vents of the Prony Hydrothermal Field, New Caledonia
Price R, Sutcliffe C, Sherwood-Lollar B, Erauso G, Quéméneur M, Postec A, Monnin C, Wehrmann L, Gillikin D, Menez B, Pelletier B, Payri C & Hoehler T
(2018) Abiogenic Formation of Low Molecular Weight Organic Compounds within the Serpentinite Mud Volcanoes of the Marianna Trench (IODP Exp. 366)
Sissmann O, Price R, Elvert M, Heuer V, Prieto X, Monnin C, Rouchon V, Noirez S, Beaumont V, Menzies C & Takai K
(2018) Impact of Metal Contaminants from an Alumina Plant Effluent in Seawater (Mediterranean Sea)
Jacquet S, Monnin C & Garnier C
(2017) Seawater Recirculation Versus Karstic Groundwater Driven DSi Fluxes to a Coastal Mediterranean Lagoon
Tamborski J, Bejannin S, Souhaut M, Garcia-Orellana J, Claude C, Stieglitz T, Pujo-Pay M, Conan P, Crispi O, Monnin C & van Beek P
(2017) Silicon Isotopes of Off-Axis Ridge Fluids: Constraints on the Oceanic Si Budget
André L, Planchon F, Delvigne C, Cardinal D & Monnin C
(2017) Melt-Rock Interactions in South Armorican Peridotites
Aertgeerts G, Lorand J-P, Monnier C & La C
(2016) Delta26Mg-Delta30Si of Off-Axis Ridge Fluids: Constraints on the Ridge Flank Water Flux and the Oceanic Mg-Si Budgets
André L, Planchon F, Delvigne C & Monnin C
(2016) Stability of Intermediate N Valence Species in the Context of Prebiotic Hydrothermal Chemistry
Berger G, Truche L & Monnin C
(2016) The Low Temperature Hyperalkaline Hydrothermal System of the Prony Bay (New Caledonia)
Pelletier B, Monnin C, Boulart C, Chavagnac V, Erauso G, Gerard M, Gerard E, Guentas L, Menez B, Payri C, Pisapia C, Postec A & Quemeneur M
(2016) An Investigation of Mineral Formation during Mixing of Low Temperature Serpentinization-Derived Hyperalkaline Waters, Seawater and Continental Runoff Waters
Monnin C
(2014) Si and Mg Isotopic Compositions of Low Temperature Off-Axis Ridge Fluids
Delvigne C, Planchon F, Monnin C & André L
(2011) Spatial and Temporal Variability of Fluid and Gas Chemical Composition at the Lucky Strike Hydrothermal Vent Site (Mid-Atlantic Ridge)
Chavagnac V, Boulart C, Monnin C & Castillo A
(2011) Characterization of Hyperalkaline Fluids Produced by Serpentinization of Mantle Peridotites in Oman and in Liguria (Northern Italy)
Monnin C, Chavagnac V, Ceuleneer G, Boulart C & Hoareau G
(2009) A Study of Sulfate Mineral Stability in Marine Sediments Using the Whole ODP/IODP Porewater Composition Data Base
Hoareau G, Monnin C & Odonne F
(2009) Fluid Circulation in the Oceanic Crust: The Case of the Alkaline Springs of the Oman Ophiolite
Chavagnac V, Monnin C, Ceuleneer G & Destrigneville C
(2007) The Stability of Calcite and Aragonite in Sediments Overlying Zones of Basement Fluid Upwelling in the Eastern Flank of the Juan de Fuca Ridge
Monnin C, Wheat G & Mottl M
(2006) A thermodynamic and mineralogical study of the (Ba,Sr)SO4 solid solution: application to the calculation of the saturation state of the world's ocean with respect to substituted barites
Monnin C, Cividini D & Seydoux-Guillaume A-M
(2005) The Behavior of Chlorine and d<+>37<$>Cl during the Oceanic Crust Alteration
Bonifacie M, Jendrzejewski N, Agrinier P, Monnin C, Laverne C, Coleman M, Charlou J & Javoy M
(2004) Anhydrite Solubility in Seawater to 200℃ and to 500bars
Bouchez J, Monnin C & Goffe B
(2004) The Geodynamic Cycle of Chlorine Based on d37 Cl
Bonifacie M, Jendrzejzwski N, Agrinier P, Pineau F, Charlou J & Monnin C
(2004) Chemical Potentials of Dissolved Species in Marine Sediment Porewaters
Monnin C
(2002) Kinetic Study of Bio-Barite Preservation in Deep-Sea Sediments
Viollier E, Voitel L, Rabouille C, Robin E, Monnin C & van Beek P
(2002) Thermodynamic Modelling of Lithium-Bearing Aqueous Solutions
Dubois M, Monnin C, Papainocomou N & Simonin J-P
(2002) The Influence of Basement Fluid Upwelling and Diagenetic Reactions on Mineral Stabilities in Oceanic Ridge Flank Sediments
Monnin C, Wheat G & Mottl M

Monnington A. (2013) Towards Understanding Magnetite Biomineralisation: The Effect of Short Chain Peptides on the {100} and {111} Magnetite Surfaces
Monnington A & Cooke D
(2011) Towards Modelling Biogenic Magnetite
Monnington A, Cooke D & Freeman C

Monod A. (2023) Multiphase Atmospheric Fate of Muconaldehyde
Brun N, Gonzalez-Sanchez JM, Ravier S, Temime Roussel B, Harb S, Cirtog M, Picquet-Varrault B, Brigante M, Mailhot G, Clément J-L & Monod A
(2023) Multiphase Reactivity of Organic Nitrates in the Atmosphere
Gonzalez-Sanchez JM, Brun N, Clement J-L & Monod A

Monoz C. (2013) Mineralogy, Geochemistry and Metals Content in Tailings, Sediments and Soils Next to Some Metallic Ore Deposits in East Central Mexico
Carrillo-Chavez A, Cruz N, Salas E, Monoz C, Audifred A & Levresse G

Monperrus M. (2023) First Evidence of a Mercury Resistance Mechanism in an Anaerobic Bacterium: Impact on Mercury Sensitivity, Accumulation and, Methylation
Barrouilhet S, Monperrus M, Gassie C, Le Bars M, Dolla A, Khalfaoui Hassani B, Guyoneaud R, Isaure M-P & Goñi Urriza M
(2022) Mercury Methylation and Transformations by the Sulfate Reducing Bacterium Pseudodesulfovibrio Hydrargyri Combining Synchrotron cryo-Nano-Xrf, XRF Tomography and HERFD-XANES
Le Bars M, Barrouilhet S, Monperrus M, Goñi Urriza M, Rovezzi M, Salome M & Isaure M-P
(2021) Subcellular Localization, Speciation and Imaging of Mercury during Bacterial Methylation Process
Le Bars M, Barrouilhet S, Monperrus M, Goñi Urriza M, Tessier E & Isaure M-P
(2020) Comparative Genomics on Mercury Methylators (Pseudo)Desulfovibrio Strains
Goni Urriza M, Khalfaoui-Hassani B, Monperrus M & Guyoneaud R
(2017) Hg Transformations in Sediments and Biofilms from High Altitude Lakes
Bouchet S, Amouroux D, Goni-Urriza M, Monperrus M, Guyonneaud R, Fernandez P, Tessier E & Acha-Cordero D
(2014) Combination of Isotopic Composition and Speciation in Rice Grains from Chinese Mining Area to Elucidate Hg Biogeochemcial Pathways
Feng C, Pedrero Z, Li P, Feng X, Barre J, Monperrus M, Tessier E, Berail S & Amouroux D
(2012) Hg Methylation and Demethylation Kinetics in Aquatic Environments: Role of Biotic and Abiotic Pathways on Hg Isotopic Fractionation
Amouroux D, Perrot V, Jimenez-Moreno M, Bridou R, Guyoneaud R & Monperrus M
(2010) Focus on Hg Methylation and Demethylation by Sulfate-Reducers at the Cellular Scale: The Use of Isotopic Tracers to Determine Transformation Rates, Uptake and Subcellular Localization
Monperrus M, Pedrero Z, Bridou R, Mounicou S, Guyoneaud R & Amouroux D
(2010) New Kinetic Studies on the Abiotic Methylation of Inorganic Mercury by Methylcobalamin
Jimenez-Moreno M, Perrot V, Monperrus M & Amouroux D
(2010) Investigation of Hg Species Binding Biomolecules in Dolphin Liver: Use of Isotopic Tracers for Sample Treatment Optimization
Pedrero Z, Mounicou S, Davis WC, Monperrus M & Amouroux D
(2009) Investigation of Mercury Methylation Routes Combining Species-Specific Isotopic Tracers and Isotopic Fractionation Measurements
Perrot V, Bridou R, Tessier E, Rodriguez-Gonzalez P, Epov V, Monperrus M, Guyoneaud R & Amouroux D

Monroe L. (2021) Multi-Instrumental Characterization of Atmospheric Nanoparticles Entrapped in Ancient Glacier Ice
Gabrielli P, John O, Bradley C, Lomax-Vogt M, Colijn H, Ellis A, Sheets J, Welch S, Sullivan R, Monroe L & Bland G
(2021) Determining Mineralogy, Size, and Number Concentration of Individual Aeolian Nano- and Micro- Dust Particles Measured by Single particle-ICPMS in East Antarctic Ice during the Last Climatic Cycle
Lomax-Vogt MC, John O, Bradley C, Ellis A, Sheets J, Welch S, Bland G, Monroe L, Sullivan R & Gabrielli P

Monroe M. (2015) Composition and Redox Conditions in Historic Nuclear Fallout
Holliday K, Booth C, Pacold J, Dierken J, Monroe M, McClory J & Hutcheon I

Monroid M.K. (2018) Characterization of Potential Sources of Acid Rock Drainage (ARD) in Masbate Gold Project, Aroroy, Masbate, Philippines
Lagata C, Balangue-Tarriela MIR, Abad GR, Monroid MK & Notarion AR

Monsalve M.L. (2008) Volatiles and Trace Elements in Rejuvenated-Stage Lavas from Niihau, Hawaii: Evidence for Carbonatite Metasomatism
Dixon JE, Clague D, Cousens B & Monsalve ML

Monsef I. (2023) Late Neoproterozoic Takab Iron Formation, NW Iran: Implication for BIF Depositional Setting
Honarmand M, Nabatian G, Delpech G, Bayon G, Wagner-Raffin C, Boudouma O, Monsef I & Orberger B
(2016) The Geodynamic Significant of the Sanandaj-Sirjan Subduction System, Iran: Implication for HFSE Enrichment in Island Arc Setting
Monsef I, Rahgoshay M & Monsef R
(2016) Fe – Mn Metamorphic Ore in Sanandaj- Sirjan Zone Iran: Implication of Pull- Apart Basin during Upper Jurassic Age
Monsef R & Monsef I
(2013) Petrological and Geochemical Evidences for the Origin of the Neyriz Ophiolites, SE Zagros, Iran
Rahgoshay M & Monsef I
(2009) Geochemistry Constraints of Triassic – Jurassic Calc-Alkaline Magmatism in the Sanandaj – Sirjan Zone: Implications for Arc Magmatism in the Iranian Continental Margin
Monsef I, Rahgoshay M & Shafaii Moghadam H
(2008) Simultaneous Back-Arc Spreading and Arc Magmatism Since Upper Triassic in Iranian Continental Block
Monsef I, Rahgoshay M, Shafaii Moghadam H & Whitechurch H
(2007) Melt Segregation and Melt – Mantle Interaction in a Supra – Subduction Zone Context: An Example from the Khoy Ophiolite, NW Iran
Monsef I & Rahgoshay M
(2005) Environmental Impacts of Ophiolitic Alteration Products as Natural and Anthropogenic Contamination Sources: An Example of Iranian Ophiolitic Massifs
Rahgoshay M, Shafaii Moghadam H & Monsef I

Monsef R. (2016) The Geodynamic Significant of the Sanandaj-Sirjan Subduction System, Iran: Implication for HFSE Enrichment in Island Arc Setting
Monsef I, Rahgoshay M & Monsef R
(2016) Fe – Mn Metamorphic Ore in Sanandaj- Sirjan Zone Iran: Implication of Pull- Apart Basin during Upper Jurassic Age
Monsef R & Monsef I
(2016) Petrographic and Geochemical Investigation on Jurassic Carbonates (Surmeh Formation), in High Zagros Belt Northeast of Shiraz-Iran
Ahmadi V & Monsef R
(2009) Origine of Pargasitic Megacryst in the Neogene Volcanic Rocks of the Centeral Iran
Emami MH & Monsef R
(2008) Central Iranian Volcanic Belt: Implication of the Transtensional Basin System
Monsef R, Emami MH, Rashidnejad Omran NA, Pirouz M & Tajbakhsh GR
(2007) Magma Chamber Processes and Geochemical Aspects of Megaporphyritic Basic- Intermediate Lava in West Alborz Iran
Monsef R & Emami MH
(2007) 3-D Modeling of Iron Ore Deposit in Chadormalu Area in the Central Iran
Pirouz B, Ghazipour N, Monsef R & Emami MH
(2005) New Field Observations on the Uraniume Veins in Intrusive Rocks as the Natural Contamination Source, NE of Tehran
Monsef R, Moinvaziri H, Emami M & Tajbakhsh G
(2005) Mylonitic Granites in NW of Iran: Characteristic, Genesis and Tectonomagmatic Implications
Tajbakhsh G, Emami M & Monsef R

Monsegue N. (2012) Abiotic U(VI) Reduction by Biogenic Mackinawite
Veeramani H, Qafoku N, Kukkadapu R, Pruden A, Murayama M, Monsegue N & Hochella M

Monserrat F. (2023) Hawaiian Beaches as Natural Analogues for Long-Term Rates and Impacts of Coastal Enhanced Silicate Weathering
Kreuzburg M, Hylén A, Winardhi C, Cole D, VanHeurck B, DeWolf S, Goosens C, Romaniello SJ, Monserrat F, Cnudde V & Meysman FJR
(2022) Impacts of Enhanced Olivine Weathering in Nearshore Marine Environments
Romaniello SJ, Sulpis O, Cole DB, Syverson DD, Monserrat F, Moreau C, Walworth NG & Andrews MG

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