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Mondani L. (2013) Natural Uranium Ores Host Iron-Reducing and Iron-Oxidizing Bacteria as Demonstrated by High Throughput Sequencing and Cultural Approaches
Mondani L, Benzerara K, Carriere M, Christen R, Fevrier L, Achouak W, Nardoux P, Berthomieu C & Chapon V

Mondillo N. (2021) Genesis of the Florida Canyon Nonsulfide Zn(-Pb) Ores (Northern Peru): New Insights on Mineralizing Events in the Bongará District
Chirico R, Mondillo N, Ambrosino M, Boni M, Balassone G, Joachimski M, Mormone A & Buret Y
(2021) Assessing the Co Fertility in Laterite Systems by Means of Multivariate Statistical Analysis: The Santa Fe’ (Brazil) and Wingellina (Western Australia) Case Studies
Putzolu F, Mondillo N, Boni M, Santoro L, Porto C & Herrington R
(2020) Mineral Evolution in Supergene Ore Deposits: A Key for Base and Critical Metals Deportment
Mondillo N & Boni M
(2018) Compositional Variations in Natural Goethite and Other Oxy-Hydroxides in Supergene Ore Deposits
Santoro L, Herrington R, Mondillo N & Putzolu F

Mondol P.P. (2023) Siderophores Assisted Recovery of Critical Metals from Mining Residues
Jain R, Pollmann K, Ghosh A, Dhiman S, Mondol PP & Jain P

Mondro C.A. (2010) Impact of Anthropogenic Bioturbation on Nutrient Chemistry of a Small Urban Pond
Von Bargen JM, Trierweiler AM, Goldsmith ST, Deuerling KM, Mondro CA, Stutz JE, Welch SA & Carey AE
(2010) Organic Carbon Transport in Small Mountainous Rivers on Dominica, Lesser Antilles
Mondro CA, Goldsmith ST, Trierweiler AM, Johnson BM, Welch SA & Carey AE
(2010) Carbon and Nutrient Export Dynamics in Small Mountainous Watersheds Prone to Landsliding in Guatemala
Trierweiler A, Mondro C, Welch S, Restrepo C & Carey A

Monecke K. (2004) Trace Metal Accumulation in the Sediments of Baldeggersee Under Contrasting Environmental Conditions during the Last 8000 Years
Wehrli B, Fabian D, Bott M, Friedl G, Monecke K & Sturm M

Monecke T. (2021) Fluorapatite-Fluid Alteration: REE Mobility and its Implications for Apatite as an Exploration Tool
Chappell JC, Gysi A, Monecke T & Chang Z
(2020) Distribution of Ore Minerals in Banded Epithermal Veins: Results of micro–X-Ray Fluorescence Mapping
Tharalson ER, Kelly NM, Monecke T, Pfaff K, Reynolds TJ & Zeeck L
(2018) Hydrothermal Evolution of Au-Bearing Pyrite Veins and their Association to Base Metal Veins in the Central City District, CO, USA
Alford L, Gysi A, Monecke T, Pfaff K & Hurtig N
(2017) Chlorite Alteration of Pre-Ore Pyrite at McArthur River Uranium Mine, Athabasca Basin: Possible Implications to Ore Deposition
DeDecker J & Monecke T
(2016) Vein Petrography and Geochemistry of the North Amethyst Au-Ag Epithermal Deposit, Creede, Colorado USA
Guzman M & Monecke T
(2015) Alteration Associated with Basement Faults in Unconformity-Related Uranium Deposits: Case Studies at the McArthur River and Fox Lake Deposits, Athabasca Basin, Canada
DeDecker J & Monecke T

Monedero-Contreras R.D. (2023) Marine Barite Formation in the Mediterranean during Sapropel Deposition: Role of Microbial Processes and Primary Productivity
Martinez-Ruiz F, Paytan A, Monedero-Contreras RD & de Lange GJ
(2023) Assessing Redox Sensitive Elements Concentrations as Deoxygenation Proxies in Sapropel Layers: Influence of Bioturbation and Sediment Mixing
Monedero-Contreras RD, Rodríguez-Tovar FJ, Martinez-Ruiz F & de Lange GJ
(2021) Oxygen Depletion during Sapropel Deposition: Reassessing Redox Proxies for Reconstructing Surface and Bottom Water Oxygen Conditions
Monedero-Contreras RD, Martinez-Ruiz F, Rodríguez-Tovar FJ, Gallego-Torres D & de Lange GJ

Money C. (2011) Bioavailability and Toxicity of Metals in an Estuary Contaminated by Acid Mine Drainage
Braungardt C, Money C & Achterberg E

Monfort Climent D. (2023) Using Lithium Isotopes to Track the Origin of Lithium in Li-Ion Batteries
Desaulty A-M, Monfort Climent D, Peralta D, Lefebvre G, Perret S & Guerrot C

Monfray P. (2000) Transient Tracers and Interannual Variability in the Pacific Subtropical Cell
Rodgers K, Dutay J, Orr J, Monfray P, Madec G, Peacock S & Key R

Monga Nikhil (2012) Isotopic Fractionation of U(VI) during Reduction by Sulphide
Monga N, Romaniello SJ & Anbar AD

Monga Nikhil (2015) Isotopic Signature of Uranium Bioreduction
Stylo M, Neubert N, Wang Y, Monga N, Romaniello S, Weyer S & Bernier-Latmani R

Monga O. (2013) Living in Soil Pores: Physical and Nutritional Constraints for Microbial Decomposers of Soil Organic Matter
Chenu C, Nunan N, Juarez S, Moyano F, Otten W, Schmidt S, Garnier P & Monga O

Monge M.E. (2009) Photoenhanced Uptake of NO2 on Soot
Monge ME, D'Anna B & George C

Mongelli G. (2009) Groundwater Recharge Areas of the Mt. Vulture Volcanic Aquifer by Means of Hydrogeochemical Data and Stable Isotopic Tracer
Parisi S, Paternoster M & Mongelli G
(2009) Groundwater High Salinity in Geropotamos Basin (Crete, Greece): Sea Water Intrusion or Miocene Evaporites Water Interaction Processes?
Sdao F, Parisi S, Kalisperi D, Pascale S, Symantiris N, Kershaw S, Mongelli G, Soupios P & Paternoster M
(2007) Chemical and Isotopic (C and S) Composition of Groundwaters from the Mt.Vulture Volcanic System
Paternoster M & Mongelli G
(2005) Zircons from the Arenite of Early Mesozoic Continental Redbeds of the Western and Central Mediterranean Area: A Case of Typological Study
Perri F, Rizzo G, Mongelli G & Critelli S
(2004) Geochemistry and Mineralogy of the Triassic to Early Jurassic Pelite Layers Continental Redbeds from the Calabria-Peloritan Arc, Italy
Perri F, Mongelli G, Critelli S, Greco M, Pappalardo A, Sonnino M & Spina A

Monger C. (2023) Pedogenic Carbonate Biomineralization at the Microbial, Profile, and Ecosystem Scale in Desert Environments
Monger C
(2023) U-Series and Sr Isotope Systematics in Soil Carbonates from Natural and Managed Dryland Critical Zones: Implications for Inorganic Carbon Storage and Transformation in Dryland Soils of the American Southwest
Ma L, Nyachoti S, Garcia V, Monger C, Tweedie C, Gill T & Jin L
(2010) Pedogenic Carbonate in the Global Carbon Cycle: Active Sink or Long-Term Reservoir?
Monger C & Cole D

Monhemius J. (2007) Low Temperature Nucleation of Ferric Arsenate Using Microorganisms
Lewis R, Monhemius J & Plant J
(2007) Impact of Vehicle-Emitted Platinum Group Elements on the Human Respiratory and Digestive Tracts
Colombo C, Plant J & Monhemius J

Mönicke A. (2005) Partial Melting of a Fertile Peridotite: Application of the Microcrack Extraction Technique
Mönicke A, Laporte D & Schiano P

Monie P. (2021) Element Mobility Related to Low Temperature (<150℃) Hydrothermal Activity: Implication for (U-Th)/He Apatite Dating
Milesi G, Pérotin L, Monié P, Soliva R, Bosch D, Labasque T, Münch P, Taillefer A, Bruguier O, Bonno M & Martin C
(2021) The Columbia Supercontinent Reconstruction: Perspectives of The Île de Cayenne Complex (French Guiana)
Pinon H, Bosch D, Heuret A, Aertgeerts G, Monie P, Bruguier O, Triantafyllou A & Fernandez F
(2017) New Paleo-Altimeter Based on Hydrogen and Oxygen Isotopes of Aqueous Fluid Inclusions in Hydrothermal Quartz
Gardien V, Leloup H, Maheo G, Monie P & Arnaud N
(2011) The Pan-African Reconstruction of NW Angola: Petro-Structural and Temporal Constraints
Monie P, Bosch D, Bruguier O, Vauchez A, N'Sungani P & Rolland Y
(2009) Record of the ∼540 My Collision-Stage of Gondwana in NW Angola
Nsungani P-C, Bosch D & Monié P

Monien P. (2023) Trace Element Behavior at Natural Marine Hydrocarbon Seeps – Preliminary Results and New Insights from Oil Seepage-Derived Authigenic Pyrite
Smrzka D, Lin Z, Monien P, Bach W, Peckmann J & Bohrmann G
(2017) Dissolved-Particulate Exchange in the Proximal Hydrothermal Plume at the Aurora Vent Field, Gakkel Ridge, Arctic Ocean
Türke A, Bach W, Boetius A, Diehl A, German C, Köhler J, Mertens C, Monien P, Prause S & Sueltenfuss J

Monin L. (2023) Evidence from Silicon Isotopes for Pulses of Sub-Ice Microbial Activity during Winter in the Lena River
Opfergelt S, Gaspard F, Hirst C, Monin L, Juhls B, Morgenstern A & Overduin P
(2016) Silicon Isotopes as Paleoweathering Proxies: Application to Paleogene Central African Environments
Bayon G, De Putter T, Mees F, Ponzevera E, Delvigne C, Monin L, Smith T & André L
(2015) Mesopelagic Carbon Remineralization along the GEOVIDE Transect in the North Atlantic (GEOTRACES GA01)
Lemaitre N, Planquette H, Dehairs F, Monin L, Andre L, Jacquet S & Planchon F

Moniz C. (2021) Occurrences of Polymetallic Nodules in European Seas – Preliminary Results of the MINDeSEA Project
Ferreira PL, González FJ, Kuhn T, Nyberg J, Ruehlemann C, Moniz C & Magalhães V

Monjoie P. (2002) Contrasting Mantle Sources for the Permian Mafic Magmatism in the Alps: Insight from the Mont-Collon Gabbro (Dent-Blanche Nappe, Western Alps)
Monjoie P, Bussy F, Schaltegger U, Lapierre H & Pfeifer H-R

Monk S. (2019) Development of a Lab-on-Chip Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Sensor for Autonomous Oceanic Measurements
Monk S, Arundell M, Loucaides S & Mowlem M

Monkawa A. (2003) Multiple Micro-Area Analyses of Rhönite in the Opacitized Kaersutites
Monkawa A, Mikouchi T, Matsuyama F, Koizumi E, Miyamoto M & Ohsumi K
(2003) Porphyritic Texture in Linear Cooling Experiments: Implications for the Origins of Porphyritic Grains in Basaltic Rocks
Koizumi E, Mikouchi T, McKay G, Monkawa A, Le L & Miyamoto M

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