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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Magalhaes Vitor Hugo (2023) Serpentinite Mud Volcanoes as Natural Laboratory for Mineral Carbonation Reactions
Freitas ML, Geilert S, Heuser A, Wallmann K & Magalhães VH
(2013) Factors Influencing Methane-Derived Authigenic Carbonate Formation at Cold Seep from Southwestern Dongsha Area in the Northern South China Sea
Wang S, Yan W, Magalhāes VH, Chen Z, Pinheiro LM & Gussone N
(2009) Episodes of Gas Hydrate Dissociation and Enhanced Methane Flux Recorded by Methane-Derived Authigenic Carbonates in the Gulf of Cadiz
Magalhaes VH & Pinheiro LM

Magalhães Pinto V. (2014) Evidence of Magma Mingling in the Brazilian Northeast
da Cunha Torres Mota I, Magalhães Pinto V & Gois de Lima R

Magana A. (2010) Testing Climatic Controls on Speleothem Dead Carbon Fraction in a Holocene Stalagmite: Implications for Speleothem-Based Radiocarbon Calibration
Johnson K, Magana A & Hu C

Magand O. (2023) Long-Term Atmospheric Mercury Measurements on Amsterdam Island in the French Southern and Antarctic Lands
Collignon L, Angot H, Magand O, Bertrand Y, Duperray S, Laffont L, Sonke JE & Dommergue A
(2021) Redox Dynamics of Atmospheric Mercury at Maido Observatory in the Tropical Indian Ocean
Koenig AM, Magand O, Brioude J, Colomb A, Vimeux F, Ramonet M, Volkamer R, Regis J, Belloir A, Metzger J-M, Cammas J-P, Sonke JE & Dommergue A
(2011) Volcanic, Solar Activity, and Atmospheric Circulation Influences on Cosmogenic 10Be Fallout at Vostok and Concordia (Antarctica) over the Last 60 Years
Baroni M, Bard E, Petit J-R, Magand O & Bourles D

Magara M. (2003) Isotopic Determintion of Ultra Trace U in Meteorite Samples by HR-ICP-MS
Chai J, Miyamoto Y, Saito Y, Magara M, Sakurai S & Usuda S

Magaritz L. (2009) Aerosol Transformation and Scavenging in Stratocumulus Clouds
Magaritz L, Khain A & Pinsky M

Magarvey N. (2012) The in situ Occurrence of Bacteria on Gold Grain Surfaces: Implications for Bacterial Contributions to Gold Nugget Structure and Chemistry
Shuster J, Johnston C, Magarvey N, Gordon R, Banerjee N & Southam G

Magazzù A. (2021) Assessing the Analytical Potential of Optical Tweezers for Sample Return Missions
Musolino A, Magazzù A, Bronte Ciriza D, Suttle MD, Rotundi A, Brucato JR, Polimeno P, Saija R, Iatì MA, Foti A, Donato M, Gucciardi PG, Maragò OM & Folco L

Magdaleno G.B. (2014) Reference Material BRP-1 (Basalt Ribeirão Preto): can it be Used as an Isotope Standard?
Babinski M, Petronilho LA, Magdaleno GB, Silva RA, Ruiz IR & Enzweiler J

Magdans U. (2013) H2O-Adsorption at the (100)-Pyrite Surface: Forcefield Simulation Studies Supporting GIXRD-Experiments
Meis S, Magdans U, Torrelles X & Gies H

Magdas A. (2009) Deuterium Isotopic Fractionation Through the Cell Membrane of Plants
Cuna S, Berdea P, Cristea G, Magdas A & Dordai E

Magde D.M. (2021) In Emulsio Selection of a Ribozyme that Generates Free GTP from Guanosine and Trimetaphosphate
Muller UF, Akoopie A, Arriola JT & Magde DM

Magee C. (2015) δ34S Analyses of Human Hair and Single Red Blood Cells
Magee C, Rug M, Allbon G & Gore C
(2014) Extreme Isotopologue Disequilibrium in Molecular SIMS Species during SHRIMP Uranium-Lead Geochronology
Magee C
(2014) U-Th-Pb Systematics of Bishop Tuff Zircon
Ickert R, Mundil R, Magee C & Mulcahy S
(2012) Multiple Age Components in Individual Molybdenite Grains
Aleinikoff J, Creaser R, Lowers H, Magee C & Grauch R
(2012) SIMS Sputter Pit Volume Estimation in SHRIMP Zircon Analysis Using an 18O2- Primary Beam
Magee C, Ferris J & Magee C
(2012) SIMS Sputter Pit Volume Estimation in SHRIMP Zircon Analysis Using an 18O2- Primary Beam
Magee C, Ferris J & Magee C
(2011) SHRIMP Studies of the Uranium Oxide-Based U/Pb SIMS Calibration
Magee C
(2010) The Petrology of Extrasolar Chondrites
Magee C
(2008) New Constraints on the High-Field-Strength Element Concentration of NIST SRM 610 and 612 Glasses
Spandler C, Pettke T, Berger A & Magee C
(2006) Alkali background reduction in routine laser ICP-MS analysis
Magee C
(2001) Laser ICP-MS U/Pb Analyses of Detrital Zircons from Proterozoic Sediments in Bahia State, Brazil; Implications for the Evolution of the S„o Francisco Craton Prior to 3.3 Ga
Magee CW, Palin JM & Taylor WR

Magee R. (2023) Methodologies for Quantification of CO2 Drawdown by Enhanced Weathering
McDermott F, Bryson M, Magee R & van Acken D
(2021) Tracking Thermal Pathways of Magma Ascent and Eruption Using Trace Element Partitioning in Sector Zoned Clinopyroxene
MacDonald A, Ubide T, Masotta M, Mollo S, Pontesilli A, Magee R & Zhao J-X
(2021) Groundmass Isotope Signatures Reveal Decadal Source Evolution and Mixing at Mount Etna
Magee R, Ubide T, Caulfield J & Zhao J-X
(2020) Days to Weeks of Syn-Eruptive Magma Interaction: High-Resolution Geochemistry of the 2002-03 Branched Eruption at Mount Etna
Magee R, Ubide T & Caulfield J

Magen C. (2023) 13CH3D and 12CH2D2 Clumped Isotopes of Air as a Tool for Understanding Atmospheric Methane Sources and Sinks
Haghnegahdar MA, Sun J, Hultquist N, Hamovit N, Yarwood SA, Kaufman AJ, Bouyon A, Magen C & Farquhar J
(2022) An Insight into Atmospheric Methane Sources and Sinks Using 13CH3D & 12CH2D2 Clumped Isotopes
Haghnegahdar MA, Hultquist N, Sun J, Dickerson RR, Magen C, Kaufman AJ, Hamovit N, Scott JG, Yarwood S, Chowdhury TR, Bouyon A & Farquhar J
(2022) Methane Isotopologues of Vehicle Emissions: Added Complexity for Interpreting Urban Air Methane
Sun J, Haghnegahdar MA, Magen C & Farquhar J
(2022) Using Clumped Isotopes to Constrain Factors Influencing Trends in Atmospheric Methane
Farquhar J, Sun J, Haghnegahdar MA & Magen C
(2014) Remineralization Processes Across the Sulfate-Methane Transistion Zone in Contrasting California Borderland Basin Sediments
Burdige D, Komada T, Magen C & Chanton J
(2014) Radiocarbon and Stable Isotope Signatures of Sedimentary Methane at a Coastal California Basin
Magen C, Chanton J, Burdige D & Komada T
(2014) Characterization of Whole Porewater Dissolved Organic Matter by 1H NMR
Fox C, Lewicki J, Abdulla H, Harley S, Burdige D, Magen C, Chanton J & Komada T
(2014) Radiocarbon Signatures of Dissolved Organic Carbon in Anoxic Sediments of the Santa Barbara Basin
Komada T, Li HL, Burdige D, Cada A, Grose A, Magen C & Chanton J
(2010) Organic Matter Degradation and Nutrient Remobilization in Permeable Coastal Sands
Huettel M, Chipman L, Podgorski D, Green S, Magen C, Niggemann J, Ziervogel K, Arnosti C, Berg P, Cooper W, Dittmar T, Kostka J & Hallas K
(2010) Anoxia in Coastal Permeable Sediments Induces the Release of Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM)
Magen C, Huettel M, Podgorski D & William C
(2006) Electrochemical investigation of bacterial Fe(III) reduction.
Crowe S, Magen C, Mucci A, Sundby B & Fowle D

Magennis M. (2010) Survival Strategies during Bacterial Biomineralisation: Evidence from Cyanobacterial Precipitation of Hydrozincite in Sardinia, Italy
Ngwenya B, Magennis M & Podda F

Mageswarii G. (2020) Evidence of Rift-Related Late Paleoproterozoic Bimodal Volcanism in the Eastern Part of the Son Valley, Central India
Mageswarii G, Mishra M & Shrivastava JP

Maggi F. (2014) Long Residence Times of Rapidly Decomposable Soil Organic Matter: A Mechanistic Modeling Study
Riley WJ, Torn MS, Tang J, Dwivedi D, Maggi F & Kleber M
(2010) Effect of Low Gravity on Water and Soil-Nutrient-Biomass Dynamics in a Martian Soil-Based Agricultural Plot
Maggi F & Pallud C

Maggi Valter (2013) Improved Dust Representation in the Community Atmosphere Model
Albani S, Mahowald N, Perry A, Scanza R, Zender C, Heavens N, Maggi V, Kok J & Otto-Bliesner B

Delmonte B, Basile-Doelsch I, Michard A, Petit JR, Maggi V & Revel-Rolland M

Maghami M. (2014) Structural-Geological Predictive Model of Porphyry Copper Potential, Sarcheshmeh Area, Iran
Maghami M & Derakhshani R

Maghsoudi A. (2011) Metal Pollution Assessment In Sediment of the Talar River, N. Iran
Vanaei M, Maghsoudi A, Saeedi AS & Najjaran M
(2009) Geochemical Zonation in Mirkoh Alimirza Area, Arasbaran Zone, NW Iran
Maghsoudi A, Yazdi M, Mehrparto M & Vosoghi Abedni M

Maghsoudlou M. (2022) Chemical Composition of Metal(Loid)S in Anthropogenic Spherical Magnetic Particles from Attic Dust Collected from Two Former Industrial Cities, Hungary
Salazar N, Völgyesi P, Abbaszade G, Tserendorj D, Maghsoudlou M, Zacháry D & Szabó C

Magi F. (2019) “Sources and Pathways of Fluid Migration in Mt. Amiata Area (Central Italy): Novel Insights from Full Noble Gas Isotope Investigations”
Magi F, Darrah TH, Minissale AA, Pandeli E, Tassi F & Vaselli O

Magi M. (2009) Evaluation Study of CCS for the Mitigation Measure of Atmospheric CO2 and Ocean Acidification by the Global Carbon Cycle Model
Magi M

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