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Miura Kazuhiko (2010) Chemical Association of Iron in Individual Atmospheric Particles during Asian Outflow Season
Furutani H, Jung J, Miura K, Takami A, Kato S, Kajii Y & Uematsu M

Miura M. (2018) Chromian Spinels and Olivines in a Contact-Metamorphosed Peridotite-Sediment System from Nagasawa, Shimane Prefecture SW Japan
Matsumoto I, Arai S & Miura M
(2013) Similarities between Discordant Chromitites from Northern Oman Ophiolite and Chromitite Xenoliths from Takashima Alkali Basalt, Southwest Japan Arc
Miura M, Arai S, Python M & Tamura A
(2011) Ultrahigh-Pressure Podiform Chromitites as a Possible Deep Recycled Material
Arai S, Ahmed A & Miura M

Miura N. (2016) Removal and Recovery of Gold(III) by Biosorption and Biomineralization Using Microorganism
Tsuruta T, Odajima Y, Katoh M, Maeda I, Miura N, Kudoh R & Kikuchi T

Miura S. (2016) Structural Variations of Input Oceanic Lithosphere Linked with Subduction Zone Behaviors
Kodaira S, Fujie G, Obana K, Nakamura Y & Miura S

Miura T (2003) Identifying Silicate Minerals Incorporated by Plants
Miura T, Fu F, Akagi T & Watanabe K

Miura Takumi (2022) Conditions of Core Melt Segregation in Planetesimals
Terasaki H, Miura T, Yoshino T & Kondo T

Miura Y (2004) Early Earth Evolution Recorded in Lunar Soils?
Ozima M, Miura Y, Podosek F, Seki H & Hashizume K
(2003) Possible Sources of Non-Solar Xe, Ar in Lunar Soils
Ozima M, Miura Y & Podosek F
(2003) An Interpretation of 11B and 29Si NMR Spectra in Alkali Borosilicate Glasses
Nanba T, Nishimura M & Miura Y
(2003) Local Structure Analysis of Alkali Silicate Glasses Containing Sulfur
Asahi T, Miura Y, Yamashita H & Maekawa T
(2003) Noble Gases in Two Hot Desert Eucrites, DHO007 and DHO275
Miura Y & Nagao K

Miura Y. N. (2002) Revisiting I-Xe Systematics, an Early Solar System Chronometer
Ozima M, Miura YN & Podosek FA
(2001) Noble Gases in the Hawaiian Plume: Primary and Secondary Signatures Reflecting Magmatic Processes
Kaneoka I, Hanyu T, Yamamoto J & Miura YN

Miura Yasunori (2009) Bacteria-Like Texture of the Kuga Iron Meteorite and its Synthesis
Miura Y

Miura Yayoi N. (2021) Sample Analysis of Phobos Regolith Returned by JAXA's Martian Moons eXploration (MMX) Mission and its Scientific Objectives
Fujiya W, Furukawa Y, Sugahara H, Koike M, Bajo K-I, Chabot NL, Miura YN, Moynier F, Russell SS, Tachibana S, Takano Y, Usui T & Zolensky ME
(2016) An in situ K-Ar Dating System and Possible Landing Sites for Future Exploring Mission to Mars
Miura YN, Cho Y, Morota T, Kameda S, Sugita S, Okazaki R, Miyamoto H & Usui T
(2013) Development of an in situ K-Ar Dating Technique Using LIBS-Qms Combination
Cho Y, Miura YN & Sugita S
(2008) Toward Understanding Early Earth Evolution: Prescription for Approach from Terrestrial Noble Gases and Light Elements Records in Lunar Soils
Ozima M, Yin Q-Z, Podosek F & Miura Y

Miura Yn (2003) Noble Gas Analyses in Two Carbonaceous Renazzo Type (CR) Chondrites: Y- 790112 and Y-793495
Svetina M, Nagao K & Miura Y

Miura Yuna (2020) Sulfur Cycle Dynamics during the Great Oxidation Event
Ozaki K & Miura Y

Miwa K. (2015) Iodine Speciation and Iodine-129 Distribution in the Chukchi Sea and Bering Sea
Obata H, Miwa K, Kondo Y, Gamo T, Otosaka S & Suzuki T

Miwa S. (2003) Long-Path Gas Cell Infrared Spectroscopy of Volatile Organic Pollutants
Otsuka T, Nakashima S, Miwa S & Sunose M

Miwa T. (2016) Redox Variation of Erupting Magma during Strombolian Activity
Miwa T & Ishibashi H

Mix Alan (2019) Revisiting Seawater Rare Earth Element Patterns with an Emphasis on the Lithogenic Sources
Du J, Haley B & Mix A
(2018) In situ Marine Silicate Weathering as a Source of Fe to the Oxic Ocean
Du J, Haley B & Mix A
(2018) Marine Rare Earth Elements, Neodymium Isotopes and the Benthic Reactive Layer
Haley B, Du J, Abbott A, McManus J & Mix A
(2016) The Relationship of εNd Among Authigenic Phases, Bottom Water, Pore Water and Detrital Sediments
Du J, Haley B & Mix A
(2014) The Impact of Ocean Deoxygenation on the Marine Iron Cycle: Evidence from the Paleo-Record
Scholz F, McManus J, Mix AC, Hensen C & Schneider RR
(2008) Decadal to Millenial Variability in Holocene Winter Climate in the Pacific Northwest
Ersek V, Clark P, Mix A, Cheng H & Edwards LR
(2008) Reconstructing Intermediate Watermass Variability in the Southeast Pacific during the Past ~30ka: A Multi-Proxy Study
Muratli J, Chase Z, Mix A & McManus J
(2004) Further Evaluation of Flow-Through as a Method for Cleaning and Dissolving Shells of Planktonic Foraminifera for Mg/Ca Paleothermometry
Klinkhammer G, Haley B, Mix A, Benway H & Cheseby M

Mix Alan C (2022) Reactive-Transport Modeling of the Early Diagenesis of Neodymium and its Radiogenic Isotope in Deep-Sea Sediments: The Roles of Authigenesis, Silicate Weathering and Reverse Weathering
Du J, Haley BA, Mix AC & Vance D
(2021) Studying the Cycling of Trace Elements and Isotopes at the Sediment-Water Interface Using a Diagenetic Model with Automated Code Generation for User Defined Problems
Du J(, Haley BA, Mix AC & Vance D

Mix H. (2020) Water Isotopes and Weathering Fluxes from Catchments in the Zambales Ophiolite Region, Luzon, Philippines
Ibarra D, Domingo J, Meyer N, Mix H, Tolentino P, Attal M & David C

Mixa P. (2011) Nature, Origin and Causes of Jurassic Felsic Igneous Activity in the Victory Glacier Area (Eastern Graham Land)
Janoušek V, Gerdes A, Žák J, Soejono I, Venera Z, Erban V, Lexa O & Mixa P
(2007) Provenance and Post-Sedimentary Low-Temperature Evolution of the James Ross Basin Sediments (Antarctic Peninsula) Based on Zircon and Apatite Fission-Track Analysis
Svojtka M, Murakami M, Nyvlt D, Macakova J, Filip J & Mixa P

Mixon E. (2023) Reevaluation of the Highly Contested Nd Isotope Record of the 4.0-2.9 Ga Acasta Gneiss Complex, Canada
Bauer AM, Mixon E, Tappa M & Reimink JR
(2018) Peak Pressure-Temperature Conditions and Timing of Subduction of the Cycladic Blueschist Unit on Syros, Greece
Kotowski A, Behr W, Ashley K, Mixon E, Stockli D & Bodnar B

Mixon R. (2023) Distribution and Characteristics of Uranium and Rare Earth Elements in Southeast Utah, USA
Blake J, Tomaszewski EJ, Walton-Day K, Hynek S, Mixon R & DiViesti D
(2022) Geochemical Fingerprinting Sources of Arsenic, Aluminum, and Lead to the San Juan River Through the Navajo Nation, Four Corners Region, USA
Blake J, Brown J, Ferguson C, Yager D, Chavarria S, Mixon R, Ball G & Shephard Z

Miya K. (2016) Development of Laser Post-Ionization SNMS for in situ U-Pb Chronology
Kawai Y, Matsuda T, Miya K, Yabuta H, Aoki J, Hondo T, Ishihara M, Toyoda M, Nakamura R & Terada K

Miyabuchi Y. (2019) Origin of Felsic Magma in AsO Caldera: Importance of Shallow Magma Degassing
Miyagi I, Suda T, Hoshizumi H, Saito G, Miyabuchi Y & Geshi N
(2014) Recent Partial Pressure of CO2 Dissolved in the Water at Lake Monoun, Cameroon
Ohba T, Sasaki Y, Kusakabe M, Yoshida Y, Ueda A, Anazawa K, Saiki K, Kaneko K, Miyabuchi Y, Aka F, Fantong W, Tanyileke G & Hell J

Miyagawa Y. (2014) Impact of Carbon Capture and Storage on the Methanogenic Activity and Pathway in a Petroleum Reservoir
Mayumi D, Dolfing J, Sakata S, Maeda H, Miyagawa Y, Ikarashi M, Tamaki H, Takeuchi M, Nakatsu C & Kamagata Y

Miyagi I. (2020) Degassing/oxidation Process at AsO Volcano Inferred by the Color of Ash
Miyagi I, Geshi N & Hoshizumi H
(2018) Pre-Eruptive Magmatic Depth and Physical Properties of Newly Formed Caldera: The Case of Hijiori, Northeast Japan
Miyagi I, Kita N & Morishita Y
(2017) An Improved Surface Plate for Hand Polishing to Obtain Flat Polished Sections for Micro-Chemical Analysis
Miyagi I
(2016) Magmatic Volatile Flux into the Groundwater System in and Around Kutcharo Caldera, East Hokkaido, Japan
Ohwada M, Kazahaya K, Morikawa N, Yasuhara M, Takahashi HA, Takahashi M, Inamura A, Oyama Y, Miyagi I, Itoh J & Tsukamoto H
(2016) Decrease of Iodine Isotope Ratio Observed in Crater Lake and Geothermal Area at Zao Volcano, Japan
Matsunaka T, Sasa K, Takahashi T, Matsumura M, Sueki K, Goto A, Watanabe T, Tuchiya N, Hirano N, Kuri M, Takahashi M, Kazahaya K, Miyagi I & Matsuzaki H
(2012) Leachate Analyses of Volcanic Ashes from Sakurajima Volcano, Japan: Insights into the Magmatic Degassing Processes
Vinet N, Shinohara H & Miyagi I
(2001) Mechanical Control of Trace Element Partition in Plagioclase
Togashi S, Kita NT, Tomiya A, Miyagi I & Morishita Y

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