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Mitsuguchi T. (2020) An Analytical Technique for Simultaneously Estimating Crystallization Age and Temperature of Zircon Using LA-ICP-MS
Yokoyama T, Yuguchi T, Sakata S, Ishibashi K, Ogita Y, Ito D, Ohno T, Kagami S, Mitsuguchi T & Sueoka S

Mitsuhiro Y. (2015) Fractionation of Garnet and Amphibole of Pre-Komitake Prior to Fuji and Komitake Volcanoes, Japan
Shibata T, Mitsuhiro Y, Fujii T & Nakada S

Mitsui S. (2019) Thermodynamic Properties of SiO2(aq), HSiO3– And SiO32–
Walker C, Anraku S, Oda C, Mitsui S & Mihara M
(2017) Effects of pH on the Formation and Transformation of Fe(II)-Si Coprecipitates Under Anoxic, Reducing Conditions
Francisco PC, Mitsui S, Ishidera T & Tachi Y

Mitsui T. (2016) Electrical Property and Compressional Behavior of Fe-Si Alloys Under High Pressure
Suzuki N, Kamada S, Maeda F, Ohtani E, Hirao N, Ohishi Y, Masuda R, Mitsui T & Nakano S

Mitsunaga B. (2015) Clumped Isotope Systematics in Lacustrine and Fluvial Carbonates: A Tool for Paleohydrology, Paleoclimate, Paleoenvironment, and Paleoaltimetry
Tripati A, Mering J, Petryshyn V, Mitsunaga B, Wilson J, Eagle R, Kaufman D, Cohen A, Dunbar R, Russell J & Oviatt C

Mitsunari T. (2016) Interactive Evolution of Inorganic and Organic Materials and Water in Comets and Icy Bodies
Nagahara H, Noguchi T, Yabuta H, Itoh S, Sakamoto N, Mitsunari T, Okubo A, Okazaki R, Nakamura T, Tachibana S, Terada K, Ebihara M, Imae N & Kimura M
(2016) Relationships Among Morphology, Microstructure, and Noble Gas Signatures of Four Itokawa Grains
Noguchi T, Okazaki R, Mitsunari T, Tobimatsu Y, Uesugi M, Yada T, Karouji Y, Hidaka H & Kimura M

Mitsunobu S. (2023) Metagenomic Characterization of Novel Electroactive Microorganisms Enriched from Stibnite Mine Wastewater
Hamamura N, Kashima H & Mitsunobu S
(2022) Characterizatin of Electroactive Microorganisms Associated with Stibnite Mine Wastewater
Hamamura N, Kashima H & Mitsunobu S
(2019) Diversity of Microbial Arsenic and Antimony Transformation Pathways Associated with Antimony Mine Tailing
Hamamura N, Yamashita Y, Kataoka T & Mitsunobu S
(2016) Microbial Antimony Transformation Associated with Antimony Mine Tailing
Hamamura N, Utsunomiya S, Nakano Y & Mitsunobu S
(2016) Detection of Deep Microbial Life in the Oceanic Crust Aged 13-100 Million Years
Suzuki Y, Kouduka M, Ao Y, Mitsunobu S & Inagaki F
(2014) Spatial Coupling of Chromium and Manganese Cycling: Visualizing Microbial Communities within Complex Chemical Environments
Hausladen D, Mitsunobu S & Fendorf S
(2013) Coupled m-Xafs-Fish Technique for Direct Observation of the Microbe-Metal-Mineral Interaction
Mitsunobu S & Shiraishi F
(2011) Microbiological Investigation of the Iron-Containing Floculent Mats in Various Deep Sea Environments
Makita H, Kikuchi S, Mitsunobu S, Nakamura K, Toki T, Kawagucci S, Noguchi T, Abe M, Miyazaki J, Yamanaka T, Tsuchida S, Nomaki H, Takahashi Y & Takai K
(2011) Speciation of Iron in Natural and Synthesized Bacteriogenic Iron Oxides(BIOS) Using XAFS and μ-XRF-XAFS
Kikuchi S, Makita H, Mitsunobu S, Takai K & Takahashi Y
(2010) Antimony(V) Incorporation into Synthetic and Natural Fe Hydroxides
Mitsunobu S, Takahashi Y & Sakata M
(2008) XAFS Study on the Behaviors of Antimony and Arsenic in Soil-Water System Under Various Redox Conditions
Mitsunobu S & Takahashi Y

Mitsutome Y. (2022) Different Depths of Sedimentary and Fluid Origins in Submarine Mud Volcanoes off Tanegashima Island, Japan
Ijiri A, Setoguchi R, Hamada Y, Mitsutome Y, Toki T, Hagino K, Murayama M & Inagaki F

Mittal T. (2021) Ca Isotopes as Tracers of Geothermal Gradients in TTG Magmas: Evidence for Hot Subduction throughout the Archean
Antonelli MA, Kendrick J, Yakymchuk C, Guitreau M, Mittal T & Moynier F
(2020) Assessing the Significance of Sulfate Driven Cooling for the Deccan Traps
Fendley I, Mizrahi N, Mittal T, Sprain C, Renne P & Self S
(2020) Magmatic Architecture of Continental Flood Basalts – A Deccan Traps Perspective
Mittal T, Richards M & Randolph-Flagg N

Mittelstaedt E. (2018) Interpreting Popping Rocks from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge Near 14°N
Jones M, Soule A, Kurz M, Wanless D, Brodsky H, Bendanda S, Schwartz D, Peron S, Klein F, Le Roux V, Mittelstaedt E, Fornari D & Curtice J
(2012) Isotopic Variations in the Northern Galapagos Volcanic Province
Harpp K, Schlitzer W, Morrow T & Mittelstaedt E

Mittelstet Aaron R (2022) Groundwater Transit Times and Paleoclimate Using Age-Dating Tracers and Water Isotopes
Humphrey CE, Solomon DK, MacNamara MR, Genereux DP, Gilmore TE, Mittelstet AR & Zeyrek C

Mittelstet Aaron R. (2020) Evaluating Groundwater Discharge Using Age-Dating Tracers
Humphrey CE, Solomon DK, Mittelstet AR & Gilmore TE

Mittermayr F. (2021) Magnesium Isotopes as a Paleo-Proxy for Enhanced Crustal Reworking during the Precambrian-Cambrian Transition – A Case Study from Lowermost Cambrian Sedimentary Rocks from Koksu, Kazakhstan
Stammeier JA, Hippler D, Dietzel M, Nebel O, Leis A, Grengg C, Mittermayr F & Kasemann SA
(2017) Scale-Fragment Accumulations Blocking Geothermal Energy Extraction – Interacting Steel Sulfide Corrosion and Calcite Crystallization
Boch R, Dietzel M, Haslinger E, Goldbrunner J, Mittermayr F, Fröschl H, Hippler D & Leis A
(2017) Seasonal Meteoric and Calcite Precipitation Recorded in Two Active Stalagmites and Cave Monitoring Data from Katerloch, Austria
Sakoparnig M, Boch R, Wang X, Lin K, Spötl C, Leis A, Mittermayr F & Dietzel M

Mittlefehldt D.W. (2017) Impact-Facilitated Hydrothermal Alteration in the Rim of Endeavour Crater, Mars
Mittlefehldt DW, Schröder C, Farrand WH, Crumpler LS & Yen AS
(2014) Compositional Diversity of the Vestan Regolith Derived from Howardite Compositions and Dawn VIR Spectra
Mittlefehldt DW, Ammannito E, Hiroi T, De Angelis S, Moriarty DP, Di Iorio T, Pieters CM & De Sanctis MC
(2014) Geologic History of Asteroid 4 Vesta
Mittlefehldt DW
(2011) Howardite Noble Gases as Indicators of Asteroid Surface Processing
Cartwright JA, Mittlefehldt DW, Herrin JS & Ott U
(2010) Asteroidal Differentiation – The Record in Meteorites
Mittlefehldt D
(2007) Processes in Early Planetesimals: Evidence from Ureilite Meteorites
Downes H & Mittlefehldt D
(2004) Chemical and O Isotopic Correlations Among Chondrite Groups
Mittlefehldt D

Mitton A. (2022) Designing Experiments and Models to Predict Carbon Dioxide Mineralization in Basalts at the Field Scale
Tutolo B, de Obeso JC, Awolayo DN, Zhang Q, Brown C, Kirschner T, Byng J, Mitton A, Laureijs C, Syverson DD, Nightingale M, Luhmann A & Lauer R

Mitton S. (2018) History of Deep Carbon Science
Mitton S & Iddon F
(2017) Carbon from Crust to Core: A History of Deep Carbon Science
Mitton S

Mityaev A. (2019) Carbonate-Bearing Source of Fluids in Leucocratic Granitoids Associated with Granulites of the Southern Marginal Zone, Limpopo Complex, South Africa: A Case of Study of Carbonate-Silicate Inclusions in Garnet
Mityaev A, Safonov O, Yapaskurt V, Varlamov D, Shcherbakov V, van Reenen D, Belyanin G & Elburg M

Mityukhin S. (2009) Clinopyroxene Eclogite-Peridotite Thermobarometry of the Large Yakutian Kimberlite Pipes
Ashchepkov I, Logvinova A, Kuligin S, Pokhilenko L, Vladykin N, Mityukhin S, Alymova N, Malygina E & Vishnyakova E

Mitzeva R. (2009) Combined Impact of Global Warming and CCN Number on Precipitation from Mid-Latitude Convective Clouds
Todorova A, Mitzeva R & Tsenova B

Mitzia A. (2019) Assessment of Nano Zero-Valent Iron and Biochar Towards Risk Metal Stabilisation in Soil: A Temporal Study
Mitzia A, Vítková M & Komárek M

Miura E. (2005) Asterism in the Idaho Star Garnet
Gunter M, Mabbutt W, Miura E & Rossman G

Miura Hideki (2007) Application of Compound-Specific Radiocarbon Dating for Studying West Antarctic Ice Sheet during the Late Quaternary
Ohkouchi N, Eglinton T, Toyoda M, Chikaraishi Y, Tokuyama H, Miura H & Yokoyama Y
(2006) Massive melting of West Antarctic Ice Sheet during the latest Pleistocene and Holocene: Hydrogen isotopic records of sedimentary biomarkers in Ross Sea
Toyoda M, Yokoyama Y, Miura H, Chikaraishi Y, Tokuyama H, Kitazato H & Ohkouchi N
(2003) Amino Acid Chronology of Molluscan Shell Fossils in Raised Beach Deposits along the East Coast of Lu?tzow Holm Bay, Antarctica
Arai M, Harada N, Takada M, Miura H & Kimura J
(2003) Chondrule Radius and Evaporate Fraction in Viewpoint of Shock-Wave Heating Model
Miura H & Nakamoto T
(2003) The Seasonal Isotopic Record of Antarctic Bivalve Shell
Tada Y, Wada H & Miura H
(2002) Holocene Climatic Change Record in the Sediment Core from Lake Richardson, East Antarctica
Wada H, Nagayama M, Miura H & Kashima K

Miura Hikaru (2023) Comparison of Cesium-Bearing Microparticles from Marine and Terrestrial Sources
Miura H, Ishimaru T, Kanda J, Ito Y, Kubo A & Tsumune D
(2019) Comparison of Radiocesium-Bearing Microparticles of Different Shape and Elemental Distribution by Multiple Synchrotron Radiation X-Ray Analyses
Miura H, Kurihara Y, Yamamoto M, Sakaguchi A, Yamaguchi N, Higaki S & Takahashi Y
(2016) Adsorption and Desorption Behavior of Radioactive Cesium to Suspended Particles in Seawater
Miura H, Fan Q, Kurihara Y, Sakaguchi A, Higaki S, Ishimaru T, Kanda J & Takahashi Y

Miura Hitoshi (2015) Shock Condition for Icy Grain Evaporation by Nebular Shocks
Miura H, Yamamoto T & Nakamoto T
(2015) Shock Heating of Dusts and Icy Planetesimals and Recondensation of Icy Grains
Tanaka K, Nagasawa M, Tanaka H, Nakamoto T, Nomura H, Miura H & Yamamoto T

Miura Kasumi (2013) Nitrogen Isotopic Fractionation during Enzymatic Transamination of Glutamic Acid to Form Aspartic Acid
Goto A, Miura K & Chikaraishi Y

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