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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Mitra Abhijit (2017) Nutrient Load in and Around Indian Sundarbans: A Trend Analysis
Amin G & Mitra A
(2016) Nutrient Load in and Around Indian Sundarbans: A Trend Analysis
Amin G & Mitra A

Mitra Anirban (2019) Generation and Fate of the Earth’s Oldest Continental Crust: New Evidence from Singhbhum Craton, Eastern India
Dey S, Gond AK, Zong K, Liu Y, Mitra A & Mitra A
(2015) Contrasting Crustal Evolution Processes in the Dharwar Craton
Lancaster P, Dey S, Storey C, Mitra A & Bhunia R

Mitra Aniruddha (2019) Generation and Fate of the Earth’s Oldest Continental Crust: New Evidence from Singhbhum Craton, Eastern India
Dey S, Gond AK, Zong K, Liu Y, Mitra A & Mitra A
(2017) Occurrence of Two Distinct Paleoarchean TTG Types in the Singhbhum Craton: Implication for Crust Formation Mechanism
Mitra A & Dey S

Mitra Arijeet (2023) Accurate and Precise Determination of Pb Isotope Ratio by Single Collector QQQ-ICP-MS: Application to Environmental Samples
Mitra A, Ray I, Das DR & Misra DS
(2023) Soil Lithium Isotopic Response to Land-Use in a Dry Tropical Agrosystem (Berambadi, South India)
Mitra A, Misra S, Oliva P, Prunier J, Pradalier H, Jourdan C, Audry S, Ruiz L & Riotte J
(2020) Platinum Group Elements in Indian Environment: Magnitude and Pathways
Mitra A, Sen IS, Meisel T & Walkner C
(2019) Planetary Boundary Layer Height Controls the Transport of Heavy Metals to the Himalayan Glaciers
Mitra A, Sen IS, Vinoj V & Pandey S
(2018) Integration of Air Mass Trajectory Models and Pb Isotope Data to Trace the Long-Range Transport of Atmospheric Dust in India
Mitra A, Sen IS & Meisel T
(2017) Anthrobiogeochemical Cycling of Platinum, Palladium, and Rhodium: An Emerging Environmental Contaminants
Mitra A & Sen I

Mitra B. (2012) Do Critical Zone Carbon and Water Fluxes Control Chemical Denudation?
Perdrial J, Brooks P, Chorover J, Condon K, Harpold A, Holleran M, Huckle D, Lybrand R, Troch P, McIntosh J, Meixner T, Minor R, Mitra B, Pohlmann M, Rasmussen C, Swetnam T, Vasquez-Ortega A & Zapata-Rios X

Mitra K. (2022) Heterogeneous Oxidation of Ferrous Minerals by Chlorate and Bromate: Effect of Oxyhalogen Brines on Mars
Mitra K, Catalano JG, Krawczynski M & Hurowitz J

Mitra P. (2008) ChemXSeer: Cyber-Tools for Environmental Chemistry and Geochemistry
Mueller K, Mitra P, Giles CL, Garrison B, Kubicki J & Bandstra J

Mitra S. (2001) Sources and Seasonal Discharge of Black Carbon from the Mississippi River
Mitra S, Bianchi TS, McKee BA & Sutula MA

Mitra Siddhartha (2017) Evaluation of Benzenepolycarboxylic Acids (BPCAs) as Biomarkers for Dissolved Pyrogenic Organic Matter Using Laboratory-Produced and Environmentally-Aged Charcoals
Zimmerman AR, Bostick KW, Hatcher P, Mitra S & Wozniak AS

Mitra Sumit (2013) The Effect of Chloride on the Dissolution Rate of Silver Nanoparticles and Toxicity to E. coli
Levard C, Mitra S, Yang T, Jew A, Badireddy AR, Lowry GV & Brown Jr. GE

Mitra Sumit Kumar (2017) Quartzite Hosted Sulphide Mineralisation in the Proterozoic Shillong Group of Rocks, Meghalaya, India
Mitra SK

Mitra-Kirtley S. (2019) Micro XANES Studies of Oil Shales
Mitra-Kirtley S, Birdwell J & Smith W

Mitrano Denise (2014) Following Environmental Transformations of Metal-Containing Nanoparticles: Addressing Analytical Challenges
Ranville J, Montano M, Mitrano D & Higgins C

Mitrano Denise M. (2023) Investigating the Incorporation of Micro- and Nanoplastics into Young Artificial Sea Ice
Pradel A, Schneebeli M & Mitrano DM
(2023) Exacerbating Soil Phosphorus Leaching: How Microplastics Impact Nutrient Dynamics in Soils
Wang Z, Nunez J & Mitrano DM
(2023) Embracing Ecosystem Complexity to Understand the Full Impacts of Microplastics Pollution
Mitrano DM

Mitrofanov A. (2016) Paleoproterozoic PGE-Layered Intrusions of the Arctic Region (the N-E Part of the Fennoscandian Shield): New Isotope-Geochemistry Data
Bayanova T, Serov P, Chachshin V, Kunakkuzin E, Steshenko K, Borisenko E, Mitrofanov A, Kamensky I & Elizarov D
(2016) Implicit Approach as a New Age in Geological Modelling
Mitrofanov A & Baianova T

Mitrofanov F. (2014) Long Lifetime of the Plume and Polyphase Evolution is a New Paradigm for Paleoproterozoic PGE Intrusions of the Fennoscandian Shield
Bayanova T, Mitrofanov F & Serov P
(2013) Precise U-Pb (ID-TIMS) and SHRIMP Ages on Single Zircon for Achaean TTG Rocks on Baltic Shield
Bayanova T, Mitrofanov F, Morozova L, Nitkina E, Serov P, Fedotov G & Larionov A
(2009) The Duration and Stages of the Malaya Pana and Fedorovskoe Deposits Formation: Geochronologycal U-Pb Zircon Data (Kola Peninsula)
Nitkina E & Mitrofanov F
(2009) Long Duration and Multiphase Plume Basic Magmatism with PGE and Cu-Ni Ores for the Paleoproterozoic Baltic Shield
Bayanova T, Mitrofanov F & Korchagin A
(2005) Alkaline Plume Processes from Arhaean to Paleozoic Time in Geological History of the n-E Baltic Shield
Bayanova T & Mitrofanov F

Mitroo D. (2014) Isoprene-Derived Secondary Organic Aerosol in an Urban Region Downwind of the Ozark Mountains
Williams B, Mitroo D, Martinez R, Zhang Y, Walker M, Oxford C, Hagan D, Zuo X, Du L, Turner J, Hu L, Baasandorj M & Millet D

Mitropoulos P. (2002) Noble Gas Isotopic Compositions of Gas Samples from the Aegean Arc, Greece
Shimizu A, Sumino H, Nagao K, Notsu K & Mitropoulos P

Mitrovic D. (2023) Molecular Network Analysis of the Geolipidome of Ancient Sediments
Mitrovic D, Ding S, Bale NJ, Hopmans EC & Schouten S
(2022) Archaeal Lipids as Indicators for Paleoenvironmental Change in an Evaporitic Basin (Vena del Gesso, Italy)
Mitrovic D, Hopmans EC, Bale NJ & Schouten S

Mitrovic L. (2006) Extensive Basaltic Magmatism On The Naturaliste Plateau, Offshore SW Australia
Crawford A, Direen N, Coffin M, Cohen B, Paul B, Mitrovic L & Forbes C

Mitrovica J. (2020) A Late Holocene Sea Level Rise Event Inferred from Precisely Dated Speleothems from Mallorca
Asmerom Y, Onac B, Mitrovica J, Tuccimei P, Fornos J, Polyak V, Gines J, Gines A, Soligo M & Villa I
(2013) Field Evidence, Modeling Results, and New Investigative Strategies Shed Light on the Timing and Amplitude of Sea Level Change during Past Interglacials
Raymo M, Rovere A, Mitrovica J, O'Leary M, Hearty P & Inglis J

Mitsiopoulou O.

Mitsis I. (2017) Geogenic Occurrence of CrVI in Groundwater of Northeast Peloponnese, Greece
Pyrgaki K, Argyraki A, Kelepertzis E, Botsou F, Paraskevopoulou V, Mitsis I & Dassenakis E
(2010) Biomineralization of Halotrichite on Bauxite Ores
Laskou M, Economou-Eliopoulos M & Mitsis I

Mitsu K. (2023) Effect of Liquid Fe-S on Elastic Wave Velocity of Olivine Aggregate Investigated by Ultrasonic Measurement and X-Ray Microtomography Analysis
Kono Y, Kuwahara H, Greaux S, Rivers M, Wang Y, Higo Y, Mitsu K & Kondo N

Mitsude Y. (2019) Sound Velocity Measurements on Lower Mantle Minerals by Femtosecond Pulse Laser Pump-Probe Technique
Wakamatsu T, Ohta K, Yagi T, Nishihara Y, Okuda Y, Mitsude Y & Hirose K

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