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Mitchell D. (2011) Sedimentary Basin Acid Sulfate Weathering: Its Recognition and Palaeo-Environmental Implications in the Eucla Basin, South Australia
Johnson A, Hill SM, Chittleborough D & Mitchell D
(2000) Effect of Nutrient Concentration on the Selection of Bacterial Communities and Oil Composition during Bio-Remediation of Contaminated Beach Sediments
Milner MG, Jones DM, Swannell RP, Daniel F, Mitchell D & Head IM

Mitchell Edwin (2017) Assessing Mycogenic Manganese Oxides Reactivity
Uster B, Duckworth O, Henson J, Mitchell E, Sombers L & Pena J

Mitchell Euan (2008) Role of Fluids in Melt Generation in the Cascade Arc: Constraints from U-Series Data from Central Oregon
Mitchell E & Asmerom Y

Mitchell F. (2015) Pushing the Limits of Atmospheric Trace Metal Detection in Peat Samples
Rosca C, Tomlinson E, Mitchell F, McGlynn G & Kamber B

Mitchell Katie (2014) Groundwater-Lake Interactions and their Impact on Water Quality
Shaw G, Mitchell K & White E

Mitchell Kristen (2012) Isotope Fractionation of Selenium during Sorption to Iron Oxide and Iron Sulfide Minerals
Mitchell K, Couture R-M, Johnson T, Mason PRD & Van Cappellen P
(2012) Multiple Sulfur Isotope Model of Temperature Dependent Isotope Fractionation in Archaeoglobus Fulgidus
Harms B, Mitchell K, Habicht K, Hoek J & Farquhar J
(2011) Geochemical Behavior of (Thio)arsenates with Fe-Minerals
Couture R-M, Wallschläger D, Mitchell K & Van Cappellen P
(2011) Selenium Adsorption and Associated Selenium Isotope Fractionation
Mitchell K, Couture R-M, Johnson T, Mason P & Van Cappellen P
(2010) Selenium Isotope Fractionation during Oceanic Anoxic Events
Mitchell K, Mason P, Johnson T, Lyons T & Van Cappellen P
(2007) Sulfate Reduction and Sulfur Isotope Fractionation in Modern Evaporite Ponds
Mitchell K & Canfield D

Mitchell Roger (2023) Ca Isotope Compositions of Prairie Lake Carbonatite Complex
Sun J, Zhu X, Mitchell R, Wu F & Williams HM
(2022) IUGS Classification of Igneous Rocks Revisited: Update from the New Task Group
Lustrino M, Tappe S, Day JMD, Zellmer GF & Mitchell R
(2015) Importance of Melt Inclusions in Study of Carbonatites: Insight into Kerimasi Melt Evolution
Guzmics T, Káldos R, Zajacz Z, Mitchell R & Szabó C

Mitchell Roger H. (2011) Melt Inclusions in Coexisting Perovskite, Nepheline, Magnetite and Clinopyroxene in Pyroxene Melilitolite from Kerimasi Volcano, Tanzania
Guzmics T, Mitchell RH, Berkesi M, Szabó C & Milke R
(2009) Phase Relationships in the System Na2CO3-CaCO3-MgF2: Application to the Crystallization of Oldoinyo Lengai Natrocarbonatite
Mitchell R & Kjarsgaard B
(2009) Carbonatite Melt Inclusions in Coexisting Magnetite, Apatite and Monticellite from Kerimasi Carbonatite, Tanzania
Guzmics T, Mitchell R, Berkesi M & Szabó C
(2008) Trace Element Geochemistry of Nyerereite and Gregoryite Phenocrysts from Oldoinyo Lengai Natrocarbonatite Lava
Mitchell R & Kamenetsky V
(2007) Mobility of REE, Sr, Zr and Other Rare Elements during Late Stage Processes in Peralkaline Rocks: A Mineralogical Perspective
Mitchell R
(2007) Murmanite Lujavrites: A Neglected Member of the Peralkaline Intrusive Sequence at Lovozero (Kola, Russia)
Chakhmouradian A & Mitchell R
(2006) Alginic Acid Conformations and the Calcite-Water Interface
Cygan R, Perry T & Mitchell R

Mitchell Ross (2020) Trial by Fire: Testing the Paleolongitude of Pangea of Competing Reference Frames with the African LLSVP
Mitchell R, Wu L, Murphy JB & Li Z-X
(2019) Blowing in the Mantle Wind: Migration of Cordilleran Arcs
Spencer C, Murphy B, Hoiland C, Johnston S, Mitchell R & Collins B
(2019) The Oceanic Mantle Plume Database and the Tale of Two Superplumes
Doucet L, Li Z-X, Ernst R, Kirsher U & Mitchell R
(2019) Are Modern Plate Tectonic Cycles Inherited from Hadean Mantle Convection?
Mitchell R, Spencer C, Kirscher U & Collins W
(2018) Did Earth’s First Supercontinent Form the Inner Core?
Mitchell R, Cox G, O'Rourke J, Li Z-X, Spencer C, Kirscher U, Zhang N, Murphy JB, Nordsvan A & Asimow P
(2017) Harmonic Hierarchy of Mantle Convective Cycles: Time Series Analysis of Hafnium Isotopes of Zircon
Mitchell R, Collins W, Kirscher U, Spencer C, He X-F, Li Z-X & Murphy B
(2017) Geodynamics and Geochemistry of Arc Mobility: The Apparent Advance and Retreat of Cordilleran Arc Systems
Spencer C, Mitchell R, Collins B & Murphy B

Mitchell Ross N (2023) Plate Tectonic–like Cycles Since day One: Possible Interpretations of Hadean Geodynamics
Mitchell RN, Spencer C, Wilde SA & Kirscher U
(2023) Geodynamic Implications of Granites in the Lachlan Orogen, Eastern Gondwana
Zhang Q, Buckman S, Nutman A, Mitchell RN & Li X-H
(2023) Late Neoproterozoic Large-Scale Magmatism in the Northern Margin of South China Craton and its Impact on Marinoan Glaciation
Lan Z, Huyskens M, Le Hir G, Mitchell RN, Yin Q-Z, Zhang G & Li X-H
(2023) Sturtian Snowball Earth Triggered by a Widespread Magmatic Province and Thoughts on a Possible Mid-Sturtian Glacial Retreat
Lu K, Mitchell RN, Li X-H & Liu X
(2022) Delayed Gratification: Exhumation of Archean Granulite Terranes by Later Supercontinent Cycles
Wang D, Mitchell RN, Guo J & Liu F

Mitchell Samuel J (2022) Vapor-Phase Cristobalite and Halogens in Glass: Insights into Fluid Fluxes and Outgassing Dynamics in Silicic Submarine Lavas
Mitchell SJ, Clark A & Carey R

Mitchell Sarina (2023) Single-Cell Amplified Genomes from a Deep-Sea, Serpentinizing, Mud Volcano
Mitchell S, Kevorkian R, Kiel Reese B, Barry PH & Lloyd KG
(2023) Tracing Crust-Mantle Interactions along the Yellowstone Hotspot Track
Broadley MW, Barry PH, Bekaert DV, Tyne RL, Karolytė R, Hudak MR, Ramírez C, de Moor M, Mitchell S, Lloyd KG, Ballentine CJ, Marty B & Seltzer AM
(2022) The Mystery of Blood Falls, Antarctica: Lessons from a Planetary Exploration Analogue
Livi KJT, Sklute E, Mikucki J, Dyar D, Lee P & Mitchell S

Mitchell Scott (2017) Multi-Model Constraints on Bedrock Nitrogen Inputs to the Terrestrial Biosphere
Houlton B, Morford S, Mitchell S & Dahlgren R
(2017) Bedrock Nitrogen Influences Ecosystem Nitrogen Cycling
Dynarski K, Mitchell S, Morford S & Houlton B

Mitchell Simon (2017) Petrogenesis and Geochemistry of Eocene Dolostones from Jamaica
Edwards T & Mitchell S

Mitchell Steven W. (2006) Tectonic evolution of the Caribbean Plate: Insights from Cretaceous volcanic rocks in Jamaica.
Hastie A, Kerr A, Pearce J & Mitchell S
(2002) Timing and Mechanism of Lacustrine Organogenic Dolomitization, Bahama Islands
Mitchell SW & Baron D

Mitchell V. (2014) Bioavailability Measures for Arsenic in California Gold Mine Tailings
Whitacre S, Basta N, Casteel S, Foster A, Myers P & Mitchell V
(2014) Using in Vitro Gastrointestinal and Sequential Extraction Methods To Characterize Site-Specific Arsenic Bioavailability
Basta N, Whitacre S, Myers P, Mitchell V, Alpers C, Foster A, Casteel S & Kim C
(2012) Arsenic and Old Gold Mines: Mineralogy, Speciation, and Bioaccessibility
Alpers CN, Burlak TL, Foster AL, Basta NT & Mitchell VL

Mitchinson D. (2020) Mapping Carbon Sequestration Potential of Ultramafic Rocks with Remotely-Sensed Physical Properties
Cutts J, Dipple G, Mitchinson D, Fournier D, Milidragovic D & Hart C

Mitiku A. (2015) Evidence for the Progressive Alkalinization of the Closed Basin Lakes in the Ethiopian Rift Valley
Farkas J, Rapprich V, Demewez A, Mitiku A, Abraham S, Jackova I, Buzek F, Rohovec J, Matouskova S & Tyler J

Mitnick E.H. (2017) Rates of Authigenic Carbonate Precipitation in Marine Sediments Using Ca and Sr: Implications for the Marine δ13C Record
Mitnick EH, Lammers LN & DePaolo DJ
(2017) Thermodynamic Basis for the Mg/Ca Paleotemperature Proxy
Lammers L & Mitnick E

Mito Saeko (2016) A Reactive Transport Modelling at the Nagaoka Pilot-Scale CO2 Injection Site
Mito S & Xue Z
(2016) Geochemical Reaction of Well Cement in CO2 Sequestration
Nakano K, Mito S & Xue Z

Mito Saeko (2011) Reaction of Silicate with Released CO2 by Inorganic Precipitations of Marine Carbonate in Sandstone: Evidence from 87Sr/86Sr, δ18O and δ13C Isotopes in Calcareous Sandstone
Minami M, Tanaka T, Takeuchi M & Mito S
(2009) Geochemical Monitoring of Calcite Precipitation during CO2 Injection into the Ogachi Hot Dry Rock Site
Ueda A, Kuroda Y, Sugiyama K, Ozawa A, Wakahama H, Mito S, Kaji Y & Kaieda H

Mito Saeko (2013) Reactive Transport Modelling of Mineral Trapping of CO2, Revised by Water Sampling Data at Nagaoka CO2 Storage Site
Kawata Y, Xue Z & Mito S
(2013) Impacts of CO2 Perturbation on Well Composite Samples: Experiments and Numerical Simulations
Tremosa J, Mito S, Audigane P & Xue Z

Mito-Adachi S. (2023) How Fast can CO2 be Mineralized in Basalt? Results from Hydrothermal Experiments on Mixtures of Plagioclase and Clinopyroxene
DePaolo DJ, Pester N, Mito-adachi S & Xue Z
(2009) Influence of Formation Water Composition on Mineral Trapping of CO2
Mito-Adachi S & Nakagawa K

Mitome M. (2003) Quantitative Electron Diffraction Analyses of Natural and Synthetic Imogolites
Kogure T, Suzuki M, Mitome M & Bando Y
(2003) Percolative Segregation of Iron Melts during Core Formation
Takafuji N, Hirose K, Ono S & Mitome M

Mitov S. (2010) The Influence of Irradiation and Aging on Nano-Iron Versus its Bulk Analogue in Natural Seawater
Kádár E, Lead J, Mitov S, Widdicombe S & Readman JW

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