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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Mistry H. (2022) A Geochemical and Sr-Nd and Stable Ca Isotopic Study of Wajrakarur Kimberlites, India
Chauhan SS, Chakrabarti R, Iyer SR & Mistry H

Misumi K. (2016) Five-Years, Regional-Scale Simulation of 137Cs Radioactivity in the Ocean Following the Fukushima Dai-Ichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident
Tsumune D, Tsubono T, Misumi K, Yoshimura T, Tateda Y & Aoyama M

Misz-Kennan M. (2023) Evaluation of the Organic Pollutants Yields Emitted by Coal Waste during the Self-Heating: Simulation by Dry and Hydrous Pyrolysis
Więcław D, Jurek K, Szram E, Bilkiewicz E, Kowalski A, Fabiańska MJ, Ciesielczuk J & Misz-Kennan M
(2022) Changes of Coal Wastes Mineralogy during Self-Heating Processes Simulated by Hydrous and Anhydrous Pyrolysis
Ciesielczuk J, Szczerba M, Fabiańska MJ, Więcław D, Misz-Kennan M, Ciesielska Z & Jurek K
(2020) Probable Time and Conditions of a Coal-Seam Paleofire in the Upper Silesian Coal Basin, Poland
Ciesielczuk J, Nawrocki J, Jura D, Fabiańska MJ, Misz-Kennan M & Filipiak P
(2019) Paleofire in Coal Seam Recorded in Wall Rock Exposed in a Testing Gallery in the Marcel Coal Mine, Upper Silesian Coal Basin, Poland
Jura D, Ciesielczuk J, Fabiańska MJ & Misz-Kennan M
(2019) Differences in Paleofire Conditions of Coal Seam 505 between the Northern- and Southern Parts of the Mine Field of the Jastrzębie Coal Mine, Upper Silesian Coal Basin, Poland
Ciesielczuk J, Jura D, Fabiańska M, Misz-Kennan M & Filipiak P
(2017) Thermally-Affected Carboniferous Sediments Overlying Thinned Coal Seams in Jastrzębie Mine (Poland)
Ciesielczuk J, Fabiańska MJ, Misz-Kennan M, Jura D & Kruszewski Ł

Misztela M. (2020) Platinum Group Element (PGE) Geochemistry as a Tool to Determine Sulfide Saturation and Magma Fertility
Misztela M & Campbell I

Mita H. (2016) Aqueous Chemistry of Formaldehyde and Ammonia in the Early Solar System
Kebukawa Y, Misawa S, Kawai J, Mita H, Nanbu K, Ouchi T, Muramatsu Y, Yoda I, Tachibana S & Kobayashi K
(2003) Polyamino Acid Formation in the Abiotic Condition
Mita H, Nomoto S, Terasaki M, Shimoyama A & Yamamoto Y
(2002) DD of Individual PAHs from the Murchison and an Antarctic Carbonaceous Chondrite
Naraoka H, Mita H, Komiya M & Shimoyama A
(2002) Determination of Kinetic Parameters for Individual Compounds on Release from Kerogen by Thermal Analysis
Oba M, Mita H & Shimoyama A
(2002) Aliphatic Hydrocarbons in the K/T Boundary Sediments at Kawaruppu, Hokkaido, Japan
Yabuta H, Mita H & Shimoyama A

Mita Y. (2011) Formation of the Nitrogen B-Aggregates in Type Ib Diamond
Mita Y, Nisida Y & Okada M

Mitachi K. (2016) Changes in the Concentrations of Radioactive Cesium Outflowed from the Steep Moutainious Forest of Abukuma Mountains, Released by Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident
Ishii Y, Watanabe T, Ohyama T, Sasaki Y, Abe H, Mitachi K & Niizato T

Mitamura Muneki (2015) 3D Mapping of Groundwater Geochemistry in Osaka Basin
Shintani T, Masuda H, Mitamura M, Nemoto T & Morikawa N

Mitamura Muneki (2011) Promoting As Release by Aerobic Water Infiltration into Holocene Aquifer, Bangladesh
Masuda H, Maeda S, Okabayashi K, Seddique AA, Mitamura M, Morikawa N & Nakaya S
(2010) Chlorite as a Primary Source of Arsenic in Groundwater Aquifer Sediments in Bengal Delta
Masuda H, Shinoda K, Noguchi N, Okudaira T, Takahashi Y, Mitamura M & Seddique AA
(2009) Variations in the Redox State of As and Fe Measured by X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy in Aquifers of Bangladesh and their Effect on As Adsorption
Itai T, Takahashi Y, Mitamura M, Maruoka T & Masuda H
(2008) What Does Cause a Bell-Shaped Profile of Aqueous As in Contaminated Holocene Aquifer?
Itai T, Takahashi Y, Seddique AA, Mitamura M, Maruoka T & Masuda H
(2003) Arsenic Behavior in the Modern Sediments and the Controlling Factors of its Release into Groundwater
Masuda H, Mitamura M, Yamatani Y, Sato T & Tane T

Mitani Y. (2016) Comparative Study of Arsenite Removal Using Ferrihydrite between Adsorption/Coprecipitation Processes
Oo KS, Tokoro C & Mitani Y
(2016) Removal Mechanism of Mn(II) by Coagulation-Sedimentation Method Using Calcium Hydroxide
Yagisawa M, Mitani Y, Kato T & Tokoro C

Mitasova H. (2007) Hydrochemistry of Four Tropical Watersheds in Central Panama
Lyons WB, Harmon R, Mitasova H, Forizs I & Demeny A

Mitch W. (2018) Urbanization and Water Quality Trade-Offs: A Geochemical Case Study from Jaipur, India
Coyte R, Furst K, Mitch W & Vengosh A

Mitchell A.h.g. (2015) Detrital Zircon Study of the Salween Drainage
Lin T-H, Chung S-L, Tang J-T, Oo T & Mitchell A
(2013) Two Neo-Tethyan Magmatic Suites of Distinctive Geochemical Features in Burma and Southern Tibet: Zircon U-Pb and Hf Constraints with Regional Tectonic Implications
Lin T-H, Chung S-L, Mitchell A, Thura O, Tang R-T & Wu F-Y
(2013) Age and Geochemical Constraints on the Genesis of Late Cenozoic Volcanic Rocks in Central Myanmar
Lee H-Y, Chung S-L, Yang H-M, Chu C-H, Lo C-H & Mitchell AHG

Mitchell Andrew (2014) Evidence for Iron and Sulfur-Driven Chemosynthesis Below Antarctic Ice
Mikucki J, Ghosh D, Purcell A, Mitchell A & Science Team W

Mitchell Andrew (2016) Detrital Zircons from the Salween River: A Natural Boundary Separating Juvenile and Older Crustal Provinces in Southeast Asia
Lin T-H, Chung S-L, Tang J-T, Mitchell A & Oo T

Mitchell Andrew (2020) Rare Earth Elements as Process Indicators for Metal and Metaloid Contaminated Groundwater
Dean J, Srivastava P, Mitchell A & Perkins W

Mitchell Andrew (2021) Implications of Ferrihydrite Transformation for the Fate of Organic Compounds in Precambrian Iron Formations
Jelavic S, Mitchell A & Sand KKK

Mitchell Andrew (2017) Biogeochemistry and Energetics of Subglacial Lake Whillans
Mitchell A, Vick-Majors T & Michaud A

Mitchell Andrew C. (2012) Potential of Microbiologically Induced Mineralisation to Increase Geologic CO2 Storage Security
Mitchell A, Phillips A, Lauchnor E, Connolly J, Schultz L, Cunningham A & Gerlach R
(2009) Mineralogical Controls on Microbial Communities in Glacial Environments
Mitchell A, Lafreniere M, Lange R, Pitts B, Skidmore M & Boyd E
(2009) Clay Interaction with Organic Ligands and Siderophores in a CO2 Atmosphere
Hem C, Mitchell A, Bovet N, Stipp S & Makovicky E
(2008) Microbially Enhanced Carbonate Mineralization and the Geologic Containment of CO2
Mitchell AC, Phillips AJ, Kaszuba JP, Hollis WK, Cunningham AB & Gerlach R
(2004) The Effect of Bacterial Surfaces on the Precipitation of Calcite Induced by Bacterial Ureolysis
Mitchell A & Ferris F

Mitchell Andrew H. G. (2019) Early Cretaceous Mondaung-Lawa Arc in Myanmar and its Plausible Correlation with Yunnan
Lin T-H, Mitchell AHG & Chung S-L

Mitchell Andy (2019) Mimicking Biomineralisation Using Peptoid Templating
Nielsen AR, Dideriksen K, Mitchell A, Zuckermann R & Sand KK

Mitchell Caitlin (2022) Water Quality Legacies of Agriculture, Urbanization, and Strip Mining in the Upper Missouri River Watershed
Ewing SA, Payn RA, Reinhold AM, Meredith E, Mitchell C, Foster MJ & Keeshin S

Mitchell Carl (2023) Tracing Uptake of Gaseous Elemental Hg Released from Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining into Trees and Soils of the Peruvian Amazon Using Mercury Stable Isotopes
Bergquist BA, Szponar N, Krystal N, McLagan D, Gerson JR, Fernandez L, Vega C, Bernhardt E, Mitchell C & Wania F
(2020) Mercury Methylation and Demethylation in Paddy Soil with and Without Rice Plants
Strickman R, Marvin-DiPasquale M, Mitchell C, Huang H & Neumann R
(2020) Tracing Atmospheric Mercury in the Peruvian Amazon Using Hg Isotopes
Szponar N, Vega C, Mclagan D, Gerson J, Bernhardt E, Mitchell C, Wania F, Fernandez L & Bergquist B
(2016) Mercury Mass-Independent Fractionation in Freshwater Plankton and Aquatic Systems
Bergquist B, Chandan P, Lee M, Mitchell C & Slater G

Mitchell Charlotte (2011) River Red Gum Biogeochemical Expression of Buried Broken Hill Type Mineralisation
Mitchell C & Hill S

Mitchell Chven (2022) Interactions Across Interfaces between Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) Paste and Oil Shale
Gruber C, Taylor AD, Brown KG, Delapp R, Brown L, Mitchell C, Pyrak-Nolte L, Matteo EN, Klein-BenDavid O, Bar-Nes G, Meeussen JCL, Ayers J & Kosson DS

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