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Mishra Achyut (2020) Improved Estimates of Mineral Trapping Capacities at Reservoir Scale
Mishra A & Haese R

Mishra Ashish Kumar (2017) Relationship between 10Be-Derived Erosion Rates and Mean Annual Precipitation, Vegetation Type, and Precipitation Variability
Mishra AK & Placzek C

Mishra Ashmi (2023) Electrodynamic Balance–mass Spectrometry Reveals Impact of Oxidant Concentration on Product Composition in the Ozonolysis of Oleic Acid
Krieger UK, Müller M, Mishra A, Peter T & Berkemeier T

Mishra Bhoopesh (2020) Microbe-Metal Interactions: Novel High Energy-Resolution XANES Spectroscopy of Zn and Hg Complexes and Nanoparticles at Bacteria-Water Interfaces
Myneni S, Thomas S & Mishra B
(2019) Role of Extracellular Polymeric Substance Sulfhydryl Sites in Bacterial Detoxification of Cadmium
Yu Q, Mishra B & Fein J
(2018) Abiotic Transformations of Metals by Engineered Biochar(s)
Higgins L, Brocza F, Ross A, Brown A & Mishra B
(2018) Hg Coordination in Actively Hg-Methylating Bacteria
Thomas S, Mishra B & Myneni S
(2018) Adsorption of Methylmercury onto Geobacter Bemidijensis Bem
Wang Y, Yu Q, Mishra B, Schaefer J, Fein J & Yee N
(2017) Stabilization of a Mixed-Valence U(V)-U(VI) Phase in Systems with Reduced SWy-2 and NAu-1 Clays
Boyanov M, Latta D, Mishra B, Scherer M, O'Loughlin E & Kemner K
(2017) U(IV)-mineral Complexation may Explain U Speciation in Reduced Sediments
Boyanov M, Latta D, Scherer M, Mishra B, Pearce C, Rosso K, O'Loughlin E & Kemner K
(2016) U(VI) Reduction by Biotic and Abiotic Green Rusts
Yan S, Boyanov M, Mishra B, Kemner K & O'Loughlin E
(2015) Reduction and Reoxidation of Uranium: Mechanisms, Species, and Implications for Dispersal
Boyanov M, Latta D, Mishra B, O'Loughlin E & Kemner K
(2015) Biogeochemical Controls on the Molecular Scale Interactions of Mercury with Microbes
Mishra B, O'Loughlin E, Boyanov M & Kemner K
(2014) Uranium(IV) Surface Complexes Form by U(VI) Reduction at the Mineral-Water Interface
Latta D, Mishra B, Cook R, Kemner K & Boyanov M
(2014) Hg2+ Reactions at Bacteria-Water Interfaces: Implications for Hg Speciation in the Environment
Myneni S, Mishra B, Fein J & Shoenfelt E
(2014) Reduction of Hg(II) by Mn(II)
Mishra B, O'Loughlin E, Boyanov M & Kemner K
(2014) Non-Resonant Inelastic X-Ray Scattering to Analyze Carbon Chemistry in Unaltered Samples
Mishra B, O'Loughlin E, Cooper W, Jastrow J, Gordon R, Balasubramanian M & Kemner K
(2011) Uranium Dynamics in Biostimulated Field-Site Sediments: Spatial Distribution and Formation of Non-Uraninite U(IV) Phases
Boyanov M, O'Loughlin E, Skinner K, Mishra B, Kelly S, Wu W-M, Criddle C, Mueller M, Melhorn T, Watson D, Brooks S & Kemner K
(2010) Hg(II) Adsorption and Speciation on Bacterial Surfaces
Mishra B, Fein J, Yee N, Beveridge T & Myneni S
(2010) Molecular Scale Transformations of Hg(II) during Coupled Biotic and Abiotic Processes
Mishra B, Boyanov M, O'Loughlin E & Kemner K
(2010) Mineral Nucleation and Redox Transformations of U(VI) and Fe(II) Species at a Carboxyl Surface
Boyanov M, O'Loughlin E, Kwon M-J, Mishra B, Rui X, Shibata T & Kemner K
(2010) Effects of Structural Phosphate on the Microbial Reduction of Iron Oxide and Secondary Mineralization Product Formation and Reactivity
O'Loughlin E, Boyanov M, Cook R, Gorski C, Mishra B, Scherer M & Kemner K
(2009) Chemistry of Bacterial Interfaces: Functional Group Composition and Implications for Metal and Mineral Surface Complexation
Myneni S & Mishra B
(2009) Structure and Chemistry of Fe and Al Aquatic Colloids and their Influence on P Cycling in a Tropical Reservoir
Martinez G, Myneni S, Mishra B & Finkelstein G
(2008) Structure and Coordination of Aluminum in Aqueous Solution and on Mineral Surfaces
Mishra B, Hay M & Myneni S
(2008) Molybdenum Speciation and Bioavailability in Soils
Wichard T, Mishra B, Kraepiel A & Myneni S
(2005) Cd Adsorption onto Bacillus subtilis Bacterial Cell Walls: Integrating Isotherm and EXAFS Studies
Mishra B, Kelly S, Fein J, Boyanov M, Kemner K & Bunker B
(2005) Effects of Siderophores on Pb Adsorption to Kaolinite
Maurice P, Mishra B, Haack E & Bunker B
(2005) Pb Speciation in the Presence of Siderophores and Clay Surfaces – XAFS Study
Bunker B, Mishra B, Haack E & Maurice P

Mishra Biswajit (2023) Tracking the Archean Upper Mantle Oxygen Fugacity Using Mafic-Ultramafic Rocks Geochemistry- a Machine Learning-Based Approach
Saha R, Upadhyay D & Mishra B
(2022) Applying Machine Learning to Discriminate Host Rock of Quartz Using its Trace Element Chemistry– Potential Application to Sedimentary Provenance
Saha R, Upadhyay D & Mishra B
(2021) Eoarchean (3.8-3.7 Ga) Transition in Geodynamic Regime of Continental Crust Formation Revealed from Secular Change in TTG Composition
Saha R, Upadhyay D & Mishra B
(2021) Chemistry of Li-Bearing Micas (Zinnwaldite): Clues to Magmatic-Hydrothermal Evolution of Granite-Hosted W-Mineralization at Degana, India
Ghosh U, Upadhyay D, Mishra B & Pruseth KL
(2019) Pyrochlore Alteration and REE Mineralization in the Amba Dongar Carbonatite Complex, India
Patel AK, Mishra B & Pruseth KL
(2019) Chemical and B-Isotope Composition of Tourmaline from Bagjata Uranium Deposit, Singhbhum Shear Zone, India: Implications for Source of Mineralizing Fluids
Patel S, Upadhyay D, Mishra B & Abhinay K
(2019) Fluid Source for Balda and Motiya Tungsten Mineralization, W India: A Boron Isotope Study of Tourmaline
Ghosh U, Upadhyay D, Abhinay K, Mishra B & Pruseth KL
(2019) Trace Element Chemistry of Fluid Inclusions in Quartz from Pegmatites of the Bihar Mica Belt, Eastern India
Singh T, Upadhyay D & Mishra B
(2018) Compositions of Cu-Pb-Ag-Sb-S Melts Produced at 500℃
Boddepalli G, Pruseth KL & Mishra B
(2017) Sulfide Partial Melting and Chalcopyrite Disease in Sphalerite
Boddepalli G, Pruseth KL & Mishra B
(2016) Alteration of Uraninite and its Implications to Chemical Dating: An Example from Northwestern India
Ozha M, Pal D & Mishra B
(2016) Melting Experiments in the ZnS-Pbs-Fes-Cusbs2 System at 600℃
Boddepalli GR, Pruseth KL & Mishra B
(2013) Contrasting Tourmaline Chemistry from late-Archaen Orogenic Gold Deposits at Hutti and Hira-Buddini, Eastern Dharwar Craton, India: Implications for Fluid Source
Hazarika P, Mishra B & Pruseth KL

Mishra Brundaban (2013) A Mesoarchean Paleosol from Eastern India—the Second Oldest Paleosol on Earth
Mukhopadhyay J, Crowley QC, Ghosh G, Ghosh S, Chakrabarti K, Mishra B & Bose S

Mishra Divya (2019) Temperature and Environmental Reconstruction for Early Burdigalian Using Carbonate ‘clumped Isotope’ Paleothermometer on Fish Otoliths
Kannan Naidu P, Ghosh P, Kapur V & Mishra D
(2018) Enhanced Freshwater Flux Near Oman Coast during Post LGM Revealed Analysing Clumped Isotopes on Globigerina bulloides and Orbulina Universa from ODP Hole 727B
Ghosh P, Prakasam M & Mishra D

Mishra Diwa (2015) Geochemical Studies on Natural Zeolites from Deccan Trap of Western and Central India
Mishra D

Mishra H. (2013) Chemical Reactions at the Air-Water Interface in the Troposphere
Hoffmann M, Mishra H & Colussi A
(2011) Cationic Polymerization of Isoprene on Cloudwater Droplets
Enami S, Mishra H, Hoffmann M & Colussi A
(2011) Anions Dramatically Enhance Proton Transfer Across the Air-Water Interface
Hoffmann M, Mishra H, Enami S, Neilson R, Goddard W & Colussi A

Mishra Meenal (2020) Evidence of Rift-Related Late Paleoproterozoic Bimodal Volcanism in the Eastern Part of the Son Valley, Central India
Mageswarii G, Mishra M & Shrivastava JP

Mishra Mukesh Kumar (2021) Zircon U-Pb Geochronology, Nd-Sr (Whole-Mineral) Isotopic and Geochemical Characterization of Mafic Granulites from the Central Indian Tectonic Zone: Age Constraints on Crustal Evolution for Central Indian Shield
Alam M, Ahmad T, Mishra MK & Kaulina T

Mishra P.K. (2023) High Productivity Prior to the Great Oxidation Event: Insights from Archean and Paleoproterozoic Banded Iron Formations of India
Mishra PK & Sahoo SK
(2022) Low Level of Phosphorous Concentration at the Late Paleoproterozoic Shallow Seawater: Evidence from the BIF Rocks of the Chilpi Group, Bastar Craton, Central India
Mishra PK, Mohanty SP & Mukherjee MK

Mishra Rajani Kanta (2016) Frontal Phytoplankton Biomass Contribution to the Indian Ocean Sector of Southern Ocean
Mishra RK

Mishra Ravi (2017) Early-Middle Holocene Transition in Palaeoceanographic Record of NE Arabian Sea: Implications from Multi-Proxy Approach
Azharuddin S, Govil P & Mishra R

Mishra Ritesh Kumar (2018) Oxygen Isotopic Study of a CAI and an Al-Rich Chondrule from Vigarano
Mishra RK & Trieloff M
(2018) Evidence of Fossil Record of 7Be in a CAI: Implications for the Early Solar System
Mishra RK & Marhas KK
(2011) Chronology of Early Solar System Inferred from Precise Al-Mg Isotope Systematics of Vigarano CAIs
Mishra RK & Chaussidon M
(2004) A Sedimentary Framework for Arsenic-Contaminated Groundwater in West Bengal
Hudson-Edwards K, Banerjee D, Ravenscroft P, McArthur J, Carter A, Mishra R & Pirohit R

Mishra Sasmita (2019) Sulfide Partial Melting in the Himalayas: Probable Cause of As Contamination in the Bengal Basin
Mishra S & Pruseth KL

Mishra Shivam (2021) Reconstructing 130, 000 Years of East Asian Air Temperature Variability Using Branched Tetraether Membrane Lipids and Clumped Isotopes of Land Snail Shells from the Chinese Loess Plateau
Guo J, Ziegler M, Vreeken M, Mishra S, Fuchs L, Dong J, Sun Y & Peterse F

Mishra Snigdha (2013) Unconventional Shale Gas
Dayal AM, Mishra S & Mani D

Mishra Suchismita (2013) Determination of U, Cs and Sr Isotopes and their Distribution Coefficients in Soil Affected by Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident
Mishra S, Takamasa A, Arae H, Mietelski W, Watanabe Y, Yoshida S & Sahoo SK

Mishra T.K. (2023) Millennial-Scale Variability in Deep Ocean Circulation in the Eastern Arabian Sea Based on the Authigenic Neodymium Isotopes
Shukla A, Singh SK & Mishra TK

Mishra V. (2012) Genesis of Alkaline Magmas by Reaction of MORB-Eclogite Derived Carbonated Melt with Lherzolite
Mallik A, Dasgupta R & Mishra V

Misi A. (2012) C and Sr-Isotope Stratigraphy, Ce and Eu Anomalies in Neoproterozoic Carbonates the Serra do Paraiso (Rio Pardo Basin) and Sao Desiderio (Rio Preto Belt) Formations, Bahia, Brazil
Cezario WDS, Sial A, Ferreira VP, Lacerda LD, Pimentel MM, Misi A & Pedreira AJ

Misiti Valeria (2011) Constraining Magma-Carbonate Interaction at Vesuvius, Italy: Insights from Stable Isotopes and Experimental Petrology
Jolis EM, Troll V, Harris C, Freda C, Orsi G, Siebe C, Blythe L, Deegan F, Misiti V & Civetta L

Misiti Valeria (2023) Experimental Studies of Interaction between Mantle-Derived Magmas and Wall Rocks at Deep Crustal Levels
Palummo F, Perinelli C, Bonechi B, Misiti V, Scarlato P & Gaeta M
(2023) Magma-Shale Interaction and Volatile Mobilization at LIPs: Insights from Kinetic Experiments
Deegan FM, Bédard JH, Grasby S, Dewing K, Geiger H, Misiti V, Capriolo M, Callegaro S, Svensen HH, Yakymchuk C, Aradi LE, Freda C & Troll VR

Misiti Valeria (2015) Determination of End-Member Proportions for Syn-Eruptive Magma Mixing of 2010 Eyjafjalljökull Eruption by High-Resolution Geochemical Mapping of Volcanic Ash
Laeger K, Petrelli M, Andronico D, Scarlato P, Cimarelli C, Del Bello E, Misiti V, Tadeucci J & Perugini D
(2015) On the Role of Sulfur in Explaining Different Degassing Patterns in Volcano-Hydrothermal Systems
Scolamacchia T, Misiti V, Del Gaudio P, Cavallo A & Scarlato P
(2015) Glass Stability of Silicate Glasses with Sub-Alkaline Compositions
Misiti V, Elbrecht A, Davis M, Iezzi G, Vetere F, Cavallo A & Mollo S
(2013) Glass Forming Ability of Sub-Alkaline Silicate Melts
Misiti V, Vetere F, Iezzi G, Behrens H, Holtz F, Ventura G, Cavallo A, Dietrich M & Mollo S
(2013) Textural Evolution of a Basaltic Melt in Function of Cooling Rate
Giuliani L, Cauti F, Iezzi G, Vetere F, Poe B, Cavallo A, Misiti V, Ventura G, Mollo S & Behrens H

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